88 research outputs found

    Empirically Constraining the Spectra of a Stars Heterogeneities From Its Rotation Lightcurve

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    Transmission spectroscopy is currently the most powerful technique to study a wide range of planetary atmospheres, leveraging the filtering of a stars light by a planets atmosphere rather than its own emission. However, both a planet and its star contribute to the information encoded in a transmission spectrum and a particular challenge relate to disentangling their contributions. As measurements improve, the lack of fidelity of stellar spectra models present a bottleneck for accurate disentanglement. Considering JWST and future high-precision spectroscopy missions, we investigate the ability to derive empirical constraints on the emission spectra of stellar surface heterogeneities (i.e., spots and faculae) using the same facility as used to acquire the transmission spectra intended to characterize a given atmosphere. Using TRAPPIST-1 as a test case, we demonstrate that it is possible to constrain the photospheric spectrum to 0.2% and the spectra of stellar heterogeneities to within 1-5%, which will be valuable benchmarks to inform the new generation of theoretical stellar models. Long baseline of observations (90% of the stellar rotation period) are necessary to ensure the photon-limited (i.e., instrument-limited) exploration of exoplanetary atmospheres via transmission spectroscopy.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    On the Effects of Planetary Oblateness on Exoplanet Studies

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    Abstract When studying transiting exoplanets it is common to assume a spherical planet shape. However, short rotational periods can cause a planet to bulge at its equator, as is the case with Saturn, whose equatorial radius is almost 10% larger than its polar radius. As a new generation of instruments comes online, it is important to continually assess the underlying assumptions of models to ensure robust and accurate inferences. We analyze bulk samples of known transiting planets and calculate their expected signal strength if they were to be oblate. We find that for noise levels below 100 ppm, as many as 100 planets could have detectable oblateness. We also investigate the effects of fitting spherical planet models to synthetic oblate lightcurves. We find that this biases the retrieved parameters by several standard deviations for oblateness values &gt;0.1–0.2. When attempting to fit an oblateness model to both spherical and oblate lightcurves, we find that the sensitivity of such fits is correlated with both the signal-to-noise ratio as well as the time sampling of the data, which can mask the oblateness signal. For typical values of these quantities for Kepler observations, it is difficult to rule out oblateness values less than ∼0.25. This results in an accuracy wall of 10%–15% for the density of planets which may be oblate. Finally, we find that a precessing oblate planet has the ability to mimic the signature of a long-period companion via transit-timing variations, inducing offsets at the level of tens of seconds.</jats:p

    Revisiting the HIP 41378 System with K2 and Spitzer

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    We present new observations of the multiplanet system HIP 41378, a bright star (V = 8.9, K s = 7.7) with five known transiting planets. Previous K2 observations showed multiple transits of two Neptune-sized bodies and single transits of three larger planets (R P = 0.33R J , 0.47R J , 0.88R J ). K2 recently observed the system again in Campaign 18 (C18). We observe one new transit each of two of the larger planets d/f, giving maximal orbital periods of 1114/1084 days, as well as integer divisions of these values down to a lower limit of about 50 days. We use all available photometry to determine the eccentricity distributions of HIP 41378 d & f, finding that periods lesssim300 days require non-zero eccentricity. We check for overlapping orbits of planets d and f to constrain their mutual periods, finding that short periods (P < 300 days) for planet f are disfavored. We also observe transits of planets b and c with Spitzer/Infrared Array Camera (IRAC), which we combine with the K2 observations to search for transit timing variations (TTVs). We find a linear ephemeris for planet b, but see a significant TTV signal for planet c. The ability to recover the two smaller planets with Spitzer shows that this fascinating system will continue to be detectable with Spitzer, CHEOPS, TESS, and other observatories, allowing us to precisely determine the periods of d and f, characterize the TTVs of planet c, recover the transits of planet e, and further enhance our view of this remarkable dynamical laboratory

    A TESS Dress Rehearsal: Planetary Candidates and Variables from K2 Campaign 17T

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    We produce light curves for all ∼34,000 targets observed with K2 in Campaign 17 (C17), identifying 34 planet candidates, 184 eclipsing binaries, and other 222 periodic variables. The forward-facing direction of the C17 field means follow-up can begin immediately now that the campaign has concluded and interesting targets have been identified. The C17 field has a large overlap with C6, so this latest campaign also offers an infrequent opportunity to study a large number of targets already observed in a previous K2 campaign. The timing of the C17 data release, shortly before science operations begin with the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), also lets us exercise some of the tools and methods developed for identification and dissemination of planet candidates from TESS. We find excellent agreement between these results and those identified using only K2-based tools. Among our planet candidates are several planet candidates with sizes <4 R[subscript ⊕] and orbiting stars with Kp ≲ 10 (indicating good RV targets of the sort TESS hopes to find) and a Jupiter-sized single-transit event around a star already hosting a 6 day planet candidate. Key words: methods, data analysis, planets and satellites, detection – techniques, photometricUnited States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (K2GO Grant 80NSSC18K0308

    ‘Bunkering down’: How one community is tightening social-ecological network structures in the face of global change

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    Complex networks of relationships among and between people and nature (social-ecological networks) play an important role in sustainability; yet, we have limited empirical understanding of their temporal dynamics. We empirically examine the evolution of a social-ecological network in a common-pool resource system faced with escalating social and environmental change over the past two decades. We first draw on quantitative and qualitative data collected between 2002 and 2018 in a Papua New Guinean reef fishing community to provide contextual evidence regarding the extent of social and environmental change being experienced. We then develop a temporal multilevel exponential random graph model using complete social-ecological network data, collected in 2016 and 2018, to test key hypotheses regarding how fishing households have adapted their social ties in this context of change given their relationships with reef resources (i.e. social-ecological ties). Specifically, we hypothesized that households will increasingly form tight-knit, bonding social and social-ecological network structures (H1 and H3, respectively) with similar others (H2), and that they will seek out resourceful actors with specialized knowledge that can promote learning and spur innovation (H4). Our results depict a community that is largely ‘bunkering down’ and looking inward in response to mounting risk to resource-dependent livelihoods and a breakdown in the collaborative processes that traditionally sustained them. Community members are increasingly choosing to interact with others more like themselves (H2), with friends of friends (H1), and with those connected to interdependent ecological resources (H3)—in other words, they are showing a strong, increasing preference for forming bonding social-ecological network structures and interacting with like-minded, similar others. We did not find strong support for H4. Bonding network structures may decrease the risk associated with unmonitored behaviour and help to build trust, thereby increasing the probability of sustaining cooperation over time. Yet, increasing homophily and bonding ties can stifle innovation, reducing the ability to adapt to changing conditions. It can also lead to clustering, creating fault lines in the network, which can negatively impact the community\u27s ability to mobilize and agree on/enforce social norms, which are key for managing common resources
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