13 research outputs found

    Interpersonal communication between nurses and hospitalized patients - a review of Polish literature

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    Each negative change in the health condition causes a great discomfort to patients. It is a difficult situation and therefore it generates both anxiety, stress, and other negative emotions. Therefore, communication plays an important role in relieving the anxiety and stress and may reduce negative emotions and feelings. Communication is a situation in which a proper exchange of information and contact between the nurse and the patient is established thus helping the patient feel secure and understood. The communicate information belongs to the professional responsibilities of a nurse and it is an important element of the patient care. The aim of the study was to analyze the results of research presented in Polish scientific literature on the subject of communication between a nurse and a hospitalized patient. A selection of scientific articles from the years 2010-2019 were reviewed. A multi-stage process of data selection was employed and both the analysis inclusion criteria and a critical review were used. After having searched the Internet databases, 5 papers were identified which met the analysis inclusion criteria. The main research method employed was the diagnostic survey method.The analysis of the published research results allowed for the identification of the following categories related to interpersonal communication between the patient and the nurse: • quality of communication between the nurse and the patient from the patient's perspective;• nurses' knowledge about the importance of communication in the professional environment and its components in relations with patients; • interpersonal communication style employed between the nurse and the patient.Interpersonal communication, both verbal and non-verbal, is an important element of nursing care. Interestingly, both nurses and patients notice the need to improve their communication skills. The results obtained indicate the need for further research in the field of interpersonal communication in the nurse-patient relationship. Consequently, it has been observed that a systematic education through trainings and workshops on proper communication with a hospitalized patient is required

    Satysfakcja z życia pacjentów neurogeriatrycznych

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    Introduction. The concept of life satisfaction means a multi-factorial assessment, which is based mainly on such two premises as: satisfaction with experienced years and satisfaction with the present life. When examining the satisfaction of a person’s life, certain aspects of existence, on the basis of which the individual makes the assessment based on individual criteria, are analyzed.Aim. The aim of the study was to assess the life satisfaction of elderly patients hospitalized in neurological wards.Material and Methods. The research was carried out in hospitals in the city of Lublin, in the departments of neurology. The study involved 102 older people. The youngest respondent was 65 and the oldest was 90 (average age 74.36±6.78). The research was carried out using the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS).Results. The average result in the Satisfaction with Life Scale which the respondents obtained was 16.27±5.00. After converting the result into stens, 54.9% of respondents obtained low results (stens 1–4). 39.2% obtained average results (stens 5–6), and 5.9% high scores (stens 7–10).Conclusions. Self-evaluation of the life satisfaction of older patients in neurological wards was at a low level. The assessment of satisfaction with life significantly differentiated such variables as: sex, marital status, education, the fact of who the respondent lives with, and the place of residence. (JNNN 2018;7(4):145–149)Wstęp. Pojęcie satysfakcji z życia oznacza wieloczynnikową ocenę, która opiera się głównie na takich dwóch przesłankach, jak: zadowolenie z przeżytych lat oraz zadowolenie z obecnego życia. Badając satysfakcję z życia danej osoby, analizuje się pewne aspekty jej egzystencji, na podstawie których jednostka dokonuje oceny, opierając się na indywidualnych kryteriach.Cel. Celem badań była ocena satysfakcji z życia pacjentów w podeszłym wieku hospitalizowanych w oddziałach neurologicznych.Materiał i metody. Badania zostały przeprowadzone w szpitalach na terenie miasta Lublin, w oddziałach neurologii. Badaniami objęto 102. osoby w wieku podeszłym. Najmłodszy badany miał 65 lat, zaś najstarszy 90 lat (średnia wieku 74,36±6,78 lata). Badania przeprowadzono za pomocą Skali Satysfakcji z Życia (The Satisfaction with Life Scale — SWLS).Wyniki. Średni wynik w Skali Satysfakcji z Życia, jaki uzyskali badani wyniósł 16,27±5,00. Po przeliczeniu wyniku na steny 54,9% badanych uzyskało wyniki niskie (steny 1–4). 39,2% uzyskało wyniki przeciętne (steny 5–6), zaś 5,9% wyniki wysokie (steny 7–10).Wnioski. Samoocena satysfakcji z życia starszych pacjentów oddziałów neurologicznych była na niskim poziomie. Ocenę satysfakcji z życia istotnie różnicowały takie zmienne, jak: płeć, stan cywilny, wykształcenie, fakt z kim mieszka badany oraz miejsce zamieszkania. (PNN 2018;7(4):145–149

    Nursing care for a patient after an ischemic stroke

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    Introduction and aim of the study. More than half of ischemic strokes occur above the age of 65, so a stroke is above all a disease of an old age. The problem of a stroke is crucial, because apart from a high mortality rate it also entails a disability. The aim of the study was to determine the scope of nursing care for the patient after an ischemic stroke. Methods and materials. The study was based on the case study method with the use of the following research techniques: documentation analysis, an interview, measurement and observation. Moreover, the study tools applied comprised: an individualized nursing care plan, Barthel Scale, Glasgow Scale, Dutch Scale, the authors’ own test examining the patient’s knowledge. Criteria for the care categories. Findings. After the interview, the biopsychosocial status of the patient was assessed. Nursing diagnoses were made using the empirical data for this purpose. Conclusions. The sudden occurrence of the disease, hospitalization and lack of support from relatives is a difficult and critical situation for the patient, and it disturbs normal functioning in all spheres: biological, psychological and a social one

    The influence of the Regulation of the Minister of Health on food product groups designated for sale in educational establishments on the health behaviours of students

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    Introduction. Nutritional habits are among the elements of lifestyle which have an impact on health. Studies show that nutritional habits developed at a young age form a basis for  future behaviour, so developing beneficial health behaviours by the youngest age groups is so crucial. Proper health behaviours have an impact on development and the state of health not only during childhood but also in the adult life, preventing negative effects on health. Objective. To identify the influence of the Regulation of the Minister of Health on food product groups designated for sale in educational establishments on the health behaviours of students. Material and methods. 477 lower-secondary and secondary school students from the Lubelskie and Mazowieckie provinces participated in the survey. The diagnostic survey method was used, together with the self-developed questionnaire technique. Results. Almost 1/3 of the students (32%) regularly bought at their school shop or a shop located near their school. 14% of the students were not aware that the regulation on the sales of food products in school shops was in force. After the regulation was passed the number of students buying sweet buns, sweets and salty snacks dropped; however, the problem has not been completely eliminated. The analysis of the self-designed study results demonstrates that the number of healthy products recommended for the age group increased only slightly. Nearly half of the students (49%) did not notice changes in the product range available in school shops. Only 26% were satisfied with the introduced changes. Conclusions.1. Not all of the surveyed students are aware of the Regulation of the Minister of Health on food product groups designated for sale in educational establishments and the related product range changes.2. The regulation has resulted in some changes in the everyday nutrition of lower-secondary and secondary schools.3. The product range in school shops still contributes to improper nutritional habits among school students

    Research on multiculturalism in nursing practice. A review of Polish nursing literature

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    Introduction. The phenomenon of multiculturalism confronts nurses with new challenges. Therefore, scientific research on multicultural issues in nursing practice is of great importance. Their results can improve both education and clinical practice.Aim. The aim of this paper was to analyse the results of empirical studies available in the Polish academic nursing literature on multiculturalism in nursing practiceMaterial and methods. The research involved a systematic review of the academic nursing literature from 2011-2016. The databases of ranked nursing journals and the Google Scholar database were searched by combination of the following keywords: multiculturalism; culturally different patient; nursing care; multicultural nursing; patient from another culture; cultural sensitivity in nursing care.Results. Searching process resulted with 14 papers that met the inclusion criteria. The dominant research method used was the survey method with the utilisation of authors’ questionnaire and standardized research tools. The study was conducted in different groups, e.g. foreign students, nursing students, health workers, representatives of local communities, followers of some religions and patients. Among the main issues in analyzed research were: the cultural competences of nursing staff, the impact of religious creed on the selected aspects of medical care, the standards of nursing education with regard to patients coming from different cultural backgrounds, the attitudes of Polish society to people from different cultural backgrounds, and the health-related behaviour of people representing different cultural areas. Conclusions. Polish nurses undertake scientific research on various aspects of multiculturalism in medical care. However, there is a need to introduce multidisciplinary and multi-centre scientific research tackling multiculturalism issues in medical care in a broader way

    Health behaviour of patients with unstable angina pectoris

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    Abstract Introduction. The illnesses of the cardiovascular system are the biggest cause of death in Poland [9,10]. Unstable angina pectoris is the most frequently occurring manifestation of the acute coronary syndrome (ACS). It aggravates the severity of the course of ischaemic heart disease (IHD) and hence constitutes a direct threat to the life and health of the patient. Therefore, it seems well-based to encourage pro-healthy behaviour among patients with this disease [2,3,15]. The aim of the study. The aim of the study was to evaluate health behaviour of patients with unstable angina pectoris. Material and method. The study was conducted from November of 2016 to February of 2017 in three hospitals in Lublin among 194 patients with unstable angina pectoris. In the study the diagnostic survey method alongside with polling technique was utilised. The research reference consisted of Inventory of The Health Behaviour (Inwentarz Zachowań Zdrowotnych, IZZ) and the authorial methodology. Results. Patients with unstable angina pectoris described their health behaviour as ‘average’. The patients’ age, gender, level of education and place of residence influenced their health behaviour. The highest ratings were in the 61-70 years old category. A higher level of health behaviour was presented by women. The lowest ratings of health behaviour were given by patients with primary education. The ratings of health behaviour were higher among the inhabitants of urban areas. Keywords: health behaviour, ischaemic heart disease, unstable angina pectori

    The importance of tobacco by a life partner - the opinions of students

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    Bieniak Monika, Michałowska Małgorzata, Mycek Anna, Rząca Marcin, Bartoszek Agnieszka, Charzyńska-Gula Marianna. The importance of tobacco by a life partner - the opinions of students. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2017;7(3):309-321. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.321875 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/4280 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 1223 (26.01.2017). 1223 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7 © The Author (s) 2017; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 01.02.2017. Revised 23.02.2017. Accepted: 23.02.2017. Znaczenie palenia tytoniu przez partnera życiowego - opinie studentów Bieniak Monika1, Michałowska Małgorzata1, Mycek Anna1, Rząca Marcin2, Bartoszek Agnieszka3, Marianna Charzyńska-Gula4 1Studenckie Koło Naukowe przy Katedrze Onkologii i Środowiskowej Opieki Zdrowotnej, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie 2Zakład Onkologii, Katedra Onkologii i Środowiskowej Opieki Zdrowotnej, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie 3Zakład Medycyny Rodzinnej i Pielęgniarstwa Środowiskowego, Katedra Onkologii i Środowiskowej Opieki Zdrowotnej, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie 4 Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa im. prof. Stanisława Tarnowskiego w Tarnobrzegu Streszczenie: Wstęp: Nawyki wyuczone w młodości przekładają się na zachowania w późniejszych etapach życia. Systematycznie od 1995 roku spada odsetek palących Polaków. Najwięcej palaczy ubyło w grupie uczniów i studentów, bo niemal połowa. Aktualnie w Polsce pali 33% mężczyzn i 24% kobiet. Cel pracy: Postawy studentów uczelni wyższych oraz ich partnerów wobec nałogu nikotynizmu. Materiał i metody: W badaniu wzięło udział 359 studentów z uniwersytetów w Lublinie i Rzeszowie. Metodą zastosowaną w badaniu był sondaż diagnostyczny, a narzędziem autorski kwestionariusz ankiety. Wyniki: Wśród badanej grupy studentów aktualnie czynnie pali tytoń 13% kobiet i 20% mężczyzn, nigdy nie paliło 73% kobiet i 59% mężczyzn. Palącego partnera posiada 13% respondentów, niepalącego 46%. Palenie tytoniu przez kandydata na stałego partnera życiowego ma bardzo duże znaczenie dla 65% badanych, niewielkie dla 26%, a nie ma znaczenia dla 9%. Wnioski: Aktualnie tytoń pali najwięcej studentów kierunków o profilu technicznym, najmniej o profilu medycznym. Palenie tytoniu przez aktualnego partnera życiowego ma największe znaczenie dla studentów kierunków medycznych. Palenie tytoniu u kandydata na stałego partnera życiowego wśród studentów jest traktowane bardziej restrykcyjnie niż u aktualnego partnera. Słowa kluczowe: palenie tytoniu, partner życiowy, zachowania zdrowotne The importance of tobacco by a life partner - the opinions of students Introduction Habits learned in youth translate into behaviours in later stages of life. Systematically since 1995 percentage of smoking Poles has decreased. The most smokers decreased in group of pupils and students-almost half of them. Actually in Poland 33 % of men and 24% women smoke. Aim Attitude of students of Universities and their partners to nicotine addiction. Materials and methods In research took part 359 students of Lublin and Rzeszów Universities. Method used in research was diagnostic survey and the tool was author’s survey questionnaire. Results Among examined group of students currently 13% women and 20% men smoke actively, 73% women and 59% has never smoked. 13% of respondents has smoking partner and 46 % non-smoking partner. Smoking tobacco by candidate for constant partner has very significant meaning for 65% respondents, little for 26%, and doesn’t matter for 9 % of respondents. Conclusion: Currently, tobacco is smoked most frequently by students of technical Universities, the least of Medical Universities. Smoking tobacco by current partner is the most significant for students of medical Universities. Smoking tobacco by candidate for permanent partner is more restrictively treated than smoking by current partner among students. Key words: smoking tobacco, partner, health behaviou

    Chosen aspects of medical care in Poland for patient from the Islamic culture

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    Chrzan-Rodak Agnieszka, Bąk Jadwiga, Machul Michał, Bieniak Monika, Chałdaś‑Majdańska Justyna, Dobrowolska Beata. Chosen aspects of medical care in Poland for patient from the Islamic culture. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2017;7(3):392-399. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.344549 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/4297 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 1223 (26.01.2017). 1223 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7 © The Author (s) 2017; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 12.02.2017. Revised 23.02.2017. Accepted: 28.02.2017. Wybrane aspekty opieki medycznej w Polsce nad pacjentem pochodzącym z kręgu kultury islamu Chosen aspects of medical care in Poland for patient from the Islamic culture Agnieszka Chrzan-Rodak1, Jadwiga Bąk1, Michał Machul1, Monika Bieniak1, Justyna Chałdaś-Majdańska1, Beata Dobrowolska2 1 Studenckie Koło Naukowe przy Katedrze Rozwoju Pielęgniarstwa, Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie / Students’ Scientific Association, Department of Nursing Development, Faculty of Health Sciences, Medical University of Lublin 2 Katedra Rozwoju Pielęgniarstwa, Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie, opiekun SKN/ Department of Nursing Development, Faculty of Health Sciences, Medical University of Lublin, Students’ Association supervisor Słowa kluczowe: islam, pacjenci zróżnicowani kulturowo, opieka medyczna Key words: Islam, culturally diverse patients, medical care Agnieszka Chrzan-Rodak, Jadwiga Bąk, Michał Machul, Monika Bieniak, Justyna Chałdaś-Majdańska, dr n. hum. Beata Dobrowolska Streszczenie Wstęp. Postępujący proces globalizacji stawia nowe wyzwania przed opieką zdrowotną w Polsce, które dotyczą m.in. zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa kulturowego pacjentom pochodzącym z odmiennych kręgów kulturowych. Cel. Celem pracy jest analiza wybranych aspektów opieki medycznej w Polsce nad pacjentem- przedstawicielem kultury islamu. Metody. Dokonano kontekstowej analizy jakościowej wywiadów zgromadzonych wśród pięciu przedstawicieli islamu zamieszkujących miasto Lublin. Badania zostały przeprowadzone w 2016 roku w Centrum Kultury Islamu w Lublinie. W procesie doboru przedstawicieli islamu zastosowano metodę kuli śnieżnej. Wywiady nagrano a następnie transkrybowano. Wyniki. Analiza jakościowa uzyskanych danych pozwoliła na wyodrębnienie następujących głównych kategorii zagadnień związanych z opieką nad pacjentem z kręgu kultury islamu w praktyce pielęgniarskiej: modlitwa w warunkach szpitalnych; post w warunkach szpitalnych; posiłki w szpitalach; opieka i pielęgnacja a płeć opiekunów; leczenie i leki; wyzwania w opiece nad pacjentem odmiennym kulturowo. Wnioski. Badania pokazały, iż realizacja praktyk religijnych, różnice kulturowe w zakresie spożywanych posiłków, przyjmowanych leków, realizacji wybranych procedur medyczno-opiekuńczych oraz w zakresie komunikacji to te elementy, które wymagają większej uwagi personelu medycznego w procesie opieki nad pacjentem odmiennym kulturowo, a w tym przypadku z kręgu kultury islamu. Pacjenci z kultury islamu przebywający w polskich szpitalach wykazują gotowość dostosowania się do systemu opieki medycznej, w ramach którego objęci są opieką oraz poszukiwania alternatywnych sposobów działania, które pozwolą zachować ich kulturową tożsamość. Istnieje potrzeba kształtowania kompetencji kulturowych studentów kierunków medycznych oraz aktywnych zawodowo pracowników medycznych w celu zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa kulturowego podopiecznym. Abstract Introduction. The progressing globalisation process creates new challenges for healthcare in Poland, which are related mainly providing cultural security for patients from different culture circles. Aim. The objective of the study is to analyse chosen aspects of medical care in Poland for patients from the Islamic culture. Methods. A qualitative, contextual analysis of the material from interviews conducted among five followers of Islam who live in Lublin. The survey was carried out from 20 June to 8 July 2016 at the Islamic Cultural Centre in Lublin. The process of sampling the representatives of Islamic culture involved the snowball sampling method. The interviews were recorded and transcribed. Results. The qualitative analysis of the data obtained made it possible to specify the following categories of issues related to care for patients representing the Islamic culture in nursing practice: prayer in the hospital environment, fasting in hospital conditions, meals in hospitals, care and nursing and the carer's sex, treatment and medications, challenges in care for patients from different culture circles. Conclusions. The survey results show that religious practices, cultural differences related to meals, medications, selected medical and care procedures and communication are issues which require greater attention of medical personnel in the process of care for patients representing different cultures – in this case the Islamic culture. Patients from the Islamic culture staying in Polish hospitals are ready to adjust to the healthcare system and to seek alternative procedures enabling them to preserve their cultural identity. Developing the cultural competence of medical students and occupationally active medical professionals is an important issue aiming at protecting cultural safety of the patient

    The Level of Health Literacy of Seniors Living in Eastern Region of Poland. Preliminary Study

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    Health literacy (HL) is recognised as an important, modifiable factor in the self-management and health performance of elderly people. The aim of this preliminary study was to identify and analyse the level of health literacy among the elderly living in one of the eastern regions in Poland. The cross-sectional study was conducted among a convenience sample of 200 seniors aged 65+ after cognitive pre-screening with the use of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) scale. To collect data, the Polish version of the HLS-EU-Q47 was used. More than half of the elderly surveyed presented problematic levels of general HL (GEN-HL), and also problematic levels of other dimensions: health care health literacy (HC-HL), disease prevention health literacy (DP-HL), and health promotion health literacy (HP-HL). The level of seniors’ HL is dependent on the level of their education, place of living, participation in activities run by Daily Center for the Elderly, and their self-assessment of health condition (p < 0.05). These results imply the important message that there is a need to create initiatives and programs improving health literacy targeted at seniors living in rural areas, those with lower levels of education, and those with poor access to activities organised by institutions supporting seniors