71 research outputs found


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    Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) is a form of acute coronary syndrome. Better diagnostic tools and increased operator awareness have led to increase in the number of SCAD diagnosis. We present a case of a 62-year-old female diagnosed with acute inferior ST elevated myocardial infarction with spontaneous right coronary artery dissection in background, complicated by iatrogenic artery perforation. Owing to prompt coated stent deployment and successful sealing of the vessel rupture and additional stent implantation to cover dissection, the patient was stable and fully recovered.Spontana disekcija koronarne arterije je oblik akutnog koronarnog sindroma. Bolji dijagnostički alati i povećana svijest operatora doveli su do povećanja broja dijagnosticiranja spontanih disekcija koronarnih arterija. Prikazujemo slučaj 62-godišnje žene s dijagnozom akutnog inferiornog infarkta miokarda s ST elevacijom uzrokovanog spontanom disekcijom desne koronarne arterije i kompliciranog jatrogenom perforacijom arterije. Zahvaljujući brzom postavljanju obloženog stenta i uspješnom zatvaranju puknuća žile te dodatnoj ugradnji stenta radi pokrivanja disekcije bolesnica se uspješno oporavila

    O algebrama kompleksa

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    Ovaj rad se bavi algebrama kompleksa i stepenim konstukcijama uopste. Prvo poglavlje sadrzi pregled poznatih rezultata iz ove oblasti. U drugom poglavlju razmatrani su neki univerzalno-algebarski problemi vezani za algebre kompleksa, koji su pokrenuti u radovima C. Brinka. Trece poglavlje sadr ´ zi rezultate o stepenim grafovima, sa posebnim osvrtom na globalnu odredjenost grafova.The thesis deals with power algebras and power constructions in general. The first chapter contains the most important known results from this field. In Chapter 2 some universal-algebraic problems concerning power algebras are considered. Chapter 3 is devoted to the investigation of power graphs. The main attention is focused on the problem of global determinism of graphs.


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    Specifics of human resources management in maritime affairs is reflected in the fact that part of the staff of enterprises is displaced on ships which represent a specific and isolated environment. Specifics of human resources management on ships are focused to decision-making in crisis situations, the deployment of personnel and work load, and giving orders to perform certain tasks. In this context it is necessary to examine the management of human resources which should include managing, motivation, rewarding, communication, education, advancement, decision-making and employee satisfaction in the specific environment. The aim of the research is to analyze the above stated parameters and connect them with the characteristics of companies in the sector of maritime logistics. The purpose of this paper is to provide an insight into the human resources management in companies involved in logistics in maritime transport i.e. delivery and transport of goods. Taking into account their differences, it can be concluded that companies in the maritime industry have different human resource management systems, which affects the company\u27s business. The research methodology is based on the collection of data through questionnaires and databases created from them. The study included a total of 31 companies. According to the collected data, statistical analysis will be conducted which will be based on correlation and descriptive statistics. The analysis of the theoretical basis has not confirmed the existence of similar studies that take into account the observation of human resources management on ships. Therefore, it can be concluded that the research will be of interest for the field of business logistics as well as the whole scientific and professional community. Recommendations related to the current and future human resource management in maritime companies will be given in the conclusion


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    Brugada syndrome is a congenital disorder that can lead to sudden cardiac death. It is characterized by spontaneous or provoked typical ECG features and the occurrence of malignant ventricular arrhythmias, most commonly manifested by syncope or sudden death. The use of an implantable cardioverter-defi brillator is the only effective therapy for arrhythmic death prevention. The coexistence of Brugada syndrome and coronary heart disease is rarely described in the literature. We present a case of a patient with coexistence of two different heart conditions, symptomatic Brugada syndrome and coronary heart disease.Brugadin sindrom je nasljedni poremećaj koji može dovesti do iznenadne srčane smrti. Obilježen je spontanim ili provociranim tipičnim promjenama u EKG-u te pojavama malignih ventrikulskih aritmija koje se najčešće manifestiraju sinkopom ili iznenadnom smrću. Primjena implantabilnog kardioverter defi brilatora je jedina učinkovita terapija za sprječavanje aritmijske smrti. Koegzistencija Brugadina sindroma i koronarne bolesti je vrlo rijetko opisana u literaturi. Donosimo prikaz bolesnika s koegzistencijom dviju srčanih bolesti: simptomatskog Brugadina sindroma i koronarne bolesti


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    Brugada syndrome is a congenital disorder that can lead to sudden cardiac death. It is characterized by spontaneous or provoked typical ECG features and the occurrence of malignant ventricular arrhythmias, most commonly manifested by syncope or sudden death. The use of an implantable cardioverter-defi brillator is the only effective therapy for arrhythmic death prevention. The coexistence of Brugada syndrome and coronary heart disease is rarely described in the literature. We present a case of a patient with coexistence of two different heart conditions, symptomatic Brugada syndrome and coronary heart disease.Brugadin sindrom je nasljedni poremećaj koji može dovesti do iznenadne srčane smrti. Obilježen je spontanim ili provociranim tipičnim promjenama u EKG-u te pojavama malignih ventrikulskih aritmija koje se najčešće manifestiraju sinkopom ili iznenadnom smrću. Primjena implantabilnog kardioverter defi brilatora je jedina učinkovita terapija za sprječavanje aritmijske smrti. Koegzistencija Brugadina sindroma i koronarne bolesti je vrlo rijetko opisana u literaturi. Donosimo prikaz bolesnika s koegzistencijom dviju srčanih bolesti: simptomatskog Brugadina sindroma i koronarne bolesti


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    Primary cardiac neoplasms are very rare, and the most of those in adults are myxomas. We are reporting an interesting case of extensively calcified left atrial myxoma presenting by paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and angina pectoris like symptoms, mimicking coronary heart disease. The tumor was surgically removed and histological analysis confirmed pendicular myxoma with diffuse areas of calcifications, various in shape and size. Coronary heart disease was excluded by an invasive angiography. After the tumor removal atrial fibrillation disappeared, as well as other symptoms.Primarni srčani tumori su vrlo rijetki i većina su kod odraslih miksomi. Prikazujemo zanimljiv slučaj ekstenzivno kalcifi ciranog miksoma lijevog atrija koji se prikazao paroksizmalnom fi brilacijom atrija i simptomima angine pektoris oponašajući koronarnu bolest srca. Tumor je kirurški uklonjen, a histološka analiza potvrdila je pendikularni miksom s difuznim područjima kalcifi kacija različitih oblika i veličina. Koronarna bolest srca isključena je invazivnom angiografi jom. Nakon uklanjanja tumora atrijska fi brilacija kao i drugi simptomi nisu se više javljali