4,236 research outputs found

    Overgeneral past and future thinking in dysphoria: the role of emotional cues and cueing methodology

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    Overgeneral memory, where individuals exhibit difficulties in retrieving specific episodes from autobiographical memory, has been consistently linked with emotional disorders. However, the majority of this literature has relied upon a single methodology, in which participants respond to emotional cue words with explicit instructions to retrieve/simulate specific events. Through use of sentence completion tasks the current studies explored whether overgenerality represents a habitual pattern of thinking that extends to how individuals naturally consider their personal past and future life story. In both studies, when compared with controls, dysphoric individuals evidenced overgeneral thinking style with respect to their personal past. However, overgeneral future thinking was only evident when the sentence stems included emotional words. These findings highlight the importance of investigating the overgenerality phenomenon using a variety of cueing techniques and results are discussed with reference to the previous literature exploring overgenerality and cognitive models of depression

    Trophic classification of selected Colorado lakes

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    Multispectral scanner data, acquired over several Colorado lakes using LANDSAT-1 and aircraft, were used in conjunction with contact-sensed water quality data to determine the feasibility of assessing lacustrine trophic levels. A trophic state index was developed using contact-sensed data for several trophic indicators. Relationships between the digitally processed multispectral scanner data, several trophic indicators, and the trophic index were examined using a supervised multispectral classification technique and regression techniques. Statistically significant correlations exist between spectral bands, several of the trophic indicators and the trophic state index. Color-coded photomaps were generated which depict the spectral aspects of trophic state

    Comparison of thruster configurations in attitude control systems

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    Several aspects concerning reaction control jet systems as used to govern the attitude of a spacecraft were considered. A thruster configuration currently in use was compared to several new configurations developed in this study. The method of determining the error signals which control the firing of the thrusters was also investigated. The current error determination procedure is explained and a new method is presented. Both of these procedures are applied to each of the thruster configurations which are developed and comparisons of the two methods are made

    Mathematical Foundations of Complex Tonality

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    Equal temperament, in which semitones are tuned in irrational ratios, is best seen as a serviceable compromise, sacrificing purity for flexibility. Just intonation, in which intervals are given by products of powers of 2, 3, and 5, is more natural, but of limited flexibility. We propose a new scheme in which ratios of Gaussian integers form the basis of an abstract tonal system. The tritone, so problematic in just temperament, given ambiguously by the ratios 45:32, 64:45, 36:25, 25:18, none satisfactory, is in our scheme represented by the complex ratio 1 + i : 1. The major and minor whole tones, given by intervals of 9/8 and 10/9, can each be factorized into products of complex semitones, giving us a major complex semitone 3/4 (1 + i) and a minor complex semitone 1/3 (3 + i). The perfect third, given by the interval 5/4 , factorizes into the product of a complex whole tone 1/2 (1 + 2i) and its complex conjugate. Augmented with these supplementary tones, the resulting scheme of complex intervals based on products of low powers of Gaussian primes leads naturally to the construction of a complete system of major and minor scales in all keys

    An exactly solvable coarse-grained model for species diversity

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    We present novel analytical results about ecosystem species diversity that stem from a proposed coarse grained neutral model based on birth-death processes. The relevance of the problem lies in the urgency for understanding and synthesizing both theoretical results of ecological neutral theory and empirical evidence on species diversity preservation. Neutral model of biodiversity deals with ecosystems in the same trophic level where per-capita vital rates are assumed to be species-independent. Close-form analytical solutions for neutral theory are obtained within a coarse-grained model, where the only input is the species persistence time distribution. Our results pertain: the probability distribution function of the number of species in the ecosystem both in transient and stationary states; the n-points connected time correlation function; and the survival probability, definned as the distribution of time-spans to local extinction for a species randomly sampled from the community. Analytical predictions are also tested on empirical data from a estuarine fish ecosystem. We find that emerging properties of the ecosystem are very robust and do not depend on specific details of the model, with implications on biodiversity and conservation biology.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures. To appear in Journal of Statistichal Mechanic

    Post-scandal Organizational (Dis)order: A Grounded-Theory Approach Shifting from Murphy’s Law to Safer Regulatory Environments

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    The literature shows that, in the wake of negative media exposition, organizations’ self-regulation tends to be strengthened. We investigate such motivation from the perspective of the psychosocial consequences in executives’ and organizational self-confidence. A grounded-theory approach supports findings from 27 different events described by top-level executives from major publicly traded organizations. Their testimonies document that scandalous episodes, when they occur, leave a trauma footprint within the organizational and individual consciousness because of the perceived post-event humiliation, remorse, guilt, and fear. The paradigm of reliance and trust in the designed structures is severely altered. In turn, a climate of excessive self-regulation explains the recovery from the traumatic experience. New boundaries for regulatory balance, also called “the confidence zone,” exists until design changes coalesce with organizational blame to create the perception that reputational safety has been achieved. Fears of subsequent media scrutiny are mitigated by the perception of moral safety based on governance. Consequently, the over-regulatory response comprises the organizations’ healing process as they recover from the psychosocial trauma caused by media exposition

    The Formaldehyde Masers in Sgr B2: Very Long Baseline Array and Very Large Array Observations

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    Observations of two of the formaldehyde (H2CO) masers (A and D) in Sgr B2 using the VLBA+Y27 (resolution ~0.01") and the VLA (resolution ~9") are presented. The VLBA observations show compact sources (<10 milliarcseconds, <80 AU) with brightness temperatures >10^8 K. The maser sources are partially resolved in the VLBA observations. The flux densities in the VLBA observations are about 1/2 those of the VLA; and, the linewidths are about 2/3 of the VLA values. The applicability of a core-halo model for the emission distribution is demonstrated. Comparison with earlier H2CO absorption observations and with ammonia (NH3) observations suggests that H2CO masers form in shocked gas. Comparison of the integrated flux densities in current VLA observations with those in previous observations indicates that (1) most of the masers have varied in the past 20 years, and (2) intensity variations are typically less than a factor of two compared to the 20-year mean. No significant linear or circular polarization is detected with either instrument.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, 5 tables, accepted to Ap

    Conditional value-at-risk for water management in Lake Burley Griffin

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    Copyright © Australian Mathematical SocietyAs the centrepiece of Canberra, Lake Burley Griffin provides the setting for buildings of national importance and a venue for aquatic recreation while, as part of the Molonglo River, the lake has a role in the ecological processes of its broader setting. For the purposes of recreation and landscape a constant water level is preferred: the management plan requires the lake to be maintained at a prescribed normal level. In years of low rainfall this requirement could conflict with the water demands of other users. Episodes of high rainfall may also require compromise between competing objectives. For example, drawdown of lake levels for flood mitigation could impact on the lake's recreational and amenity values and the spill may not be a good use of water. Conditional Value at Risk, a risk measure developed by the financial industry for portfolio management, is defined as the expected loss given that some loss threshold is exceeded. Here, Conditional Value at Risk is applied as decision support for strategic planning and day-to-day operational problems in the hydraulic management of Lake Burley Griffin.R. B. Webby, J. Boland, P. G. Howlett, A. V. Metcalfe, T. Srithara

    Exploring music with a probabilistic projection interface

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    We present the design and evaluation of an in- teractive tool for music exploration, with musi- cal mood and genre inferred directly from tracks. It uses probabilistic representations of multivari- able predictions of subjective characteristics of the music to give users subtle, nuanced visuali- sations of the 2D map. These explicitly repre- sent the uncertainty and overlap among features and support music exploration and casual playlist generation. A longitudinal trial in users’ homes showed that probabilistic highlighting of subjec- tive features led to more focused exploration in mouse activity logs, and 6 of 8 users preferred the probabilistic highlighting

    Electrostatic Force Microscopy and Electrical Isolation of Etched Few-Layer Graphene Nano-Domains

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    Nanostructured bi-layer graphene samples formed through catalytic etching are investigated with electrostatic force microscopy. The measurements and supporting computations show a variation in the microscopy signal for different nano-domains that are indicative of changes in capacitive coupling related to their small sizes. Abrupt capacitance variations detected across etch tracks indicates that the nano-domains have strong electrical isolation between them. Comparison of the measurements to a resistor-capacitor model indicates that the resistance between two bi-layer graphene regions separated by an approximately 10 nm wide etch track is greater than about 1×1012 Ω with a corresponding gap resistivity greater than about 3×1014 Ω⋅nm . This extremely large gap resistivity suggests that catalytic etch tracks within few-layer graphene samples are sufficient for providing electrical isolation between separate nano-domains that could permit their use in constructing atomically thin nanogap electrodes, interconnects, and nanoribbons
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