37 research outputs found

    Poeta pojednania. O twórczości Ernsta Josefa Krzywona

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    This article presents key motifs in the lyrical works of Ernst Josef Krzywon, a German poet, literary historian. and translator of Polish literature. Krzywon was an intellectual of Upper Silesian origin, who struggled with the conditions of a double biography, enhanced by the socalled great history of belonging to two cultural circles. Both in his poetry and in his scientific works and essays, the author born in Rokitnica (a historical part of Zabrze), tries to face the challenge of presenting the cultural heritage of Upper Silesians as the product of meetings between representatives of several nations – as a common work of the German and Slavic peoples. Our article analyzes the main topic of his poems: the multiracial character of the region and its consequences for the individual – especially the necessity to look for national identity in the area between two cultures and two (or even three) languages

    CRP – a valuable source of information or just a laboratory test?

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    Background and Purpose: Laboratory tests are an inseparable element in modern medicine. They provide us with valuable clues for making a diagnosis or monitoring treatment. One of the most frequently ordered biochemical tests is the determination of the level of CRP in the blood. The aim of the study is to present the clinical usefulness of this study and to present knowledge about C-reactive protein.   Current state of knowledge: It is produced mainly by the liver, but the latest reports confirm local synthesis, among others, in arterial endothelial cells. The most common reason for the increase in the level of CRP is the appearance of infection, during which time its concentration may increase by up to 1000 times. Elderly patients have a weaker immune system response than younger patients, therefore the rise in CRP may be less pronounced. Other reasons are autoimmune diseases, cancer, or acute or chronic inflammation. As a result of cel damage, pro-inflammatory cytokines are secreted, which stimulate the production of CRP. Most scientific sources consider CRP ≥ 10 mg/L to be significant. Values of 3-10mg/L are considered a slight increase in CRP levels. Such CRP values were found in about 1/3 of the American population. Conclusions:  The CRP level should not be interpreted as an isolated medical parameter, but in conjunction with other tests and the patient's current state of health. Based on the amount of CRP in the blood and changes in its concentration over time, we can check the response to treatment and predict the course of some diseases

    2D and 3D culture of stem cells

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    Wstęp i cel: Komórki macierzyste są szeroko stosowane w wielu naukach, szczególnie w chorobach. Dzięki swoim właściwościom proliferacyjnym i zdolności do tworzenia się w innych elementach organizmu zastosowanie w mechanizmie regeneracyjnym, przy zachowaniu charakterystycznych parametrów oparzeń, odbudowie układu krwiotwórczego. później je pozyskać z wielu dzieci m.in. składników tłuszczowej, szpiku kostnego, krwi pępowinowej czy mleka kobiecego.  Obecny stan wiedzy: Dlatego ważne jest, aby wykorzystać metodę hodowli, dzięki której w krótkim czasie możemy uzyskać wyniki badań, które pozwolą wykonać życie i zróżnicowanie się w innych typach. Do hodowli jest uzyskiwana ilość ilości energii, źródło węgla, składniki odżywcze i powietrze. Najpowszechniej jest metodą 2D, która jest dość tania i skuteczna do wykonania. Metoda 3D, choć droższa i wyższa pracochłonna, jest wyższa wydajna. Metodą 3D, czyli sferyczną, mamy możliwość uzyskania środowiska, które zapewnia warunki in vivo, których nie uzyskujemy metodą 2D. Komórki hodowane sferycznie dobrze bodźce ze środowiska w trzech wymiarach, na poziomie komórka-komórka i komórka-macierz zewnątrzkomórkowa.Wykorzystaj dodatkowy przepływ cytokin, składników odżywczych, czynników wzrostu i chemokin. Wnioski: W przyszłości metoda 3D może wyprzeć metody hodowli 2D. Zapewnij warunki zbliżone do tych w wynikach, możemy ocenić wyniki testów analizowanych na zwierzętach. Obecnie w takich kulturach coraz częściej testuje się leki stosowane w onkologii i określa się ich efekt terapeutyczny

    SIBO - the present knowledge within the contekst of clinical dependencies and therapy

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    Introduction: The gut microbiome is an integral part of the body, and the eubiosis conditio significantly  influences homeostasis. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is connected with an increased numer of bacteria, it causes gastrointestinal symptoms. The main symptoms are abdominal pain, bloating and diarrhea. SIBO correlates with the occurrence of other chronic diseases. The basis of treatment are antibiotics. There are also scientific reports on supplementing pharmacological therapy with dietary management. Objective: The purpose of this paper is to review the current knowledge on the bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine. Particular attention took notice of to the relationship  between SIBO and other chronic diseases as well as potential and applied treatments. Material and methods: The review includes publications published in 2020-2023 and certain works published earlier, in the years 2008-2017. Data were collected using PubMed, ScienceDirect i Google Scholar. Results: Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth is heterogeneous disorder. Its symptoms are nonspecific. SIBO is related to several different diseases and corresponds with them. Empirical treatment consists in administration of antibiotics. Supplementing therapy with alternative methods for example probiotic and diet therapy  promotes success in treating. Conclusions: The lack of standarized therapeutic menagment and focused on bacterial eradication only approach makes, SIBO is recurrent ailment. More research is needed. The important thing is holistic approach on etiology, pathogenesis and therapy

    Clinical manifestations of neuroborreliosis in children – review of literature

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    Introduction: The most common tick-borne disease caused by the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi is Lyme disease. It is characterized by a variety of disorders: dermatological, rheumatological, cardiological and neurological. Neuroborreliosis is defined as an involvement of the nervous system, and it is the second most common form of infection in children (10-15% of those infected). The aim of the study: To review the available materials and presentation of the current state of knowledge on the various manifestations of neuroborreliosis in children. Material and method: Databases such as PubMed and Google Scholar were searched. Literature was searched using the keywords: Lyme disease, neuroborreliosis, borreliosis, facial nerve paralysis, and pediatric population. The materials obtained in this way were analyzed in terms of compliance with the subject of the work. Results: Typical clinical manifestations of neuroborreliosis in children are facial nerve palsy and meningitis. Neuroborreliosis is the cause of 50% of all cases of bilateral facial nerve palsy in children. Multiple cranial and peripheral neuritis, myelitis, cerebral vasculitis and, consequently, the formation of intracranial aneurysms are less common manifestations of infection. Conclusions: The symptoms of neuroborreliosis are non-specific. This makes it difficult to make an accurate diagnosis. Even if no information on tick bite or erythema migrans has been obtained from the clinical history, neuroborreliosis should be considered in the differential diagnosis, especially in Lyme-endemic areas

    The importance of CAD and DECT in CT colonography

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    IntroductionAccording to the American College of Radiology and the American Cancer Society, CTC has been recognized as a valuable screening method for detecting CRC in people at medium risk as an alternative to endoscopic colonoscopy. The condition for the proper interpretation of this procedure is the patient’s preparation for the examination. The evaluation of the test includes: topogram, transverse images (as reference images), multifaceted reconstructions and three-dimensional images (3D navigator). Materials and methods                            The literature on the use of CTC in the diagnosis of CRC was analyzed. A review of the scientific literature indexed in the PUBMED database from the last 10 years was carried out. Results The introduction of dual energy computed tomography (DECT) clearly improved the diagnostic accuracy of CTC. The main advantage of DECT is the possibility of obtaining iodine maps and VNC (virtual non-contrast) – a ’’virtual’’ native image (without the use of contrast). DECT allows you to monitor the results and extent of iodine capture on VNC and iodine map images, respectively, without using pre-recorded tomographic images. Pilot tests showed that DECT is an effective tool in CT colonography diagnostics and electronic colon loop cleaning after barium labeling. The use of the Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) algorithm in high energy tomography helps in the diagnosis and detection of intestinal tumors. ConclusionsThe development of modern technologies used in CT colonography proves that it is a safe and acceptable technique for patients. Lack of invasiveness, low radiation dose and high diagnostic efficiency of CTC may encourage more people to undergo colorectal cancer screening in the future

    Teplizumab - current state of knowledge on the effects of teplizumab in preventing the development of type 1 diabetes in people at risk

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    Background and Purpose: Type 1 diabetes is a chronic autoimmune disease from the group of metabolic disorders, where the immune system attacks and destroys the insulin producing cells of the pancreas, leading to hyperglycemia and the need for lifelong exogenous insulin supplementation. This results in increased morbidity, life threatening complications, shortened lifespan and quality of life. So there is an urgent need to develop prevention and treatment for people at risk of developing type 1 diabetes. Current state of knowledge: Recently, there has been significant progress in the field of immunotherapy with therapeutic strategies that focus on stopping the disease in the presymptomatic stage by preserving residual beta-cell function. Randomized, double-blind clinical trials of teplizumab were conducted in relatives of patients with established type 1 diabetes who had not yet been diagnosed with the disease, but were at high risk of developing clinical disease, based on these studies The FDA has approved teplizumab, under trade name Tzield, as a treatment to delay the onset of type 1 diabetes. Conclusion: The reviewed research papers present strong evidence that teplizumab halts the severe decline in beta cells and possibly improves their function after treatment in a high-risk population. In addition, the effect persists

    SIBO - the present knowledge within the contekst of clinical dependencies and therapy

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    Introduction: The gut microbiome is an integral part of the body, and the eubiosis conditio significantly  influences homeostasis. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is connected with an increased numer of bacteria, it causes gastrointestinal symptoms. The main symptoms are abdominal pain, bloating and diarrhea. SIBO correlates with the occurrence of other chronic diseases. The basis of treatment are antibiotics. There are also scientific reports on supplementing pharmacological therapy with dietary management. Objective: The purpose of this paper is to review the current knowledge on the bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine. Particular attention took notice of to the relationship  between SIBO and other chronic diseases as well as potential and applied treatments. Material and methods: The review includes publications published in 2020-2023 and certain works published earlier, in the years 2008-2017. Data were collected using PubMed, ScienceDirect i Google Scholar. Results: Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth is heterogeneous disorder. Its symptoms are nonspecific. SIBO is related to several different diseases and corresponds with them. Empirical treatment consists in administration of antibiotics. Supplementing therapy with alternative methods for example probiotic and diet therapy  promotes success in treating. Conclusions: The lack of standarized therapeutic menagment and focused on bacterial eradication only approach makes, SIBO is recurrent ailment. More research is needed. The important thing is holistic approach on etiology, pathogenesis and therapy

    Safety and feasibility of minimally invasive coronary artery bypass surgery early after drug eluting stent implantation due to acute coronary syndrome

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    Background: The evidence of performing minimally invasive coronary artery surgery early after drug eluting stent (DES) implantation due to acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is limited. Aim: The aim of the study is to determine the safety and feasibility of this approach. Methods: This registry includes 115  (78% male) patients from 2013‒2018, who underwent non-LAD percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) due to ACS with contemporary DES implantation (39% diagnosed with myocardial infarction at baseline), followed by endoscopic atraumatic coronary artery bypass (EACAB) surgery within 180 days, after temporary P2Y12 inhibitor discontinuation. Primary composite endpoint of MACCE (Major Adverse Cardiac and Cerebrovascular Events), defined as death, myocardial infarction (MI), cerebrovascular incident and repeat revascularization was evaluated in long- term follow-up. The follow-up was collected via telephone survey and with National Registry for Cardiac Surgery Procedures. Results: Median (interquartile range [IQR]) time interval separating both procedures was 100.0 (62.0‒136.0) days. Median (IQR) follow-up duration was 1338.5 (753.0‒2093.0) days and was completed from all patients with regard to mortality. Eight patients (7%) died; 2 (1.7%) had a stroke; 6 (5.2%) suffered from MI and 12 (10.4%) required repeat revascularization. Overall, the incidence of MACCE was 20 (17.4%). Conclusions: EACAB is a safe and feasible method of LAD revascularization in patients who received DES for ACS within 180 days prior to surgery, despite early dual antiplatelet therapy discontinuation. The adverse event rate is low and acceptable