68 research outputs found

    How do young generations perceive gender differences?: A case study

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    There is a difference between sex and gender. Just as sex expresses biological differences, gender also refers to the difference created in mutual relations in social life. Different factors feed the perception of gender socially. Therefore, some stereotypes have developed between both sexes against each other. How these stereotypes emerged in the z-generation living in the internet age has been shown in this study through the sample taken. For this, the students were asked how they approached some stereotypes about their gender and the opposite gender, and the results were compared. In the questionnaire, there are multiple-choice questions and Likert scale-type questions. The differences between the students' answers were revealed statistically, and it was also examined in the SPSS program whether there were significant differences. According to the results obtained, it was concluded that although these students made significant progress on gender stereotypes, they still carry stereotypes on some issues

    Educational Reforms During the Reign of Mahmud II in Turkey

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    Mahmud II came to the throne in 1808 after very difficult processes. Afterwards, he carried out many reforms within the State. Mahmud II implemented many reforms, especially in the western style, and followed the developments in the West closely. One of the most striking features of this period is the opening of western-style and secular education institutions in contrast to the traditional education that has existed in the state for hundreds of years. The aim of these educational institutions is both to save the State from collapse and to modernize the society. Especially in this period, it is possible to see that the Ottoman state elite followed and implemented all kinds of developments in the west. These developments emerged especially in the field of education

    The effect of international relations on democratization of Turkey between 2002-2010 during justice and development party rule

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    Democratization takes place under different conditions in every country. The social structure and that of state play important roles, and there are many other internal and external factors for this process. Turkey also went through different phases for democratization processes. This is a qualitative study and formed by reviewing related literature and evaluating. It focuses on external factors between 2002 and 2010 because there was a struggle and long-lasting conflicts between secular elites and conservative democrats during this time. With the help and encouragement of European Union (EU), Justice and Development Party governments were able to eliminate the status quo inherited from 1980 military coup. Although democratization of Turkey proceeded with the effect of many different factors, the effect of international relations in this era was priceless for the governments of that time. Especially Turkey’s candidate process to membership of EU enforced conditionality by these countries. Even more the ruling party consented to democratize. Under the control of them, Turkey made a relatively smooth transition to more democratic state

    The state of kurdish language through public policies in Turkey after 1980

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    Making of public policies is a process through which the state determines relevant topics for the sake of its citizens and implements them. In Turkey, the public policies about Kurdish language after 1980 are outstanding such that the actors of coup d’état eagerly embraced the former idea of nation state which theoretically requires one common language in the borders of the given country. In parallel with this notion, the soldiers, who are the impeccable followers of Kemalist idea, put much pressure on local languages in Turkey, especially Kurdish language. They made some laws and forbade other languages than Turkish. But later, the conservative governments reigned in Turkey which had different ideas about this topic. As they got the opportunities, they made use of them so as to improve the situation for that language. The conservative governments handled this topic in the realm of freedom and human rights and created different public policies, so the adventure of Kurdish Language followed a much different track under different governments. This is a qualitative study, and the data were compiled from the related literature and evaluated accordingly

    Turkey’s syrian policy under justice and development party rule after 2009

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    The Justice and Development Party's Syria policy has followed a volatile and pragmatic line. Prior to 2011, when the Arab Spring began in Syria, strategic cooperation was established within the framework of liberal and zero-problem policies with neighbors. When Turkey's democratic reform proposals against the opposition movements that emerged in 2011 did not realize, Turkey changed its position against the Assad regime and started to support the opposition. During this period, weapons aid was also given to the dissidents. Later, with the involvement of Russia and the USA, the balances in Syria changed and Turkey turned to defensive policies that would protect its internal and border security. In this context, military operations were carried out against Syria. However, these operations were carried out with the consensus of Russia and the USA. Although the JDP declared the Assad regime to be an enemy after 2011, it has come to the point where it is possible to negotiate with the Assad regime in the later period. This study makes a process analysis of Turkey's changing Syria policy

    Contributions of Enlightenment Movement to Modern Education

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    The Enlightenment is an intellectual movement that emerged as a result of several centuries of processes in Western Europe. The main purpose of this movement is to save people from the tutelage and immaturity. In fact, where the process in which people use their own minds begins, the history of humanity underwent radical changes with the influence of other movements. In the environment where human societies and the systems that serve the society, underwent great changes, the education sector also went through the same processes. Post-enlightenment education, as a requirement of the main argument of enlightenment, was personalized and focused on the development of the individual. Educational models after this process have been in the understanding of educating people who are democratic, secular and fulfill their responsibilities towards their society and state. In addition, different philosophies and approaches in education emerged during this period. Contrary to previous periods, education has spread to the whole society and has been determined as a right that everyone will benefit equally

    Pre-School Education and Different Approaches That Emerged in Historical Development

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    The history of pre-education is quite recent. In fact, in order for this education to start, it was necessary to wait for the formal education to spread to the whole society. Pre-school education, which emerged and designed to meet the needs of post-industrial societies, gave importance to the cognitive, affective and psychomotor development of students. Especially the educational needs of post-war societies also required pre-school education. In this context, three different approaches to pre-school education have emerged. The common point of these approaches is that they adopt a democratic education model and reject the authoritarian teacher role in the traditional education model. Thus, a reflection of humanity’s democratization adventure in the modern age has also shown itself in education models

    Students` Opinions about the Use of Geogebra Computer Program as a Technological Tool in Mathematics Lessons

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    Students' attitudes towards mathematics are generally negative. The difficulty of the course has an important role in the development of this attitude. However, with some new arrangements to be made, students can be interested in the lesson. In this study, it is discussed to what extent the GeoGebra program makes the mathematics content attractive. For this purpose, two separate Likert scale questionnaires were applied to 12th grade students. In the first of the questionnaires, students' attitudes towards mathematics were determined. In the second, students' attitudes towards the GeoGebra program were revealed. Accordingly, students have increased their interest in mathematics a little bit thanks to the GeoGebra program

    Pre-School Education and Different Approaches That Emerged in Historical Development

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    The history of pre-education is quite recent. In fact, in order for this education to start, it was necessary to wait for the formal education to spread to the whole society. Pre-school education, which emerged and designed to meet the needs of post-industrial societies, gave importance to the cognitive, affective and psychomotor development of students. Especially the educational needs of post-war societies also required pre-school education. In this context, three different approaches to pre-school education have emerged. The common point of these approaches is that they adopt a democratic education model and reject the authoritarian teacher role in the traditional education model. Thus, a reflection of humanity’s democratization adventure in the modern age has also shown itself in education models

    Contributions of Enlightenment Movement to Modern Education

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    The Enlightenment is an intellectual movement that emerged as a result of several centuries of processes in Western Europe. The main purpose of this movement is to save people from the tutelage and immaturity. In fact, where the process in which people use their own minds begins, the history of humanity underwent radical changes with the influence of other movements. In the environment where human societies and the systems that serve the society, underwent great changes, the education sector also went through the same processes. Post-enlightenment education, as a requirement of the main argument of enlightenment, was personalized and focused on the development of the individual. Educational models after this process have been in the understanding of educating people who are democratic, secular and fulfill their responsibilities towards their society and state. In addition, different philosophies and approaches in education emerged during this period. Contrary to previous periods, education has spread to the whole society and has been determined as a right that everyone will benefit equally
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