6 research outputs found

    Microbiological characterization of the millet-based (Pennisetum glaucum) Ablo and sorghum-based (Sorghum bicolor) Ablo produced in Benin

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    Ablo is wet bread, slightly salty and sweet, steamed and sold in the form of pellets. The objective of the study was to assess the microbiological quality of millet-based Ablo and sorghum-based Ablo. The methodology adopted was to perform production tests followed by analyses in the laboratory. The results showed that the lactic acid bacteria, yeasts and moulds were the dominant micro flora of the millet- based Ablo and sorghum-based Ablo. Furthermore, analysis showed that the millet-based Ablo and the sorghum-based Ablo doesn’t contain either total coli forms, coli forms thermo tolerant or consequently Escherichia coli. Published by the International journal of Microbiology and Mycology (IJMM

    Urban consumer acceptability of newly introduced rice with local and imported rice in Benin : A comparison

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    Consumer acceptability of newly introduced ricevarieties (NERICA 1, NERICA 3 and NERICA 4)developed from an interspecific cross between Oryzasativaand O. glaberrimawas evaluated in sensory testsof uncooked milled rice and cooked rice samplesalongside two popular imported rice brands and twolocal rice varieties. Test panelscomprising 125 consumers intotal participated at each of fourlocations, all of which are riceconsuming areas of Benin.Overall acceptability was ratedon five scales (1, dislike verymuch; 2, dislike; 3, neither likenor dislike; 4, like; 5, like verymuch). NERICA 1 was acceptedat all locations in the milled rice test, and at three locations otherthan Cotonou, the commercial capital, in the cooked ricetest. NERICA 4 was accepted only in Cotonou in boththe tests. NERICA 3 was always rated about 3 or less inall locations in the two tests

    Effect of improved parboiling methods on the physical and cooked grain characteristics of rice varieties in Benin

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    The efficiency of traditional, intermediate and improved parboilers was compared through their effects on certain physical and cooking quality traits. Two varieties (NERICA 4 and Gambiaka) commonly cultivated and consumed in Benin were used. Results showed that the traditional parboiler had the highest level of heat-damaged grains (90%) with the improved equipment having the least (17%). The improved and intermediate parboiling technology produced grains of comparable hardness (4 kg and 6 kg, respectively, for Gambiaka and NERICA 4) while the traditional method resulted in a sample with the least hardness for both Gambiaka (4 kg) and NERICA 4 (3 kg). The improved method and the intermediate technology using wooden sticks at the bottom of the vessel had higher water uptake (2.97 ml/grain) and grain swelling ratios (5.41) as compared to the traditional and intermediate methods using a container with a perforated bottom

    Production and Nutritional Charactistics of Gowe Flour, a Traditional Fermented Food Produced from Corn in Benin

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    The objective of this study is to develop an adequate preservation process for gowé, a fermented paste of germinated maize grains. To do this, drying experiments and physicochemical and nutritional analyzes were carried out. The results of the physicochemical analyzes showed that the pH, the dry matter and the proteins decrease during the fermentation. After 12 hours of fermentation, the dough obtained showed on average a pH of 3.9, an acidity of 13.31%, a moisture content of 67.15% and a protein content of 9.18%. Moreover, the evaluation of the nutritional characteristics revealed that gowé was richer in magnesium than in calcium and iron. In addition, the introduction of the drying system in the gowé production technology made it possible to obtain a product in the form of a biscuit with a pleasant aroma, which was ground by a disc mill to obtain the gowé flour. Analyzes showed that this flour had a pH of 3.95 with a moisture content of 9.7%. It contained proteins, calcium, iron and was richer in magnesium with a content of 73.72mg/100g. Statistical analysis of the data obtained indicated that apart from the dry matter, there was no significant difference (P≤0.05) found between the fermented dough and the gowé flour. This drying technology therefore makes it possible to maximize the nutrients and can therefore be recommended to producers

    Technological and socio-economic study of akandji, a neglected traditional foodstuff made from corn (Zea mays L.) in Benin

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    Foodcrafts, active in Benin, offer a variety of products including akandji. It is a traditional bread made of corn consumed in South Benin. This work aimed to achieving a technological and socio-economic study related to akandji production and marketing activities in Benin. To do this, the methodology adopted was to conduct a pre-survey and a survey in the form of semi-structured interviews based on a questionnaire in the communes of Abomey, Bohicon and Ouidah (Pahou). After that, production monitoring was carried out with the three oldest akandji producers. The results showed that the production and sale of akandji were secular, exclusively female activities practised by women from Fon socio-cultural and sociolinguistic group. The profit per kg received by akandji producers in Abomey (266 XOF) was similar to that received by akandji producers in Pahou (256 XOF). The daily receipts for weekends and holidays were higher than those for working days in the survey localities. Furthermore, the results of the technological study showed that akandji manufacturing process in Abomey differs from that of Pahou. This process in Abomey involved the malting operation unlike that of Pahou. Fermentation times (12h), cooking times (1h) and production times (6 days) in Abomey exceeded fermentation times (1h30min), cooking times (45min) and production times (6h) in Pahou. In contrast, the fermentation (27oC) and cooking (100 oC) temperatures of akandji at Abomey were lower than those of fermentation (31oC) and cooking (178oC) in Pahou. The production of akandji is a profitable activity that strengthens the social status of the producer and ensures important socio-community functions by providing an appropriate local food for traditional rites and festivals and maintains sales markets firmly rooted in society.   &nbsp

    Health and Nutritional Qualities of Drinks Produced in the Beninese Brewery Company and Those Sold on the Benin Market

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    Aims: This study aims to evaluate the microbiological, physicochemical and sensory qualities of beverages sold on the market in Benin. Study Design:  The biological material used consisted mainly of beverage samples (126) collected at random from three wholesalers at the points of sale on two different occasions (regular period of 15 days) at the Dantokpa international market in Cotonou (Benin) in between April and September 2019. Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted between April and December 2019 at the Food Safety Research, Laboratory of Microbiology and Food Technologies, Department of Plant Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin. Methodology: Microbiological, physicochemical and sensory qualities of samples were evaluated. Results: The results of the microbiological analyzes revealed that all the drinks analyzed contained neither the total mesophilic aerobic flora, nor wild yeast, saccharomyces nor lactic bacteria. Therefore, the drinks are free from all pathogenic microorganisms that may harm the health of consumers. These products sold on the market complied with the criteria set by the standards and were therefore of satisfactory hygienic quality. However, the physicochemical parameters of the various drinks analyzed varied significantly from one brand to another. Results showed that the Nigerian Guinness produced contained more foam (287 s at 20 °C) and was rich in Diacetyl (0.119 mg / l) than the Benin Guinness (0.050 mg / l). As for the beer "La Béninoise", it produced more foam (220 s at 20 °C) than the Goldberg (209 s at 20 °C) but less than the Satzenbrau (250 s at 20 °C). The beer "La Béninoise" was less rich in Diacetyl (0.026 mg / l) and shown more than Goldberg (0.047 mg/l) and Satzenbrau (0.034 mg/l). As for the types of mixed drinks, it is the star Radler of Nigeria which presented a beautiful foam (235 s at 19.9 °C) with a cloudy aspect compared to the variegated one of Benin (227 s at 20.1 °C). Sensory analysis revealed that Beninese Brewery Company drinks were more appreciated by tasters. Conclusion: In view of these results, all the beverages analyzed can be recommended to consumers because most of these drinks are of satisfactory quality and consistent with the standards