607 research outputs found

    Domain - wall - induced magnetoresistance in pseudo spin-valve/superconductor hybrid structures

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    We have studied the interaction between magnetism and superconductivity in a pseudo-spin-valve structure consisting of a Co/Cu/Py/Nb layer sequence. We are able to control the magnetization reversal process and monitor it by means of the giant magnetoresistance effect during transport measurements. By placing the superconducting Nb-film on the top of the permalloy (Py) electrode instead of putting it in between the two ferromagnets, we minimize the influence of spin scattering or spin accumulation onto the transport properties of Nb. Magnetotransport data reveal clear evidence that the stray fields of domain walls (DWs) in the pseudo-spin-valve influence the emerging superconductivity close to the transition temperature by the occurrence of peak-like features in the magneto-resistance characteristic. Direct comparison with magnetometry data shows that the resistance peaks occur exactly at the magnetization reversal fields of the Co and Py layers, where DWs are generated. For temperatures near the superconducting transition the amplitude of the DW-induced magnetoresistance increases with decreasing temperature, reaching values far beyond the size of the giant magnetoresistive response of our structure in the normal state.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Ferromagnetic insulator-based superconducting junctions as sensitive electron thermometers

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    We present an exhaustive theoretical analysis of charge and thermoelectric transport in a normal metal-ferromagnetic insulator-superconductor (NFIS) junction, and explore the possibility of its use as a sensitive thermometer. We investigated the transfer functions and the intrinsic noise performance for different measurement configurations. A common feature of all configurations is that the best temperature noise performance is obtained in the non-linear temperature regime for a structure based on an europium chalcogenide ferromagnetic insulator in contact with a superconducting Al film structure. For an open-circuit configuration, although the maximal intrinsic temperature sensitivity can achieve 1010nKHz−1/2^{-1/2}, a realistic amplifying chain will reduce the sensitivity up to 1010μ\muKHz−1/2^{-1/2}. To overcome this limitation we propose a measurement scheme in a closed-circuit configuration based on state-of-art SQUID detection technology in an inductive setup. In such a case we show that temperature noise can be as low as 3535nKHz−1/2^{-1/2}. We also discuss a temperature-to-frequency converter where the obtained thermo-voltage developed over a Josephson junction operated in the dissipative regime is converted into a high-frequency signal. We predict that the structure can generate frequencies up to ∼120\sim 120GHz, and transfer functions up to 200200GHz/K at around ∼1\sim 1K. If operated as electron thermometer, the device may provide temperature noise lower than 3535nKHz−1/2^{-1/2} thereby being potentially attractive for radiation sensing applications.Comment: 11 pages, 10 color figure

    Induced Ferromagnetism due to Superconductivity in Superconductor-Ferromagnet structures

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    We consider a superconductor-ferromagnet (S/F) structure and assume that above the superconducting transition temperature TcT_{c} the magnetic moment exists only in F. {In a simple model of the ferromagnet (the exchange field is of the ferromagnetic type for all energies)}we show by an explicit calculation that below TcT_{c} the magnetic moment may penetrate the superconductor. {In this model} its direction in S is opposite {to the magnetization of free electrons} in the ferromagnet. The magnetization spreads over a large distance which is of the order of the superconducting coherence length ξS\xi_{S} and can much exceed the ferromagnet film thickness. At the same time the magnetic moment in the ferromagnet is reduced. This inverse proximity effect may explain the reduction in magnetization observed in recent experiments and may lead to a strong interaction between the ferromagnetic layers in F/S/F structures.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. revised and longer version. to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Local density of states in superconductor-strong ferromagnet structures

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    We study the dependence of the local density of states (LDOS) on coordinates for a superconductor-ferromagnet (S/F) bilayer and a S/F/S structure assuming that the exchange energy h in the ferromagnet is sufficiently large: >>1,% h\tau >>1, where τ\tau is the elastic relaxation time. This limit cannot be described by the Usadel equation and we solve the more general Eilenberger equation. We demonstrate that, in the main approximation in the parameter (hτ)−1% (h\tau)^{-1}, the proximity effect does not lead to a modification of the LDOS in the S/F system and a non-trivial dependence on coordinates shows up in next orders in (hτ)−1.(h\tau) ^{-1}. In the S/F/S sandwich the correction to the LDOS is nonzero in the main approximation and depends on the phase difference between the superconductors. We also calculate the superconducting critical temperature TcT_{c} for the bilayered system and show that it does not depend on the exchange energy of the ferromagnet in the limit of large h and a thick F layer.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure
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