40 research outputs found

    The NANOGrav 12.5 yr Data Set: Observations and Narrowband Timing of 47 Millisecond Pulsars

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    We present time-of-arrival (TOA) measurements and timing models of 47 millisecond pulsars observed from 2004 to 2017 at the Arecibo Observatory and the Green Bank Telescope by the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves (NANOGrav). The observing cadence was three to four weeks for most pulsars over most of this time span, with weekly observations of six sources. These data were collected for use in low-frequency gravitational wave searches and for other astrophysical purposes. We detail our observational methods and present a set of TOA measurements, based on narrowband analysis, in which many TOAs are calculated within narrow radio-frequency bands for data collected simultaneously across a wide bandwidth. A separate set of wideband TOAs will be presented in a companion paper. We detail a number of methodological changes, compared to our previous work, which yield a cleaner and more uniformly processed data set. Our timing models include several new astrometric and binary pulsar measurements, including previously unpublished values for the parallaxes of PSRs J1832−0836 and J2322+2057, the secular derivatives of the projected semimajor orbital axes of PSRs J0613−0200 and J2229+2643, and the first detection of the Shapiro delay in PSR J2145−0750. We report detectable levels of red noise in the time series for 14 pulsars. As a check on timing model reliability, we investigate the stability of astrometric parameters across data sets of different lengths. We also report flux density measurements for all pulsars observed. Searches for stochastic and continuous gravitational waves using these data will be subjects of forthcoming publications

    Prospects for Pulsar Studies at MeV Energies

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    Enabled by the Fermi Large Area Telescope, we now know young and recycled pulsars fill the gamma-ray sky, and we are beginning to understand their emission mechanism and their distribution throughout the Galaxy. However, key questions remain: Is there a large population of pulsars near the Galactic center? Why do the most energetic pulsars shine so brightly in MeV gamma rays but not always at GeV energies? What is the source and nature of the pair plasma in pulsar magnetospheres, and what role does the polar cap accelerator play? Addressing these questions calls for a sensitive, wide-field MeV telescope, which can detect the population of MeV-peaked pulsars hinted at by Fermi and hard X-ray telescopes and characterize their spectral shape and polarization.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, Astro2020 Science White Paper submitted to the National Academies of Science

    Magnetars as Astrophysical Laboratories of Extreme Quantum Electrodynamics: The Case for a Compton Telescope

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    A next generation of Compton and pair telescopes that improve MeV-band detection sensitivity by more than a decade beyond current instrumental capabilities will open up new insights into a variety of astrophysical source classes. Among these are magnetars, the most highly magnetic of the neutron star zoo, which will serve as a prime science target for a new mission surveying the MeV window. This paper outlines the core questions pertaining to magnetars that can be addressed by such a technology. These range from global magnetar geometry and population trends, to incisive probes of hard X-ray emission locales, to providing cosmic laboratories for spectral and polarimetric testing of exotic predictions of QED, principally the prediction of the splitting of photons and magnetic pair creation. Such fundamental physics cannot yet be discerned in terrestrial experiments. State of the art modeling of the persistent hard X-ray tail emission in magnetars is presented to outline the case for powerful diagnostics using Compton polarimeters. The case highlights an inter-disciplinary opportunity to seed discovery at the interface between astronomy and physics.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, Astro2020 Science White Paper submitted to the National Academies of Science

    MeV Emission from Pulsar Wind Nebulae: Understanding Extreme Particle Acceleration in Highly Relativistic Outflows

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    The Earth is constantly bombarded from outer space by energetic particles. Where and how these "cosmic rays" are produced is poorly understood, with various particle types and energies likely originating from different sources. Particularly mysterious is the source of high-energy e+/- produced in our Galaxy, especially those responsible for both the high fraction of e+ in the GeV cosmic ray lepton spectrum and the e+/- and observed excess of microwaves and gamma-rays detected towards the Galactic center and bulge. While these particles could be evidence for exotic forms of dark matter, they might also be produced by "normal" astrophysical sources such as pulsars the strongly magnetized, rapidly rotating neutron stars whose rotational energy powers an ultra-relativistic outflow (commonly referred to as a "pulsar wind") whose interaction with the surrounding medium creates a pulsar wind nebula .While the detection of TeV emission from numerous PWNe strongly suggest they contain e+/- with PeV or higher energies, how and to what energies these particles are produced is unknown, let alone their dependence on the properties of the pulsar, pulsar wind, and surrounding medium. A major reason for this uncertainty is the lack of information concerning their MeV properties, since the synchrotron emission from the highest energy e+/- peaks in this waveband. Only by combining the MeV spectrum of PWNe measured by proposed missions with that obtained at lower (primarily radio and X-ray) and higher (TeV) photon energies by current and hopefully future facilities is it possible to measure the full spectrum of e+/- in these sources. The resultant insights into the underlying acceleration mechanism would significantly impact many areas of astrophysics from indirect searches for dark matter to the origin of cosmic rays to the physics of relativistic outflows observed from active galactic nuclei, gamma-ray bursts, and some gravitational wave events