249 research outputs found

    Graanbeleid : alternatieven in perspectief

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    In dit verslag wordt een analyse van de EG-akkerbouwsector gemaakt en m.b.v. het EG-graan- en mengvoedergrondstoffenmodel zijn 2 beleidsvarianten voor de EG-graansector doorgerekend. Naast de invloed, die het beleid zal hebben op vraag en aanbod van granen en andere akkerbouwprodukten, wordt aandacht besteed aan de consequenties voor de inkomens in de akkerbouwsector, de gevolgen voor de veehouderijsector, het effect op de kosten van het consumptiepakket en de budgetlasten. Naast prijsverlaging zal in de toekomst gewerkt moeten worden aan afzetverruiming van akkerbouwprodukten voor industriele toepassingen. Op die wijze kan de inkrimping van het akkerbouwareaal worden beperk

    SEO-programmeringsstudie; Ontwerp agrosector 21ste eeuw

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    Simulated time for testing railway interlockings with TTCN-3

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    In this report, we first give an overview of software systems based on Vital Processor Interlocking (VPI). Interlockings guarantee safety of railway control systems, so testing these software systems is a key issue. We show why testing such systems with real time and scaled time is inefficient. We also provide a time semantics for simulated time that is more suitable for testing VPI's software. We provide a solution that allows simulated time for TTCN-3 test systems. TTCN-3 is a standard language for specifying and executing test suites. In the context of the TT-MEDAL project, TTCN-3 is applied to various domains, in particular to testing railway and automotive systems. TTCN-3 supports real-time and scaled-time testing but not simulated-time testing. The solution is based on a distributed termination detection algorithm that we extend to provide the main ingredients of simulated time: idleness detection and correct time progress. We implemented our solution as a TTCN-3 module and several Java classes that can be reused for testing other systems that have characteristics similar to those of VPI

    Perspectieven voor de export van levende varkens en mestbiggen

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    Onderzoek met het accent op bestaande afzetmarkten: Belgie, Duitsland, Frankrijk, Italie en Spanje. De beschrijving van potentiele nieuwe afzetmarkten heeft een verkennend karakter. Tevens is de concurrentiepositie van importlanden in kaart gebracht en ter inventarisatie van de knelpunten bij de export is er een enquete uitgevoerd onder exporteur

    Female Adolescent Athletesā€™ Experiences of Body Dissatisfaction Across Individual and Team Sports

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    There is an abundance of research explaining the physical and psychological benefits of sport and exercise. Some research suggests sport and exercise may act as a protective factor against body dissatisfaction for adolescent females (FernĆ”ndez-Bustos et al., 2019; Soulliard et al. 2019). However, it is unclear if adolescent femalesā€™ experiences in specific sport settings contribute to perceptions about their bodies. Therefore, this study investigated body perception and its sociocultural influences in adolescent females in team sports versus adolescent females in individual sports. Three focus groups of team sport athletes and two focus groups of individual sport athletes, ages 14-16 years, were conducted. The following four core themes were identified around influences and messaging in sport related to the athletesā€™ bodies: relationships among teammates and coaches, self-concept, functionality, and social influence. Based on these themes, the findings indicate adolescent female athletes may view sport as a helpful tool to reduce or counteract body dissatisfaction, particularly in team sport athletes. However, sport may not entirely reduce the negative impact from normative and potentially harmful messages surrounding body weight and image, both of which are pervasive in society, the media, and relationships with influential individuals, such as friends, family, and coaches

    Sigref ā€“ A Symbolic Bisimulation Tool Box

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    We present a uniform signature-based approach to compute the most popular bisimulations. Our approach is implemented symbolically using BDDs, which enables the handling of very large transition systems. Signatures for the bisimulations are built up from a few generic building blocks, which naturally correspond to efficient BDD operations. Thus, the definition of an appropriate signature is the key for a rapid development of algorithms for other types of bisimulation. We provide experimental evidence of the viability of this approach by presenting computational results for many bisimulations on real-world instances. The experiments show cases where our framework can handle state spaces efficiently that are far too large to handle for any tool that requires an explicit state space description. This work was partly supported by the German Research Council (DFG) as part of the Transregional Collaborative Research Center ā€œAutomatic Verification and Analysis of Complex Systemsā€ (SFB/TR 14 AVACS). See www.avacs.org for more information
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