785 research outputs found

    Dispersion measure variations and their effect on precision pulsar timing

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    We present an analysis of the variations seen in the dispersion measures (DMs) of 20-ms pulsars observed as part of the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array project. We carry out a statistically rigorous structure function analysis for each pulsar and show that the variations seen for most pulsars are consistent with those expected for an interstellar medium characterized by a Kolmogorov turbulence spectrum. The structure functions for PSRs J1045-4509 and J1909-3744 provide the first clear evidence for a large inner scale, possibly due to ion-neutral damping. We also show the effect of the solar wind on the DMs and show that the simple models presently implemented into pulsar timing packages cannot reliably correct for this effect. For the first time we clearly show how DM variations affect pulsar timing residuals and how they can be corrected in order to obtain the highest possible timing precision. Even with our presently limited data span, the residuals (and all parameters derived from the timing) for six of our pulsars have been significantly improved by correcting for the DM variations. © 2007 RAS

    Timing stability of millisecond pulsars and prospects for gravitational-wave detection

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    The analysis of high-precision timing observations of an array of ∼20 millisecond pulsars (a so-called \u27timing array\u27) may ultimately result in the detection of a stochastic gravitational-wave background. The feasibility of such a detection and the required duration of this type of experiment are determined by the achievable rms of the timing residuals and the timing stability of the pulsars involved. We present results of the first long-term, high-precision timing campaign on a large sample of millisecond pulsars used in gravitational-wave detection projects. We show that the timing residuals of most pulsars in our sample do not contain significant low-frequency noise that could limit the use of these pulsars for decade-long gravitational-wave detection efforts. For our most precisely timed pulsars, intrinsic instabilities of the pulsars or the observing system are shown to contribute to timing irregularities on a 5-year time-scale below the 100 ns level. Based on those results, realistic sensitivity curves for planned and ongoing timing array efforts are determined. We conclude that prospects for detection of a gravitational-wave background through pulsar timing array efforts within 5 years to a decade are good. © 2009 RAS

    The sensitivity of the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array to individual sources of gravitational waves

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    We present the sensitivity of the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array to gravitational waves (GWs) emitted by individual supermassive black hole binary systems in the early phases of coalescing at the cores of merged galaxies. Our analysis includes a detailed study of the effects of fitting a pulsar timing model to non-white timing residuals. Pulsar timing is sensitive at nanoHertz frequencies and hence complementary to Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory and Laser Interferometer Space Antenna. We place a sky-averaged constraint on the merger rate of nearby (z \u3c 0.6) black hole binaries in the early phases of coalescence with a chirp mass of 1010 M⊙ of less than one merger every 7 yr. The prospects for future GW astronomy of this type with the proposed Square Kilometre Array telescope are discussed. © 2010 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2010 RAS

    PSR J1856+0245: Arecibo discovery of a young energetic pulsar coincident with the TeV g-RAY source HESS J1857+026

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    We present the discovery of the Vela-like radio pulsar J1856+0245 in the Arecibo PALFA survey. PSR J1856+0245 has a spin period of 81 ms, a characteristic age of 21 kyr, and a spin-down luminosity Ė p 4.6 x 10 36 ergs s-1. It is positionally coincident with the TeV γ-ray source HESS J1857+026, which has no other known counterparts. Young, energetic pulsars create wind nebulae, and more than a dozen pulsar wind nebulae have been associated with very high energy (100 GeV-100 TeV) γ-ray sources discovered with the HESS telescope. The γ-ray emission seen from HESS J1857+026 is potentially produced by a pulsar wind nebula powered by PSR J1856+0245; faint X-ray emission detected by ASCA at the pulsar\u27s position supports this hypothesis. The inferred γ-ray efficiency is εγ p Lγ/Ė p 3.1 % (1-10 TeV, for a distance of 9 kpc), comparable to that observed in similar associations. © 2008. The American Astronomical Society

    Searching for pulsars using image pattern recognition

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    In the modern era of big data, many fields of astronomy are generating huge volumes of data, the analysis of which can sometimes be the limiting factor in research. Fortunately, computer scientists have developed powerful data-mining techniques that can be applied to various fields. In this paper, we present a novel artificial intelligence (AI) program that identifies pulsars from recent surveys by using image pattern recognition with deep neural nets - the PICS (Pulsar Image-based Classification System) AI. The AI mimics human experts and distinguishes pulsars from noise and interference by looking for patterns from candidate plots. Different from other pulsar selection programs that search for expected patterns, the PICS AI is taught the salient features of different pulsars from a set of human-labeled candidates through machine learning. The training candidates are collected from the Pulsar Arecibo L-band Feed Array (PALFA) survey. The information from each pulsar candidate is synthesized in four diagnostic plots, which consist of image data with up to thousands of pixels. The AI takes these data from each candidate as its input and uses thousands of such candidates to train its ;9000 neurons. The deep neural networks in this AI system grant it superior ability to recognize various types of pulsars as well as their harmonic signals. The trained AI\u27s performance has been validated with a large set of candidates from a different pulsar survey, the Green Bank North Celestial Cap survey. In this completely independent test, the PICS ranked 264 out of 277 pulsar-related candidates, including all 56 previously known pulsars and 208 of their harmonics, in the top 961 (1%) of 90,008 test candidates, missing only 13 harmonics. The first non-pulsar candidate appears at rank 187, following 45 pulsars and 141 harmonics. In other words, 100% of the pulsars were ranked in the top 1% of all candidates, while 80% were ranked higher than any noise or interference. The performance of this system can be improved over time as more training data are accumulated. This AI system has been integrated into the PALFA survey pipeline and has discovered six new pulsars to date. © 2014. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved

    Arecibo pulsar survey using ALPHA: Probing radio pulsar intermittency and transients

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    We present radio transient search algorithms, results, and statistics from the ongoing Arecibo Pulsar ALFA (PALFA) survey of the Galactic plane. We have discovered seven objects through a search for isolated dispersed pulses. All of these objects are Galactic and have measured periods between 0.4 and 4.7 s. One of the new discoveries has a duty cycle of 0.01%, smaller than that of any other radio pulsar. We discuss the impact of selection effects on the detectability and classification of intermittent sources, and compare the efficiencies of periodicity and single-pulse (SP) searches for various pulsar classes. For some cases we find that the apparent intermittency is likely to be caused by off-axis detection or a short time window that selects only a few bright pulses and favors detection with our SP algorithm. In other cases, the intermittency appears to be intrinsic to the source. No transients were found with DMs large enough to require that they originate from sources outside our Galaxy. Accounting for the on-axis gain of the ALFA system, as well as the low gain but large solid-angle coverage of far-out sidelobes, we use the results of the survey so far to place limits on the amplitudes and event rates of transients of arbitrary origin. © 2009. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.

    PEACE: Pulsar evaluation algorithm for candidate extraction-a software package for post-analysis processing of pulsar survey candidates

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    Modern radio pulsar surveys produce a large volume of prospective candidates, the majorityof which are polluted by human-created radio frequency interference or other forms of noise. Typically, large numbers of candidates need to be visually inspected in order to determineif they are real pulsars. This process can be labour intensive. In this paper, we introducean algorithm called Pulsar Evaluation Algorithm for Candidate Extraction (PEACE) whichimproves the efficiency of identifying pulsar signals. The algorithm ranks the candidates basedon a score function. Unlike popular machine-learning-based algorithms, no prior training datasets are required. This algorithm has been applied to data from several large-scale radiopulsar surveys. Using the human-based ranking results generated by students in the AreciboRemote Command Center programme, the statistical performance of PEACE was evaluated. It was found that PEACE ranked 68 per cent of the student-identified pulsars within the top0.17 per cent of sorted candidates, 95 per cent within the top 0.34 per cent and 100 per centwithin the top 3.7 per cent. This clearly demonstrates that PEACE significantly increases thepulsar identification rate by a factor of about 50 to 1000. To date, PEACE has been directlyresponsible for the discovery of 47 new pulsars, 5 of which are millisecond pulsars that maybe useful for pulsar timing based gravitational-wave detection projects. © 2013 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

    Arecibo PALFA survey and Einstein@Home: Binary pulsar discovery by volunteer computing

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    We report the discovery of the 20.7ms binary pulsar J1952+2630, made using the distributed computing project Einstein@Home in Pulsar ALFA survey observations with the Arecibo telescope. Follow-up observations with the Arecibo telescope confirm the binary nature of the system. We obtain a circular orbital solution with an orbital period of 9.4hr, a projected orbital radius of 2.8lt-s, and a mass function of f = 0.15 M ⊙ by analysis of spin period measurements. No evidence of orbital eccentricity is apparent; we set a 2σ upper limit e ≲ 1.7 × 10 -3 . The orbital parameters suggest a massive white dwarf companion with a minimum mass of 0.95 M ⊙ , assuming a pulsar mass of 1.4 M ⊙ . Most likely, this pulsar belongs to the rare class of intermediate-mass binary pulsars. Future timing observations will aim to determine the parameters of this system further, measure relativistic effects, and elucidate the nature of the companion star. © 2011. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved

    The Einstein@Home search for radio pulsars and PSR J2007+2722 discovery

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    Einstein@Home aggregates the computer power of hundreds of thousands of volunteers from 193 countries, to search for new neutron stars using data from electromagnetic and gravitational-wave detectors. This paper presents a detailed description of the search for new radio pulsars using Pulsar ALFA survey data from the Arecibo Observatory. The enormous computing power allows this search to cover a new region of parameter space; it can detect pulsars in binary systems with orbital periods as short as 11 minutes. We also describe the first Einstein@Home discovery, the 40.8 Hz isolated pulsar PSR J2007+2722, and provide a full timing model. PSR J2007+2722\u27s pulse profile is remarkably wide with emission over almost the entire spin period. This neutron star is most likely a disrupted recycled pulsar, about as old as its characteristic spin-down age of 404 Myr. However, there is a small chance that it was born recently, with a low magnetic field. If so, upper limits on the X-ray flux suggest but cannot prove that PSR J2007+2722 is at least ∼100 kyr old. In the future, we expect that the massive computing power provided by volunteers should enable many additional radio pulsar discoveries. © 2013. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved