10 research outputs found

    Az idősek tápláltsági állapota és testösszetétele a szabadkai Gerontológiai Központban = Nutritional status and body composition of the erderly at the Geriatric Center in Subotica

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    Absztrakt: Bevezetés: Az időskori elhízás vagy alultápláltság megelőzésének leghatékonyabb módja a testösszetétel követése. Célkitűzés: Tanulmányunk célja az idősek otthonában lakók tápláltsági állapotának felmérése, a vércukorszint és az artériás vérnyomás meghatározása. Módszer: 2017 novemberében harminchat 60 évnél idősebb lakost vontunk be a vizsgálatba. A testösszetétel meghatározását bioimpedancián alapuló ’InBody230’ mérleggel végeztük. Az éhgyomri vércukorszintet digitális vércukormérővel, az artériás vérnyomást pedig felkaros digitális vérnyomásmérővel határoztuk meg. Eredmények: A résztvevők 36,1%-a kívánatos túlsúlyú (testtömegindex [BMI] 25–29,9 kg/m2) és 36,1%-a elhízott (BMI≥30,0 kg/m2). Főleg 75–84 éves korban jellemző az elhízás (50%). A vizsgált személyek 44%-ának nem megfelelő a glikémiás válasza, az átlag éhgyomri vércukorszint 7,27 ± 2,03 mmol/l. Az artériás vérnyomás átlagértéke 143,6/79,5 mmHg. A vizsgált idősek közel 60%-a hypertoniás. Következtetések: Az idősotthon lakóinak több mint harmadánál állapítottunk meg elhízást, és 70%-uk esetében magas a szív-ér rendszeri komorbiditás lehetősége. Eszerint az idősotthonokban nagyobb figyelmet kell szentelni az étkezés mennyiségére és minőségére a komplikációk elkerülése érdekében. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(9): 349–358. | Abstract: Introduction: Nutritional assessment is the most effective way of preventing obesity and malnutrition in the elderly. Aim: The aim of our study was to assess the nutritional status of people living in the nursing home, and to determine blood glucose and arterial blood pressure. Method: In November 2017, thirty-six people aged over 60 were included in the study. The body composition was determined by bioimpedance scale ‘In Body 230’. The fasting blood glucose level was determined by a digital blood glucose meter and the arterial blood pressure was determined by a digital blood pressure monitor. Results: Body composition of the participants showed that 36.1% are classified as overweight (body mass index [BMI] 25–29.9 kg/m2) and 36.1% as obese (BMI≥30.0 kg/m2). Obesity (50%) is predominantly recorded at the age of 75–84 years. 44% of the subjects did not have a glycemic response, with an average fasting blood sugar of 7.27 ± 2.03 mmol/L. The mean arterial blood pressure was 143.6/79.5 mmHg. Nearly 60% of the examined elderly people are hypertensive. Conclusions: Obesity was diagnosed in more than one third of the elderly and 70% had high cardiovascular comorbidity. According to these findings, nursing homes need to pay more attention to the amount and quality of meals in order to avoid complications. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(9): 349–358

    Risk Factors for Relapse and Mortality of Clostridium Difficile-Associated Diarrhea

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    AIM: The aim of the present paper was to identify prognostic factors for relapse and mortality in patients with hospital-acquired infections caused by Clostridium difficile.MATERIAL AND METHODS: This study included 133 patients with healthcare facility-associated disease caused by C. difficile. The medical records of all patients with their clinical history and laboratory data were analyzed.RESULTS: Patients with one onset of disease were 105 (78.9%), 28 (21.1%) experienced a relapse and seven (5.2%) patients not survived infection. The average age in our patients was over 65 years (64.5 years in the survived patients and 78.8 in patient who died, p = 0.01). All of patients had received antibiotic treatment (cephalosporins – 83.4%, aminoglycosides – 21.5% and penicillins – 20.3%) and 40.6% of patients received acid-reducing therapy. There was no difference between patients with one onset of disease/patients with relaps; and survived/died in number of administered antibiotics, duration of administration, administration of acid-reducing treatment or length of hospital stay (p > 0.05). CRP levels were significantly higher in the group of patients who died compared with recovered (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION:  C. difficile-associated diarrhea is a common nosocomial disease with high relapse, and significant mortality rate particularly in the elderly

    Inclusion of preschool children into organized activity in leisure time

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    All physical activity of preschool children during the day occurs while they are in kindergarten or during their leisure time. The aim of the study was to present the results related to the participation of children in organized activities during leisure time and what is the perception of parents about the scope of their children’s physical activity and the time spent on watching TV, using computers and playing video games (as a part of wider study). The research was conducted in 2017 in the Preschool institution “Naša Radost” in Subotica. The survey questionnaire was filled in by 135 parents for children of the average age of 5.14 years (+0.91). The survey questionnaire contained questions about children’s nutrition (NutriStep survey) and their involvement in organized activities with educational and sports-recreational content during leisure time, as well as parent’s opinion on quantity in child’s sedentary activities. 65.9% of children aged 5 to 7 was found to attend some kind of organized activity, most often within programs of foreign language schools, sports schools and programs with aesthetic presentation of skills is important (ballet, dance and folklore). The largest number of parents reported that their child spent one hour watching TV, using a computer or playing games. About 71% of parents reported that their child was physically active enough. In both cases, a statistically significant difference was found between boys and girls. Within the family circle and within the educational institution, where children spend most of the time, it is necessary to provide conditions for undisturbed growth and development. One of the best ways is through exercising physical activity

    Erythromycin in therapy of cyclic vomiting syndrome

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the differences in body composition, involvement in structured PA and nutritional quality habits of normal weight and overweight preschool children from Serbia. Overall, 207 children (5 ± 0.87 year) participated in the study, of which 16 were excluded from the study because of incomplete data. Based on the BMI calculation, the children were divided into two groups: N1=168 normal weight (5.19 ± 0.87 year) and N2=23 overweight children (4.93 ± 0.86 year). There was no statistically significant difference between the observed groups regarding structured PA. Furthermore, no differences in nutritional status were found, underlying the importance of parents promoting good nutritional habits to their children. The preschool age provides a good opportunity for children to develop healthy eating habits in order to maintain healthy growth and development. Nutritional status monitoring in children, along with adequate physical activity, represent  good preventive measures against obesity in a population. Developing and maintaining good overall lifestyle habits at this age could prevent development of some modern diseases at later stages in life.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ispitaju razlike u telesnoj kompoziciji, uključenosti dece u strukturiranu fizičku aktivnost (FA), kao i kvalitet ishrane dece predškolskog uzrasta sa normalnom i prekomernom telesnom težinom sa područja Srbije. U istraživanju je učestvovalo ukupno 207 dece (5 ± 0,87 godina), od kojih je 16 isključeno iz studije zbog nepotpunih podataka. Na osnovu izračunatog ITM (indeksa telesne mase), deca su podeljena u dve grupe: N1=168 normalne težine (5,19 ± 0,87 godina) i N2=23 dece sa prekomernom telesnom težinom (4,93 ± 0,86 godina). Nisu pronađene statistički značajne razlike između posmatranih grupa u pogledu strukturirane FA, ni razlike u statusu uhranjenosti posmatrane dece, što ukazuje na važnost roditelja i promocije dobrih prehrambenih navika svojoj deci. Predškolski uzrast pruža dobru priliku deci da steknu zdrave navike u ishrani kako bi održali zdrav rast i razvoj. Praćenje nutritivnog statusa kod dece, uz adekvatnu fizičku aktivnost, predstavljaju dobre preventivne mere protiv gojaznosti u populaciji. Razvijanje i održavanje dobrih opštih životnih navika u ovom uzrastu može sprečiti razvoj nekih savremenih bolesti u kasnijim fazama života

    Coeliac disease as the cause of resistant sideropenic anaemia in children with Down's syndrome: Case report

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    Introduction. Coeliac disease (CD) is a permanent intolerance of gluten, i.e. of gliadin and related proteins found in the endosperm of wheat, rye and barley. It is characterized by polygenic predisposition, autoimmune nature, predominantly asymptomatic or atypical clinical course, as well as by high prevalence in patients with Down's syndrome (DS) and some other diseases. Outline of Cases. We are presenting a girl and two boys, aged 6-7 (X=6.33) years with DS and CD recognized under the feature of sideropenic anaemia resistant to oral therapy with iron. Beside mental retardation, low stature and the morphological features characteristic of DS, two patients had a congenital heart disease; one ventricular septal defect and the other atrioventricular canal. In two patients, trisomy on the 21st chromosome pair (trisomy 21) was disclosed in all cells, while one had a mosaic karyotype. All three patients had classical laboratory parameters of sideropenic anaemia: blood Hb 77-89 g/l (X=81.67), HCT 0.26-0.29% (X=0.28), MCV 69-80 fl (X=73), MCH 24.3-30 pg (X=26.77) and serum iron 2-5 μmol/L (X=4.0). Beside anaemia and in one patient a mild isolated hypertransaminasemia (AST 67 U/l, ALT 62 U/l), other indicators of CD were not registered in any of the children. In addition, in all three patients, we also detected an increased level of antibodies to tissue transglutaminase (atTG) of IgA class (45-88 U/l) so that we performed endoscopic enterobiopsy in order to reliably confirm the diagnosis of CD. In all three patients, the pathohistological finding of the duodenal mucosa specimen showed mild to moderate destructive enteropathy associated with high intraepithelial lymphocyte infiltration, cryptic hyperplasia and lympho-plasmocytic infiltration of the stroma. In all three patients, the treatment with a strict gluten-free diet and iron therapy applied orally for 3-4 months resulted in blood count normalization and the correction of sideropenia. Serum level of the atTG-IgA, repeated after a 12-month diet, was also normal. Conclusion. CD should be taken into consideration in all cases of sideropenic anaemia resistant to iron oral therapy in children with DS. The diagnosis of CD implicates corresponding pathohistological confirmation, while the treatment of sideropenic anaemia and its complications, beside iron preparations, also requires compliance with a gluten-free diet

    Coeliac Disease as the Cause of Resistant Sideropenic Anaemia in Children with Down’s Syndrome:

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    Introduction Coeliac disease (CD) is a permanent intolerance of gluten, i.e. of gliadin and related proteins found in the endosperm of wheat, rye and barley. It is characterized by polygenic predisposition, autoimmune nature, predominantly asymptomatic or atypical clinical course, as well as by high prevalence in patients with Down’s syndrome (DS) and some other diseases. Outline of Cases We are presenting a girl and two boys, aged 6-7 (X=6.33) years with DS and CD recognize

    Level of seed infection of cultivated sorghum with fungi from genus Fusarium

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    During the year of 2011, the level of fungi infection with the genus Fusarium was examined in seven genotypes of grain sorghum (Gold F1, A 28, B 28, Alba F1, A 73, B 73, Re 236) grown in six localities: Srbobran, Futog and four localities nearby Bački Petrovac (Bački Petrovac 1, 2, 3 and 4). The rate of seed infection with fungus Fusarium in the investigated period ranged from 0 to 8.5%. The infection did not occur in the genotype B73 (Bački Petrovac 1), while a low rate of infection of 0-3% was detected in the genotype B 28 (Srbobran). Medium rate of infection was recorded for the genotype A 28 (Srbobran) and A 28 (Futog) with 4.25% and for Gold F1 (Bački Petrovac 2) with 5.5%. High rate of infection was recorded for the genotype A 73 (Futog), A 73 (Bački Petrovac 2) (6.25%), Alba F1 (Bački Petrovac 2) (8%) and Re 236 (Futog) (8.5%). One isolate from each F. solani, F. graminearum, F. subglutinans and F. verticilliodes was selected for the pathogenicity investigation. Thirty plants were inoculated from each genotype of grain sorghum (varieties Alba F1 and Gold F1) and broomcorn (var. Reform and Prima). The spraying inoculation with the suspension of mycelium and conidia was performed when sorghum was at the end of blooming on June 19, 2012. The intensity of the infection on the sorghum panicles was reached in the phenophase of milky-wax maturity on July 8, 2012 and the scale of S h a r m a et al., (2010) was used. The symptoms of the artificial inoculation appeared only in the broomcorn. Among all isolates, the isolate of the species F. graminearum manifested the highest pathogenicity on the variety Reform with average score of 4.43 and on variety Prima with 4.17. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 46005: Genetical divergence, technological quality and storage of cereals and pseudocereals from organic production