15,066 research outputs found

    Graphite ionization vacuum gauge

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    Triode gauge with electron source, electron collector, and positive ion collector made from either graphite or carbon material extends low-pressure ranges of existing gauges by changing only materials used in construction. Advantages of graphite gauge stem from physical properties of graphite (or carbon)

    QCD Flux Tubes as Sigma Model Relics

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    We describe flux tubes and their interactions in a low energy sigma model induced by SU(\NF) \goto SO(\NF) flavor symmetry breaking in SO(Nc)SO(N_c) QCD. Gauge confinement manifests itself in the low energy theory through flux tube interactions with unscreened sources. The flux tubes which mediate confinement also illustrate an interesting ambiguity in defining global Alice strings.Comment: 12 pages (REVTEX) plus one figur

    Topologically Alice Strings and Monopoles

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    Symmetry breaking can produce ``Alice'' strings, which alter scattered charges and carry monopole number and charge when twisted into loops. Alice behavior arises algebraically, when strings obstruct unbroken symmetries -- a fragile criterion. We give a topological criterion, compelling Alice behavior or deforming it away. Our criterion, that \pi_o(H) acts nontrivially on \pi_1(H), links topologically Alice strings to topological monopoles. We twist topologically Alice loops to form monopoles. We show that Alice strings of condensed matter systems (nematic liquid crystals, helium 3A, and related non-chiral Bose condensates and amorphous chiral superconductors) are topologically Alice, and support fundamental monopole charge when twisted into loops. Thus they might be observed indirectly, not as strings, but as loop-like point defects. We describe other models, showing Alice strings failing our topological criterion; and twisted Alice loops supporting deposited, but not fundamental, monopole number.Comment: 2 figures; this paper consolidates preprints hep-th/0304161 and hep-th/0304162, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Pattern formation in reaction diffusion models with spatially inhomogeneous diffusion coefficients

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    Reaction-diffusion models for biological pattern formation have been studied extensively in a variety of embryonic and ecological contexts. However, despite experimental evidence pointing to the existence of spatial inhomogeneities in various biological systems, most models have only been considered in a spatially homogeneous environment. The authors consider a two-chemical reaction-diffusion mechanism in one space dimension in which one of the diffusion coefficients depends explicitly on the spatial variable. The model is analysed in the case of a step function diffusion coefficient and the insight gained for this special case is used to discuss pattern generation for smoothly varying diffusion coefficients. The results show that spatial inhomogeneity may be an important biological pattern regulator, and possible applications of the model to chondrogenesis in the vertebrate limb are suggested

    Unravelling the Turing bifurcation using spatially varying diffusion coefficients

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    The Turing bifurcation is the basic bifurcation generating spatial pattern, and lies at the heart of almost all mathematical models for patterning in biology and chemistry. In this paper the authors determine the structure of this bifurcation for two coupled reaction diffusion equations on a two-dimensional square spatial domain when the diffusion coefficients have a small explicit variation in space across the domain. In the case of homogeneous diffusivities, the Turing bifurcation is highly degenerate. Using a two variable perturbation method, the authors show that the small explicit spatial inhomogeneity splits the bifurcation into two separate primary and two separate secondary bifurcations, with all solution branches distinct. This splitting of the bifurcation is more effective than that given by making the domain slightly rectangular, and shows clearly the structure of the Turing bifurcation and the way in which the! var ious solution branches collapse together as the spatial variation is reduced. The authors determine the stability of the solution branches, which indicates that several new phenomena are introduced by the spatial variation, including stable subcritical striped patterns, and the possibility that stable stripes lose stability supercritically to give stable spotted patterns

    Charge Violation and Alice Behavior in Global and Textured Strings

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    Spontaneous breaking of global symmetries can produce ``Alice'' strings: line defects which make unbroken symmetries multivalued, induce apparent charge violation via Aharonov-Bohm interactions, and form point defects when twisted into loops. We demonstrate this behavior for both divergent and textured global Alice strings. Both adiabatically scatter charged particles via effective Wilson lines. For textured Alice strings, such Wilson lines occur at all radii, and are multivalued only inside the string. This produces measurable effects, including path-dependent charge violation.Comment: 32 pages, 2 epsfigs, Revte

    The Conformal Anomaly in General Rank 1 Symmetric Spaces and Associated Operator Product

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    We compute the one-loop effective action and the conformal anomaly associated with the product pLp\bigotimes_p{\cal L}_p of the Laplace type operators Lp,p=1,2{\cal L}_p, p=1,2, acting in irreducible rank 1 symmetric spaces of non-compact type. The explicit form of the zeta functions and the conformal anomaly of the stress-energy momentum tensor is derived.Comment: 10 pages, LaTe

    A digital imaging photometry system for cometary data acquisition

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    This report describes a digital imaging photometry system developed in the Space Science Laboratory at the Marshall Space Flight center. The photometric system used for cometary data acquisition is based on an intensified secondary electron conduction (ISEC) vidicon coupled to a versatile data acquisition system which allows real-time interactive operation. Field tests on the Orion and Rosette nebulas indicate a limiting magnitude of approximately m sub v = 14 over the 40 arcmin field-of-view. Observations were conducted of Comet Giacobini-Zinner in August 1985. The resulting data are discussed in relation to the capabilities of the digital analysis system. The development program concluded on August 31, 1985

    Increased Dementia Mortality in West Virginia Counties with Mountaintop Removal Mining?

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    (MTM), a practice that has been ongoing in some counties of West Virginia (WV) USA since the 1970s. PM inhalation has been linked to central nervous system pathophysiology, including cognitive decline and dementia. Here we compared county dementia mortality statistics in MTM vs. non-MTM WV counties over a period spanning 2001–2015. We found significantly elevated age-adjusted vascular or unspecified dementia mortality/100,000 population in WV MTM counties where, after adjusting for socioeconomic variables, dementia mortality was 15.60 (±3.14 Standard Error of the Mean (S.E.M.)) times higher than that of non-MTM counties. Further analyses with satellite imaging data revealed a highly significant positive correlation between the number of distinct mining sites vs. both mean and cumulative vascular and unspecified dementia mortality over the 15 year period. This was in contrast to finding only a weak relationship between dementia mortality rates and the overall square kilometers mined. No effect of living in an MTM county was found for the rate of Alzheimer’s type dementia and possible reasons for this are considered. Based on these results, and the current literature, we hypothesize that inhalation of PM associated with MTM contributes to dementia mortality of the vascular or unspecified types. However, limitations inherent in ecological-type studies such as this, preclude definitive extrapolation to individuals in MTM-counties at this time. We hope these findings will inspire follow-up cohort and case-controlled type studies to determine if specific causative factors associated with living near MTM can be identified. Given the need for caregiving and medical support, increased dementia mortality of the magnitude seen here could, unfortunately, place great demands upon MTM county public health resources in the future

    Using Test Theories Models to Assess Senior Secondary Students Ability in Constructed-Response Mathematics Tests

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    Testing is essential in education and other behavioural science fields because many decisions and policies are made according to the results of testing. It is therefore, imperative that besides ensuring that the test items are valid and reliable, the scoring of the items must be reliably and validly conducted. It has been established by chief examiners of examining bodies that students most times obtained low scores in the constructed-response items aspect of mathematics and this could be as a result of the assessment procedures adopted by the examination bodies. Also, many research works have been carried out to confirm the similarity between West African Examinations Council (WAEC) and National Examinations Council (NECO) in Nigeria using multiple choice items. Against this backdrop, this study assessed the ability of senior secondary students in constructed-response mathematics tests of WAEC and NECO with test theories models and as well established the similarity between the two examinations. Non-experimental design of ex post facto type was adopted. The target population consists of all senior secondary school students in Ibadan Metropolis of Oyo State in Nigeria. Simple random sampling was used to randomly sample 24 schools and 1151 students. The compulsory section A of Paper II of three years past constructed-response items of WAEC and NECO were used as instruments for data collection. Data collected were analysed using mean, standard deviation, Person Product Correlation Movement; Classical Test Theory, generalized partial credit and graded response models of Item Response Theory. Results of the finding shows that students mean score in the examinations were below 50% using CTT and above 50% using IRT models respectively. It was concluded that the two examinations mathematics constructed-response items are equal and IRT models are more efficient and reliable in determining students’ ability compare to CTT. Keywords: WAEC Mathematics Constructed-Response Test, NECO Mathematics Constructed-Response Test, Classical Test Theories Model, Item Response Theory Models, DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-7-05 Publication date:March 31st 202