
The second crop use in organic agriculture is a known method of maintaining the soil tilth, soil protection against environmental deterioration, soil nutrients conservation and even the weed control. The nitrogen conservation from previous leguminose crop is even more important, especially in the organic agriculture where use of N-fertilizers is the strictly forbiden, and second crops can be used as a catch crops for nutrients in rotation prior to the crops with the high N requirement. The choice of the proper second crop has, however, been insufficiently investigated, especially for agri-environmental conditions of the Panonian agricultural area in Croatia. The second crop experiment was established in Valpovo, Croatia, in the eutric brown soil type, during the years 2005 and 2006. The aim of the experiment was to investigate the effects of different second crops and their combinations on maize (Zea mais L.) yield and yield components in organic agriculture after soybean (Glycine max L.) in crop rotation. The experimental design was set up as a CRBD in four repetitions, with soybean as a previous crop in crop rotation. The six second crop treatments were: O – Control, without second crop; WW – winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) second crop; RY – rye (Secale cereale L.) second crop; FP – fodder pea (Pisum arvense L.) second crop; WP – mixture of the WW and FP; and RP – mixture of RY and FP. The WW treatment had the highest second crop dry mass, whereas FP had the lowest dry mass. The highest plant density was recorded for FP, and it was higher than the RP plant density, which also had the lowest plant height. The achieved maize yields were the highest for RY, but they were not significanlty different from the O, RP, and WW treatments. However, the yield achieved by RY treatment was significantly higher than the yields recorded for WP and FP treatments. The absolute mass and hectolitre mass did not show any statistical differences among treatments.Upotreba postrnih usjeva u ekološkoj/organskoj poljoprivredi je priznata metoda za održavanje ugorenosti tla, zaštite tla protiv vremenskih neprilika, konzervacije hraniva u tlu te čak i borbe protiv korova. Konzervacija dušika od prethodnog leguminoznog usjeva je čak važnija funkcija, posebice u ekološkoj poljoprivredi gdje je upotreba mineralnih dušičnih gnojiva izrijekom zabranjena, te postrni usjevi mogu poslužiti za čuvanje dušika od ispiranja iz tla za sljedeći usjev u plodoredu s visokim zahtjevima za dušikom. Nažalost, izbor postrnih usjeva nije dostatno istražen, posebice za agroekološke uvjete u Hrvatskoj. Stoga je postavljen pokus u Valpovu, Republika Hrvatska, na eutričnom smeđem tlu, tijekom 2005. i 2006. godine, s ciljem da se istraže učinci različitih postrnih usjeva i njihovih kombinacija na komponente prinosa i prinos kukuruza (Zea mais L.) u ekološkoj (organskoj) poljoprivredi, a u plodoredu iza predusjeva soje (Glycine max L.). Pokus je postavljen kao potpuno slučajan blok raspored u četiri repeticije, sa šest tretmana postrnih usjeva: CT – kontrola, bez postrnih usjeva; WW – ozima pšenica (Triticum aestivum L.); RY – ozima raž (Secale cereale L.); FP – stočni grašak (Pisum arvense L.); WP – mješavina WW i FP; te RP – mješavina RY i FP. WW tretman imao je najveću masu postrnih usjeva, dok je FP imao najmanju masu postrnih usjeva. Najgušći sklop zabilježen je na FP tretmanu, značajno viši nego sklop na RP tretmanu, koji je također imao i najnižu visinu stabljika usjeva kukuruza. Ostvareni prinosi kukuruza bili su najviši na RY tretmanu, no nisu bili signifi-kantno različiti od O, RP i WW tretmana. Ipak, prinos zabilježen na RY tretmanu bio je signifikantno viši od prinosa na WP i FP tretma-nima. Apsolutna i hektolitarska masa nije se statistički razlikovala između tretmana

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