6 research outputs found

    The world is black and dark : What concerns pastors in the Mission Covenant Church of Sweden when they preach about society

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    Boij, A. 2002: Jorden Ă€r mörk och svart. Vad som rör pastorer i Svenska Missionsförbundet nĂ€r de ska predika om samhĂ€llet. (The world is black and dark. What concerns pastors in the Mission Covenant Church of Sweden when they preach about society). Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Psychologia et Sociologia Religionum 16. 239 pp. Uppsala. ISBN 91-554-5488-7. The dissertation reflects a study of what pastors in the Mission Covenant Church in Sweden say in their sermons about society and social responsibility and represents an attempt at finding factors such as gender, education, age, values, and faith behind what has been said in the sermons. The results show that in general pastors have a negative picture of society irrespective of which of its aspects they are addressing. The pastors’ view of Christian responsibility for society is that it is primarily something for the individual to take, not for the congregation. Above all, Christian responsibility for society is about individual Christians' taking responsibility for her fellow human beings. For theoretical clarification the findings are discussed within the framework of the concept of secularisation, following Casanova (1994) sub-divided into differentiation, decline of religion and privatisation. In the study differentiation is identified when pastors do not relate theological reflection to their description and analysis of society. Thus they do not provide an integrated system of meaning for everyday life. As for privatisation, even when pastors are mainly speaking about public events, they are unable to place those events in a religiously interpreted context. According to the pastors social problems are to be met with private and individual solutions through Christians' actions to the benefit of their fellow men. The MCC is a part of what in Swedish can be called a popular movement, a kind of "social movement" or "voluntary organisation." The analysis shows that its pastors in their sermons do not embrace some of the central parts of the ideology that generally pertain to popular movements, namely concern with reforming society

    The world is black and dark : What concerns pastors in the Mission Covenant Church of Sweden when they preach about society

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    Boij, A. 2002: Jorden Ă€r mörk och svart. Vad som rör pastorer i Svenska Missionsförbundet nĂ€r de ska predika om samhĂ€llet. (The world is black and dark. What concerns pastors in the Mission Covenant Church of Sweden when they preach about society). Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Psychologia et Sociologia Religionum 16. 239 pp. Uppsala. ISBN 91-554-5488-7. The dissertation reflects a study of what pastors in the Mission Covenant Church in Sweden say in their sermons about society and social responsibility and represents an attempt at finding factors such as gender, education, age, values, and faith behind what has been said in the sermons. The results show that in general pastors have a negative picture of society irrespective of which of its aspects they are addressing. The pastors’ view of Christian responsibility for society is that it is primarily something for the individual to take, not for the congregation. Above all, Christian responsibility for society is about individual Christians' taking responsibility for her fellow human beings. For theoretical clarification the findings are discussed within the framework of the concept of secularisation, following Casanova (1994) sub-divided into differentiation, decline of religion and privatisation. In the study differentiation is identified when pastors do not relate theological reflection to their description and analysis of society. Thus they do not provide an integrated system of meaning for everyday life. As for privatisation, even when pastors are mainly speaking about public events, they are unable to place those events in a religiously interpreted context. According to the pastors social problems are to be met with private and individual solutions through Christians' actions to the benefit of their fellow men. The MCC is a part of what in Swedish can be called a popular movement, a kind of "social movement" or "voluntary organisation." The analysis shows that its pastors in their sermons do not embrace some of the central parts of the ideology that generally pertain to popular movements, namely concern with reforming society

    The world is black and dark : What concerns pastors in the Mission Covenant Church of Sweden when they preach about society

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    Boij, A. 2002: Jorden Ă€r mörk och svart. Vad som rör pastorer i Svenska Missionsförbundet nĂ€r de ska predika om samhĂ€llet. (The world is black and dark. What concerns pastors in the Mission Covenant Church of Sweden when they preach about society). Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Psychologia et Sociologia Religionum 16. 239 pp. Uppsala. ISBN 91-554-5488-7. The dissertation reflects a study of what pastors in the Mission Covenant Church in Sweden say in their sermons about society and social responsibility and represents an attempt at finding factors such as gender, education, age, values, and faith behind what has been said in the sermons. The results show that in general pastors have a negative picture of society irrespective of which of its aspects they are addressing. The pastors’ view of Christian responsibility for society is that it is primarily something for the individual to take, not for the congregation. Above all, Christian responsibility for society is about individual Christians' taking responsibility for her fellow human beings. For theoretical clarification the findings are discussed within the framework of the concept of secularisation, following Casanova (1994) sub-divided into differentiation, decline of religion and privatisation. In the study differentiation is identified when pastors do not relate theological reflection to their description and analysis of society. Thus they do not provide an integrated system of meaning for everyday life. As for privatisation, even when pastors are mainly speaking about public events, they are unable to place those events in a religiously interpreted context. According to the pastors social problems are to be met with private and individual solutions through Christians' actions to the benefit of their fellow men. The MCC is a part of what in Swedish can be called a popular movement, a kind of "social movement" or "voluntary organisation." The analysis shows that its pastors in their sermons do not embrace some of the central parts of the ideology that generally pertain to popular movements, namely concern with reforming society

    Tobaksfri grundskola – fem Ă„r senare

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    A Non Smoking Generation (NSG) utvecklade, tillsammans med Landstinget Kronoberg, Gotlands och JĂ€rfĂ€lla kommuner, under Ă„ren 2003 till 2005 ett tobakspreventivt flerkomponentsprogram för grundskolan. År 2010 fick NSG nya medel för att utvĂ€rdera vad som fortfarande fanns kvar av programmet pĂ„ de skolor som var med i projektet. LĂ„ngtidsuppföljningen, fem Ă„r efter det projektet var avslutat, visar att grundskolorna Ă„tminstone delvis fortsatt att anvĂ€nda programmet, men bĂ„de programföljsamheten och vidmakthĂ„llandet minskat. Vid implementering av tobaksförebyggande program i grundskolan Ă€r det av betydelse att beakta bĂ„de yttre strukturella faktorer som pĂ„verkar skolornas arbete som inre faktorer som lĂ€rarnas synsĂ€tt pĂ„ hĂ€lsofrĂ€mjande arbete i skolan, personalkontinuitet och andra stödjande faktorer som frĂ€mjar ett vidmakthĂ„llande av tobaksförebyggande arbete som implementeras i skolan

    Kunskapsbaserat tobaksförebyggande arbete i skolan - A Non Smoking Generations (NSG) flerkomponentsprogram

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     Den idĂ©burna organisationen A Non Smoking Generation utvecklade under 2010–2017 ett kunskaps- och teoribaserat tobaksförebyggande flerkomponentsprogram för grund- och gymnasieskola tillsammans med en tvĂ€rvetenskaplig rĂ„dgivande forskargrupp. HĂ€r beskrivs programutvecklingsarbetet och genomförandet i fyra svenska kommuner, graden av engagemang och stöd för genomförandet samt elevernas syn pĂ„ policy och lagar rörande tobak. Programmets teoretiska ramverk utgick frĂ„n teorier och kunskap om förĂ€ndringsberedskap, risk- och skyddsfaktorer, implementering, samt den processmodell som utvecklades och tillĂ€mpades i projektet. Alla skolor i kommunerna gick under projekttiden frĂ„n att ha en lĂ€gre förĂ€ndringsberedskap att arbeta tobaksförebyggande till en högre. I slutet av projektet var de tobaksspecifika skyddsfaktorerna inkluderade i tobakspolicys som tillĂ€mpades och andelen elever som kĂ€nde till tobakspolicyn hade ökat. Resultaten visade ocksĂ„ att kommunernas skolor hade kunnat tillĂ€mpa och kommit lĂ„ngt i arbetet med processmodellen. Av intervjuerna framkom att de var mycket nöjda med modellen och ansĂ„g att den var lĂ€tt att arbeta utifrĂ„n och hĂ„lla fast vid i framtida arbete

    Fimpar du, fimpar jag. TobaksavvÀnjning för unga av unga: Tobacco cessation for young people of young people

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    During 2016–2020, a tobacco cessation program for young people in Region Kronoberg was designed and tested. It was called “Quit smoking together” and targeted 16–29-year-olds. The model was designed together with the young smokers, and the program was led by an MI-trained coach. The participants joined the program with a friend, mostly also a smoker, with meetings 7–8 times. The participants were satisfied with the tobacco cessation program. By the end, three participants were completely smoke-free, five participants smoked less. Six months after quitting, two participants were still non-smokers. The model with influencing and involved participants, who also receive support, encouragement and feedback from a coach, meets the National Board of Health and Welfare requirements for qualified counseling. However, its effect on tobacco cessation needs further study.Under 2016 till 2020 pĂ„gick ett projekt med att ta fram och pröva en tobaksavvĂ€njning för unga i Region Kronoberg. Den kallades ”Fimpar du, fimpar jag” och vĂ€nde sig till 16–29-Ă„ringar. Modellen utformades tillsammans med unga som var tobaksbrukare. TobaksavvĂ€njningen leddes av en MI-utbildad coach (MI stĂ„r för Motiverande samtal). De unga deltog tillsammans med en kompis som oftast ocksĂ„ var tobaksbrukare. De trĂ€ffades 7–8 gĂ„nger. Deltagarna var nöjda med tobaksavvĂ€njningen. Vid avslutningen var tre deltagare tobaksfria och fem deltagare anvĂ€nde mindre tobak Ă€n innan. Sex mĂ„nader senare var tvĂ„ deltagare fortfarande tobaksfria. Modellen dĂ€r deltagarna har inflytande och Ă€r delaktiga samtidigt som de fĂ„r stöd, uppmuntran och feedback av en coach uppfyller Socialstyrelsens krav för kvalificerad rĂ„dgivning. Modellen behöver fortsĂ€tta att anvĂ€ndas och studeras för att kunna faststĂ€lla dess effekt pĂ„ tobaksanvĂ€ndning