6,193 research outputs found

    Radiative-Recoil Corrections of Order α(Zα)5(m/M)m\alpha(Z\alpha)^5(m/M)m to Lamb Shift Revisited

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    The results and main steps of an analytic calculation of radiative-recoil corrections of order α(Zα)5(m/M)m\alpha(Z\alpha)^5(m/M)m to the Lamb shift in hydrogen are presented. The calculations are performed in the infrared safe Yennie gauge. The discrepancy between two previous numerical calculations of these corrections existing in the literature is resolved. Our new result eliminates the largest source of the theoretical uncertainty in the magnitude of the deuterium-hydrogen isotope shift.Comment: 14 pages, REVTE

    A Study of starless dark cloud LDN 1570: Distance, Dust properties and Magnetic field geometry

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    We wish to map the magnetic field geometry and to study the dust properties of the starless cloud, L1570, using multi-wavelength optical polarimetry and photometry of the stars projected on the cloud. We made R-band imaging polarimetry of the stars projected on a cloud, L1570, to trace the magnetic field orientation. We also made multi-wavelength polarimetric and photometric observations to constrain the properties of dust in L1570. We estimated a distance of 394 +/- 70 pc to the cloud using 2MASS JHKs colours. Using the values of the Serkowski parameters namely σ1\sigma_{1}, ϵˉ\bar \epsilon, {\lambda}max and the position of the stars on near infrared color-color diagram, we identified 13 stars that could possibly have intrinsic polarization and/or rotation in their polarization angles. One star, 2MASS J06075075+1934177, which is a B4Ve spectral type, show the presence of diffuse interstellar bands in the spectrum apart from showing H{\alpha} line in emission. There is an indication for the presence of slightly bigger dust grains towards L1570 on the basis of the dust grain size-indicators such as {\lambda}max and Rv values. The magnetic field lines are found to be parallel to the cloud structures seen in the 250{\mu}m images (also in 8{\mu}m and 12{\mu}m shadow images) of L1570. Based on the magnetic field geometry, the cloud structure and the complex velocity structure, we believe that L1570 is in the process of formation due to the converging flow material mediated by the magnetic field lines. Structure function analysis showed that in the L1570 cloud region the large scale magnetic fields are stronger when compared with the turbulent component of magnetic fields. The estimated magnetic field strengths suggest that the L1570 cloud region is sub-critical and hence could be strongly supported by the magnetic field lines.Comment: 26 pages, 22 figures, and 7 tables; Accepted for its publication in A&

    Expansion of bound state energies in powers of m/M and (1-m/M)

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    Elaborating on a previous letter, we use a new approach to compute energy levels of a non-relativistic bound-state of two constituents, with masses m and M, by systematic expansions - one in powers of m/M and another in powers of (1-m/M). Technical aspects of the calculations are described in detail. Theoretical predictions are given for O(alpha(Z*alpha)^5) radiative recoil and O((Z*alpha)^6) pure recoil corrections to the average energy shift and hyperfine splitting relevant for hydrogen, muonic hydrogen, and muonium.Comment: 9 pages, revte

    Star formation activity in the Galactic H II region Sh2-297

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    We present a multiwavelength study of the Galactic H II region Sh2-297, located in Canis Major OB1 complex. Optical spectroscopic observations are used to constrain the spectral type of ionizing star HD 53623 as B0V. The classical nature of this H II region is affirmed by the low values of electron density and emission measure, which are calculated to be 756 cm^-3 and 9.15 x 10^5 cm^-6 pc using the radio continuum observations at 610 and 1280 MHz, and VLA archival data at 1420 MHz. To understand local star formation, we identified the young stellar object (YSO) candidates in a region of area ~ 7.5' x 7.5' centered on Sh2-297 using grism slitless spectroscopy (to identify the Halpha emission line stars), and near infrared (NIR) observations. NIR YSO candidates are further classified into various evolutionary stages using color-color (CC) and color-magnitude (CM) diagrams, giving 50 red sources (H-K > 0.6) and 26 Class II-like sources. The mass and age range of the YSOs are estimated to be ~ 0.1 - 2 Msolar and 0.5 - 2 Myr using optical (V/V-I) and NIR (J/J-H) CM diagrams. The mean age of the YSOs is found to be ~ 1 Myr, which is of the order of dynamical age of 1.07 Myr of the H II region. Using the estimated range of visual extinction (1.1 - 25 mag) from literature and NIR data for the region, spectral energy distribution (SED) models have been implemented for selected YSOs which show masses and ages to be consistent with estimated values. The spatial distribution of YSOs shows an evolutionary sequence, suggesting triggered star formation in the region. The star formation seems to have propagated from the ionizing star towards the cold dark cloud LDN1657A located west of Sh2-297.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Young Stellar Population of the Bright-Rimmed Clouds BRC 5, BRC 7 and BRC 39

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    Bright-rimmed clouds (BRCs), illuminated and shaped by nearby OB stars, are potential sites of recent/ongoing star formation. Here we present an optical and infrared photometric study of three BRCs: BRC 5, BRC 7 and BRC 39 to obtain a census of the young stellar population, thereby inferring the star formation scenario, in these regions. In each BRC, the Class I sources are found to be located mostly near the bright rim or inside the cloud, whereas the Class II sources are preferentially outside, with younger sources closer to the rim. This provides strong support to sequential star formation triggered by radiation driven implosion due to the UV radiation. Moreover, each BRC contains a small group of young stars being revealed at its head, as the next-generation stars. In particular, the young stars at the heads of BRC 5 and BRC 7 are found to be intermediate/high mass stars, which, under proper conditions, may themselves trigger further star birth, thereby propagating star formation out to long distances.Comment: 30 pages, 7 Figures, 6 Tables, accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Composition of Jupiter irregular satellites sheds light on their origin

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    Irregular satellites of Jupiter with their highly eccentric, inclined and distant orbits suggest that their capture took place just before the giant planet migration. We aim to improve our understanding of the surface composition of irregular satellites of Jupiter to gain insight into a narrow time window when our Solar System was forming. We observed three Jovian irregular satellites, Himalia, Elara, and Carme, using a medium-resolution 0.8-5.5 micro m spectrograph on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF). Using a linear spectral unmixing model we have constrained the major mineral phases on the surface of these three bodies. Our results confirm that the surface of Himalia, Elara, and Carme are dominated by opaque materials such as those seen in carbonaceous chondrite meteorites. Our spectral modeling of NIR spectra of Himalia and Elara confirm that their surface composition is the same and magnetite is the dominant mineral. A comparison of the spectral shape of Himalia with the two large main C-type asteroids, Themis (D 176 km) and Europa (D 352 km), suggests surface composition similar to Europa. The NIR spectrum of Carme exhibits blue slope up to 1.5 microm and is spectrally distinct from those of Himalia and Elara. Our model suggests that it is compositionally similar to amorphous carbon. Himalia and Elara are compositionally similar but differ significantly from Carme. These results support the hypotheses that the Jupiter irregular satellites are captured bodies that were subject to further breakup events and clustered as families based on their similar physical and surface compositions

    Phase Transition in the Three-Dimensional ±J\pm J Ising Spin Glass

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    We have studied the three-dimensional Ising spin glass with a ±J\pm J distribution by Monte Carlo simulations. Using larger sizes and much better statistics than in earlier work, a finite size scaling analysis shows quite strong evidence for a finite transition temperature, TcT_c, with ordering below TcT_c. Our estimate of the transition temperature is rather lower than in earlier work, and the value of the correlation length exponent, ν\nu, is somewhat higher. Because there may be (unknown) corrections to finite size scaling, we do not completely rule out the possibility that Tc=0T_c = 0 or that TcT_c is finite but with no order below TcT_c. However, from our data, these possibilities seem less likely.Comment: Postscript file compressed using uufiles. The postscript file is also available by anonymous ftp at ftp://chopin.ucsc.edu/pub/sg3d.p