248 research outputs found

    Phase change material for temperature control and material storage

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    A phase change material comprising a mixture of water and deuterium oxide is described, wherein the mole fraction of deuterium oxide is selected so that the mixture has a selected phase change temperature within a range between 0.degree. C. and 4.degree. C. The mixture is placed in a container and used for passive storage and transport of biomaterials and other temperature sensitive materials. Gels, nucleating agents, freezing point depression materials and colorants may be added to enhance the characteristics of the mixture

    Violence Prevention: Reaching Adolescents with the Message

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    To identify an effective medium for communicating with adolescents in a large-scale, cost-effective violence prevention program. A set of youth violence prevention programs was established at The Stamford Hospital, a level II trauma center. The traveling version of the program was presented to middle school students in four parts: 1) a rap music video created by our violence prevention staff, 2) a facilitated discussion about dealing with anger, 3) a video of a trauma resuscitation in our emergency department, and 4) a commercial video of a teenage boy paralyzed after a gunshot wound. A written questionnaire with a five-point rating scale (1 to 5) was used to survey the audience 1 month after the program. The survey assessed the respondents\u27 recall of each part of the program and the perceptions of the value of each part in identifying the problem of violence and reducing violent behavior. Results: Of 99 respondents, the highest ratings for retention, problem identification, and impact were given to the commercial video (combined average category ranking of 11.394) and the rap music video (11.182). The trauma resuscitation video and the discussion of anger were ranked as being less effective (10.253 and 9.383, respectively). The audience seemed to comprehend the main point of the program and ranked the program, as a whole, higher than any of the parts when measured by success at problem identification and impact. Effective communication with adolescents is possible through many avenues. Children of the video age respond well to visual material. A violence prevention program should incorporate effective multimedia presentations. A variety of methods hi combination proves to be most effective

    An Empirical Non-TNT Approach to Launch Vehicle Explosion Modeling

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    In an effort to increase crew survivability from catastrophic explosions of Launch Vehicles (LV), a study was conducted to determine the best method for predicting LV explosion environments in the near field. After reviewing such methods as TNT equivalence, Vapor Cloud Explosion (VCE) theory, and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), it was determined that the best approach for this study was to assemble all available empirical data from full scale launch vehicle explosion tests and accidents. Approximately 25 accidents or full-scale tests were found that had some amount of measured blast wave, thermal, or fragment explosion environment characteristics. Blast wave overpressure was found to be much lower in the near field than predicted by most TNT equivalence methods. Additionally, fragments tended to be larger, fewer, and slower than expected if the driving force was from a high explosive type event. In light of these discoveries, a simple model for cryogenic rocket explosions is presented. Predictions from this model encompass all known applicable full scale launch vehicle explosion data. Finally, a brief description of on-going analysis and testing to further refine the launch vehicle explosion environment is discussed

    Identification of glyceraldehyde‐3‐phosphate dehydrogenase as a Ca2+‐dependent fusogen in human neutrophil cytosol

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    The membrane fusion events observed during neutrophil degranulation are important aspects of the immunoregulatory system. In an attempt to understand the regulation of granule‐plasma membrane fusion, we have begun characterizing human neutrophil cytosol for fusion activity, finding that 50% of the fusogenic activity could be attributed to members of the annexin family of proteins. The major non‐annexin fusion activity (25% of the total cytosolic activity) was enriched by ion exchange chromatography after depletion of annexins by Ca2+‐dependent phospholipid affinity chromatography. The fusion activity co‐purified with a 10,14‐kDa dimer identified as leukocyte L1 (which was non‐fusogenic), along with an approximately 36‐kDa protein. This protein was identified as glyceraldehyde‐3‐phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) by amino‐terminal sequencing, and the fusion activity was verified using commercially available GAPDH. GAPDH may play an important role in degranulation because it is as potent as annexin I on a mass basis and may constitute up to 25% of the total cytosolic fusion activity of the neutrophil. J. Leukoc. Biol. 63: 331–336; 1998.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/142089/1/jlb0331.pd

    PLA2 promotes fusion between PMN‐specific granules and complex liposomes

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    Neutrophil stimulation results in the activation of a variety of phospholipases, including phospholipase A2 (PLA2), which releases arachidonic acid from the 2 position of membrane phospholipids, leaving a lysophospholipid. Because arachidonic acid is known to be a potent fusogen in vitro, we examined the effect of metabolism by PLA2 on the fusion of complex liposomes (liposomes prepared with a phospholipid composition similar to that found in neutrophil plasma membrane). We observed that PLA2 augmented the fusion of complex liposomes with each other as well as with specific granules isolated from human neutrophils, lowering the Ca2+ requirement for fusion by three orders of magnitude. Furthermore, although lysophospholipids inhibited fusion, the incorporation of arachidonic acid into liposome membranes overcame the inhibitory effects of the lysophospholipids. Thus with PLA2 and annexins we were able to obtain fusion of complex liposomes at concentations of Ca2+ that are close to physiological. Our data suggest that the activation of PLA2 and the generation of arachidonic acid may be the major fusion‐promoting event mediating neutrophil degranulation.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/141645/1/jlb0663.pd

    Political economy of renewable resource federalism

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    Author Posting. © Ecological Society of America, 2021. This article is posted here by permission of Ecological Society of America for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Ecological Applications 00 (2021): e2276, doi:10.1002/eap.2276.The authority to manage natural capital often follows political boundaries rather than ecological. This mismatch can lead to unsustainable outcomes, as spillovers from one management area to the next may create adverse incentives for local decision making, even within a single country. At the same time, one‐size‐fits‐all approaches of federal (centralized) authority can fail to respond to state (decentralized) heterogeneity and can result in inefficient economic or detrimental ecological outcomes. Here we utilize a spatially explicit coupled natural–human system model of a fishery to illuminate trade‐offs posed by the choice between federal vs. state control of renewable resources. We solve for the dynamics of fishing effort and fish stocks that result from different approaches to federal management that vary in terms of flexibility. Adapting numerical methods from engineering, we also solve for the open‐loop Nash equilibrium characterizing state management outcomes, where each state anticipates and responds to the choices of the others. We consider traditional federalism questions (state vs. federal management) as well as more contemporary questions about the economic and ecological impacts of shifting regulatory authority from one level to another. The key mechanisms behind the trade‐offs include whether differences in local conditions are driven by biological or economic mechanisms; degree of flexibility embedded in the federal management; the spatial and temporal distribution of economic returns across states; and the status‐quo management type. While simple rules‐of‐thumb are elusive, our analysis reveals the complex political economy dimensions of renewable resource federalism.This work was partially supported through the Ecological Federalism working group of the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis, an Institute sponsored by the National Science Foundation through NSF Award (No. DBI‐1300426), with additional support from the Howard H. Baker Jr. Center for Public Policy and The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. M. G. Neubert acknowledges support from the U.S. National Science Foundation (DEB‐1558904) and from the J. Seward Johnson Endowment in support of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution’s Marine Policy Center. We would like to thank seminar participants at Oregon State University, Nature Policy Lab at U.C. Davis, and the 2019 Association of Environmental and Resource Economists Summer Conference for valuable comments and suggestions on earlier versions of this research

    The effect of blood pressure on mortality following out-of-hospital cardiac arrest : a retrospective cohort study of the United Kingdom Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre database

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    Correction: Volume27, Issue 1 Article Number:169 DOI: 10.1186/s13054-023-04458-x Published: MAY 4 2023Background: Hypotension following out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) may cause secondary brain injury and increase mortality rates. Current guidelines recommend avoiding hypotension. However, the optimal blood pressure following OHCA is unknown. We hypothesised that exposure to hypotension and hypertension in the first 24 h in ICU would be associated with mortality following OHCA. Methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis of OHCA patients included in the Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre Case Mix Programme from 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2019. Restricted cubic splines were created following adjustment for important prognostic variables. We report the adjusted odds ratio for associations between lowest and highest mean arterial pressure (MAP) and systolic blood pressure (SBP) in the first 24 h of ICU care and hospital mortality. Results: A total of 32,349 patients were included in the analysis. Hospital mortality was 56.2%. The median lowest and highest MAP and SBP were similar in survivors and non-survivors. Both hypotension and hypertension were associated with increased mortality. Patients who had a lowest recorded MAP in the range 60-63 mmHg had the lowest associated mortality. Patients who had a highest recorded MAP in the range 95-104 mmHg had the lowest associated mortality. The association between SBP and mortality followed a similar pattern to MAP. Conclusions: We found an association between hypotension and hypertension in the first 24 h in ICU and mortality following OHCA. The inability to distinguish between the median blood pressure of survivors and non-survivors indicates the need for research into individualised blood pressure targets for survivors following OHCA.Peer reviewe

    The association between time of in hospital cardiac arrest and mortality:a retrospective analysis of two UK databases

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    Aims: The incidence of in hospital cardiac arrest (IHCA) varies throughout the day. This study aimed to report the variation in incidence of IHCA, presenting rhythm and outcome based on the hour in which IHCA occurred. Methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis of the National Cardiac Arrest Audit (NCAA) including patients who suffered an IHCA from 1st April 2011 to 31st December 2019. We then linked the NCAA and intensive care Case Mix Programme databases to explore the effect of time of IHCA on hospital survival in the subgroup of patients admitted to intensive care following IHCA. Results: We identified 115,690 eligible patients in the NCAA database. Pulseless electrical activity was the commonest presenting rhythm (54.8%). 66,885 patients died in the immediate post resuscitation period. Overall, hospital survival in the NCAA cohort was 21.3%. We identified 13,858 patients with linked ICU admissions in the Case Mix Programme database; 37.0% survived to hospital discharge. The incidence of IHCA peaked at 06.00. Rates of return of spontaneous circulation, survival to hospital discharge and good neurological outcome were lowest between 05.00 and 07.00. Among those admitted to ICU, no clear diurnal variation in hospital survival was seen in the unadjusted or adjusted analysis. This pattern was consistent across all presenting rhythms. Conclusions: We observed higher rates of IHCA, and poorer outcomes at night. However, in those admitted to ICU, this variation was absent. This suggests patient factors and processes of care issues contribute to the variation in IHCA seen throughout the day

    Rapid white matter changes in children with conduct problems during a parenting intervention

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    Studies report that the microstructural integrity of the uncinate fasciculus (UF; connecting the anterior temporal lobe to the orbitofrontal cortex) is abnormal in adults with psychopathy and children with conduct problems (CP), especially those with high callous-unemotional (CU) traits. However, it is unknown if these abnormalities are 'fixed' or 'reversible'. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that a reduction in CP symptoms, following a parenting intervention, would be associated with altered microstructural integrity in the UF. Using diffusion tensor imaging tractography we studied microstructural differences (mean diffusivity (MD) and radial diffusivity (RD)) in the UF of 43 typically developing (TD) and 67 boys with CP before and after a 14-week parenting intervention. We also assessed whether clinical response in CP symptoms or CU traits explained changes in microstructure following the intervention. Prior to intervention, measures of MD and RD in the UF were increased in CP compared to TD boys. Following intervention, we found that the CP group had a significant reduction in RD and MD. Further, these microstructural changes were driven by the group of children whose CU traits improved (but not CP symptoms as hypothesized). No significant microstructural changes were observed in the TD group. Our findings suggest, for the first time, that microstructural abnormalities in the brains of children with CP may be reversible following parenting intervention
