15 research outputs found

    Når samer møter andre nordmenn. Laila Stiens novelle "Reisen mot øya"

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    Denne artikkelen handler om Laila Stiens novelle «Reisen mot øya» fra samlingen Nyveien (1979), der en gruppe med mennesker og deres reinsdyr kjemper for å komme frem til sommerbeitet før simlene skal kalve. I løpet av seks knappe sider fremstiller Stien oppbyggingen mot et dramatisk klimaks som endevender på situasjonen. Med utgangspunkt i novelletrekk og sjangerbrudd analyserer jeg Stiens fremstilling av samenes reise. Denne novella er særlig viktig fordi fremstillingen av samers møte med det norske storsamfunnet kan leses allegorisk. Slik fungerer novella som en motfortelling som kan destabilisere tilvant tro på at staten Norge ikke lenger diskriminerer sitt urfolk

    Ageing and dignity. Stories of old age from the welfare state

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    Uniform treatment of the elderly (those over 65) is neither worthy nor fair. This article examines how the elderly are depicted as well as treated in the short story ‘Ingenting hendt’ (2000) by Bjarte Breiteig and the novel Så høyt var du elsket (2011) by Nikolaj Frobenius. Bjørkøy presents what forms of honour are addressed in these literary texts, and what existential issues may arise when we grow old, retired and sick in the Norwegian welfare state

    To utgaver, én tekst? Edisjonshistorien til Folk og røvere i Kardemomme by

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    Two editions, one text? Variants in Folk og røvere i Kardemomme by (1955/1980) by Thorbjørn Egner. This article investigates the edition history of Folk og røvere i Kardemomme by(1955 and 1980) by Thorbjørn Egner. The first edition of 1955 and the edited and expanded edition from 1980 are examined with focus on: What happens when Egner edit both the text and the pictures? Can we characterize the variants as significant or irrelevant? And has the revision created a new text?Key words: Thorbjørn Egner; variants; editing; the history of edition

    Når fuglen flyr: Høyest elsket som eksperimentell utviklingsroman

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    Høyest elsket (2000) by Hilde Hagerup is a complex novel. Its form is both traditional and experimental. This article explores how form consistently underlines and emphasizes content and affects how we understand Elisa, the main character. The analysis focuses on substantial and original formal features and their effects. The literary techniques that disrupt what is traditionally epic, are especially important for our understanding of Elisa. Elisa’s inner chaos is highlighted by linguistic, stylistic and compositional traits, which create a demanding, exhausting text. The open and indeterminate, chaotic and shifting text, contributes to the novel’s literary quality as well as to its (post)modernist character. In that way, the literary text reflects formally Elisa’s challenging reality, and Elisa’s need for peace, calm and harmony is transferred to the reader

    Kari Skjønsberg

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    Skjønnlitterære alderdommer

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    Denne boka handler om hvordan aldring og alderdom blir fremstilt i norsk samtidslitteratur. Hva særpreger de eldre og gamle som fremstilles i denne litteraturen, hva føler, tenker og opplever de? Litteraturforsker Aasta Marie Bjorvand Bjørkøy utforsker hvordan skjønnlitterære verk kan utfordre vårt syn på alderdommen og være viktige bidrag til både den private og offentlige diskusjonen om hva en verdig alderdom kan være. Gjennom bokas ni kapitler gir Bjørkøy nærlesninger av arbeidene til norske samtidsforfattere som Liv Køltzow, Nikolaj Frobenius, Johan Harstad og Kjersti Annesdatter Skomsvold. Bjørkøy viser hvordan den norske samtidslitteraturen utforsker en rekke endringer som finner sted i alderdommen: fra pensjonisttilværelsen og det nye livet som beboer på sykehjem, til økende krav om «aktiv alderdom» og erfaringer med demens, svekket helse, sorg og ensomhet. Til tross for fellestrekkene mellom slike overganger påpeker Bjørkøy hvordan de litterære personene som gjennomlever dem, er forskjellige - alderdommen er ikke fremstilt som en ensartet fase. Litteraturen kan slik bidra til å menneskeliggjøre fremfor å redusere eldre

    Ulrika Gustafsson och Hanna Kurtén (red.), Zacharias Topelius Läsning för barn

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    1 The concept of honour and honour narratives

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    This article gives an introduction to the concept of honour, which is explored theoretically, with references to the most prominent researchers in the field, as well as historically, in order to reveal the concept’s main transformations in Scandinavian culture. In addition, the article gives a short introduction to the rest of the articles in the book

    Literature and Honour

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    What is honour, and how does it affect our lives? In contemporary Western cultures, honour seems to have lost its dominant role as a key concept for denoting central dynamics of human life, both individually and socially. In the Scandinavian countries, a slow revolution has taken place throughout history from the strong Norse honour culture to the post-war egalitarian and equality-oriented welfare society which appears to be an after-honour culture. What are the reasons for this weakening, and what are its consequences? Are we living with new forms of honour, and what does it mean to live in an after-honour culture? The focal point and chief target of the discussions is literature, primarily Scandinavian, but also other textual expressions. The book is aimed at readers interested in literature, but the topic is interdisciplinary and should therefore appeal to a wider audience. This volume emanates from the project After Honour, initiated by the research group Literature and Affect at Institute of Scandinavian Studies, University of Oslo. The 15 articles are written by scholars from Norway, Denmark and Iceland: Per Thomas Andersen, Aasta Marie Bjorvand Bjørkøy, Mads B. Claudi, Johanne Walle Jomisko de Figueiredo, Jon Gunnar Jørgensen, Anne-Marie Mai, Thorstein Norheim, Nasim Karim, Jan Erik Rekdal, Peter Simonsen, Simen Syvertsen, Cecilie Takle, Torfi H. Tulinius and Mikkel Bruun Zangenberg