2,624 research outputs found

    The Stellar Content and the Star Formation History of the Local Group Dwarf Galaxy LGS 3

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    The star formation history (SFH) and the properties of the dwarf galaxy LGS3 are analyzed using color-magnitude (CM) diagrams plotted from VRI photometry of 736 stars. The distance to the galaxy is estimated through the position of the tip or the red giant branch. Two acceptable results have been obtained: 0.77+/-0.07 Mpc and 0.96+/-0.07 Mpc, although the first value is favored by complementary considerations on the stellar content of the galaxy. Both values make LGS3 a possible satellite of M31 or of M33. The SFH is investigated for each of the two adopted distances comparing the observed CM diagrams with model CM diagrams computed for different star formation rates (psi(t)) and chemical enrichment laws (Z(t)). The results are compatible with LGS3 having been forming stars since an early epoch, 15-12 Gyr ago, at an almost constant rate if distance is 0.77 Mpc or at an exponentially decreasing rate if distance is 0.96 Mpc. According to our models, the current metallicity would range from Z~0.0007 to Z~0.002. Other results are the current psi(t): (0.55+/-0.04)x10^(-10) Mo yr^(-1) pc^(-2) or (0.47+/-0.07)x10^(-10) Mo yr^(-1) pc^(-2), depending of the distance, and its average for the entire life of the galaxy, =(1.4+/-0.1)x10^(-10) Mo yr^(-1) pc^(-2). At the present psi(t), the probability of LGS3 having an HII region is 0.2, which is compatible with the fact that no HII regions have been found in the galaxy. Its fraction of gas relative to the mass intervening in the chemical evolution is about 0.40 and its percentage of dark matter (that which cannot be explained as stellar remnants or by extrapolation of the used IMF to low masses) is 95%. The results for psi(t) and Z(t) for d=0.77 Mpc are compatible with a moderate outflow of well mixed material (lambda=3), but largeComment: 23 pages, 3 tables, 14 figures. AJ in pres

    Model color-magnitude diagrams for Hubble Space Telescope observations of Local Group dwarf galaxies

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    In this paper, we discuss a method to conduct a quantitative study of the star formation history (SFH) of Local Group (LG) galaxies using (HST) data. This method has proven to be successful in the analysis of the SFH of the same kind of galaxies using ground-based observations. It is based on the comparison of observed CMDs with a set of model CMDs. The latter are computed assuming different evolutionary scenarios, and include a detailed simulation of observational effects. HST CMDs are ~3 mags deeper than typical ground-based CMDs, allowing the observation, for all LG galaxies, of a part of the CMD that up till now had remained accessible only for the very nearest galaxies. A very important feature that will become accessible is the HB+red-clump. The distribution of stars along this structure is quite sensitive to age and metallicity and should provide a very important improvement in the time resolution of the SFH for stars older than ~2-3 Gyr. We show and discuss four model CMDs which would be comparable with CMDs from deep HST observations. These model CMDs represent the following evolutionary scenarios corresponding to a wide range of dwarf galaxy sub-types from dI to dE: A) a constant SFR from 15Gyr ago to the present time; B) as A), but with the SFR stopped 0.5 Gyr ago; C) a constant SFR in the age range 10-9Gyr and D) as C) but in the age range 15-12 Gyr. In all four cases a range of metallicity from Z=0.0001 to Z=0.004 has been assumed. The present analysis is just a first qualitative approach to what one may expect to find in the CMDs of LG galaxies. However a complete set of model CMDs must be computed to analize the data for each galaxy, using the crowding effects derived for that particular galaxy.Comment: 2 fi

    Probing the Galaxy I. The galactic structure towards the galactic pole

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    Observations of (B-V) colour distributions towards the galactic poles are compared with those obtained from synthetic colour-magnitude diagrams to determine the major constituents in the disc and spheroid. The disc is described with four stellar sub-populations: the young, intermediate, old, and thick disc populations, which have respectively scale heights of 100 pc, 250 pc, 0.5 kpc, and 1.0 kpc. The spheroid is described with stellar contributions from the bulge and halo. The bulge is not well constrained with the data analyzed in this study. A non-flattened power-law describes the observed distributions at fainter magnitudes better than a deprojected R^{1/4}-law. Details about the age, metallicity, and normalizations are listed in Table 1. The star counts and the colour distributions from the stars in the intermediate fields towards the galactic anti-centre are well described with the stellar populations mentioned above. Arguments are given that the actual solar offset is about 15 pc north from the galactic plane.Comment: 11 pages TeX, 4 separate pages with additional figures, accepted for publication in A&

    GAIA: AGB stars as tracers of star formation histories in the Galaxy and beyond

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    We discuss the tracing of star formation histories with ESA's space astrometry mission GAIA, emphasizing the advantages of AGB stars for this purpose. GAIA's microarcsecond-level astrometry, multi-band photometry and spectroscopy will provide individual distances, motions, effective temperatures, gravities and metallicities for vast numbers of AGB stars in the Galaxy and beyond. Reliable ages of AGB stars can be determined to distances of \~200 kpc in a wide range of ages and metallicities, allowing star formation histories to be studied in a diversity of astrophysical environments.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, to be appear in 'Mass-Losing Pulsating Stars and their Circumstellar Matter', eds. Y. Nakada, M. Honma & M. Seki, Kluwer ASSL series, vol. 28

    The Near-Infrared Photometric Properties of Bright Giants in the Central Regions of the Galactic Bulge

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    Images recorded through broad (J, H, K), and narrow (CO, and 2.2micron continuum) band filters are used to investigate the photometric properties of bright (K < 13.5) stars in a 6 x 6 arcmin field centered on the SgrA complex. The giant branch ridgelines in the (K, J-K) and (K, H-K) color-magnitude diagrams are well matched by the Baade's Window (BW) M giant sequence if the mean extinction is A_K ~ 2.8 mag. Extinction measurements for individual stars are estimated using the M_K versus infrared color relations defined by M giants in BW, and the majority of stars have A_K between 2.0 and 3.5 mag. The extinction is locally high in the SgrA complex, where A_K ~ 3.1 mag. Reddening-corrected CO indices, CO_o, are derived for over 1300 stars with J, H, and K brightnesses, and over 5300 stars with H and K brightnesses. The distribution of CO_o values for stars with K_o between 11.25 and 7.25 can be reproduced using the M_K versus CO_o relation defined by M giants in BW. The data thus suggest that the most metal-rich giants in the central regions of the bulge and in BW have similar photometric properties and 2.3micron CO strengths. Hence, it appears that the central region of the bulge does not contain a population of stars that are significantly more metal-rich than what is seen in BW.Comment: 29 pages, including 14 figure

    The Stellar Populations of NGC 3109: Another Dwarf Irregular Galaxy with a Population II Stellar Halo

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    We have obtained V and I-band photometry for about 17500 stars in the field of the dwarf irregular galaxy NGC3109, located in the outskirts of the Local Group. The photometry allows us to study the stellar populations present inside and outside the disk of this galaxy. From the VI color-magnitude diagram we infer metallicities and ages for the stellar populations in the main body and in the halo of NGC3109. The stars in the disk of this galaxy have a wide variety of ages, including very young stars with approximately 10^7 yr. Our main result is to establish the presence of a halo consisting of population II stars, extending out to about 4.5 arcmin (or 1.8 kpc) above and below the plane of this galaxy. For these old stars we derive an age of > 10 Gyr and a metallicity of [Fe/H] = -1.8 +/- 0.2. We construct a deep luminosity function, obtaining an accurate distance modulus (m-M)_0 = 25.62 +/- 0.1 for this galaxy based on the I-magnitude of the red giant branch (RGB) tip and adopting E(V-I) = 0.05.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal 23 pages, latex, 12 Figures (Fig 1 not available in electronic format

    Detection of Surface Brightness Fluctuations in Elliptical Galaxies imaged with the Advanced Camera for Surveys. B- and I-band measurements

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    Taking advantage of the exceptional capabilities of ACS on board of HST, we derive Surface Brightness Fluctuation (SBF) measurements in the B and I bands from images of six elliptical galaxies with 1500cz35001500 \leq cz \leq 3500. Given the low S/N ratio of the SBF signal in the blue band images, the reliability of the measurements is verified both with numerical simulations and experimental data tests. This paper presents the first published B- and I-band SBF measurements for distant (\geq 20 Mpc) galaxies, essential for the comparisons of the models to observations of normal ellipticals. By comparing I-band data with our new Simple Stellar Population (SSP) models we find an excellent agreement and we confirm that I-band SBF magnitudes are mainly sensitive to the metallicity of the dominant stellar component in the galaxy, and are not strongly affected by the contribution of possible secondary stellar components. As a consequence I-band fluctuations magnitudes are ideal for distance studies. On the other hand, we show that standard SSP models do not reproduce the B-band SBF magnitudes of red ((B-I)_0 \gsim 2.1) galaxies in our sample. We explore the capability of two non--canonical models in properly reproducing the high sensitivity of B SBF to the presence of even small fractions of bright, hot stars (metal poor stars, hot evolved stars, etc.). The disagreement is solved both by taking into account hot (Post--AGB) stars in SSP models and/or by adopting Composite Stellar Population models. Finally, we suggest a limit value of the S/N for the B-band SBF signal required to carry out a detailed study of stellar population properties based on this technique.Comment: ApJ accepte

    Criblamydia sequanensis Harbors a Megaplasmid Encoding Arsenite Resistance.

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    Criblamydia sequanensis is an amoeba-resisting bacterium recently isolated from the Seine River. This Chlamydia-related bacterium harbors a genome of approximately 3 Mbp and a megaplasmid of 89,525 bp. The plasmid encodes several efflux systems and an operon for arsenite resistance. This first genome sequence within the Criblamydiaceae family enlarges our view on the evolution and the ecology of this important bacterial clade largely understudied so far

    The Star Formation History of the Pegasus Dwarf Irregular Galaxy

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    The star formation history (SFH) of the Pegasus dIr, a likely Local Group member at 0.95 Mpc from the Milky Way, is investigated. We characterize the SFH by two basic functions: the star formation rate, psi(t), and the chemical enrichment law, Z(t). It has been derived by comparing the color-magnitude diagram of the resolved stars in Pegasus, with a total of 189 model diagrams produced with different psi(t) and Z(t) laws. Star formation began in Pegasus about 15 Gyr ago and was larger, on average, during the first half than during the second half of the galaxy's life. During the most recent epoch, the star formation seems to be produced in a bursting mode. This may have been the case for the whole life of the galaxy, although the resolution in time towards older epochs is not good enough to actually detect it. As for the chemical enrichment law, the best way to account for the observed metallicity of the galaxy (Zf=0.002(+0.002/-0.001) is that it suffered a prompt initial chemical enrichment. This would be the case if infall was important and points to a picture in which the galaxy began forming stars and enriching its interstellar medium in an early phase of collapse. Pegasus and NGC 6822 are the only dIrs for which the kind of analysis presented here has been done. The fact that both galaxies show an important old to intermediate-age stellar population indicates that the Baade's sheet observed in most dIr, may in fact be the signature of an important population of old stars and suggest that dIr actually are old objects populated by large numbers of old stars. The percentage of dark matter in Pegasus turns out to be 92%.Comment: 33 pages, 1 table, 11 figures Astronomical Journal, in pres