3,859 research outputs found

    13CO 1-0 imaging of the Medusa merger, NGC4194

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    Studying molecular gas properties in merging galaxies gives important clues to the onset and evolution of interaction-triggered starbursts. The CO/13CO 1-0 line intensity ratio can be used as a tracer of how dynamics and star formation processes impact the gas properties. The Medusa (NGC~4194) merger is particularly interesting to study since its LFIR/LCO ratio rivals that of ultraluminous galaxies (ULIRGs), despite the comparatively modest luminosity, indicating an exceptionally high star formation efficiency (SFE) in the Medusa merger. Interferometric OVRO observations of CO and 13CO 1-0 in the Medusa show the CO/13CO intensity ratio increases from normal, quiescent values (7-10) in the outer parts (r>2 kpc) of the galaxy to high (16 to >40) values in the central (r<1 kpc) starburst region. In the centre there is an east-west gradient where the line ratio changes by more than a factor of three over 5" (945 pc). The integrated 13CO emission peaks in the north-western starburst region while the central CO emission is strongly associated with the prominent crossing dust-lane. We discuss the central east-west gradient in the context of gas properties in the starburst and the central dust lane. We suggest that the central gradient is mainly caused by diffuse gas in the dust lane. In this scenario, the actual molecular mass distribution is better traced by the 13CO 1-0 emission than the CO. The possibilities of temperature and abundance gradients are also discussed. We compare the central gas properties of the Medusa to those of other minor mergers and suggest that the extreme and transient phase of the Medusa star formation activity has similar traits to those of high-redshift galaxies.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Sub-arcsecond imaging of the radio continuum and neutral hydrogen in the Medusa merger

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    We present sub-arcsecond, Multi-Element Radio Linked Interferometer (MERLIN) observations of the decimetre radio continuum structure and neutral hydrogen (HI) absorption from the nuclear region of the starburst galaxy NGC 4194 (the Medusa Merger). The continuum structure of the central kiloparsec of the Medusa has been imaged, revealing a pair of compact radio components surrounded by more diffuse, weak radio emission. Using the constraints provided by these observations and those within the literature we conclude that the majority of this radio emission is related to the ongoing star-formation in this merger system. With these observations we also trace deep HI absorption across the detected radio continuum structure. The absorbing HI gas structure exhibits large variations in column densities. The largest column densities are found toward the south of the nuclear radio continuum, co-spatial with both a nuclear dust lane and peaks in 12^{12}CO (1->0) emission. The dynamics of the HI absorption, which are consistent with lower resolution 12^{12}CO emission observations, trace a shallow north-south velocity gradient of ~320km/s/kpc. This gradient is interpreted as part of a rotating gas structure within the nuclear region. The HI and CO velocity structure, in conjunction with the observed gas column densities and distribution, is further discussed in the context of the fuelling and gas physics of the ongoing starburst within the centre of this merger.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, to appear in A&

    Star-formation in the central kpc of the starburst/LINER galaxy NGC1614

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    A high angular resolution, multi-wavelength study of the LINER galaxy NGC1614 has been carried out. OVRO CO 1-0 observations are presented together with extensive multi-frequency radio continuum and HI absorption observations with the VLA and MERLIN. Toward the center of NGC1614, we have detected a ring of radio continuum emission with a radius of 300 pc. This ring is coincident with previous radio and Paschen-alpha observations. The dynamical mass of the ring based on HI absorption is 3.1 x 10E9 Msun. The peak of the integrated CO 1-0 emission is shifted by 1" to the north-west of the ring center and a significant fraction of the CO emission is associated with a crossing dust lane. An upper limit to the molecular gas mass in the ring region is 1.7 x 10E9 Msun. Inside the ring, there is a north to south elongated 1.4GHz radio continuum feature with a nuclear peak. This peak is also seen in the 5GHz radio continuum and in the CO. We suggest that the R=300 pc star forming ring represents the radius of a dynamical resonance - as an alternative to the scenario that the starburst is propagating outwards from the center into a molecular ring. The ring-like appearance probably part of a spiral structure. Substantial amounts of molecular gas have passed the radius of the ring and reached the nuclear region. The nuclear peak seen in 5GHz radio continuum and CO is likely related to previous star formation, where all molecular gas was not consumed. The LINER-like optical spectrum observed in NGC1614 may be due to nuclear starburst activity, and not to an Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN). Although the presence of an AGN cannot be excluded.Comment: Accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysics, 12 pages, 10 figure

    Lunar penetrometer Patent

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    Development and characteristics of pentrometer for measuring physical properties of lunar surfac


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    This case commentary discusses a recent case concerning the determination of acceptable clinical practice. It critically examines two particular elements of the judgment—the method for the determination of acceptable clinical practice including the impact (if any)of the Bolitho exception. It then moves on to considering the importance of consent as a 1pre-requisite for medical treatment and the interplay of negligence and battery in this area. It concludes by examining the possibility that the courts in England and Walesmight be entering an era of judicial assertiveness in the regulation of clinical practice. KEYWORDS: Battery, Bolam test, consent to treatment, clinical negligence, standard of car

    What teachers’ want: Identifying mathematics teachers’ professional learning needs

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    This paper reports on three differing approaches to ascertaining the professional learning (PL) needs of teachers of mathematics that were used in three PL projects. In each case the approach used was constrained to some extent by the project brief, practical considerations, and stakeholders’ preferences and abilities to contribute to determining the most useful focus of the PL. Nevertheless, there were consistent efforts to heed the advice in the literature about effective PL focusing on teachers’ needs in their particular contexts. The results of each approach are described and lessons about effective ways to identify mathematics teachers’ PL needs, and reasons for which teachers might be unwilling or unable to articulate their needs, are drawn from an overall analysis of the findings in relation to relevant literature on effective PL and teacher belief change

    Prospective Overruling Unravelled

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    Judges have a dual role: they decide cases and they determine the law. These functions are conventionally understood to be intertwined: adjudication leads to case law, and disputes over judge-made laws lead to adjudication. Because judgments involve the resolution of past disputes, judge-made law is retrospective. The retrospective nature of judicial law-making can seem to work an injustice in hard cases. It appears unfair and inefficient for novel judicial decisions to apply to conduct occurring prior to the date judgment is handed down. A proposed solution is to separate the law-making and adjudicatory functions of courts. This is the technique of “prospective overruling”. Utilising this technique, courts seek to change the law prospectively for future cases, while continuing to decide past disputes under the “old” legal rule that was thought to apply at the time those disputes arose. This article challenges the claims that the exceptional juridical technique of prospective overruling is justified by values of stability, reliance, efficiency, dignity, and equality. These values, when properly understood, actually support rather than undermine the retrospectivity of judge-made law. Prospective overruling is an injudicious instrument

    The Role of RNAi in Downregulation of Physcomitrella Patens Defense Genes and the Preliminary Steps of PEG Mediated Transformation of Mosses

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    When attacked by a pathogen, the moss Physcomitrella patens will undergo both a hypersensitive response (HR) as well as a systematic acquired resistance (SAR) response. The SAR response turns on genes that ready the plant for future pathogen attacks. The hormone jasmonic acid (JA) is one of the products of SAR response in P. patens. In this study interference RNA (RNAi) was used to decrease gene expression of the allene oxide cyclase (ACe) gene, a key gene in the production pathway of JA. Using quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR), RNAi was found to significantly lower ACC gene levels in mosses, both before and after infection with the fungal pathogen Pythium irregulare. Furthermore RNAi was tested to see if it created a phenotypic difference when infecting P. patens. Lastly, the preliminary steps in a polyethylene glycol (PEG) mediated transformation were started by attempting to isolate single celled protoplasts in the mosses Mnium cuspidatum and Ceratadon purpureus. This transformation would cause a permanent knockout of a gene, as opposed to the short term decrease in expression achieved by RNAi

    The Decline of the Fish/Mammal Distinction?

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