2,399 research outputs found

    Introduction to the geology of the Heid des Gattes at Sougné-Remouchamps (Liège province, Belgium)

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    Introduction à la géologie du site de la Heid des Gattes à Sougné-Remouchamps (province de Liège, Belgique) où sont exposées les formations de la Famenne, d'Esneux, de Souverain-Pré, de Comblain-la-Tour, de Montfort et d'Evieux (Dévonien supérieur (Famennien).Introduction to the geology of the Heid des Gattes at Sougné-Remouchamps (Liège province, Belgium) where the Famenne, Esneux, Souverain-Pré, Comblain-la-Tour, Montfort and Evieux formations (Upper Devonian, Famennian) are exposed

    Cell Mediated and Humoral Immune responses to Mumps Virus: Recent Developments

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    Despite the extensive use of Mumps virus vaccines for almost forty years, there is still a paucity of knowledge concerning the Host-Pathogen Interaction. This paper reviews the advances in our knowledge of the antiviral immune response with particular reference to the selection of attenuated mumps virus strains used in different vaccine formulations. The ability of mumps viruses to evade the interferon component of the immune response is described in detail. This study also presents recent findings from our laboratory and others concerning the humoral and cell mediated responses to mumps virus. Particular attention is placed on mumps virus induction of interleukin-10 (IL-10) and the potential for this to be a novel immune evasion strategy is discussed. Finally, recent advances in our understanding of the immune response to mumps virus are placed in the broader context of our current understanding of this disease

    Cell Mediated and Humoral Immune responses to Mumps Virus: Recent Developments

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    Despite the extensive use of Mumps virus vaccines for almost forty years, there is still a paucity of knowledge concerning the Host-Pathogen Interaction. This paper reviews the advances in our knowledge of the antiviral immune response with particular reference to the selection of attenuated mumps virus strains used in different vaccine formulations. The ability of mumps viruses to evade the interferon component of the immune response is described in detail. This study also presents recent findings from our laboratory and others concerning the humoral and cell mediated responses to mumps virus. Particular attention is placed on mumps virus induction of interleukin-10 (IL-10) and the potential for this to be a novel immune evasion strategy is discussed. Finally, recent advances in our understanding of the immune response to mumps virus are placed in the broader context of our current understanding of this disease

    Experimental Verification of the Rudder-Free Stability Theory for an Airplane Model Equipped with Rudders Having Negative Floating Tendency and Negligible Friction

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    An investigation has been made in the Langley free-flight tunnel to obtain an experimental verification of the theoretical rudder-free stability characteristics of an airplane model equipped with conventional rudders having negative floating tendencies and negligible friction. The model used in the tests was equipped with a conventional single vertical tail having rudder area 40 percent of the vertical tail area. The model was tested both in free flight and mounted on a strut that allowed freedom only in yaw. Tests were made with three different amounts of rudder aerodynamic balance and with various values of mass, moment of inertia, and center-of-gravity location of the rudder. Most of the stability derivatives required for the theoretical calculations were determined from forced and free-oscillation tests of the particular model tested. The theoretical analysis showed that the rudder-free motions of an airplane consist largely of two oscillatory modes - a long-period oscillation somewhat similar to the normal rudder-fixed oscillation and a short-period oscillation introduced only when the rudder is set free. It was found possible in the tests to create lateral instability of the rudder-free short-period mode by large values of rudder mass parameters even though the rudder-fixed condition was highly stable. The results of the tests and calculation indicated that for most present-day airplanes having rudders of negative floating tendency, the rudder-free stability characteristics may be examined by simply considering the dynamic lateral stability using the value of the directional-stability parameter Cn(sub p) for the rudder-free condition in the conventional controls-fixed lateral-stability equations. For very large airplanes having relatively high values of the rudder mass parameters with respect to the rudder aerodynamic parameters, however, analysis of the rudder-free stability should be made with the complete equations of motion. Good agreement between calculated and measured rudder-free stability characteristics was obtained by use of the general rudder-free stability theory, in which four degrees of lateral freedom are considered. When this assumption is made that the rolling motions alone or the lateral and rolling motions may be neglected in the calculations of rudder-free stability, it is possible to predict satisfactorily the characteristics of the long-period (Dutch roll type) rudder-free oscillation for airplanes only when the effective-dihedral angle is small. With these simplifying assumptions, however, satisfactory prediction of the short-period oscillation may be obtained for any dihedral. Further simplification of the theory based on the assumption that the rudder moment of inertia might be disregarded was found to be invalid because this assumption made it impossible to calculate the characteristics of the short-period oscillations

    Optimization of the hyperthermia treatment of a skin tumor containing nanoparticles

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    This paper deals with the optimization of the hyperthermia treatment of skin cancer, with gold nanoshells loaded in the tumor. The physical problem involves a one-dimensional bioheat transfer problem, coupled to a radiation problem for the laser propagation within a multi-layered medium that includes several tissues. The corresponding bioheat transfer problem is governed by Pennes' equation, while the laser radiation propagation in the tissues is modelled with the diffusion δ-P1 approximation. The solution of the direct problem was obtained by finite volumes and verified with an analytic solution, as well as with the Matlab function pdepe. The thermal decomposition in the tissues was modelled with an Arrhenius equation, while the objective function was given by a quadratic form involving the difference between the predicted and the desired spatial variation of the thermal damage at a specific final time. Both the Levenberg-Marquardt and the Particle Swarm methods were implemented and provided similar results for the two design variables of interest in this work: the volume fraction of nanoparticles within the tumor and the laser power, by considering a fixed duration of 10 minutes for the treatment. The results obtained in this work also show that more than one treatment session is required for the total eradication of the tumor

    Repossession of a cultural space in Francophone native literature from Quebec

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    Francophone Native literature from Quebec is a relatively recent phenomenon. Although Native writing started as early as the 18th century with the teaching of missionaries, it is only since the 1970s that Native authors from Quebec began to write fictional works increasingly. Due to their historical past, social and economic situation, Native authors have only recently slightly moved away from political issues. This thesis aims at highlighting the core elements of this literature and at demonstrating its specificities. The main corpus for this research is composed of seventeen works written by nine authors. Poetry and plays tend to be favoured by Native authors over novels and short stories; their closeness to oral tradition can be seen as one of the main reasons for such choices. By way of introduction, I summarise the historical, social and literary evolution of Native people in Quebec. I problematize my research with references to postcolonial theories as the authors’ situation as ex-colonised people echoes the issues raised in this particular field. However, I also refer to other theorists like Doreen Massey or Anthony Giddens when necessary. The focus of the next chapters derives from these considerations. The second chapter examines how they represent themselves and others. The third chapter highlights how their recurrent representations of past events serve to the construction of a Native discourse. The fourth chapter is concerned with their representations of their own environment and demonstrates how they tie in past conceptions of nature with modern needs. The final chapter shows how using the French language can contribute to their repossession of a cultural space within Quebec society

    L’organisation du travail des armuriers parisiens, entre réglementation et réalité(s) de terrain (xiiie-xve siècle)

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    Les armuriers formaient une communauté importante du Paris médiéval, dont la relative prospérité était assurée par la présence de la cour royale et des nobles. Leur organisation puisait ses sources dans les statuts de métier, dont les premiers figurent dans le célèbre Livre des métiers d’Étienne Boileau, remplacé ensuite par les livres de couleur et de bannière du Châtelet de Paris. Ces statuts, destinés à réglementer l’organisation et la pratique professionnelles, laissent deviner un métier caractérisé par une tripartition hiérarchique entre maîtres, valets et apprentis, la présence de gardes et jurés représentant la communauté, l’existence d’une confrérie, réceptacle de la piété collective des armuriers, et le respect de règles encadrant la production de pièces d’armure. Or, une confrontation de ces textes normatifs et stéréotypés, aussi bien dans le fond que dans la forme, avec d’autres sources donne à voir une réalité plus nuancée, faite d’une adaptation aux contraintes du marché, étroitement dépendant du contexte politique et économique, et aux évolutions technologiques affectant l’industrie armurière de la fin du Moyen Âge.Armourers were, in the medieval Paris, an important group, whose prosperity was linked to the presence of the royal court and noble people. Armourer’s organization was based on written rules, called statutes : the first ones appear in the famous Livre des métiers by Étienne Boileau, then in the so-called livres de couleur et de bannière of the Châtelet de Paris. These statutes, written in order to rule professional work and behaviour, describe a craft characterized by a hierarchy between masters, wage-earning workers and apprentices; the presence of gards and jurors in charge of the interests of the community; the existence of a professional and pious brotherhood; and the respect of rules related to the production of armour pieces. However, a comparison between statutes, quite stereotypical, and other documentary sources let us guess a more toned reality, made of an adaptation to the constraints of the market, which closely depended on the political and economical context, and to the technological evolutions in the armour industry in late Middle Ages

    SARA HEINÄMAA, Toward a Phenomenology of Sexual Difference, Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield publishers, 2004

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    Toward a Phenomenology of Sexual Difference [Vers une phénoménologie de la différence sexuelle], de Sara Heinämaa, publié en 2003, se donne pour tâche d’exhumer « la » philosophie de la différence sexuelle de Beauvoir, telle qu’on la trouve dans le Deuxième Sexe, mais aussi dans Pour une morale de l’ambiguïté et dans La force de l’âge, ainsi que dans la recension que fait Beauvoir en 1945 de la Phénoménologie de la perception de Merleau-Ponty pour la revue Les temps modernes . L’objectif est..

    New data on the incertae sedis biota and foraminifera of the mid-Famennian Baelen Member (Late Devonian, eastern Belgium)

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    The Baelen mud mounds in eastern Belgium represent a local member of the mid-Famennian Souverain-Pré Formation (an important carbonate interval within the Condroz Sandstone Group). The lower part of this member contains silty bioclastic wackestones and packstones that are particularly rich in the problematical algae Serrisinella and Dreesenullella. Plurilocular foraminifera (Septabrunsiina and Baelenia) and rare solitary rugose corals (Neaxon? sp.) occur within crinoidal grainstones (tempestites) interfingering with the latter bioclastic wacke-/packstones and red-stained stromatactoid spiculitic mudstones (carbonate mound core facies). Although Serrisinella is quite common in other mid- and late Famennian limestones, of Belgium, Dreesenulella is almost endemic of the Baelen Member. Both genera apparently inhabited the muddy sediment-water interface, constituting meadows probably in zones of intermittently strong bottom currents. The taxonomic similarities between Dreesenulella and Saccamminopsis are discussed, as well as their possible affinities with the Xenophophyrea and Kokomiacea. Moreover, the first stages of the Septabrunsiina–Baelenia foraminiferal lineage are analysed in detail. The taxonomic and palaoecological positioning of Serrissinella and Dreesenulella adds to the discussion about the palaeobathymetry of the Baelen mud mounds and corroborates sedimentological evidence for their relatively shallow carbonate ramp depositional setting
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