41 research outputs found

    Tarptautinis policijos bendradarbiavimas nacionalinio saugumo kontekste.

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    A short analysis of development of the police cooperation across the World and at the EU level is presented in this article with reference to the scientific surveys of certain authors. In order to determine the further development of the police cooperation at the EU level, the author analyses worldwide police cooperation establishing the reasons, which motivate such an cooperation, and giving reasons for the need of such a cooperation. Accordingly, in comparison with the trends of the police cooperation across the World, the development of the police cooperation at the EU level is presented. The article deals with the problems that the legal institutions encounter and according to it the models of possible police cooperation are determined here too. The need for police cooperation appears when transnational crimes are committed, that is when a crime is connected with two or more countries. In order to solve these emerging problems the cooperation of legal institutions has to overcome certain levels or limits moving from nonofficial cooperation to institutional one or distinguishing the cooperation between the old and new systems. Three types of international police cooperation levels are distinguished: macro, meso– micro–. The cooperation of legal institutions can also be separated into three steps: the adjustment of intercourse among the countries; adaptation of systems of different countries to one another; coordination towards general standard. In global context, the police cooperation can remain only at one level where the main goal is considered to be only exchange of the information and the key problem for the cooperation is believed to be the global scale of activity.Straipsnyje, remiantis įvairių autorių moksliniais tyrinėjimais, pateikiama trumpa policijos bendradarbiavimo plėtros analizė pasaulinėje ir Europos Sąjungos (toliau ES) erdvėje. Siekdamas įvertinti policijos bendradarbiavimo plėtrą ES erdvėje autorius tiria policijos bendradarbiavimą pasauliniu mastu – nustato ir pateikia priežastis, skatinančias tokį bendradarbiavimą bei lemiančias jo poreikį. Atitinkamai, lyginant su pasaulinėmis tendencijomis, pateikiama policijos bendradarbiavimo plėtra ES erdvėje, iškeliamos problemos, su kuriomis susiduria šalių teisėsaugos institucijos, nustatomi galimi policijos bendradarbiavimo modeliai. Policijos bendradarbiavimo poreikis kyla tada, kai vykdomi tarptautiniai nusikaltimai, t. y. kai nusikaltimas susijęs su dviem ar daugiau šalimis. Teisėsaugos struktūrų bendradarbiavimas siekiant išspręsti kylančias problemas turi pereiti tam tikrus lygiu arba ribas: nuo neoficialaus bendradarbiavimo pereinama prie institucinio, nuo senų – prie naujų sistemų bendradarbiavimo. Išskiriami trys tarptautinio policijos bendradarbiavimo lygiai: makro-, meso– ir mikro–. Teisėsaugos įstaigų bendra-darbiavimą taip pat galima išskaidyti į tris etapus: santykių tarp šalių sureguliavimas, skirtingų šalių sistemų suderinimas, priartėjimas prie bendros normos

    Hate Crimes: Evaluation of Lithuanian Courts’ Decisions in the Light of the Practice of the European Court of Human Rights

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    In this article, the authors analyse the practice of the Lithuanian national courts and the European Court of Human Rights in hate crime cases, provide insights into the synergy between the decisions made by these courts, and suggest further improvement actions. This research shows that proving the circumstances surrounding various forms of hatred is quite complex, often lacking a more comprehensive, in-depth definition of the totality of circumstances by taking account of the need for special knowledge, the identification of guilt, and the system and intensity of actions. There is often a divide between criminal liability and the possibility of other countermeasures, especially when examining cases related to hate speech. Court decisions draw attention to the fact that it is necessary to consider the totality of the data collected, not individual data or individual fragments of circumstances. Among other things, the decisions emphasize the ultima ratio principle: whether criminal liability is an adequate measure in cases of hate speech. The topical issues examined in the article draw attention to the collection of significant data and the organization of investigations of these crimes, issues relating to proof and the emerging practice of the European Court of Human Rights and the Supreme Court of the Republic of Lithuania in this category of cases, highlighting the two main problematic aspects: first, the determination of the totality of objective and subjective features and second, the fact of identifying a real threat

    An assessment of a quality of activity of Siauliai city sport clubs for disabled people through application of the Common Assessment Model

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    An assessment of a quality of activity of Siauliai city sport clubs for disabled people through application of the Common Assessment Model, Lithuanian Sports University (LSU), 2016. The research hypothesis:the quality management of sports clubs influences/has an impact on sport and socio-cultural activities of disabled people. The object of the research: an assessment of a quality of activity of sport clubs for disabled people in Siauliai city. The objective of the research: to assess a quality of activity of Siauliai city sport clubs for disabled people through application of the Common Assessment Model. The research tasks: to discuss the principles of General Quality Management in theoretical aspect; to describe the quality aspects of activity of sport clubs for disabled people associated with adaptation to the needs of disabled people; to assess a quality of activity of Siauliai city sport clubs for disabled people through application of the Common Assessment Model (CAM). The methods of the research: review of scientific literature, questionnaire survey and mathematical statistics. The research sample: 36 representatives, managers of administration of Siauliai city sport clubs for disabled people. Description of the research method: the Common Assessment Model (CAM) is the method of Quality Management that has been prepared in accordance with the European Foundation for Quality Management Excellence Model and the Speyer model prepared by German University of Management Sciences (BVM, 2006). The following has been found out during the research: there are very few sources of special literature about the activity, structure and other features of Lithuanian sport clubs and especially about sport clubs for disabled people. This shows that the topic is relevant. Management of quality of sport clubs means satisfaction of consumer requirements – formal and informal, at minimum cost, from the first time and every time. The quality definition should help the companies providing sport services to disabled people to unite their employees in order to implement a quality mission, i.e. to meet the needs of consumers and other interested persons (personnel, owners, founders). It is recommended to carry out an assessment of quality of activity of organisations (sport clubs) using the quality management methods ((EVTM, BVM, SERVQUAL, the Quality Gap Model, the Collation model). Sport clubs are fairly suitable for disabled people, their activities affect the quality of life of disabled people, meet their needs; the disabled people who attend sport clubs acquire healthy life skills and other social skills: the ability to be proactive and creative, self-regulation and the ability to communicate and collaborate. An assessment of the attitude of the personnel of sport clubs for disabled people towards the quality of these institutions revealed that the activity opportunities of these institutions are bigger than the results achieved. Sport clubs have the opportunities to organise their activity in the way that allows their adaptation for disabled people. However they do not exploit them all. This creates preconditions for improvement of activity of sport clubs. The clubs provide quality services conforming to standards and consumer needs; they are able to take into account individual situations and are open to changes, to react to the customer needs; while organising the sport sessions of disabled people there is a mutual connection between material resources of sports clubs and the needs of club visitors (customers) and human resources of sports clubs

    The Ability to use private detective services for the protection of a person's rights and lawful interests

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    Privatūs detektyvai Lietuvoje paslaugas siūlo daugiau kaip dvidešimt metų, tačiau iki šiol pavienių privačių detektyvų veiklą reguliuojančių teisės aktų priimta nėra. Siūlomos privačių detektyvų paslaugos pasižymi tuo, kad kliento prašymu yra renkama specifinio pobūdžio informacija, kurios gavimas, nors ir gali būti grindžiamas teisėtais ar asmens apsaugos tikslais, tačiau kartu gali ir pažeisti žmogaus teises. Asmenims, pasivadinusiems privačiais detektyvais, nėra keliami jokie reikalavimai. Privataus detektyvo samprata teisiškai nėra aiški. Taip pat nėra aišku, kam ir kokiais tikslais gali būti naudojama surinkta informacija. Todėl šiame straipsnyje bandoma pateikti privataus detektyvo sampratą, atskleisti jo teikiamų paslaugų specifiką, išanalizuoti, kokią grėsmę privataus detektyvo veikla gali kelti žmogaus teisėms, bei įvertinti privataus detektyvo surinktų duomenų panaudojimo teisiniuose procesuose galimybesThe threats to society and to the property it owns, and the variety and expansion of such threats, has overwhelmed the public institutions charged with protecting the people and their assets. These institutions cannot react on time to these threats, as they do not have enough resources to do so. As a result, more and more people are applying to the private security firms for help. Private detectives are able to meet the public’s safety needs and they seek to fill that gap created by the inaction of public institutions by providing security services. Today in Lithuania, we can find private persons or companies, which advertise private detective services, but it is worth noticing that there are no laws dealing with the private detective activity, the status of private detectives or peculiarities of their work in this country. Private detective companies are acting as joint stock companies or sole proprietorships and private detective activity is among other the services which these companies are offering. Private detective services mostly are investigative in nature, because some part of information they gather could be collected by spying on people or watching certain places. For that reason, there are reasonable doubts concerning its legality under Lithuanian law. Under Article 22 of the Lithuanian Constitution, information concerning the private life of a person may be collected only upon a justified court decision and only according to the law. Private detective activity should be regulated by the law, because it is possible to violate human rights when providing private detective services. When giving these services, the protection of consumer rights should be secured, by ensuring (for example) that private detectives have a minimum level of competence to do such activityTeisės fakultetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Guidelines for legal regulation of supervision of private detective activities in Lithuania

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    Privačios detektyvinės veiklos teisinio reguliavimo tema Lietuvoje iškelia kelis svarbius klausimus – kaip bus nustatomi ir užtikrinami tam tikri standartai, būtini teikiant privačias detektyvines paslaugas, bei kokiu būdu bus vykdoma tokios veiklos priežiūra ir kontrolė. Lietuvos Respublikos Seime 2012 metais užregistruotas privačios detektyvinės veikos įstatymo projektas iškelia abejonių dėl tam tikrų šiame projekte numatytų teisinių nuostatų būtinumo, t. y. ar tikslinga licencijuoti privačią detektyvinę veiklą. Kadangi licencijavimas laikytinas griežčiausia valstybės intervencijos į rinką priemone, šiame straipsnyje analizuojama, ar tikslinga licencijuoti privačią detektyvinę veiklą, vertinami kiti galimi būdai, siekiant veiksmingos privačios detektyvinės veiklos priežiūros ir kontrolėsIssues of legal regulation of private detective activities in Lithuania raise several important questions – how certain standards necessary for the provision of private detective services will be established and ensured; and how will the supervision and control of such activities be carried out? A Draft Law on Private Detective Activity registered in the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania in 2012 raises doubts on the necessity of certain legal provisions provided for in this draft, i.e. is it expedient to licence private detective activities? Since licencing is the most strict means of state intervention in the market, this article examines whether it is expedient to licence private detective activities, analyzes other possible ways of supervising and controlling private detective activities. Regulation of private detective activities in order to protect human rights is impossible without the supervision of such activities. The regulation of supervision balances between the two objectives: striving to protect oneselves from possible law violations that can be done by private detectives and the desire not to make private detective activities unduly restricted and, thus, make them useful for the protection of human rights and legitimate interests. The evaluation of objectives of the introduction of licencing and the attainability of these objectives allows for concluding that the licencing of private detective activities does not fully achieve the goals of consumer protection or the quality of services provided. Even though licencing affects the quality of services in that it reduces the number of individuals who have an impact on inadequate quality of services, on the other hand it significantly restricts competition, which leads to price growth, thus fewer consumers are able to afford such services. [...]Teisės fakultetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    International police cooperation in the context of national security

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    The article provides a brief analysis, based on research by various scholars, of the development of police co-operation in the world and the European Union. With the aim of evaluating police cooperation in the EU, the author studies police co-operation at the global level by identifying and stating the causes stimulating such co-operation and influencing its demand. Respectively, through comparison with global tendencies, the paper analyses police co-operation in the EU by raising problems encountered by national law enforcement institutions and identifying possible police co-operation models. Although it is stated that police co-operation will not grow into different units operating on the European Union level, however, practical examples demonstrate the opposite trend. This causes problems and confusion in practical work because the strategy of the European Union police structures towards establishing a common area of freedom, security and justice becomes unclear. Therefore, it is necessary to identify a clear vision for European development (the FBI model vs. strong co-operation among small groups of individual countries), because increasing police co-operation leads to a greater number of problems not only in data protection and law enforcement but also in the human rights area. It is also necessary to give adequate consideration as to whether Europol could assume executive functions and competence or rather operate as an international police unit

    Problematic issues concerning the legal regulation of private detective activities in Lithuania

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    Pastarąjį šimtmetį valstybinės teisėsaugos institucijos dominavo visuomenės ir jos valdomo turto apsaugos srityje. Tačiau valstybinės valdžios nesugebėjimas patenkinti visų visuomenės saugumo poreikių sukūrė tokią aplinką, kurioje privatūs subjektai siekia užpildyti atsiradusią nišą. Grėsmių visuomenei ar jos valdomam turtui įvairovė ir plėtra lemia tai, kad valstybinės institucijos nespėja reaguoti į pokyčius, jų turimų pajėgumų nepakanka, todėl vis dažniau suinteresuoti asmenys kreipiasi į privačius subjektus, kurių profesinė veikla susijusi su visuomenės saugumo poreikių tenkinimu. Lietuvoje šiandien galima aptikti tiek įmonių, tiek pavienių asmenų, kurie skelbiasi teikiantys privačių detektyvų paslaugas, tačiau reikia pastebėti, kad privačios detektyvinės veiklos, privačių detektyvų statuso ar jų veiklos ypatumus reglamentuojančių teisės aktų Lietuvoje dar nėra. Detektyvines paslaugas teikiančios firmos veikia kaip uždarosios akcinės bendrovės ar individualios įmonės, o detektyvinė veikla patenka į šių firmų teikiamų teisinių paslaugų ratą. Tokia situacija kelia klausimų, ar šie subjektai gali legaliai teikti tokias paslaugas, o jei gali, ar šių paslaugų teisės aktais atitinkamai nereguliuojama veikla nekelia pavojaus žmogaus teisėms ar kitoms teisės aktų saugomoms vertybėms. Šiuo darbu siekiama išnagrinėti privačių detektyvų veiklos teorinius pagrindus, esamą būklę bei raidos tendencijas ir pasiūlyti rekomendacijas privačios detektyvinės veiklos teisinio reglamentavimo modeliui Lietuvoje. Darbe padaroma išvada, kad privačios detektyvinės veiklos reglamentavimas Lietuvoje yra nepakankamas, tokia veikla reikalauja atskiro teisinio reglamentavimo, tačiau nėra būtina ją licencijuoti.All through the past century, the field of the protection of society and its assets was dominated by state law enforcement agencies. However, failure by the state government to meet all public safety needs has created such an environment where private entities seek to fill the resulting niche. Variety and expansion of threats to the society or its assets results in a situation, where public authorities are unable to respond to changes and lack the capacities; therefore, interested persons more often turn to private subjects, whose professional activities are related to meeting the public safety needs. Today, both companies and single individuals offering private detective services can be found in Lithuania; however, it should be noted that there are no legislative acts in Lithuania governing private detective activities, the status of private detectives or peculiarities of their activities. Companies providing private detective activities operate as limited liability companies or sole proprietorships, and detective activities fall within the range of legal services provided by these companies. This situation raises questions, whether these entities can legally provide such services; and if so, whether the provision of such services unregulated by legislative acts poses a threat to human rights or other values protected by the law. The objective of the research is to analyze theoretical aspects of private detective activities, their current status and trends of development as well as to propose recommendations for the legal regulation of private detective activity in Lithuania. The research of private detective activities and regulation of these activities allows for formulating the conclusion that intervention by public authorities in order to regulate private detective activities by means of a separate legislative act is necessary, private detective activities should not be licensed in Lithuania.Vytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Criminal procedure law

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    LR ŠMM AM vadovėlių kokybės vertinimo komisijos patvirtinta 2010 12 03; Nr. 10-13Teisės fakultetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Assumptions determining EU as a great power: a study of economic factors

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    Analizuojant ES tapsmą didžiąja galybe nustatyta, kad tarptautinės prekybos kontekste išryškinamos trys prekybos lyderės – ES, Kinija bei JAV. Maksimalus liberalios prekybos privalumų išnaudojimas veikia ekonominių rodiklių augimą bei sustiprina ES padėtį pasaulyje. Todėl darbo problema apibrėžiama probleminiu klausimu – ar ekonominis ES potencialas ir turima įtaka pasaulinėje prekybos sistemoje leidžia ES tapatinti su didžiąja galia? Ginamieji teiginiai: • Išorinių ekonominių santykių dėka ES galia pasaulinėje arenoje įtvirtinama nuolat didėjant jos įtakai tarptautinės prekybos sistemoje; • ES, kitų didžiųjų galybių konstekste, dėl įtakos (ypač ekonominės) konkuruoja su Kinija bei JAV, kur pastebimas didėjantis Kinijos vaidmuo pasaulinėje arenoje. Darbo objektas – ES ir didžioji galybė. Darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti ES potencialą tapti didžiąja galybe pasaulinėje arenoje, remiantis ekonominiais ES galios indikatoriais. Išanalizavus ir palyginus ES, JAV bei Kinijos prekybinius santykius ir bendradarbiavimą nustatyta, jog ES, JAV bei Kinija ne tik traktuojamos kaip didžiosios ekonominės galybės pasaulinėje arenoje, bet ir viena su kita tampriai susijusios prekybiniais ryšiais. Tokia padėtis dar labiau nulemia ES galios stiprėjimą, nes tiek JAV, tike Kinija siekia stiprinti prekybinius ryšius su ES valstybėmis narėmis. Įvertinus ES padėtį pasaulinėje arenoje nustatyta, kad mokslininkų atlikti tyrimai atskleidžia įvairių pasaulio šalių poziciją galios atžvilgiu. Didžiausią pasitikėjimą ir šalies kaip didžiosios galybės pozicijos palaikymą įvairių šalių atstovai nukreipia Kinijos, JAV, taip pat ES atžvilgiu. Pasaulinės prekybos organizacijos pateikiami duomenys įrodo, kad ES ekonominė padėtis, vykdoma prekybos politika užtikrina ES stabilią padėtį ir galios stiprėjimą lyginant su JAV, Kinija bei Japonija. Atliktas tyrimas leidžia patvirtinti ginamuosius teiginius. Pirmiausia, galiam tvirtinti, kad intensyvių išorinių ekonominių santykių dėka ES galia pasaulinėje arenoje didėja vis labiau įsitvirtinant tarptautinėje prekybos sistemoje. Taip pat išryškėjo, kad ES, kitų didžiųjų galybių konstekste, labiausiai konkuruoja su Kinija bei JAV, kur tuo pačiu pastebimas vis didėjantis Kinijos vaidmuo pasaulinėje arenoje.The analysis of the EU becoming a great power revealed that three leaders such as EU, China and USA are highlighted in the international trade context. Maximum utilization of the advantages of a liberal trade affects and economic growth indicators strengthen the EU's position in the world. Therefore, significant issue defines the labor problem - whether the economic potential of the EU and held influence in the global trading system enables the EU to be synonymous with the most power? The main claims are discussed: • External economic relations through the EU’s power in the world market establish a permanent increase in the influence of the international trading system; • The EU and other major powers effects (especially economic) compete with China and the U.S., where China's growing role is observed in global arena. The object is the EU and the global power. The aim is to analyze the EU's potential to become a great power in the world arena, based on the economic power indicators. The analysis and comparison of the EU, the U.S. and China trade relations and cooperation stipulates that the EU, U.S. and China are not only considered as the major economic power in the global arena, but also with each other are closely related in trade relations. This situation is further determined by the strengthening of the EU's powers, as both the United States, China seeks to strengthen trade relations with the EU Member States. The evaluation of the EU's position in the global arena shows the different parts of the world position regarding the global power. Utmost confidence in the country as the major powers support the position of different nationalities directs China, the United States, as well as the EU. World Trade Organization statistical data shows that the economic situation in the EU, trade policy provides a stable situation in the EU and strengthening capacity in comparison with the U.S., China and Japan. The defined statements were confirmed during the analysis. First of all, it is possible to confirm that the extensive external economic relations through the EU’s and growing power in the global arena are strengthening the EU in the international trading system. It also emerged that the EU and other major powers are most competing with China and the United States, where the most prominent role of China's is ever-growing in the global arena.Vytauto Didžiojo universiteta