3,879 research outputs found

    Radiative transitions involving the (2p2)(3 Pe) metastable autodetaching of H(-)

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    The absorption coefficient for the free-bound transition H (ls) + e(-)+ h omega yields H(-)(2 sq p,(3)P(e)) is calculated (together with the differential emission rate for the inverse process) using ls - 2s - 2p close coupling continuum wave functions and a Hylleraas bound state wave function. A maximum in the absorption and emission spectra is found to occur at a photon wavelength of 1219.5 A, which is 2 A closer to the Lyman alpha line than predicted by the calculations of Drake, and is in closer agreement with the stellar absorption feature identified by Heap and Stecher. The free-bound absorption process appears to be a significant source of continuous ultraviolet opacity

    Tobacco and health: What can the medical profession do?

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    Tobacco consumption, that leads to three million deaths every year of which about one million occur in developing countries is a social evil(1). Tobacco smoke is a complex mixture of as many as 4700 individual constituents including carcinogens, irritants, ciliotoxic substances and poisonous gases. There is no dearth of information about the health hazards to smokers. it has been implicated as a major risk factor in a variety of chronic diseases including cardiac, cerebrovascular, malignant, respiratory and other diseases (2), Most of the smoking related lung diseases (e.g. chronic obstructive lung disease and lung carcinoma) are dose dependent. it is often the cumulative dose of smoking which determines the risk. Parameters like pack-year (PY) have been used to express exposure to tobacco smoke. One PY implies one packet of cigarettes (or 20 gms. tobacco) smoked each day over a course of one year (3). In India the number of cigarettes and bidis per packet is quite variable. A standard packet of cigarette and bidis per packet is quite variable

    Self-Gravitational Instability of a Rotating Hall Plasma

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    Effect of irrigation on reproductive efficiency of bunch and spreading types of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)

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    Groundnuts are mostly grown during the rainy season (kharif) in India. Most of the cultivation is without irrigation. Consequently the crop experiences water deficits of different intensities and durations, depending upon the rainfall distribution. Yields are poor under such conditions. In other leguminous species irrigation at flowering usually improves yield, if the pod development period coincides with a break in rainfall or water deficit (Khanna-Chopra, Koundal & Sinha, 1980). Thus, an understanding of reproductive behaviour and reproductive efficiency could be helpful in adjusting planting to coincide with favourable agroclimatic conditions. Alternatively, this understanding could help in scheduling irrigation

    Strange Quarks Nuggets in Space: Charges in Seven Settings

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    We have computed the charge that develops on an SQN in space as a result of balance between the rates of ionization by ambient gammas and capture of ambient electrons. We have also computed the times for achieving that equilibrium and binding energy of the least bound SQN electrons. We have done this for seven different settings. We sketch the calculations here and give their results in the Figure and Table II; details are in the Physical Review D.79.023513 (2009).Comment: Six pages, one figure. To appear in proceedings of the 2008 UCLA coference on dark matter and dark energ

    Optimal discrimination of quantum operations

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    We address the problem of discriminating with minimal error probability two given quantum operations. We show that the use of entangled input states generally improves the discrimination. For Pauli channels we provide a complete comparison of the optimal strategies where either entangled or unentangled input states are used.Comment: 4 pages, no figure

    CHIANTI - an Atomic Database for Emission Lines. Paper VI: Proton Rates and Other Improvements

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    The CHIANTI atomic database contains atomic energy levels, wavelengths, radiative transition probabilities and electron excitation data for a large number of ions of astrophysical interest. Version 4 has been released, and proton excitation data is now included, principally for ground configuration levels that are close in energy. The fitting procedure for excitation data, both electrons and protons, has been extended to allow 9 point spline fits in addition to the previous 5 point spline fits. This allows higher quality fits to data from close-coupling calculations where resonances can lead to significant structure in the Maxwellian-averaged collision strengths. The effects of photoexcitation and stimulated emission by a blackbody radiation field in a spherical geometry on the level balance equations of the CHIANTI ions can now be studied following modifications to the CHIANTI software. With the addition of H I, He I and N I, the first neutral species have been added to CHIANTI. Many updates to existing ion data-sets are described, while several new ions have been added to the database, including Ar IV, Fe VI and Ni XXI. The two-photon continuum is now included in the spectral synthesis routines, and a new code for calculating the relativistic free-free continuum has been added. The treatment of the free-bound continuum has also been updated.Comment: CHIANTI is available at http://wwwsolar.nrl.navy.mil/chianti.htm