830 research outputs found

    Effect of Coffee Pulp Compost and Terrace on Erosion, Run Off and Nutrients Loss From Coffee Plantation in Lahat Regency, South Sumatra

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    On some coffee plantations in Lahat Regency South Sumatra, in some places the farmers did not apply agricultural practices, such as tillage, conservation practices, and fertilizers. Many researches have been done to study about effects of organic fertilizer on soil nutrients content and plant growth as well as and the impacts of terrace on soil water content, run-off and erosion. However, there was less research in the highland area. Whereas the possibilityof run off, erosion and nutrient leaching the high land area was high. Thus, it was important to apply terrace and organic coffee pulp in this farm. The aims of this research were to determine the effect of terrace and organic fertilizer on run off and soil erosion, nutrients loss and nutrient content in coffee leaves. Terrace system and organic fertilizer were applied on a one year old coffee plantation in Lahat Regency. Before the treatment applied,coffee pulp as organic fertilizer was decomposed in the chamber for about 2 months. The experiment was conducted in factorial in a Randomized Block Design with two factors. The first factor was coffee pulp compost (0, 3, and 6 Mg ha-1), and the second factor was type of terrace (without, individual, and bund terraces). The size of each plot was 2 m width and 10 m length. Data was analysed by using LSD (Least Significant Different) test. The resultshows that bund terrace reduced runoff and erosion significantly up to 79% (for run off water) and 78% (for eroded soil) compared to without terrace. Organic fertilizer did not affect run off and soil erosion. This may be caused by properties of coffee pulp compost which were fine particulates and the dosages of application were too low to cover soil suface. Bund terrace decreased significantly N, P, K nutrients in soil loss (sediment). The amount of N losswas reduced from 3.37 kg ha-1 per four months (without terrace) to about 0.75 kg ha-1 per four months (bund terrace). Terrace and organic fertilizer did not affect significantly nutrients content in the leaves, but P-content was low without organic fertilizer addition. It is suggested to apply bund terrace and higher organic fertilizer dose on the coffee farm, and further experiments when harvesting the yield (berries) are needed for the second year oldcoffee farm

    Direct observation of irradiation-induced nanocavity shrinkage in Si

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    Nanocavities in Si substrates, formed by conventional H implantation and thermal annealing, are shown to evolve in size during subsequent Si irradiation. Both ex situ and in situ analytical techniques were used to demonstrate that the mean nanocavity diameter decreases as a function of Si irradiation dose in both the crystalline and amorphous phases. Potential mechanisms for this irradiation-induced nanocavity evolution are discussed. In the crystalline phase, the observed decrease in diameter is attributed to the gettering of interstitials. When the matrix surrounding the cavities is amorphized, cavity shrinkage may be mediated by one of two processes: nanocavities can supply vacancies into the amorphous phase and/or the amorphous phase may flow plastically into the nanocavities. Both processes yield the necessary decrease in density of the amorphous phase relative to crystalline material

    Keanekaragaman Plankton dan Hubungannya dengan Kualitas Perairan Terusan dalam Taman Nasional Sembilang Banyuasin Sumatera Selatan

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    Ekosistem mangrove di perairan Terusan Dalam Taman Nasional Sembilang Banyuasin sebagai eko-sistem peralihan antara laut dan darat mempunyai gradien sifat lingkungan yang sangat tajam. Plankton meru-pakan salah satu komponen penting dalam ekosistem perairan. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan penelitian ten-tang keanekaragaman plankton dan hubungannya dengan kualitas perairan Terusan Dalam Taman Nasional Sembilang Banyuasin Sumatera Selatan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pengambilan sampel dengan menentukan stasiun dengan memilih daerah yang mewakili lokasi penelitian. Hal itu dilakukan untuk mendapatkan gambaran data yang mewakili kondisi perairan tersebut. Pengamatan di setiap stasiun dilakukan dengan 3 kali ulangan. Setelah semua titik pengama-tan ditetapkan, dilakukan pengambilan sampel dan pengukuran parameter-parameter yang diperlukan, baik parameter fisika, kimia dan biologi. Indeks kemerataan plankton pada bulan April 2012 berkisar antara 0,242-0,648 ind/L, sedangkan pada bulan Juni 2012 berkisar antara 0,35-3,422 ind/L. Indeks dominansi plankton pada bulan April 2012 berkisar antara 0,00059-1,2228 ind/L, sedangkan pada bulan Juni 2012 berkisar antara 0,00118-0,70298 ind/L

    Hubungan Panjang-berat Dan Pola Pertumbuhan Ikan Di Muara Sungai Musi Kabupaten Banyuasin Sumatera Selatan

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    Muara Sungai Musi Kabupaten Banyuasin Sumatera Selatan berperan sebagai daerah penangkapan ikan, pemukiman penduduk, dan sarana transportasi. Seiring perjalanan waktu, aktivitas ini menjadi tekanan pada keberlangsungan organisme perairan, khususnya ikan. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan panjang berat dan pola pertumbuhan ikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 624 individu 26 spesies 18 famili ikan diperoleh nilai-nilai koefisien korelasi (R2) berkisar 0,405-0,997. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pertambahan berat sekitar 41%-100% dapat dijelaskan oleh besarnya pertambahan panjang melalui hubungan regresi. Pola pertumbuhan ikan sebanyak 7,7% bersifat isometrik, 53,8% bersifat allometrik positif, dan 38,5% bersifat allometrik negatif. Mayoritas pertambahan berat lebih cepat daripada pertambahan panjang

    Changes to Some Physical Properties due to Conversion of Secondary Forest of Peat into Oil Palm Plantation

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    The purpose of this study was to study how the physical properties of peat change due to the conversion of secondary forest into oil palm plantations.  It was done by comparing the three conversion stages of the secondary forest into shrubs and oil palm plantations.  The study was conducted in Ogan Komering Ilir District, South Sumatera Province, about 100 km south of Palembang, Indonesia from August to December 2016.  Data collection was done randomly at all sites, each of five points for field sampling, observation of soil profile and measurement of hydraulic conductivity and water table depth.  The samples were collected at a depth of 0-30 cm, both for undisturbed cores and bulk samples.  The hydraulic conductivity was measured in the field using the auger holes method.  The peat strength was determined by using the hand operated cone penetrometer.  Data analysis was done descriptively and regression correlation test.  The results showed that conversion of secondary forests into oil palm plantations has led to the decline in the quality of some of the physical properties of peat by decreasing total porosity, water table depth, hydraulic conductivity, organic matter content, moisture content and increasing the bulk density and peat strength

    Structural effect of heavy ion irradiation on GdBaCuO ceramics

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    The influence of twin boundaries as sinks on defects induced by 480 keV Kr ion irradiation in GdBaCuO crystals was observed in situ at 40 and 300 K. The interaction of the dislocations with the twin boundaries followed on a video recording. A crystalline to amorphous transition was observed above a total fluence of ∼ 4 - 5 x 10^12 Kr/cm2. A comparison between orthorhombic (Os) crystals and a monoclinic structure (Ms) (close to Os and whose parameters were calculated) shows that the behaviour of irradiation-induced extended defects does not depend on a small initial deformation of the orthorhombic cell. In both case, an occasional orthorhombic (or monoclinic) to tetragonal phase transition only occurs when the amorphization process has begun

    Experimental Indications for the Response of the Spectators to the Participant Blast

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    Precise momentum distributions of identified projectile fragments, formed in the reactions 238U + Pb and 238U + Ti at 1 A GeV, are measured with a high-resolution magnetic spectrometer. With increasing mass loss, the velocities first decrease as expected from previously established systematics, then level off, and finally increase again. Light fragments are on the average even faster than the projectiles. This finding is interpreted as the response of the spectators to the participant blast. The re-acceleration of projectile spectators is sensitive to the nuclear mean field and provides a new tool for investigating the equation of state of nuclear matter.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, background information on http://www-wnt.gsi.de/kschmidt

    Water Status Evaluation on Tertiary Block for Developing Land Use Pattern and Water Management Strategies in Acid Sulfat Soil of Saleh Tidal Lowland Reclamation Areas of South Sumatera

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    The aimed of the research is to evaluate the water status in the tertiary block of tidal lowland for developing cropping pattern and water management strategies for food crop agriculture. The research was conducted in tidal lowland reclamation areas of Delta Saleh South Sumatera. The methodology used this research was survey and monitoring. Data analysis was done by comparing the water status availability with the potential cropping pattern. Computer model of DRAINMOD had been used to estimate the water table status and to design water table control operation at tertiary blocks. Model adaptation for dry land condition (C-typhology) showed that the best scenario was land utilization pattern of rice-corn. This paper presented monthly water management operational plan for rice crop in first cropping season (MT1) during November-February period and for corn crop in second cropping season (MT2) during May-August period