247 research outputs found

    Femtosecond synchronization system for advanced accelerator applications

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    Some next future experiments involving particle accelerators require a very precise synchronization between very short (< 200 fs) particle beams, laser pulses and RF accelerating waves. In fact, experiments like generation of short Free Electron Laser (FEL) radiation pulses, coherent x-ray production from laserelectron backscattering, high gradient acceleration techniques based on PlasmaWake Field Acceleration (PWFA) with injection of an external electron beam demand a synchronization performance that can vary from 500 fs to few fs between the pulses involved. The presentation is an overview of synchronization systems using electrical or optical reference distribution and shows their performance and range of application

    A model for enhanced and selective transport through biological membranes with alternating pores

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    We investigate the outflux of ions through the channels in a cell membrane. The channels undergo an open/close cycle according to a periodic schedule. Our study is based both on theoretical considerations relying on homogenization theory, and on Monte Carlo numerical simulations. We examine the onset of a limiting boundary behavior characterized by a constant ratio between the outflux and the local density, in the thermodynamics limit. The focus here is on the issue of selectivity, that is on the different behavior of the ion currents through the channel in the cases of the selected and non-selected species.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1307.418

    Flux through a time-periodic gate: Monte Carlo test of a homogenization result

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    We investigate via Monte Carlo numerical simulations and theoretical considerations the outflux of random walkers moving in an interval bounded by an interface exhibiting channels (pores, doors) which undergo an open/close cycle according to a periodic schedule. We examine the onset of a limiting boundary behavior characterized by a constant ratio between the outflux and the local density, in the thermodynamic limit. We compare such a limit with the predictions of a theoretical model already obtained in the literature as the homogenization limit of a suitable diffusion problem

    Monte Carlo study of gating and selection in potassium channels

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    The study of selection and gating in potassium channels is a very important issue in modern biology. Indeed such structures are known in all types of cells in all organisms where they play many important functional roles. The mechanism of gating and selection of ionic species is not clearly understood. In this paper we study a model in which gating is obtained via an affinity-switching selectivity filter. We discuss the dependence of selectivity and efficiency on the cytosolic ionic concentration and on the typical pore open state duration. We demonstrate that a simple modification of the way in which the selectivity filter is modeled yields larger channel efficiency

    Review of the ELI-NP-GBS low level rf and synchronization systems

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    The Gamma Beam System (GBS) of ELI-NP is a linac based gamma-source in construction at Magurele (RO) by the European consortium EuroGammaS led by INFN. Photons with tunable energy and with intensity and brilliance well beyond the state of the art will be produced by Compton back-scattering between a high quality electron beam (up to 740 MeV) and a 515 nm intense laser pulse. Production of very intense photon flux with narrow bandwidth requires multi-bunch operation at 100 Hz repetition rate. A total of 13 klystrons, 3 S-band (2856 MHz) and 10 C-band (5712 MHz) will power a total of 14 Travelling Wave accelerating sections (2 S-band and 12 C-band) plus 3 S-band Standing Wave cavities (a 1.6 cell RF gun and 2 RF deflectors). Each klystron is individually driven by a temperature stabilized LLRF module, for a maximum flexibility in terms of accelerating gradient, arbitrary pulse shaping (e.g. to compensate beam loading effects in multi-bunch regime) and compensation of long-term thermal drifts. In this paper, the whole LLRF system architecture and bench test results, the RF reference generation and distribution together with an overview of the synchronization system will be described

    Intense terahertz pulses from SPARC-LAB coherent radiation source

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    The linac-based Terahertz source at the SPARC_LAB test facility is able to gene rate highly intense Terahertz broadband pulses via coherent transition radiation (CTR) from high brightness electron beams. The THz pulse duration is typically down to 100 fs RMS and can be tuned through the electron bunch duration and shaping. The measured stored energy in a single THz pulse has reached 40 μ J, which corresponds to a peak electric field of 1.6 MV/cm at the THz focus. Here we present the main features, in particular spatial and sp ectral distributions and energy characterizations of the SPARC_LAB THz source, which is very competitive for investigations in Condensed Matter, as well as a valid tool for electron beam longitudinal diagnostics

    Upgrade of the fast analogue intra-pulse phase feedback at SPARC_LAB

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    SPARC_LAB is a facility designed for the production of FEL radiation and the exploration of advanced acceleration techniques using a high brightness electron photo-injector. Specifically, particle-driven plasma wakefield acceleration (PWFA) necessitates exceptional beam stability, in order to minimize the jitter between the driver and witness beams. This requirement directly translates into RF phase jitter minimization, since a velocity bunching (RF compression) working point is employed at SPARC_LAB for acceleration. In the past, a fast intra-pulse phase feedback system has been developed to stabilize the klystron RF pulse. This allowed to reach a phase stability of S-band power units (both driven by PFN modulators) below 50 fs rms. However, in order to meet the more stringent requirements of PWFA scheme, some upgrades of this feedback system have been recently carried out. A prototype has been tested on a C-band klystron driven by a solid-state modulator, in order to investigate the possibility for an additional improvement resulting from the inherently more stable power source. In this paper the preliminary measurement results obtained at SPARC_LAB after such upgrades will be reviewed.Comment: Talk presented at LLRF Workshop 2023 (LLRF2023, arXiv: 2310.03199

    Challenges in plasma and laser wakefield accelerated beams diagnostic

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    The new frontier in the particle beam accelerator is the so called plasma acceleration. Using the strong electric eld inside a plasma is possible to achieve accelerating gradients order of magnitude larger with respect to the actual technologies. Di erent schemes have been proposed and several already tested, producing beams of energy of several GeV. Mainly two approaches are followed: either the beam is directly produced by the interaction of a TW/PW class laser with a gas jet, or a preexisting particle beam is accelerated in a plasma channel. In both cases a precise determination of the emerging beam parameters is mandatory for the ne tuning of the devices. The measurement of these parameters, in particular the emittance, is not trivial, mainly due to the large energy spread and to the tight focusing of these beams or to the background noise produced in the plasma channel. We show the problems related to the diagnostic of this kind of beams and the proposed or already realized solutions
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