3,291 research outputs found

    Supernova cosmology: legacy and future

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    The discovery of dark energy by the first generation of high-redshift supernova surveys has generated enormous interest beyond cosmology and has dramatic implications for fundamental physics. Distance measurements using supernova explosions are the most direct probes of the expansion history of the Universe, making them extremely useful tools to study the cosmic fabric and the properties of gravity at the largest scales. The past decade has seen the confirmation of the original results. Type Ia supernovae are among the leading techniques to obtain high-precision measurements of the dark energy equation of state parameter, and in the near future, its time dependence. The success of these efforts depends on our ability to understand a large number of effects, mostly of astrophysical nature, influencing the observed flux at Earth. The frontier now lies in understanding if the observed phenomenon is due to vacuum energy, albeit its unnatural density, or some exotic new physics. Future surveys will address the systematic effects with improved calibration procedures and provide thousands of supernovae for detailed studies.Comment: Invited review, Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science (submitted version

    Middle Darriwilian conodont zones in the uppermost San Juan limestone and the lower member of the Las Aguaditas formation, central Precordillera of San Juan, Argentina

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    The geological province of Precordillera is located in western Argentina. It extends 450 km meridionally and 110 km from east to west (Fig. 1) (Furque and Cuerda, 1979). The Lower Paleozoic stratigraphy is characterized by a thick succession of Cambro-Ordovician limestones, which were deposited in platform environments and interdigitate with clastic slope deposits toward the west (Keller et al., 1993; Astini, 1995).Fil: Feltes, Nicolás Alexis. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Museo de Paleontología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Albanesi, Guillermo Luis. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Museo de Paleontología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Tierra. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Tierra; ArgentinaFil: Bergström, S. M.. Ohio State University; Estados Unido

    A specific brain structural basis for individual differences in reality monitoring.

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    Much recent interest has centered on understanding the relationship between brain structure variability and individual differences in cognition, but there has been little progress in identifying specific neuroanatomical bases of such individual differences. One cognitive ability that exhibits considerable variability in the healthy population is reality monitoring; the cognitive processes used to introspectively judge whether a memory came from an internal or external source (e.g., whether an event was imagined or actually occurred). Neuroimaging research has implicated the medial anterior prefrontal cortex (PFC) in reality monitoring, and here we sought to determine whether morphological variability in a specific anteromedial PFC brain structure, the paracingulate sulcus (PCS), might underlie performance. Fifty-three healthy volunteers were selected on the basis of MRI scans and classified into four groups according to presence or absence of the PCS in their left or right hemisphere. The group with absence of the PCS in both hemispheres showed significantly reduced reality monitoring performance and ability to introspect metacognitively about their performance when compared with other participants. Consistent with the prediction that sulcal absence might mean greater volume in the surrounding frontal gyri, voxel-based morphometry revealed a significant negative correlation between anterior PFC gray matter and reality monitoring performance. The findings provide evidence that individual differences in introspective abilities like reality monitoring may be associated with specific structural variability in the PFC

    New Gamma-Ray Contributions to Supersymmetric Dark Matter Annihilation

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    We compute the electromagnetic radiative corrections to all leading annihilation processes which may occur in the Galactic dark matter halo, for dark matter in the framework of supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model (MSSM and mSUGRA), and present the results of scans over the parameter space that is consistent with present observational bounds on the dark matter density of the Universe. Although these processes have previously been considered in some special cases by various authors, our new general analysis shows novel interesting results with large corrections that may be of importance, e.g., for searches at the soon to be launched GLAST gamma-ray space telescope. In particular, it is pointed out that regions of parameter space where there is a near degeneracy between the dark matter neutralino and the tau sleptons, radiative corrections may boost the gamma-ray yield by up to three or four orders of magnitude, even for neutralino masses considerably below the TeV scale, and will enhance the very characteristic signature of dark matter annihilations, namely a sharp step at the mass of the dark matter particle. Since this is a particularly interesting region for more constrained mSUGRA models of supersymmetry, we use an extensive scan over this parameter space to verify the significance of our findings. We also re-visit the direct annihilation of neutralinos into photons and point out that, for a considerable part of the parameter space, internal bremsstrahlung is more important for indirect dark matter searches than line signals.Comment: Replaced Fig. 2c which by mistake displayed the same spectrum as Fig. 2d; the radiative corrections reported here are now implemented in DarkSUSY which is available at http://www.physto.se/~edsjo/darksusy

    Gamma-rays from dark matter annihilations strongly constrain the substructure in halos

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    Recently, it has been shown that electrons and positrons from dark matter (DM) annihilations provide an excellent fit to the Fermi, PAMELA, and HESS data. Using this DM model, which requires an enhancement of the annihilation cross section over its standard value to match the observations, we show that it immediately implies an observable level of gamma-ray emission for the Fermi telescope from nearby galaxy clusters such as Virgo and Fornax. We show that this DM model implies a peculiar feature from final state radiation that is a distinctive signature of DM. Using the EGRET upper limit on the gamma-ray emission from Virgo, we constrain the minimum mass of substructures within DM halos to be > 5x10^-3 M_sun -- about four orders of magnitudes larger than the expectation for cold dark matter. This limits the cutoff scale in the linear matter power spectrum to k < 35/kpc which can be explained by e.g., warm dark matter. Very near future Fermi observations will strongly constrain the minimum mass to be > 10^3 M_sun: if the true substructure cutoff is much smaller than this, the DM interpretation of the Fermi/PAMELA/HESS data must be wrong. To address the problem of astrophysical foregrounds, we performed high-resolution, cosmological simulations of galaxy clusters that include realistic cosmic ray (CR) physics. We compute the dominating gamma-ray emission signal resulting from hadronic CR interactions and find that it follows a universal spectrum and spatial distribution. If we neglect the anomalous enhancement factor and assume standard values for the cross section and minimum subhalo mass, the same model of DM predicts comparable levels of the gamma-ray emission from DM annihilations and CR interactions. This suggests that spectral subtraction techniques could be applied to detect the annihilation signal.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures (published version; minor corrections to figures and result, equation added

    Serological Investigation of Granulocytic Ehrlichia Infection in Sheep in Norway

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    Serum samples of 749 sheep from 75 sheep flocks in Norway, i.e. 361 lambs (6 to 7 months old) and 388 adults (>1.5 year), were analysed for antibodies to Ehrlichia equi. Ten animals from each flock were examined. Seropositive animals were found along the coast of southern Norway from Vestfold to Sør-Trøndelag (as far north as 63°38'N). Seropositive sheep were not found in southeast, east or northern Norway. Thirty-two flocks were seropositive, although tick-borne fever had only been diagnosed earlier in half of these. In 78% of the seropositive flocks, more than 80% of the sheep were seropositive. A total of 35.7 % and 36.3 % of lambs and adults were found seropositive, respectively. However, the overall seroprevalence among animals that had been grazing on Ixodes pastures were 0.80 for the lambs and 0.84 for the adults. Mean antibody titres (± SD) (log10) in seropositive lambs and adults were 2.59 (± 0.449) and 2.70 (± 0.481), respectively. No significant differences in either seroprevalence or mean antibody titre between sheep of different ages were obtained in this study. Based on antibodies 94% of sheep flocks on Ixodes pastures were infected with a granulocytic Ehrlichia infection. The association between seropositive flocks and Ixodes infested pasture shows a very high degree of agreement (p < 0.00001). The present study indicates that granulocytic Ehrlichia infection in sheep is underdiagnosed in Norway

    Persistence of Ehrlichia phagocytophila Infection in Two Age Groups of Lambs

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    Tick-borne fever (TBF) is caused by the rickettsiae Ehrlichia phagocytophila and is a common disease in sheep in tick (Ixodes ricinus) infested areas in Norway. Earlier investigations have shown that some sheep could remain infected for several months after the primary infection. In this study, the persistence of E. phagocytophila after experimental infection was investigated in 2 age groups of lambs. Six lambs (1–2 weeks old) and 14 lambs (6–8 months old) were inoculated intravenously with an ovine strain of E. phagocytophila and thereafter examined clinically (including daily body temperature recording) and by haematological and serological (E. equi antibodies) methods for the next 4 months. At the end of this period, the lambs were examined for a TBF infection by blood smear investigation and blood inoculation studies. The infection was demonstrated in 19 (95%) of the 20 lambs

    The Effect of Two Different Oxytetracycline Treatments in Experimental Ehrlichia phagocytophila Infected Lambs

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    The effect of 2 different oxytetracycline treatments in acute E. phagocytophila infected lambs was investigated. Twenty 5-month-old lambs of the Dala and Rygja breeds were used. Ten lambs were inoculated intravenously with a stabilate of an ovine E. phagocytophila strain. On the third day of fever, 4 lambs were given long-acting oxytetracycline (Terramycin prolongatum vet®, Pfizer) (20 mg/kg) intramuscularly and another 4 lambs were given short-acting oxytetracycline (Terramycin vet®, Pfizer) (10 mg/kg) intravenously for 5 consecutive days. The lambs were examined for the presence of Ehrlichia infection by blood smear evaluation, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and antibody titre against E. equi. One month after the last antibiotic treatment, 250 ml citrate blood from each of these lambs were inoculated into each of 10 susceptible lambs, which were observed during the following 6 weeks. The results indicate that oxytetracycline given in the acute stage of the infection may effectively teminate the development of fever, rickettsemia and weight reduction in E. phagocytophila infected lambs. No difference was observed between the 2 treatment groups. However, at least 3 of 8 antibiotic treated lambs (37.5%) were still infected with granulocytic Ehrlichia 3 months after treatment

    Antimatter production in supernova remnants

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    We calculate the energy spectra of cosmic rays (CR) and their secondaries produced in a supernova remnant (SNR), taking into account the time-dependence of the SNR shock. We model the trajectories of charged particles as a random walk with a prescribed diffusion coefficient, accelerating the particles at each shock crossing. Secondary production by CRs colliding with gas is included as a Monte Carlo process. We find that SNRs produce less antimatter than suggested previously: The positron/electron ratio and the antiproton/proton ratio are a few percent and few ×105\times 10^{-5}, respectively. Moreover, the obtained positron/electron ratio decreases with energy, while the antiproton/proton ratio rises at most by a factor of two above 10 GeV.Comment: 8 pages, 8 eps figures; extended version of arXiv:1004.1118; v2: minor corrections, matches published versio

    Camera trocar lifting in office gasless laparoscopic sterilization under local anesthesia

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    We evaluated 35 cases of a mechanical approach to abdominal wall lifting, used in office-based gasless laparoscopic sterilization under local anesthesia. Lifting of the abdominal wall, using the camera trocar as an anchoring device and complemented by suprapubic lifting by means of a towel clamp, led to passive intra-abdominal air filling, giving sufficient space to identify, anesthetize, coagulate and cut the Fallopian tubes. Only mild sedation was necessary. All women walked to and from the operating room. All had successful tubal ligation. The overall satisfaction rate was 97%. The mechanical lifting moment was not painful. With the exception of one woman with failed tubal anesthesia, all women had a low mean pain score of 2.6 (VAS 0–10). No complications occurred except one wound infection. The costs were < ¼ of those of traditional laparoscopic sterilization and office hysteroscopic sterilization. This approach is effective for office-based laparoscopic sterilization. Room air, two strings and a needle replace active gas insufflation and narcosis