2,187 research outputs found

    Network depth: identifying median and contours in complex networks

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    Centrality descriptors are widely used to rank nodes according to specific concept(s) of importance. Despite the large number of centrality measures available nowadays, it is still poorly understood how to identify the node which can be considered as the `centre' of a complex network. In fact, this problem corresponds to finding the median of a complex network. The median is a non-parametric and robust estimator of the location parameter of a probability distribution. In this work, we present the most natural generalisation of the concept of median to the realm of complex networks, discussing its advantages for defining the centre of the system and percentiles around that centre. To this aim, we introduce a new statistical data depth and we apply it to networks embedded in a geometric space induced by different metrics. The application of our framework to empirical networks allows us to identify median nodes which are socially or biologically relevant

    Carbon Dioxide Concentrations: An Examination of Carbon Sequestration via Global Reforestation

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    Deforestation has resulted in a dramatic change to Earth’s landscape, climate, and ecosystems. To date, 46% of all forests have been cut since the onset of agriculture about 12,000 years ago (Crowther et al., 2015). During that same time, greenhouse gas concentrations have grown by 51.8% (Crowther et al., 2015). A solution to this problem could be vast carbon capture initiatives involving tree planting. Historical reforestation efforts have thus far been conducted regionally and currently make up less than 1% of the forest cover that they are replacing. With current CO2 concentrations at a record high of 402.26 ppm (NOAA, 2016), the question that I sought to answer was; could reforestation alone reduce CO2 concentrations to pre-industrial levels? The purpose of this paper is to answer this academic question in a manner that is objective and constructive. Calculating total available land for reforestation with average temperate and tropical carbon sequestration rates reveals the potential for a 2% annual uptake in global CO2 sequestration (Brown et al., 1996). This increase would translate into a projected 2050 CO2 concentration of 361.22-373.96 parts per million (ppm). This reduction, although significant, would only represent a 7.57-11.36% reduction: far short of the 51.8% reduction necessary to bring CO2 concentrations back to preindustrial levels

    Very Many More Men than Women : A Study of the Social Implications of Diagnostics at the South Carolina State Hospital

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    Treatment and understanding of mental illness has vastly changed in the past century and a half, leading many historians and psychiatrists to puzzle over the logic and motivations driving the once-abundant mental institutions known as insane asylums. Though a great deal of literature has emerged in this burgeoning historical field, few have looked at the diagnostics used by psychiatrists of the past to see what they reveal about the former system of mental health. This paper uses the South Carolina State Hospital as a case study to demonstrate how diagnostic trends can be used to understand the gender and racial perceptions that physicians at these institutions applied to their work

    SPTSars-Cov-2 : sistema de procedimentos de testes da covid-19

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    Durante o ano de 2020, o mundo foi impactado com a pandemia da Covid-19, a qual é causada pelo novo coronavírus - o SARS-CoV-2. A pandemia se alastrou pelo país causando impactos nas mais diversas áreas e em proporções sem precedentes na história recente. Uma das medidas recomendadas pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) é a testagem da população dos diversos países. Dada essa necessidade urgente da realização de testes em massa, a fim de detectar a presença do vírus que causa a Covid-19, em março de 2020, o ICBS entrou em contato com o Instituto de Informática da UFRGS, verificando a viabilidade de desenvolvimento de um sistema para facilitar o gerenciamento das informações relacionadas aos testes RT-PCR (Reverse Transcription - Polymerase Chain Reaction), assim como dados correlacionados, tais como pacientes, laudos, entre outros. Nesse contexto, surgiu a necessidade de desenvolver um sistema para gerenciar e acompanhar as análises realizadas em amostras de testes de Covid-19 realizados no âmbito do ICBS/UFRGS, o qual é foco do presente trabalho de conclusão de curso. Para desenvolver esse sistema foi usado um processo de desenvolvimento incremental, em que uma funcionalidade é desenvolvida, os usuários realizam sugestões e a implementação é aprimorada. Esse processo foi selecionado, visando desenvolver o sistema de forma rápida, visto que o ICBS começou a armazenar os resultados dos testes em abril de 2020. O sistema foi modelado a partir dos entregáveis que foram solicitados pelo ICBS, e a sua modelagem usou os diagramas da UML (Unified Modeling Language) e o Diagrama de Entidade e Relacionamento (DER). Todos estes modelos permitiram mapear a estrutura do sistema como um todo, e contribuíram para entender a complexidade dos fluxos relativos ao sistema. Para a implementação do sistema foram utilizadas as seguintes tecnologias: banco de dados MariaDB, a linguagem PHP para realizar a comunicação com o servidor e as linguagens HTML (HyperText Markup Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), Javascript, JQuery e o framework Bootstrap para a elaboração das interfaces gráficas com o usuário responsivas. Atualmente, o sistema encontra-se em uso no ICBS por uma equipe composta por aproximadamente 260 usuários, distribuídos em vários perfis, já registrou o resultado de 74000 amostras vinculadas a pacientes. Embora quase todos os fluxos demandados pelo ICBS estejam desenvolvidos e implantados, outras funcionalidades ainda podem ser incorporadas ao sistema, visando torná-lo um sistema que possa ser usado para a análise de amostras de outros tipos de testes que o ICBS realiza.During the year 2020, the world was impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, which is caused by the new coronavirus - SARS-CoV-2. The pandemic spread across the country causing impacts in several areas and in unprecedented proportions in recent history. One of the measures recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) is testing the population of several countries. Due to the urgent need to carry out mass tests, to detect the presence of the virus that causes Covid-19, in March 2020, ICBS contacted the UFRGS Institute of Informatics, checking if it was possible to develop a system to facilitate the management of information related to RT-PCR (Reverse Transcription - Polymerase Chain Reaction) tests and patient data, reports, among others. In this context, it was necessary to develop a system to manage and monitor the analyzes carried out on samples of Covid-19 tests carried out at ICBS / UFRGS, which is the focus of the present course conclusion work. To develop this system an incremental development process was used, in which a functionality is developed, users make suggestions, and the implementation is improved. This process was selected because it was necessary to develop the system quickly, as the ICBS started storing the test results in April 2020. The system was modeled using the deliverables that were requested by ICBS, and its modeling used the UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagrams and the Entity and Relationship Diagram (DER). All these models allowed to map the structure of the system as a whole and contributed to understand the complexity of the flows related to the system. To implement the system the following technologies were used: MariaDB database, PHP language to make communication with the server and the HTML language (HyperText Markup Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), JavaScript, JQuery and framework Bootstrap for the development of responsive graphical user interfaces. Currently, the system is in use at ICBS by a team composed of approximately 260 users, distributed in various profiles, and has already recorded the result of 74000 tests. Although almost all flows demanded by ICBS are developed and implemented, other functionalities can still be incorporated into the system, aiming to make it a system that can be used for the analysis of samples from other types of tests that ICBS performs

    Synthesis and electrical characterization of intrinsic and in situ doped Si nanowires using a novel precursor

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    Perchlorinated polysilanes were synthesized by polymerization of tetrachlorosilane under cold plasma conditions with hydrogen as a reducing agent. Subsequent selective cleavage of the resulting polymer yielded oligochlorosilanes SinCl2n+2 (n = 2, 3) from which the octachlorotrisilane (n = 3, Cl8Si3, OCTS) was used as a novel precursor for the synthesis of single-crystalline Si nanowires (NW) by the well-established vapor–liquid–solid (VLS) mechanism. By adding doping agents, specifically BBr3 and PCl3, we achieved highly p- and n-type doped Si-NWs by means of atmospheric-pressure chemical vapor deposition (APCVD). These as grown NWs were investigated by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), as well as electrical measurements of the NWs integrated in four-terminal and back-gated MOSFET modules. The intrinsic NWs appeared to be highly crystalline, with a preferred growth direction of [111] and a specific resistivity of ρ = 6 kΩ·cm. The doped NWs appeared to be [112] oriented with a specific resistivity of ρ = 198 mΩ·cm for p-type Si-NWs and ρ = 2.7 mΩ·cm for n-doped Si-NWs, revealing excellent dopant activation

    Avaliação final de linhagens de soja.

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    bitstream/item/133659/1/ID11344-1988-1989sojaresultados-p37-41.pdfTrabalho apresentado na XVII Reunião de Pesquisa de Soja da Região Sul, Porto Alegre, 1989

    Formação de semente genética de linhagens e cultivares de soja.

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    bitstream/item/134412/1/ID10296-1980-1981sojaresultados-p46-49.pdfTrabalho apresentado na IX Reunião de Pesquisa de Soja da Região Sul, Passo Fundo, 1981

    Oídio: avaliação de severidade em genótipos de soja, safra 2013/2014.

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    fischer Befestigungssysteme: Change Management in der Distributionslogistik - eine Fallstudie

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    Zwischen dem Studiengang Betriebswirtschaft / Einkauf und Logistik und der Unternehmensgruppe fischer besteht seit Jahren eine fruchtbare Zusammenarbeit. Studentische Projekte mit Problemstellungen aus Einkauf und Logistik werden unter Betreuung von Professoren direkt im Unternehmen durchgeführt, und Führungskräfte von fischer kommen als Referenten zu Workshops des Studiengangs an die Hochschule. Die bedeutende Investition in ein automatisches Kommissioniersystem im Global Distribution Center (GDC) der fischerwerke im Jahr 2015 stellte das Management des GDC vor eine besondere Herausforderung, änderte sich doch das Tätigkeitsprofil für einen großen Teil des Kommissionierpersonals. So entstand die Idee, diese Aufgabenstellung als Hintergrund für eine Fallstudie zum Thema "Change Management" zum Einsatz in der Ausbildung sowohl an der Hochschule wie im Unternehmen zu erstellen. Die Umsetzung der Idee erfolgte im Forschungssemester von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Möller im WS 2015/16. Die Entwicklung der nun vorliegenden Fallstudie parallel in Deutsch und in Englisch wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit Julian Gabel (B.Sc.) und dem Kollegen Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Bertagnolli aus dem Bereich Ressourceneffizienzmanagement durchgeführt. Wir danken Matthias Wehle, Eckhard Hagen und Hendrik Schote für die intensiven inhaltlichen Diskussionen und die effiziente Unterstützung bei der Informationsrecherche auf der Unternehmensseite