30 research outputs found

    Što donosi CETA ekološkoj proizvodnji?

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    Even though eco-production is based on principles brought by IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements), the standards which were brought in by the national and supranational governments may differentiate in parts of regulation. The mutual recognition/equivalence of eco-standards of the EU (»EU-eco« label, based on regulation of the European Commission EZ 834/2007: 139-and EZ 889/2008: 173-256, and other regulations derived from them) and Canada (»Canada organic« label, based on valid Canadian eco-standards, regulation CAN/CGSB-32.310-2015: 53 and CAN/CGSB-32.311-2015: 75) has been present for multiple years and has been re-evaluated and confirmed in 2015 as a successful practice in the increase of access to an expanded market for producers, increase of selection for consumers and lightening the regulatory cooperation. Before mutual recognition exported eco-product from Canada to the EU (and vice-versa) had to go through recertification, which created additional expenses for exporting eco-producers (10 thousand dollars per year, on average). This process mostly resulted in an increased price of eco-products for the end consumer. In some areas the Canadian eco-regulation is stricter than the EU one, while in other it is vice versa. Some markings can mislead the consumer, especially the one who does not read the product declaration where such misgivings are clearly visible and marked. The greatest challenge for eco-production in the EU is the increase in demand for eco-products with such a speed that EU farmers cannot satisfy it, which inevitably leads to an increase of import from non-EU countries. Therefore, the help of EU governments is essential in the form of support for farmers who decide to transition into eco-production. Certain estimates say that the CETA could mean a loss of a great number of producers (estimating that it could be several thousand workplaces in agriculture across the EU). A similar agreement between the US and Mexico already led to a loss of workplace for 2 million people in Mexico in the midst of inability to compete with the industrial production of the US. The greatest fear present in eco-production is that the international agricultural businesses can force national and supranational governments to lower standards by using lawsuits, which can consequentially result in lower standards in eco-production on both sides of the Atlantic and influence the environment. It is not based on the scientific/expert arguments which governs the ecological agriculture, but a pure race for profit. Therefore, it can be expected that, once again, »greed overcomes reason«. Nevertheless, the high set »bar« of eco-production »from both sides of the pond« is the best »defence« against the fear that CETA will bring any novelties into the life of ecoproducers.Iako je eko-proizvodnja izvorno bazirana na principima koje je donio IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements, Međunarodna federacija pokreta za ekološku poljoprivredu), standardi koje su uvele nacionalne i nadnacionalne vlade mogu se razlikovati u dijelovima regulative. Međusobno priznavanje/ekvivalencija eko-standarda EU (oznaka »EU-eko«, na osnovi regulativa Europske komisije EZ 834/2007: 139-161 i EZ 889/2008: 173-256, te ostalih iz njih proizašlih regulativa) i Kanade (oznaka »Canada organic«, na osnovi važećih kanadskih eko-standarda, regulative CAN/CGSB-32.310-2015: 53 i CAN/CGSB-32.311-2015: 75) postoji već više godina, te je re-evaluirana i potvrđena 2015. godine kao uspješna praksa u povećanju pristupa proširenom tržištu za proizvođače, proširenju izbora za potrošače te olakšavanju regulatorne suradnje. Prije međusobnog priznavanja, pri izvozu iz Kanade u EU (i obrnuto) eko-proizvod je morao proći re-certifikaciju, što je stvaralo dodatne troškove eko-proizvođačima izvoznicima (u prosjeku desetak tisuća dolara godišnje), što je u pravilu rezultiralo većom cijenom eko-proizvoda za krajnjeg potrošača. U nekim područjima, kanadska je eko-regulativa stroža od EU regulative, u nekim područjima je obrnuto, a neke oznake mogu dovesti u zabludu potrošača, napose onog koji ne čita deklaraciju sastojaka proizvoda, gdje su takve nedoumice jasno vidljive i obilježene. Najveći izazov za ekološku proizvodnju u EU jest porast potražnje ekoproizvoda tolikom brzinom da je farmeri iz EU ne mogu zadovoljiti, što će neminovno dovesti do povećanja uvoza iz ne-EU zemalja. Stoga je neophodna pomoć vlada zemalja EU u izraženijoj potpori farmerima koji se odluče na prijelaz na eko-proizvodnju. Određene procjene govore da bi sporazum CETA mogao značiti gubitak velikog broja proizvođača (procjene govore da bi se moglo raditi o više tisuća agro-radnih mjesta širom EU), a sličan sporazum između SAD i Meksika već je doveo do gubitka posla 2 milijuna ljudi u Meksiku, uslijed nemogućnosti konkuriranja industrijskoj poljoprivredi SAD-a. Najveći prisutni strah i u eko-proizvodnji je taj da međunarodni agro-biznisi mogu prisiliti sudskim tužbama nacionalne i nad-nacionalne vlasti da snize standarde, što može posljedično rezultirati nižim standardima u eko-proizvodnji s obje strane Atlantika, utjecaju na okoliš i ljudsko zdravlje, i to ne bazirano na znanstveno-stručno utemeljenim argumentima, kojima se vodi ekološka poljoprivreda, nego na čistoj utrci za profitom. Dakle, može se očekivati da opet »pohlepa nadvlada razum«. Ipak, visoko postavljena »letvica« eko-proizvodnje s »obje strane bare« jest i najbolja »brana« strahu da će CETA donijeti ikakve novitete u život eko-proizvođača

    Influence of Rotational Speed of Seed Plates on the Quality Seeding in Laboratory Operating Conditions

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    The simulation results of sunflower seeding in the laboratory with seed plates from 12 to 36 holes at working speeds from 4 to 10 km/h are presented. At a working speed of 6 km/h, the seed plate n = 12 with a rotational speed of 0.652 m/s achieved an average seeding spacing of 23.26 cm. At this rotational speed, the plate achieved a QFI of 89.15. The seed plate n = 36 with a rotational speed of 0.217 m/s achieved an average spacing of 21.76 cm with a QFI index of 98.45. At a working speed of 10 km/h, the seeding machine achieved an average spacing of 23.87 cm with a seed plate n = 12. The same seed plate achieved a rotational speed of 1.812 m/s. The seed plate n = 36 with a rotational speed of 0.602 m/s recorded an average spacing in the seeding simulation of 22.52 cm


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    Cilj ovoga rada bio je utvrditi utjecaj primijenjenih tretmana gnojidbe na vegetativni rast i parametre prinosa češnjaka (Allium sativum L.) tijekom uzgoja na lokacijama u Splitu i Ljubitovici. Pokus s lokalnim genotipom češnjaka ljubitovački šarac postavljen je u sezoni uzgoja jesen – ljeto 2012./2013. godine. Primijenjene su tri vrste gnojidbe: mineralna, organska i organomineralna. Tijekom vegetacije praćene su klimatske prilike i vegetativni rast te parametri prinosa češnjaka. Utjecaj lokacije bio je statistički značajan. U Splitu su bolji rezultati bili zabilježeni za visinu biljaka (35,8 cm) i broj listova (7,4), dok su na lokalitetu Ljubitovica postignuti bolji rezultati za postotak izvađenih lukovica (68,3%), ukupan prinos (427,5 g/m2) i postotak tržinih biljaka (98,5%). Nije bilo statistički značajne razlike u ukupnome prinosu te postotku tržnoga prinosa pod utjecajem gnojidbe. Ljubitovačko područje pokazalo se pogodnije za uzgoj genotipa ljubitovački šarac, a organska gnojidba nije pokazala negativan utjecaj na istraživane parametre prinosa u odnosu na klasičnu mineralnu gnojidbu, što doprinosi mogućnosti uzgoja ove sorte u skladu s propisima o ekološkome načinu uzgoja.The aim of this study was to determine the impact of the applied fertilization on the vegetative growth and yield parameters of garlic (Allium sativum L.) during cultivation at the locations in Split and Ljubitovica. The experiment with the local Ljubitovački Šarac garlic genotype was set up from the fall to the summer of the 2012/2013 growing season. Three types of fertilization were applied: a mineral, organic, and an organomineral one. Climatic conditions, vegetative growth, and the garlic yield parameters were monitored during vegetation. A location impact was statistically significant. In Split, better results were recorded concerning the plant height (35.8 cm) and the number of leaves (7.4), while better results were obtained concerning a percentage of the extracted heads (68.3%), total yield (427.5 g), and a percentage of the marketable plants (98.5%) at the Ljubitovica locality The effect of fertilization had no statistically significant differences. The area of Ljubitovica turned out to be more suitable for growing the Ljubitovački Šarac genotype, whereas the organic fertilization has not produced a negative effect on the investigated parameters of the garlic yield, which is contributing toward a possibility of growing this genotype pursuant to the organic agriculture legislation

    Strategies of Growing Several Sorghum Cultivars as a Post-Harvest Crop in North-Eastern Croatia Condition

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    Recent climate changes lead toward possibility of using longer period of higher temperatures after winter crops harvest for establishing post-harvest crop, such is sorghum. It can produce significant biomass, useful both for feed and bioenergy, even in drier summers, with reduced soil tillage preparation. The trial was set up in Poljanci, Croatia, in years 2015 and 2016 as a split-plot design with foliar fertilizers and sorghum cultivars treatments, established by diskharrowing soil after winter wheat harvest in mid-July, and harvested before autumn frosts at the end of November. Foliar fertilizers treatments were C) Control (no fertilization), B) Biological (Condi agro) and M) Mineral (EcoTop Folimax) foliar fertilizers. Cultivars used in trial were KSH3723, KSH3724, Lemnos, Leonie, Merlin, Sammos, Santos, Sole, Tarzan and Zerberus. Foliar fertilizer treatments B and M showed higher dried biomass yield for 7 and 11% in comparison with C, respectively. Difference between treatments were higher at fresh biomass yield. Treatments B and M showed 12 and 22% higher fresh biomass yield than C, respectively. Regarding the tested sorghum cultivars, the highest fresh biomass yield was recorded for Leonie (32933 kg ha-1), followed by Lemnos (27467 kg ha-1) and KSH3724 (26600 kg ha-1), whereas the lowest yield was recorded for Zerberus (19600 kg ha-1)


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    The winter barley crop growing has not been adequately researched regarding soil tillage systems, especially in crop rotation with the soybean, both crops gaining importance as food or fodder. Also, productivity of such crop rotation in low nitrogen environment is especially interesting for organic crop growing, where mineral nitrogen fertilization is not allowed. The research on two soil tillage systems, the conventional one, based on mouldboard ploughing (PLOW) and reduced soil tillage, based on discharrowing (DISC), with no other nitrogen source except symbiotic soybean bacterial fixation, was conducted at the experimental site Bokšić (Croatia), during the seasons 2004/05 and 2005/06. Results showed low but stable yields of winter barley, between 2.1 and 2.6 t ha-1, where PLOW treatment recorded lower yield than DISC in 2005, and usual soybean yields (between 2.8 and 3.4 t ha-1), with higher soybean grain yields for PLOW only in 2006. The absolute mass and hectolitre mass did not show any statistical differences among treatments either.Uzgoj ozimog ječma nije adekvatno istražen glede sustava obrade tla, posebice u plodoredu sa sojom, a oba usjeva dobivaju na važnosti kao hrana za ljude ili krma za životinje. Isto tako, produktivnost ovakvog plodoreda u uvjetima niske gnojidbe dušikom je osobito zanimljiva za ekološku poljoprivredu, gdje korištenje mineralnih dušičnih gnojiva nije dopušteno. Istraživanje dvaju sustava obrade tla, konvencionalnog, baziranog na oranju lemešnim plugom (PLOW), te reduciranog, baziranog na tanjuranju (DISC), bez ikakvog izvora dušika osim dušika simbiotski vezanog kvržičnim bakterijama na soji, provedeno je na pokušalištu Bokšić (Hrvatska), tijekom sezona 2004/05-2005/06. Rezultati su pokazali niske ali stabilne urode ozimog ječma, između 2.1 i 2.6 t ha-1, gdje je na PLOW tretmanu zabilježen niži prinos nego na DISC tretmanu u 2005. godini, te uobičajene urode soje (između 2.8 i 3.4 t ha-1), s višim urodima zrna soje na PLOW tretmanu samo u 2006. godini. Razlike apsolutne i hektolitarske mase među tretmanima nisu bile statistički opravdane


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    Although organic crop production has numerous advantages, concerns about economic sustainability, both environmental and financial, make farmers reluctant to convert their conventional production into the organic production. Certain agricultural methods, such as second crop use, can alleviate some problems regarding soil tilth, erosion prevention, nutrients availability and weed control, thus contributing toward more sustainable crop production. Also, the added value crop growth, such as maize (Zea mais L.) hybrid\u27s parental line production, with lower yields but higher prices, can contribute to sustainability of organic production. In order to test the hypothesis that the use of second crops can contribute toward the sustainability of organically grown maize after soybean (Glycine max L.) as a previous crop in the crop rotation, the experimental site was established in Valpovo, Croatia, in the eutric brown soil type, during the years 2005 and 2006. The experimental design was set up as a CRBD in four repetitions, with six second crop treatments: CT – Control, without second crop; WW – winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) second crop; RY – rye (Secale cereale L.) second crop; FP – fodder pea (Pisum arvense L.) second crop; WP – mixture of WW and FP; and RP – mixture of RY and FP. In order to assess the soil surface protection and evaluate the weed suppression, the second crop coverage had been recorded. Regarding the economic sustainability, the second crop use depending costs were analysed in relation to the extra produced maize yield. The RY treatment had the highest profitability, followed by WW, RP and O. The WP and FP revealed lower relative profitability than O, thus presenting the evidence of sustainability risk of these treatments.Premda ekološka poljoprivreda ima brojnih prednosti, zabrinutost zbog održivosti, i ekološke i ekonomske, farmere često odvraća od prijelaza s konvencionalne proizvodnje na ekološku. Intenzifikacijom plodoreda uporabom postrnih usjeva, mogu ukloniti neke probleme vezane za ugorenost tla, prevenciju erozije, dostupnost hraniva i suzbijanje korova, doprinoseći na taj način održivosti proizvodnje usjeva. Također, uzgoj usjeva s dodatnom vrijednošću, kao što su roditeljske linije za proizvodnju hibrida kukuruza (Zea mais L.), s nižim prinosima ali višom cijenom, može pridonijeti održivosti (profitabilnosti) ekološke proizvodnje. U namjeri da se potvrdi hipoteza da postrni usjevi mogu doprinijeti održivosti ekološkog uzgoja kukuruza u dvopoljnom plodoredu sa sojom (Glycine max L.) kao prethodnim usjevom, postavljeno je pokušalište u Valpovu, Hrvatska, na eutričnom smeđem tlu, tijekom 2005. i 2006. godine. Pokus je postavljen kao potpuno slučajan blok raspored u četiri ponavljanja, sa šest tretmana postrnih usjeva: CT – kontrola, bez postrnih usjeva; WW – ozima pšenica (Triticum aestivum L.); RY – ozima raž (Secale cereale L.); FP – stočni grašak (Pisum arvense L.); WP – smjesa WW i FP; te RP – smjesa RY i FP. U cilju određivanja zaštite površine tla i evaluacije suzbijanja korova, zabilježena je pokrivenost postrnim usjevima. Glede isplativosti, analizirani su relativni troškovi upotrebe postrnih usjeva u odnosu na dodatno proizvedeni urod kukuruza. RY tretman je zabilježio najvišu profitabilnost, a pratili su ga tretmani WW, RP i O. Tretmani WP i FP pokazali su se manje profitabilni od O, time pružajući dokaze o rizičnoj održivosti ovih tretmana


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    The second crop use in organic agriculture is a known method of maintaining the soil tilth, soil protection against environmental deterioration, soil nutrients conservation and even the weed control. The nitrogen conservation from previous leguminose crop is even more important, especially in the organic agriculture where use of N-fertilizers is the strictly forbiden, and second crops can be used as a catch crops for nutrients in rotation prior to the crops with the high N requirement. The choice of the proper second crop has, however, been insufficiently investigated, especially for agri-environmental conditions of the Panonian agricultural area in Croatia. The second crop experiment was established in Valpovo, Croatia, in the eutric brown soil type, during the years 2005 and 2006. The aim of the experiment was to investigate the effects of different second crops and their combinations on maize (Zea mais L.) yield and yield components in organic agriculture after soybean (Glycine max L.) in crop rotation. The experimental design was set up as a CRBD in four repetitions, with soybean as a previous crop in crop rotation. The six second crop treatments were: O – Control, without second crop; WW – winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) second crop; RY – rye (Secale cereale L.) second crop; FP – fodder pea (Pisum arvense L.) second crop; WP – mixture of the WW and FP; and RP – mixture of RY and FP. The WW treatment had the highest second crop dry mass, whereas FP had the lowest dry mass. The highest plant density was recorded for FP, and it was higher than the RP plant density, which also had the lowest plant height. The achieved maize yields were the highest for RY, but they were not significanlty different from the O, RP, and WW treatments. However, the yield achieved by RY treatment was significantly higher than the yields recorded for WP and FP treatments. The absolute mass and hectolitre mass did not show any statistical differences among treatments.Upotreba postrnih usjeva u ekološkoj/organskoj poljoprivredi je priznata metoda za održavanje ugorenosti tla, zaštite tla protiv vremenskih neprilika, konzervacije hraniva u tlu te čak i borbe protiv korova. Konzervacija dušika od prethodnog leguminoznog usjeva je čak važnija funkcija, posebice u ekološkoj poljoprivredi gdje je upotreba mineralnih dušičnih gnojiva izrijekom zabranjena, te postrni usjevi mogu poslužiti za čuvanje dušika od ispiranja iz tla za sljedeći usjev u plodoredu s visokim zahtjevima za dušikom. Nažalost, izbor postrnih usjeva nije dostatno istražen, posebice za agroekološke uvjete u Hrvatskoj. Stoga je postavljen pokus u Valpovu, Republika Hrvatska, na eutričnom smeđem tlu, tijekom 2005. i 2006. godine, s ciljem da se istraže učinci različitih postrnih usjeva i njihovih kombinacija na komponente prinosa i prinos kukuruza (Zea mais L.) u ekološkoj (organskoj) poljoprivredi, a u plodoredu iza predusjeva soje (Glycine max L.). Pokus je postavljen kao potpuno slučajan blok raspored u četiri repeticije, sa šest tretmana postrnih usjeva: CT – kontrola, bez postrnih usjeva; WW – ozima pšenica (Triticum aestivum L.); RY – ozima raž (Secale cereale L.); FP – stočni grašak (Pisum arvense L.); WP – mješavina WW i FP; te RP – mješavina RY i FP. WW tretman imao je najveću masu postrnih usjeva, dok je FP imao najmanju masu postrnih usjeva. Najgušći sklop zabilježen je na FP tretmanu, značajno viši nego sklop na RP tretmanu, koji je također imao i najnižu visinu stabljika usjeva kukuruza. Ostvareni prinosi kukuruza bili su najviši na RY tretmanu, no nisu bili signifi-kantno različiti od O, RP i WW tretmana. Ipak, prinos zabilježen na RY tretmanu bio je signifikantno viši od prinosa na WP i FP tretma-nima. Apsolutna i hektolitarska masa nije se statistički razlikovala između tretmana

    Effects of Biochar and Sugar Factory Lime Application on Soil Reaction in Acidic Soils

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    Soil reaction, expressed as a pH value, is an indicator of acidity or alkalinity. The soil acidic reaction causes increased mobility of aluminium in the soil and can have negative effects on root growth. Plants grow and develop in soils of different soil reactions, but the optimum soil reaction is between slightly alkaline and slightly acidic. The aim of this research was to determine the impacts differences between the effects of biochar and sugar factory waste lime on soil reaction in acid soils. The research was carried out on stationary field trials at two locations on acid soils in Osijek-Baranja and Virovitica-Podravina County, Croatia. The treatments were: C - control, B1 - 5 t ha-1, B2 - 10 t ha-1, B3 - 15 t ha-1 of biochar and L optimal dose of sugar factory waste lime that was calculated for each field trial location. Two steps of sub factors were also applied, F0 - without fertilization and F1 – with recommended fertilization. Soil samples were taken in V3 and silking stages of maize growth from 0-25 cm. The average soil pH value in V3 stage of maize growth was 5.42 and in silking was 5.93. The highest pH values in both stages of maize growth were measured in treatment with liming. The lowest hydrolytic acidity was measured at the liming treatment, while all other treatments had a significantly higher value compared to lime. sugar factory lime is optimal conditioner if we want fast and cheap raise in soil pH values, but it must be noted that together with liming we usually must implement many other soil restauration measures, like humization, especially in degraded soils. Key words: biochar, sugar factory waste lime, acid soil, soil restauration measures, soil reactio

    Influence of peripheral speed of vacuum plates on seed spacing in popcorn maize seeding

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    Prikazani su rezultati simulacije sjetve kukuruza kokičara u laboratoriju na teorijski razmak 20,993 cm sa sjetvenim pločama 18, 22, 27, 31, 33, 36 i 44 otvora pri brzinama rada sijačice 4, 6, 8 i 10 km/h. Pri simuliranoj brzini rada sijačice od 6 km/h primijenjena ploča n = 18 s obodnom brzinom 0,223 m/s ostvarila je prosječni razmak u sjetvi od 21,518 cm pri čemu je zabilježeno smanjenje sklopa za 1 650 biljaka/ha. Pri ovoj obodnoj brzini ploča je ostvarila QFI od 97,19 s Prec. indeksom (CVm) od 13,108. Sjetvena ploča n = 44 pri najnižoj prihvatljivoj brzini rada sijačice s obodnom brzinom od 0,091 m/s ostvarila je prosječni razmak od 20,816 cm s QFI indeksom od 98,63 dok je Prec. indeks (CVm) iznosio 8,397. Povećanjem brzine rada na 10 km/h navedena sjetvena ploča ostvarila je prosječni razmak od 20,935 cm odnosno zabilježeno je povećanje sjetve za 187 biljaka/ha, pri čemu je ostvarena vrijednost QFI indeksa od 97,31, dok je vrijednost Prec. indeks (CVm) iznosila 14,041. Na sklop biljaka odnosno na razmak sjetve statistički su značajno utjecali izbor sjetvene ploče, kao i brzina rada. Dobiveni rezultati sjetvenih ploča n = 22, 27, 31, 33 i n = 36 nalaze se unutar graničnih vrijednosti sjetvenih ploča n = 18 i n = 44.The simulation results of popcorn maize seeding in the laboratory at a theoretical spacing of 20.993 cm with vacuum plates with 18, 22, 27, 31, 33, 36, and 44 holes at working speeds of 4, 6, 8, and 10 km/h are presented. At a working speed of 6 km/h, the vacuum plate n = 18 with a peripheral speed of 0.223 m/s achieved an average seeding spacing of 21.518 cm, with a reduction of 1 650/ha plants. At this peripheral speed, the plate achieved a QFI of 97.19 with Prec. index (CVm) of 13.108. The vacuum plate n = 44 at the lowest acceptable speed of the seeding machine with a peripheral speed of 0.091 m/s achieved an average spacing of 20.816 cm with a QFI index of 98.63 while Prec. index (CVm) was 8.397. By increasing the working speed of 10 km/h, the listed vacuum plate achieved an average spacing of 20.935 cm, and an increase in seeding was recorded for 187 plants/ha where the achieved value of QFI index was 97.31 while the value of Prec. index (CVm) was 14.041. The choice of vacuum plate, as well as the speed of work had a statistically significant effect on the set of plants and the seeding spacing. The obtained results of vacuum plates n = 22, 27, 31, 33 and n = 36 are within the limit values of vacuum plates n = 18 and n = 44

    Utjecaj sklopa i načina sjetve na prinos zrna kukuruza

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    U radu su prikazani rezultati ostvarenog prinosa zrna kukuruza pri različitim sustavima sjetve u 2016. godini na pokušalištu Slovinska Kovačica (45°45ʹ44,85ʺ N i 17°0ʹ21,43ʺ E). Sjetva je obavljena u udvojene redove s razmakom od 22 cm (twin row tehnologija) i na standardni način s razmakom redova od 70 cm. Korištena su dva hibrida kukuruza P0023 (FAO 420) i P0412 (FAO 520) posijana u četiri različita sklopa. Analizom varijance utvrđeno je da su sustav sjetve i sklop statistički značajno utjecali na ostvareni prinos zrna (kg ha-1). U standardnoj sjetvi hibrid P0023 u prosječnom sklopu od 64 116 biljaka ha-1 ostvario je prinos zrna od 13 374 kg ha-1, a u sjetvi udvojenih redova zabilježen je prinos zrna veći za 5,12%. Najveći prinos istog hibrida u standardnoj sjetvi ostvaren je pri sklopu od 94 466 biljaka ha-1 (14 264 kg ha-1), dok je u udvojenim redovima ostvaren prinos od 15 004 kg ha-1 ili 5,19 % više. Povećanjem prosječnog sklopa na 103 741 i 104 931 biljaka ha-1 u oba sustava sjetve došlo je do pada prinosa zrna na 13 237 i 14 143 kg ha-1, pri čemu je ipak sjetva u udvojene redove i u ovim uvjetima rezultirala povećanjem prinosa od 6,84%. Hibrid P0412 u sklopu od 95 935 biljaka ha-1 u udvojenim redovima ostvario je prinos zrna od 14 994 kg ha-1 ili 5,82 % više dok je u sklopu od 105 143 biljaka ha-1 u sjetvi u udvojene redove zabilježen također viši prinos zrna za 4,56%. Najbolji rezultat u pokusu hibrida P0023 ostvaren je sjetvom u udvojene redove u sklopu 95 389 biljaka ha-1, a hibrida P0412 također sjetvom u udvojene redove u sklopu 76 133 biljaka ha-1. U sustavu sjetve u udvojene redove utvrđena je nešto niža vlaga zrna u vrijeme berbe kod oba hibrida.The paper presents the results of the achieved corn grain yield under different sowing systems in 2016. at the Slovinska Kovačica experimental field (45°45ʹ44.85ʺ N; 17°0ʹ21.43ʺ E). Sowing was done in double rows with a spacing of 22 cm (twin row technology) and in the standard way with a row spacing of 70 cm. Two maize hybrids, P0023 (FAO 420) and P0412 (FAO 520) sown in four different set of plants, were used. Analysis of variance showed that the sowing system and set of plants had a statistically significant effect on the achieved grain yield (kg ha-1). In standard sowing, the hybrid P0023 in an average of 64 116 plants ha-1 achieved a grain yield of 13 374 kg ha-1, and in the sowing in twin rows, the grain yield was increased by 5,12 %. The highest yield of the same hybrid in standard sowing was achieved with 94 466 ha-1 plants (14 264 kg ha-1), while in twin row the yield was 15 004 kg ha-1 or 5,19 % higher. Increasing the average set to 103 741 and 104 931 ha-1 plants in both sowing systems led to a decrease in grain yield to 13 237 and 14 143 kg ha-1, while sowing in double rows and in these conditions resulted in an increase in yield of 6,84 %. Hybrid P0412 with 95 935 plants ha-1 in twin row achieved a grain yield of 14 994 kg ha-1 or 5,82 % more, while with 105 143 ha-1 plants in twin rows higher yield was also recorded by 4,56 %. The best result in the experiment with hybrid P0023 was achieved by sowing in twin rows with 95 389 plants ha-1 and hybrid P0412 also by sowing in twin rows with 76 133 ha-1 plants. In the twin row sowing system, slightly lower grain moisture was found at harvest time in both hybrids