27 research outputs found

    Moving from ‘Giving Back’ to Engagement

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    This research note is part of the thematic section, Giving Back in Solidarity, in the special issue titled “Giving Back in Field Research,” published as Volume 10, Issue 2 in the Journal of Research Practice

    Putting the Law in its Place: Analyses of recent developments in law relating to same-sex desire in India and Uganda

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    This collection of essays has been jointly produced by Sexuality Policy Watch and the IDS Sexuality and Development Programme. The collection of analyses presented here juxtaposes the Indian and the Ugandan contexts with the intention of opening up new questions for struggles in both these places, but also with the objective of generating a deeper conversation amongst activists and academics about the peculiarities of Law and Politics as distinct (if connected) realms of action. One feature of these various essays is to bring about the circulation of more nuanced analyses of the particular political-economic and cultural conditions for these dramatic developments in law , which take place at the intricate intersections between global economics, national politics and the so called ‘return of the religious’ (Derrida, 1998) in dogmatic manifestations. Another aspect examined by some of the authors regards the limitations and caveats of dominant juridical, economic and scientific rationales that currently pervade political struggles and advocacy in relation to human rights

    The effect of maternal education on gender bias in care-seeking for common childhood illnesses

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    This paper assessed gender bias within hospitalisation rates to ascertain whether differential care-seeking practices significantly contribute to excess female mortality. It then examined the impact of socio-economic factors, particularly maternal education and economic status, on gender bias. The results find both the clear and significant impact of gender on hospitalisation rates, as well as the simultaneous inability of rising education and economic status to alleviate this bias. A secondary analysis was conducted within a uniquely large and ongoing randomised control trial that sought to measure the impact of Zinc supplementation on hospitalisations and deaths in low-income communities in New Delhi, India. During the course of the study, 85,633 children were enrolled and monitored over one year of follow-up. Of the 430 deaths that occurred, 230 were female (0.57% of total females), while 200 were male (0.43% of all males). Despite this higher mortality amongst females (pGender Care-seeking Excess female mortality Maternal education Socio-economic development India

    The effect of maternal education on gender bias in care-seeking for common childhood illnesses

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    This paper assessed gender bias within hospitalisation rates to ascertain whether differential care-seeking practices significantly contribute to excess female mortality. It then examined the impact of socio-economic factors, particularly maternal education and economic status, on gender bias. The results find both the clear and significant impact of gender on hospitalisation rates, as well as the simultaneous inability of rising education and economic status to alleviate this bias. A secondary analysis was conducted within a uniquely large and ongoing randomised control trial that sought to measure the impact of Zinc supplementation on hospitalisations and deaths in low-income communities in New Delhi, India. During the course of the study, 85,633 children were enrolled and monitored over one year of follow-up. Of the 430 deaths that occurred, 230 were female (0.57% of total females), while 200 were male (0.43% of all males). Despite this higher mortality amongst females (p<0.02), girls were hospitalised far less frequently than boys. Of the 4418 children who were hospitalised at least once, 2854 (64.6%) were males and only 1564 (35.4%) were females, indicating a significantly lower rate of care-seeking for females (p<0.00). Curiously, our results show that gender bias is highest amongst highly educated mothers, and decreases steadily for children of mothers with a middle school education, a primary school education, and is lowest amongst mothers with no formal education. Put differently, female children of mothers with no formal education were significantly more likely to be hospitalised than children of mothers with several years of formal education, even after adjusting for all other factors. Economic status was not found to affect the association of gender and hospitalisation, though overall odds of hospitalisation rose with increasing economic status. Paternal education was found not to be significantly related to hospitalisation

    Social Land Justice: Cases from Congo, Brazil, Indonesia and South Africa

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    The 7th Annual Irene Grootboom Memorial Dialogues consisted of four public lectures that brought community leaders, civil society and academics in conversation around the issue of urban land justice. The discussions explored the history of urban land dispossession, access to urban land in Cape Town in light of the impact of spatial apartheid on the majority of city residents, and the extent to which all people living in the city can have equal right to urban land. The evening, held at the City Hall, brought in five international urban scholars from different cities in the ‘global south’ to tell about stories and experiences of cities and land politics from Brazil, India, Democratic Republic of Congo and Indonesia. First to take the stage after an introduction by Edgar Pieterse, director of the ACC, was Filip De Boeck, from the Institute for Anthropological Research in Africa, The Netherlands. Well known for his book “Kinshasa: Tales of the Invisible City,” De Boeck told the story of a peri-urban community coming into contact with ‘experts,’ in this case an academic researcher from the United States and a private company with mining interests in the area, and how the devastation left by their visit often remains long after they have come and gone. The account resonated with the ways in which the rights of local communities in big cities too often get compromised by the impunity enjoyed by private/state interests, especially in the case of land occupation. Teresa Caldeira, professor of City and Regional Planning at UC Berkeley, gave a visually inspiring presentation of various informal settlements in São Paulo that have been designed and constructed through occupation by the residents of these neighbourhoods themselves. She referred to this process of city-making as “auto-construction,” that has led to the formation of peripheries that come to exist before intervention by the state. “The state comes after the fact,” and urbanises illegally occupied spaces with basic infrastructure. This process of making the city has, according to Caldeira, empowered citizens as they become political agents, shaping city space and enabling themselves to inhabit the city. By occupying land and organising politically, these residents prove that their actions can even change the constitution. Land occupations, or “overnight informal settlements,” as Ash Amin, professor of Geography at the University of Cambridge, refers to the phenomenon, have instigated much academic debate precisely due to the often impeccable organisation that takes place before they take place. Occupations are often as a result of collaborations between social movements, people who want housing, and university researchers who, together, design ‘models’ for how a neighbourhood should be constructed. Amin enlightened the audience at the City Hall lecture on two land occupations in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, and compared the success of each in creating community. Amin dispelled the notion of ‘infrastructure’ as being boring, suggesting through his observations that it is in fact the extent of community infrastructure present in a particular settlement that determines the extent to which the sustainability of a place can be secured. When communal infrastructure is built, “people feel that their futures are just as much about the future of the neighbourhood.” With a presentation entitled, “What is a house?” AbdouMaliq Simone, a visiting professor at the ACC, offered a series of photographs of houses in his “weird” neighbourhood, Tebet, Jakarta. Highlighting the diversity of houses, Simone explained how this reflected the diversity of residents that live there. Comparing his neighbourhood to another comprising square, uniform apartment blocks, Simone expressed concern for how this type of inner city planning does not engender a sense of community. For Simone, an availability of a range of everyday resources comes with a diversity of people within a particular neighbourhood. “Most of what I need I can find in my own neighbourhood,” Simone explained, and this is expressed through the material construction of people’s houses. Last to draw the audience’s attention was Gautam Bhan, senior consultant at the Indian Institute for Human Settlements. Bhan told a story of land occupation in the city of Delhi, India that, unlike most of his colleagues at the presenters’ table, did not suggest a happy ending. The evictions and demolitions of informal settlements that have taken place in prime land in the city of Delhi over the past decade have affected the lives of thousands and caused mass devastation for the city’s residents. Bhan described a community of people living in constant states of precariousness that “don’t know which way to turn, that don’t know what to sing in their songs” or what slogans to write on their banners. The sheer loss of hope Bhan expressed brought the conversation beyond occupation to a question of survival. What would it take for urban citizens to receive services “that take two years and not twenty? ” How can planning practice be used that help people buy time? The Delhi case was a reminder that, as much as these occupations inspire political participation, these neighbourhoods are not going to be left alone by the state. To conclude, Pieterse raised the point that unequal access to urban land is not an accident, but a direct result of unequal power relations within our societies. ‘The planned city,’ if it exists, is exclusive, and it is clear that occupation of land is a necessary initiative on behalf of city citizens as a means of engaging the state. Though the question still remains as to whether formal planning should be something we aspire towards, the risks we take along the way in building the city for ourselves is something we need to address seriously.status: publishe