17 research outputs found

    Острофазовый белок лактоферрин и ингибиторы протеиназ крови больных с Q-образующим инфарктом миокарда, осложненным острой сердечной недостаточностью

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    153 patients with Q-wave noncomplicated and complicated myocardial infraction have been examined. Blood serum was studied for acute-phase proteins (alfa-2-macroglobulin (MG), alfa-1-antitrypsin (ATr), and lactoferrin (LF)) in 97 patients ((57.9 ± 1.06) years old). Blood was sampled at the 1st, 7th, and 14th days after myocardial infraction. The decrease of MG in acute phase was observed in patients with cardiogenic shock. Increased concentrations of LF and unchanged MG level at the 1—7 days were observed at pulmonary edema.Обследованы 153 пациента с Q-образующим неосложненным и осложненным инфарктом миокарда (ИМ). Сыворотка крови на содержание белков острой фазы альфа-2-макроглобулина (МГ), альфа-1-антитрипсина (АТр) и лактоферрина (ЛФ) исследована у 97 пациентов (средний возраст (57,9 ± 1,06) года). Забор крови осуществлялся на 1, 7 и 14-е сут развития ИМ. Установлено, что снижение МГ в острой фазе наблюдается у больных с кардиогенным шоком. Повышенные концентрации ЛФ и неизменные МГ на 1—7-е сут выявлены при отеке легких

    Novel non-covalent supramolecular systems based on zinc(II) bis(dipyrromethenate)s with fullerenes

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    © 2018 Elsevier B.V. This paper presents the results of UV/vis, fluorescence, FT-IR, DOSY, and DFT study of a novel non-covalent supramolecular systems based on zinc(II) bis(dipyrromethenate)s ([Zn2L2]) with C60. It was found that zinc(II) bis(dipyrromethenate) forms stable supramolecular π-π-complexes ([Zn2L2(C60)4]) with C60. DFT calculations revealed stable complexation between [Zn2L2] and C60. The [Zn2L2(C60)4] LUMO energy levels are predominantly spread on the C60 unit and the HOMO energy levels are mainly spread on the [Zn2L2]. The photoinduced electron transfer testing by the substantial fluorescence quenching of the [Zn2L2] by non-covalent bonded C60 gives the positive result that shows prospects of the studying [Zn2L2(C60)4] as the active layers in solar energy conversion devices


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    Aim. To assess risk factors for arterial hypertension in pregnant women.Methods. The prevalence of risk factors for arterial hypertension (AH) was estimated in 240 pregnant women with arterial hypertension (AH) and 126 healthy pregnant women. Women with symptomatic or gestational hypertension or diabetes mellitus were excluded from the study. The following AH risk factors were assessed: age, family history, smoking, overweight/obesity, and excessive salt intake. Odds ratios were calculated utilizing stepwise logistic regression.Results. Pregnant women ≥32 years of age had 1.33-fold higher risk of AH in comparison with those <32 years of age. Hypertensive status of both parents or one of them was associated with 1.8- and 1.67-fold higher risk of AH as compared to patients without family history of AH. Smoking, overweight, and obesity increased risk of AH by a factor of 1.83, 1.74, and 2.24, respectively. Combination of age ≥32 years with obesity, family history of AH or smoking status further augmented risk of AH (2.46-, 2.18 or 2.14-fold, respectively) as compared to healthy pregnant women. Likewise, combination of AH family history with overweight or obesity resulted in 2.9- and 3.0-fold higher risk of AH. Combination of smoking with family history of AH, overweight, and obesity increased risk of AH by a factor of 2.95, 3.61, and 4.65, respectively. Amount of salt intake did not differ in pregnant women with and without AH.Conclusion. The estimated risk factors for AH are significant in pregnant women. Age over 32 years was associated with 1.33 OR for AH, family history with 1.8 OR, smoking with 1.83 OR, overweight with 1.7 OR, whereas obesity increased 2.24-fold odds for AH. Obesity and family history increased 2.9-fold odds for AH, whereas smoking and family history were associated with 3-fold increased odds for AH and combined with obesity up to 4.6-fold increased odds. Цель. Оценить значимость факторов риска артериальной гипертонии у беременных.Материалы и методы. Изучена распространенность факторов риска (ФР) у 240 беременных с гипертонической болезнью (ГБ) и у 126 здоровых беременных. В исследование не включались женщины с симптоматической и гестационной артериальной гипертонией, сахарным диабетом. Были изучены следующие ФР: возраст, наследственная отягощенность, повышенная масса тела, курение, злоупотребление поваренной солью и их сочетания. С помощью логистической регрессии был вычислен относительный шанс (ОШ) развития АГ для каждого ФР.Результаты. Было установлено, что с вероятностью 80% у женщин 33 лет и старше, риск развития АГ в 1,33 раза выше, чем в возрасте до 32 лет. При наследственной отягощенности по одному родителю ОШ развития АГ составил 1,67, а по обоим родителям – 1,8. При избыточной массе тела ОШ составил 1,74, тогда как при ожирении ОШ повышался до 2,24. Курение повышало ОШ развития АГ до 1,83. Сочетание ФР повышало шанс развития АГ. При сочетании возраста старше 32 лет и ожирения ОШ составил 2,46, а с наследственной отягощенностью – 2,18 или курением – 2,14. Сочетание наследственной отягощенности с избыточной массой тела повышало ОШ наличия АГ до 2,9, а при сочетании с ожирением – до 3,0. Если курение добавлялось к наследственной отягощенности, ОШ повышался до 2,96, а если сочеталось с избыточной массой тела, ОШ повышался до 3,61, тогда как сочетание курения с ожирением приводило к увеличению ОШ до 4,65. В нашем исследовании не установлено достоверной разницы в потреблении соли между группами, ОШ составил 1,1.Заключение. Была установлена значимость ФР гипертонической болезни у беременных. При возрасте старше 32 лет ОШ составил 1,33, при наследственной отягощенности – 1,8, при курении – 1,83, при избыточной массе тела – 1,7, тогда как при ожирении ОШ повышался до 2,24. Сочетание ожирения и наследственной отягощенности повышало ОШ до 2,9. Сочетание курения с наследственной отягощенностью увеличивало ОШ развития АГ в 3 раза, а при сочетании с ожирением – в 4,6 раза.

    Lactoferrin acute-phase protein and proteinase inhibitors in blood of patients with Q-wave myocardial infraction complicated by acute heart failure

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    153 patients with Q-wave noncomplicated and complicated myocardial infraction have been examined. Blood serum was studied for acute-phase proteins (alfa-2-macroglobulin (MG), alfa-1-antitrypsin (ATr), and lactoferrin (LF)) in 97 patients ((57.9 ± 1.06) years old). Blood was sampled at the 1st, 7th, and 14th days after myocardial infraction. The decrease of MG in acute phase was observed in patients with cardiogenic shock. Increased concentrations of LF and unchanged MG level at the 1—7 days were observed at pulmonary edema

    Novel non-covalent supramolecular systems based on zinc(II) bis(dipyrromethenate)s with fullerenes

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    © 2018 Elsevier B.V. This paper presents the results of UV/vis, fluorescence, FT-IR, DOSY, and DFT study of a novel non-covalent supramolecular systems based on zinc(II) bis(dipyrromethenate)s ([Zn2L2]) with C60. It was found that zinc(II) bis(dipyrromethenate) forms stable supramolecular π-π-complexes ([Zn2L2(C60)4]) with C60. DFT calculations revealed stable complexation between [Zn2L2] and C60. The [Zn2L2(C60)4] LUMO energy levels are predominantly spread on the C60 unit and the HOMO energy levels are mainly spread on the [Zn2L2]. The photoinduced electron transfer testing by the substantial fluorescence quenching of the [Zn2L2] by non-covalent bonded C60 gives the positive result that shows prospects of the studying [Zn2L2(C60)4] as the active layers in solar energy conversion devices

    Donor–Acceptor Complexes of (5,10,15,20-Tetra(4-methylphenyl)porphyrinato)cobalt(II) with Fullerenes C60: Self-Assembly, Spectral, Electrochemical and Photophysical Properties

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    The noncovalent interactions of (5,10,15,20-tetra(4-methylphenyl)porphinato)cobalt(II) (CoTTP) with C60 and 1-N-methyl-2-(pyridin-4-yl)-3,4-fullero[60]pyrrolidine (PyC60) were studied in toluene using absorption and fluorescence titration methods. The self-assembly in the 2:1 complexes (the triads) (C60)2CoTTP and (PyC60)2CoTTP was established. The bonding constants for (C60)2CoTTP and (PyC60)2CoTTP are defined to be (3.47 ± 0.69) × 109 and (1.47 ± 0.28) × 1010 M−2, respectively. 1H NMR, IR spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis and cyclic voltammetry data have provided very good support in favor of efficient complex formation in the ground state between fullerenes and CoTTP. PyC60/C60 fluorescence quenching in the PyC60/C60–CoTTP systems was studied and the fluorescence lifetime with various CoTTP additions was determined. The singlet oxygen quantum yield was determined for PyC60 and the intensity decrease in the 1O2 phosphorescence for C60 and PyC60 with the CoTTP addition leading to the low efficiency of intercombination conversion for the formation of the 3C60* triplet excited state was found. Using femtosecond transient absorption measurements in toluene, the photoinduced electron transfer from the CoTTP in the excited singlet state to fullerene moiety was established. Quantum chemical calculations were used for the determination of molecular structure, stability and the HOMO/LUMO energy levels of the triads as well as to predict the localization of frontier orbitals in the triads