337 research outputs found

    Mehrdeutigkeit durch Ebenen religiöser Begrifflichkeit

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    "Probleme der Übersetzung religiöser Texte" war das Thema eines internationalen, interreligiösen Symposions des EKO-Hauses der Japanischen Kultur in DĂŒsseldorf. Der vorliegende Beitrag unterscheidet 4 Typen der Mehrdeutigkeit. Unter Typ 4 fallen Begriffe, die auf verschiedenen Ebenen unterschiedliche Bedeutungen haben. Sie werden in bestimmten religiösen Texten bewußt eingesetzt, wie Beispiele aus dem Sufismus und dem Tantrismus in OriginalĂŒbersetzungen zeigen

    Funktionen und Praxis der Gottesnamen in den Traditionen der Hindus

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    Die Anrufung heiliger Namen war Thema eines internationalen, interreligiösen Symposions des EKO-Hauses der Japanischen Kultur in DĂŒsseldorf. Sie wurde in den verschiedenen Traditionen der Hindus seit Ă€ltester Zeit praktiziert, begrĂŒndet und analysiert. Praxis, AnlĂ€sse und Motive fĂŒr die Anrufung werden hier beschrieben und untersucht, zunĂ€chst hinsichtlich der Vedischen Tradition, anschließend hinsichtlich der mittelalterlichen Bhakti-Frömmigkeit. Abschließend wird die Wirksamkeit der Namen und der Zusammenhang von Wort und Bedeutung problematisiert

    Omniscience According to Somananda

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    Somananda Natha is the founder of the Pratyabhijna branch of non-dualistic shaivism in Kashmir. In his magnum opus "Sivadristi" he declares that "all are omniscient". His view is investigated here along firsthand translations from the original Sanskrit

    Some Reflections on the Hero in Tantric Texts

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    'Hero' (veera) is a technical term signifying an advanced type of adept. He has been described in numerous Sanskrit texts pertaining to various Tantric traditions. It is said that he has a high degree of self-control and enjoys the non-dual experience. In this article some references are given from the original Sanskrit texts. Furthermore, the author points out some problems between the teachings in the Sanskrit texts and the actual practices

    Entrepreneurship and ageing: Exploring an economic geography perspective : CRED Research Paper No. 22

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    This paper is forthcoming as a chapter in the «Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship and Aging» edited by Charlie Karlsson, Mikaela Backman and Orsa Kekezi (to be published in July 2019 with Edward Elgar Publishing Inc.).The traditional understanding of entrepreneurship is biased towards certain population groups and specific locations. Yet the literature points to a much more diverse perspective on entrepreneurship and regional development. In this paper, we argue that regional characteristics such as the extent to which a region faces demographic change (population growth or decline, population ageing, emigration of youth, etc.) may exert a strong influence both on the individual propensity to start a business and the aggregate numbers of entrepreneurial activities. In addition, demographic change also influences the types of businesses or business models found in different regional contexts. With this idea in mind, we argue that the opportunities and challenges that are associated with old age entrepreneurship depend strongly on the regional context. We place old age entrepreneurship into a regional context and illustrate the ways in which opportunities and constraints arise from such a context and, in particular, from demographic change occurring in different regional types.publishedVersio

    A Space Odyssey: Experimental Manipulation of Threat Perception and Anxiety-Related Interpretation Bias in Children

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    This study provides a first test of an experimental method, the “space odyssey” paradigm, that was designed to manipulate interpretation bias in children. Seventy non-clinical children aged 8–12 years first completed a standardized anxiety questionnaire. Following this, they completed the space odyssey paradigm to induce either a negative or a positive interpretation bias. After this stage of interpretation training, children were presented with a series of ambiguous vignettes for which they had to rate perceived levels of threat as an index of interpretation bias. Results indicated that the space odyssey paradigm was successful in training interpretations: children in the negative training condition quickly learned to choose negative outcomes, while children in the positive training condition rapidly learned to select positive outcomes. Most importantly, children’s subsequent threat perception scores for the ambiguous vignettes were affected by the manipulation. That is, children in the negative training condition perceived more threat than children in the positive training condition. Interestingly, the effects of training were most pronounced in high anxious children. Directions for future research with this paradigm are briefly discussed

    Starting a family given the treatment possibilities offered by reproduction medicine

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    Dem Leben mit Kindern geht ein Leben ohne Kinder voraus. Doch bereits in dieser Zeit kann der Kinderwunsch eine bedeutende Rolle im Leben von Frauen und MĂ€nnern spielen. Im folgenden Beitrag werden ErzĂ€hlungen von heterosexuellen Frauen und MĂ€nnern betrachtet, welche zur ErfĂŒllung ihres Kinderwunsches reproduktionsmedizinische Angebote in Anspruch nehmen. Dabei wird entlang der Analyse qualitativer Daten aufgezeigt, welche Rolle der Kinderwunsch im Leben der Betroffenen spielt, mit welchen Belastungen sie auf dem Weg der FamiliengrĂŒndung konfrontiert sind und welche Erwartungen sie an das Familienleben und die Elternrolle nach erfolgreicher FamiliengrĂŒndung haben.Before living with children, people usually live without them. But already during this period of time, the desire for a child can play a significant role in the lives of both women and men. This paper refers to narratives from heterosexual people who wish for a child and are using treatments of reproduction medicine. Through interpretative text analysis of qualitative data, it points out which meaning the desire for a child has in their lives, which strains they have to cope with on their way to founding a family, and which expectations they have about family life and their parental roles
