13 research outputs found

    Algorithmes de communications de données pour les réseaux sans fils mobiles et les réseaux de capteurs en zone urbaines

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    Emerging wearable wireless networks (WWNs) are evolving along with the ubiquitous technologies and standards. WWNs are not only used for health-care monitoring, but also in smart home and energy technologies, personal and public security, traffic andtransport, environment sensing and industrial controlling. With the recent advances in Industrial Internet-of-Things (IIoT) and Big Data, WWNs have become a key enabling technology to complete the automation chain through which data is collected, transmitted, recorded and analyzed. Moreover, WWNs have been seen as an efficient candidate to substitute wireless networks when networking infrastructures are missing. Obviously, during a disaster, the wireless infrastructure networks are either damaged or over-saturated, however, rescue operations communications must rely on a reliable tactical deployable networks to cover the operations area. To that end, the WWNs could play a key role in establishing a tactical disaster relief wireless network. The established network grants disaster relief operations monitoring (i.e., deployed rescue teams and victims vital signs, air intoxication, ambient temperature, etc.). It enables also remote operations assistance from distant command center (CC) to the deployed rescuing forces (i.e., medical teams, military, police, firefighters, etc.). In this context, an efficient routing approach is important to grant data communicationfrom CC and deployed rescue teams and vice-versa. The scope of this thesis is to address this concern with regards to the disaster relief missions operational and technical requirements. This thesis aims at: First, to study the state-of-the-art of the data communication algorithms in WWNs. Second, to implement and evaluate the existing approaches in order to conclude their limitations for this context. Third, to propose a new communication approach specifically designed for harsh environmentand disaster relief operations. Fourth, to evaluate the proposed approach and compare its behavior to the existing routing approaches and validate it by simulation.Finally, to implement the new proposal on real devices as a proof of concept to validate it on a real test-bed within realistic conditions. This thesis was a part of the CROW2 project conducted by Qatar Mobility Innovations Center and the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) - Laboratory of Electronics and Information Technology (LETI), over more than three years in order to propose a complete disaster relief reliable communication solution.Actuellement, les technologies sans fils mobiles portables (Wearable Wireless Networks) font désormais partie intégrante de notre vie quotidienne, leur utilité est indissociable pour l’intérêt pratique, ludique et technologique. Cette technologie vise à offrir une efficacité accrue dans de différents domaines (i.e., domotique, e-santé, militaire, aéronautique, etc.), tout en remontant un tas infini de données au cloud.Dans ce contexte, les nouvelles tendances technologiques mobiles évoluent dans le cadre du concept de l’Internet des Objets (Internet-of-Things), de l’automatisations et robotiques, du deep learning et du big data. Les réseaux sans fils mobiles portables englobent les réseaux de capteurs en zones urbaines, et sont notamment complémentaires aux réseaux de véhicules à véhicules, et des réseaux intelligents (smart-grids), etc. Lors d'une catastrophe d’origine naturelle ou humaine, les réseaux d’infrastructures risquent de ne plus assurer leurs fonctions et sont soit endommagés soit sursaturés, ce qui perturbe et/ou omet la communication entre les différents acteurs des opérations de recherches et de secours. Ainsi, la communication doit s'appuyer sur des réseaux tactiques déployables à tout moment, partout tout en étant fiables en couvrant la totalité des zones d’opérations. Ce mémoire de thèse vise à proposer une approche protocolaire pour soulever ce challenge.La première partie du mémoire de cette thèse présente un état de l'art des algorithmes de communication de données dans les réseaux sans fils mobiles portables. La seconde partie, présente une nouvelle approche de routage spécifique conçue pour les réseaux sans fils mobiles portables pour assurer la communication sans-fils ad hoc pendant les opérations de secours en cas de catastrophe. La troisième partie présente trois contributions basées sur l'évaluation de l'approche proposée, la comparaison de son comportement aux approches de routage existantes et la validation par la simulation. Enfin, le déploiement de la nouvelle approche proposée sur une plateforme réelle et son intégration avec une plateforme d’Internet des Objets comme preuve de concept. Puis l’implémentation est validée dans des conditions réalistes à travers des expérimentations intégrant différents dispositifs mobiles (i.e., Raspeberry Pi, Mobiles Samsung, etc.) et en utilisant des capteurs industriels et d’autres conçues pour la cause. Cette thèse s’inscrit dans un projet de recherches nommé CROW2 mené sur plus de trois ans par le Qatar Mobility Innovations Center (QMIC [Qatar]) et le Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives – Laboratoire d’électronique des technologies de l‘information (CEA-Leti [Grenoble-France]) visant à proposer un système de communication sans fils mobile fiable et complet pour les réseaux tactiques déployés en cas de désastre

    A novel multi-hop body-To-body routing protocol for disaster and emergency networks

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    In this paper, a new multi-hop routing protocol (called ORACE-Net) for disaster and emergency networks is proposed. The proposed hierarchical protocol creates an ad-hoc network through body-To-body (B2B) communication between rescue members and the command center. The on-body coordinators establish forward routes towards a command center, whereas, the command center builds reverse routes towards these nodes. The Routing tables are optimized based on real-Time end-To-end Link Quality Estimation (LQE) metrics (i.e., end-To-end signal strength level and end-To-end hop count). We evaluate our proposed protocol with other widely used protocols in the disaster context which are covered by the routing classes (i.e., Reactive, Proactive and Geographic-based). The evaluation is based on a realistic disaster mobility trace. The results show that the proposed protocol outperforms the other studied protocols in terms of packet reception rate and energy consumption. The proposed ORACE-Net protocol increases the body-To-body network lifetime and reliability.This publication was made possible by NPRP grant #[6 1508 2 616] from the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of Qatar Foundation).Scopu

    Comportement de protocoles de routage sans fils de corps a corps pour la surete publique et le sauvetage dans un contexte de desastre.

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    International audienceCritical and public safety operations require real-time data transfer from the incident area(s) to the distant operations command center going through the evacuation and medical support areas. Any delay in communication may cause significant loss. In some cases, it is anticipated that the existing communication infrastructures can be damaged or out-of-service. It is thus required to deploy tactical ad-hoc networks to cover the operation zones. Routing data over the deployed network is a significant challenge with consideration to the operations conditions. In this paper we evaluate the performance of mutli-hop routing protocols while using different wireless technologies in an urban critical and emergency scenario. Using a realistic mobility model, Mobile Ad hoc, geographic based and data-centric routing protocols are evaluated with different communication technologies (i.e. WiFi IEEE 802.11; WSN IEEE 802.15.4; WBAN IEEE 802.15.6). It is concluded that, WiFi IEEE 802.11 is the best wireless technology with consideration to the packet reception rate and the energy consumption. Whereas, in terms of delay, WBAN IEEE 802.15.6 is the most efficient. With regards to the routing protocols, assuming that the location information is available, geographical based routing protocol with WiFi IEEE 802.11 performed much better compared to the others routing protocols. In case where the location information is unavailable, gradient based routing protocol with WBAN IEEE 802.15.6 seems the best combination

    Communication Challenges in on-Body and Body-to-Body Wearable Wireless Networks—A Connectivity Perspective

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    International audienceWearable wireless networks (WWNs) offer innovative ways to connect humans and/or objects anywhere, anytime, within an infinite variety of applications. WWNs include three levels of communications: on-body, body-to-body and off-body communication. Successful communication in on-body and body-to-body networks is often challenging due to ultra-low power consumption, processing and storage capabilities, which have a significant impact on the achievable throughput and packet reception ratio as well as latency. Consequently, all these factors make it difficult to opt for an appropriate technology to optimize communication performance, which predominantly depends on the given application. In particular, this work emphasizes the impact of coarse-grain factors (such as dynamic and diverse mobility, radio-link and signal propagation, interference management, data dissemination schemes, and routing approaches) directly affecting the communication performance in WWNs. Experiments have been performed on a real testbed to investigate the connectivity behavior on two wireless communication levels: on-body and body-to-body. It is concluded that by considering the impact of above-mentioned factors, the general perception of using specific technologies may not be correct. Indeed, for on-body communication, by using the IEEE 802.15.6 standard (which is specifically designed for on-body communication), it is observed that while operating at low transmission power under realistic conditions, the connectivity can be significantly low, thus, the transmission power has to be tuned carefully. Similarly, for body-to-body communication in an indoor environment, WiFi IEEE 802.11n also has a high threshold of end-to-end disconnections beyond two hops (approximatively 25 m). Therefore, these facts promote the use of novel technologies such as 802.11ac, NarrowBand-IoT (NB-IoT) etc. as possible candidates for body-to-body communications as a part of the Internet of humans concept. View Full-Tex

    Strategies de diffusion de donnees pour les reseaux corps a corps emergents bases Internet d'humains

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    International audienceWith the recent advent of Internet of Humans (IoH), wireless body-to-body networks (WBBNs) are emerging as the fundamental part of this new paradigm. In particular with reference to newly emerging applications, the research trends on data routing and dissemination strategies have gained a great interest in WBBN. In this paper, we present the performance evaluation of the clustered and distributed data dissemination approaches in tactical WBBN. We used a realistic radio-link and biomechanical mobility model for on-body motions, and group mobility model for WBBN to effectively realize rescue and emergency management application scenario. In this regard, we are using the newly proposed IEEE 802.15.6 standard targeted for body area networks. Extensive (IEEE 802.15.6 standard compliance) network level, packet oriented simulations are conducted in WSNet simulator. During the simulations, various payloads, frequencies (narrow-band) and modulation techniques are exploited. We based our performance evaluation on relevant metrics according to the operational requirements for tactical networks such as packet reception ratio, latency, energy consumption and hop count. The results showed a trade-offs between clustered-based and distributed-based dissemination approaches. With regards to packet delay, distributed approach provided the best performance. However, in terms of average packet reception ratio (PRR), clustered-based approach achieves up to 97% reception and remained the best strategy. Whereas, the results of the hop count and energy consumption are almost comparable in both schemes

    Comportement de protocoles de routage sans fils de corps a corps pour la surete publique et le sauvetage dans un contexte de desastre.

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    International audienceCritical and public safety operations require real-time data transfer from the incident area(s) to the distant operations command center going through the evacuation and medical support areas. Any delay in communication may cause significant loss. In some cases, it is anticipated that the existing communication infrastructures can be damaged or out-of-service. It is thus required to deploy tactical ad-hoc networks to cover the operation zones. Routing data over the deployed network is a significant challenge with consideration to the operations conditions. In this paper we evaluate the performance of mutli-hop routing protocols while using different wireless technologies in an urban critical and emergency scenario. Using a realistic mobility model, Mobile Ad hoc, geographic based and data-centric routing protocols are evaluated with different communication technologies (i.e. WiFi IEEE 802.11; WSN IEEE 802.15.4; WBAN IEEE 802.15.6). It is concluded that, WiFi IEEE 802.11 is the best wireless technology with consideration to the packet reception rate and the energy consumption. Whereas, in terms of delay, WBAN IEEE 802.15.6 is the most efficient. With regards to the routing protocols, assuming that the location information is available, geographical based routing protocol with WiFi IEEE 802.11 performed much better compared to the others routing protocols. In case where the location information is unavailable, gradient based routing protocol with WBAN IEEE 802.15.6 seems the best combination

    Strategies de diffusion de donnees pour les reseaux corps a corps emergents bases Internet d'humains

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    International audienceWith the recent advent of Internet of Humans (IoH), wireless body-to-body networks (WBBNs) are emerging as the fundamental part of this new paradigm. In particular with reference to newly emerging applications, the research trends on data routing and dissemination strategies have gained a great interest in WBBN. In this paper, we present the performance evaluation of the clustered and distributed data dissemination approaches in tactical WBBN. We used a realistic radio-link and biomechanical mobility model for on-body motions, and group mobility model for WBBN to effectively realize rescue and emergency management application scenario. In this regard, we are using the newly proposed IEEE 802.15.6 standard targeted for body area networks. Extensive (IEEE 802.15.6 standard compliance) network level, packet oriented simulations are conducted in WSNet simulator. During the simulations, various payloads, frequencies (narrow-band) and modulation techniques are exploited. We based our performance evaluation on relevant metrics according to the operational requirements for tactical networks such as packet reception ratio, latency, energy consumption and hop count. The results showed a trade-offs between clustered-based and distributed-based dissemination approaches. With regards to packet delay, distributed approach provided the best performance. However, in terms of average packet reception ratio (PRR), clustered-based approach achieves up to 97% reception and remained the best strategy. Whereas, the results of the hop count and energy consumption are almost comparable in both schemes

    Implementation and benchmarking of a novel routing protocol for tactical mobile ad-hoc networks

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    Providing efficient routing service over tactical multi-hop ad-hoc networks is a crucial building block in wireless communication networks especially during a disaster relief. To date, there is still a lack of routing standards for such networks. Indeed, in such harsh environment, medical rescue teams, firefighters, military, police and even victims need to be steadily connected to a distant command center (CC) which conducts the rescue operations. In this paper, we propose a new multi-hop routing approach called ORACE-Net. The proposed protocol uses advertisement packets to establish routes from deployed nodes towards the CC (i.e. Direct Route Establishment). Then, it utilizes the data packets to establish reverse routes (from the CC to all nodes in the network). We implemented and evaluated our approach in realistic scenario using tactical and on-body mobile nodes. Our experiments include also an Internet of Thing (IoT) platform and a real-time dynamic topology website which are used for analyzing the behavior of the protocol. The experimental results show that our protocol increases the mobile nodes connectivity and packet delivery rate. Also, it reduces the average round trip time delay for the on-body nodes compared to the tactical deployed base stations.Scopu