969 research outputs found

    Damped harmonic oscillators in the holomorphic representation

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    Quantum dynamical semigroups are applied to the study of the time evolution of harmonic oscillators, both bosonic and fermionic. Explicit expressions for the density matrices describing the states of these systems are derived using the holomorphic representation. Bosonic and fermionic degrees of freedom are then put together to form a supersymmetric oscillator; the conditions that assure supersymmetry invariance of the corresponding dynamical equations are explicitly derived.Comment: 19 pages, plain-TeX, no figure

    Planck's scale dissipative effects in atom interferometry

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    Atom interferometers can be used to study phenomena leading to irreversibility and dissipation, induced by the dynamics of fundamental objects (strings and branes) at a large mass scale. Using an effective, but physically consistent description in terms of a master equation of Lindblad form, the modifications of the interferometric pattern induced by the new phenomena are analyzed in detail. We find that present experimental devices can in principle provide stringent bounds on the new effects.Comment: 12 pages, plain-Te

    Quantum measuring processes for trapped ultracold bosonic gases

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    The standard experimental techniques usually adopted in the study of the behaviour of ultracold atoms in optical lattices involve extracting the atom density profile from absorption images of the atomic sample after trap release. Quantum mechanically this procedure is described by a generalized measure (POVM); interference patterns found in absorption images suggest a generalized measure based on fixed-phase, coherent-like states. We show that this leads to an average atomic density which differs from the usually adopted one, obtained as the expectation value of the atom density operator in the many-body state.Comment: 11 pages, LaTe

    Dissipative neutrino oscillations in randomly fluctuating matter

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    The generalized dynamics describing the propagation of neutrinos in randomly fluctuating media is analyzed: it takes into account matter-induced, decoherence phenomena that go beyond the standard MSW effect. A widely adopted density fluctuation pattern is found to be physically untenable: a more general model needs to be instead considered, leading to flavor changing effective neutrino-matter interactions. They induce new, dissipative effects that modify the neutrino oscillation pattern in a way amenable to a direct experimental analysis.Comment: 14 pages, plain-Te

    Quantum contextuality in N-boson systems

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    Quantum contextuality in systems of identical bosonic particles is explicitly exhibited via the maximum violation of a suitable inequality of Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt type. Unlike the approaches considered so far, which make use of single-particle observables, our analysis involves collective observables constructed using multi-boson operators. An exemplifying scheme to test this violation with a quantum optical setup is also discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, LaTe

    Quantum Dissipative Effects and Neutrinos : current constraints and future perspectives

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    We establish the most stringent experimental constraints coming from recent terrestrial neutrino experiments on quantum mechanical decoherence effects in neutrino systems. Taking a completely phenomenological approach, we probe vacuum oscillations plus quantum decoherence between two neutrino species in the channels νμ→ντ\nu_\mu \to \nu_\tau, νμ→νe\nu_\mu \to \nu_e and νe→ντ\nu_e \to \nu_\tau, admitting that the quantum decoherence parameter γ\gamma is related to the neutrino energy EνE_\nu as : γ=γ0(Eν/GeV)n\gamma=\gamma_0 (E_\nu/\text{GeV})^{n}, with n=−1,0,1n=-1,0,1 and 2. Our bounds are valid for a neutrino mass squared difference compatible with the atmospheric, the solar and, in many cases, the LSND scale. We also qualitatively discuss the perspectives of the future long baseline neutrino experiments to further probe quantum dissipation.Comment: 26 pages, 8 encapsulated postscript figure

    Correlations in quantum thermodynamics: Heat, work, and entropy production

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    We provide a characterization of energy in the form of exchanged heat and work between two interacting constituents of a closed, bipartite, correlated quantum system. By defining a binding energy we derive a consistent quantum formulation of the first law of thermodynamics, in which the role of correlations becomes evident, and this formulation reduces to the standard classical picture in relevant systems. We next discuss the emergence of the second law of thermodynamics under certain---but fairly general---conditions such as the Markovian assumption. We illustrate the role of correlations and interactions in thermodynamics through two examples.Comment: 16 page
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