22,944 research outputs found

    On the Solar EUV Deposition in the Inner Comae of Comets with Large Gas Production Rates

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    In this letter we have made a comparative study of degradation of solar EUV radiation and EUV-generated photoelectrons in the inner comae of comets having different gas production rates, Q, with values 1x10^28, 7x10^29, 1x10^31, and 1x10^32 s^-1. We found that in higher-Q comets the radial profile of H2O+ photo-production rate depicts a double-peak structure and that the differences in sunward and anti-sunward photoionization rates are pronounced. We show that photoelectron impact ionization is an order of magnitude larger than photoionization rate near the lower photoionization peak in comets with Q >~ 1x10^31 s^-1. The present study reveals the importance of photoelectrons relative to solar EUV as the ionization source in the inner coma of high-Q comets

    Model for Cameron band emission in comets: A case for EPOXI mission target comet 103P/Hartley 2

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    The CO2 production rate has been derived in comets using the Cameron band (a3Pi - X1Sigma) emission of CO molecule assuming that photodissociative excitation of CO2 is the main production mechanism of CO in a3Pi metastable state. We have devoloped a model for the production and loss of CO(a3Pi) which has been applied to comet 103P/Hartley 2: the target of EPOXI mission. Our model calculations show that photoelectron impact excitation of CO and dissociative excitation of CO2 can together contribute about 60-90% to the Cameron band emission. The modeled brightness of (0-0) Cameron band emission on comet Hartley 2 is consistent with Hubble Space Telescope observations for 3-5% CO2 (depending on model input solar flux) and 0.5% CO relative to water, where photoelectron impact contribution is about 50-75%. We suggest that estimation of CO2 abundances on comets using Cameron band emission may be reconsidered. We predict the height integrated column brightness of Cameron band of ~1300 R during EPOXI mission encounter period.Comment: 3 figure

    X-Ray Emission from Jupiter, Saturn, and Earth: A Short Review

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    Jupiter, Saturn, and Earth - the three planets having dense atmosphere and a well developed magnetosphere - are known to emit X-rays. Recently, Chandra X-ray Observatory has observed X-rays from these planets, and XMM-Newton has observed them from Jupiter and Saturn. These observations have provided improved morphological, temporal, and spectral characteristics of X-rays from these planets. Both auroral and non-auroral (low-latitude) 'disk' X-ray emissions have been observed on Earth and Jupiter. X-rays have been detected from Saturn's disk, but no convincing evidence for X-ray aurora on Saturn has been observed. The non-auroral disk X-ray emissions from Jupiter, Saturn, and Earth, are mostly produced due to scattering of solar X-rays. X-ray aurora on Earth is mainly generated via bremsstrahlung from precipitating electrons and on Jupiter via charge exchange of highlyionized energetic heavy ions precipitating into the polar atmosphere. Recent unpublished work suggests that at higher (>2 keV) energies electron bremsstrahlung also plays a role in Jupiter's X-ray aurora. This paper summarizes the recent results of X-ray observations on Jupiter, Saturn, and Earth mainly in the soft energy (~0.1-2.0 keV) band and provides a comparative overview.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figure

    Unoriented 3d TFTs

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    This paper generalizes two facts about oriented 3d TFTs to the unoriented case. On one hand, it is known that oriented 3d TFTs having a topological boundary condition admit a state-sum construction known as the Turaev-Viro construction. This is related to the string-net construction of fermionic phases of matter. We show how Turaev-Viro construction can be generalized to unoriented 3d TFTs. On the other hand, it is known that the "fermionic" versions of oriented TFTs, known as Spin-TFTs, can be constructed in terms of "shadow" TFTs which are ordinary oriented TFTs with an anomalous Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 1-form symmetry. We generalize this correspondence to Pin+^+-TFTs by showing that they can be constructed in terms of ordinary unoriented TFTs with anomalous Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 1-form symmetry having a mixed anomaly with time-reversal symmetry. The corresponding Pin+^+-TFT does not have any anomaly for time-reversal symmetry however and hence it can be unambiguously defined on a non-orientable manifold. In case a Pin+^+-TFT admits a topological boundary condition, one can combine the above two statements to obtain a Turaev-Viro-like construction of Pin+^+-TFTs. As an application of these ideas, we construct a large class of Pin+^+-SPT phases.Comment: 41 pages, 31 figures, v2: additional references, v3: minor revisio
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