22 research outputs found

    Mitte-interaktiivsed nullteadmusprotokollid nõrgemate usalduseeldustega

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneTäieliku koosluskindlusega (TK) kinnitusskeemid ja nullteadmustõestused on ühed põhilisemad krüptograafilised primitiivid, millel on hulgaliselt päriselulisi rakendusi. (TK) Kinnitusskeem võimaldab osapoolel arvutada salajasest sõnumist kinnituse ja hiljem see verifitseeritaval viisil avada. Täieliku koosluskindlusega protokolle saab vabalt kombineerida teiste täieliku koosluskindlusega protokollidega ilma, et see mõjutaks nende turvalisust. Nullteadmustõestus on protokoll tõestaja ja verifitseerija vahel, mis võimaldab tõestajal veenda verifitseerijat mingi väite paikapidavuses ilma rohkema informatsiooni lekitamiseta. Nullteadmustõestused pakuvad suurt huvi ka praktilistes rakendustes, siinkohal on olulisemateks näideteks krüptorahad ja hajusandmebaasid üldisemalt. Siin on eriti asjakohased just lühidad mitteinteraktiivsed nullteadmustõestused (SNARKid) ning kvaasiadaptiivsed mitteinteraktiivsed nullteadmustõestused (QA-NIZKid). Mitteinteraktiivsetel nullteadmustõestustel juures on kaks suuremat praktilist nõrkust. Esiteks on tarvis usaldatud seadistusfaasi osapoolte ühisstringi genereerimiseks ja teiseks on tarvis täielikku koosluskindlust. Käesolevas doktoritöös me uurime neid probleeme ja pakume välja konkreetseid konstruktsioone nende leevendamiseks. Esmalt uurime me õõnestuskindlaid SNARKe juhu jaoks, kus seadistusfaasi ühisstring on õõnestatud. Me konstrueerime õõnestuskindla versiooni seni kõige tõhusamast SNARKist. Samuti uurime me QA-NIZKide õõnestuskindlust ja konstrueerime kõige efektiivsemate QA-NIZKide õõnestuskindla versiooni. Mis puutub teise uurimissuunda, nimelt täielikku koosluskindlusesse, siis sel suunal kasutame me pidevaid projektiivseid räsifunktsioone. Me pakume välja uue primitiivi, kus eelmainitud räsifunktsioonid on avalikult verifitseeritavad. Nende abil me konstrueerime seni kõige tõhusama mitteinteraktiivse koosluskindla kinnitusskeemi. Lõpetuseks me töötame välja uue võtte koosluskindlate kinnitusskeemide jaoks, mis võimaldab ühisarvutuse abil luua nullteadmustõestuste ühisstringe.Quite central primitives in cryptographic protocols are (Universally composable (UC)) commitment schemes and zero-knowledge proofs that getting frequently employed in real-world applications. A (UC) commitment scheme enables a committer to compute a commitment to a secret message, and later open it in a verifiable manner (UC protocols can seamlessly be combined with other UC protocols and primitives while the entire protocol remains secure). A zero-knowledge proof is a protocol usually between a prover and a verifier that allows the prover to convince the verifier of the legality of a statement without disclosing any more information. Zero-knowledge proofs and in particular Succinct non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs (SNARKs) and quasi adaptive NIZK (QA-NIZK) are of particular interest in the real-world applications, with cryptocurrencies or more generally distributed ledger technologies being the prime examples. The two serious issues and the main drawbacks of the practical usage of NIZKs are (i) the demand for a trusted setup for generating the common reference string (CRS) and (ii) providing the UC security. In this thesis, we essentially investigate the aforementioned issues and propose concrete constructions for them. We first investigate subversion SNARKs (Sub zk-SNARKs) when the CRS is subverted. In particular, we build a subversion of the most efficient SNARKs. Then we initiate the study of subversion QA-NIZK (Sub-QA-NIZK) and construct subversion of the most efficient QA-NIZKs. For the second issue, providing UC-security, we first using hash proof systems or smooth projective hash functions (SPHFs), we introduce a new cryptographic primitive called publicly computable SPHFs (PC-SPHFs) and construct the currently most efficient non-interactive UC-secure commitment. Finally, we develop a new technique for constructing UC-secure commitments schemes that enables one to generate CRS of NIZKs by using MPC in a UC-secure mannerhttps://www.ester.ee/record=b535926

    Subversion-Resistant Quasi-Adaptive NIZK and Applications to Modular zk-SNARKs

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    Quasi-adaptive non-interactive zero-knowledge (QA-NIZK) arguments are NIZK arguments where the common reference string (CRS) is allowed to depend on the language and they can be very efficient for specific languages. Thus, they are for instance used within the modular LegoSNARK toolbox by Campanelli et al. (ACM CCS\u2719) as succinct NIZKs (aka zkSNARKs) for linear subspace languages. Such modular frameworks are interesting, as they provide gadgets for a flexible design of privacy-preserving blockchain applications. Recently, there has been an increasing interest to reduce the trust required in the generator of the CRS. One important line of work in this direction is subversion zero-knowledge by Bellare et al. (ASIACRYPT\u2716), where the zero-knowledge property even holds when the CRS is generated maliciously. In this paper, we firstly analyze the security of the most efficient QA-NIZK constructions of Kiltz and Wee (EUROCRYPT\u2715) and the asymmetric QA-NIZKs by Gonzalez et al. (ASIACRYPT\u2715) when the CRS is subverted and propose subversion versions of them. Secondly, for the first time, we construct unbounded (strong) true-simulation extractable (tSE) variants of them. Thirdly, we show how to integrate our subversion QA-NIZKs into the LegoSNARK toolbox, which so far does not consider subversion resistance. Our results together with existing results on (SE) subversion zk-SNARKS represent an important step towards a subversion variant of the LegoSNARK toolbox

    CRS-Updatable Asymmetric Quasi-Adaptive NIZK Arguments

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    A critical aspect for the practical use of non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) arguments in the common reference string (CRS) model is the demand for a trusted setup, i.e., a trusted generation of the CRS. Recently, motivated by its increased use in real-world applications, there has been a growing interest in concepts that allow to reduce the trust in this setup. In particular one demands that the zero-knowledge and ideally also the soundness property hold even when the CRS generation is subverted. One important line of work in this direction is the so-called updatable CRS for NIZK by Groth et al. (CRYPTO’18). The basic idea is that everyone can update a CRS and there is a way to check the correctness of an update. This guarantees that if at least one operation (the generation or one update) have been performed honestly, the zero-knowledge and the soundness properties hold. Later, Lipmaa (SCN’20) adopted this notion of updatable CRS to quasi-adaptive NIZK (QA-NIZK) arguments. In this work, we continue the study of CRS-updatable QA-NIZK and analyse the most efficient asymmetric QA-NIZKs by González et al. (ASIACRYPT’15) in a setting where the CRS is fully subverted and propose an updatable version of it. In contrast to the updatable QA- NIZK by Lipmaa (SCN’20) which represents a symmetric QA-NIZK and requires a new non-standard knowledge assumption for the subversion zero-knowledge property, our technique to construct updatable asymmetric QA-NIZK is under a well-known standard knowledge assumption, i.e., the Bilinear Diffie-Hellman Knowledge of Exponents assumption. Furthermore, we show the knowledge soundness of the (updatable) asymmetric QA-NIZKs, an open problem posed by Lipmaa, which makes them compatible with modular zk-SNARK frameworks such as LegoS- NARK by Campanelli et al. (ACM CCS’19)

    Updatable Trapdoor SPHFs: Modular Construction of Updatable Zero-Knowledge Arguments and More

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    Recently, motivated by its increased use in real-world applications, there has been a growing interest on the reduction of trust in the generation of the common reference string (CRS) for zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs. This line of research was initiated by the introduction of subversion non-interactive ZK (NIZK) proofs by Bellare et al. (ASIACRYPT\u2716). Here, the zero-knowledge property needs to hold even in case of a malicious generation of the CRS. Groth et al. (CRYPTO\u2718) then introduced the notion of updatable zk-SNARKS, later adopted by Lipmaa (SCN\u2720) to updatable quasi-adaptive NIZK (QA-NIZK) proofs. In contrast to the subversion setting, in the updatable setting one can achieve stronger soundness guarantees at the cost of reintroducing some trust, resulting in a model in between the fully trusted CRS generation and the subversion setting. It is a promising concept, but all previous updatable constructions are ad-hoc and tailored to particular instances of proof systems. Consequently, it is an interesting question whether it is possible to construct updatable ZK primitives in a more modular way from simpler building blocks. In this work we revisit the notion of trapdoor smooth projective hash functions (TSPHFs) in the light of an updatable CRS. TSPHFs have been introduced by Benhamouda et al. (CRYPTO\u2713) and can be seen as a special type of a 2-round ZK proof system. In doing so, we first present a framework called lighter TSPHFs (L-TSPHFs). Building upon it, we introduce updatable L-TSPHFs as well as instantiations in bilinear groups. We then show how one can generically construct updatable quasi-adaptive zero-knowledge arguments from updatable L-TSPHFs. Our instantiations are generic and more efficient than existing ones. Finally, we discuss applications of (updatable) L-TSPHFs to efficient (updatable) 2-round ZK arguments as well as updatable password-authenticated key-exchange (uPAKE)

    Lift-and-Shift: Obtaining Simulation Extractable Subversion and Updatable SNARKs Generically

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    Zero-knowledge proofs and in particular succinct non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs (so called zk-SNARKs) are getting increasingly used in real-world applications, with cryptocurrencies being the prime example. Simulation extractability (SE) is a strong security notion of zk-SNARKs which informally ensures non-malleability of proofs. This property is acknowledged as being highly important by leading companies in this field such as Zcash and supported by various attacks against the malleability of cryptographic primitives in the past. Another problematic issue for the practical use of zk-SNARKs is the requirement of a fully trusted setup, as especially for large-scale decentralized applications finding a trusted party that runs the setup is practically impossible. Quite recently, the study of approaches to relax or even remove the trust in the setup procedure, and in particular subversion as well as updatable zk-SNARKs (with latter being the most promising approach), has been initiated and received considerable attention since then. Unfortunately, so far SE-SNARKs with aforementioned properties are only constructed in an ad-hoc manner and no generic techniques are available. In this paper we are interested in such generic techniques and therefore firstly revisit the only available lifting technique due to Kosba et al. (called COCO) to generically obtain SE-SNARKs. By exploring the design space of many recently proposed SNARK- and STARK-friendly symmetric-key primitives we thereby achieve significant improvements in the prover computation and proof size. Unfortunately, the COCO framework as well as our improved version (called OCOCO) is not compatible with updatable SNARKs. Consequently, we propose a novel generic lifting transformation called Lamassu. It is built using different underlying ideas compared to COCO (and OCOCO). In contrast to COCO it only requires key-homomorphic signatures (which allow to shift keys) covering well studied schemes such as Schnorr or ECDSA. This makes Lamassu highly interesting, as by using the novel concept of so called updatable signatures, which we introduce in this paper, we can prove that Lamassu preserves the subversion and in particular updatable properties of the underlying zk-SNARK. This makes Lamassu the first technique to also generically obtain SE subversion and updatable SNARKs. As its performance compares favorably to OCOCO, Lamassu is an attractive alternative that in contrast to OCOCO is only based on well established cryptographic assumptions

    Smooth Zero-Knowledge Hash Functions

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    We define smooth zero-knowledge hash functions (SZKHFs) as smooth projective hash functions (SPHFs) for which the completeness holds even when the language parameter lpar and the projection key HP were maliciously generated. We prove that blackbox SZKHF in the plain model is impossible even if lpar was honestly generated. We then define SZKHF in the registered public key (RPK) model, where both lpar and HP are possibly maliciously generated but accepted by an RPK server, and show that the CRS-model trapdoor SPHFs of Benhamouda et al. are also secure in the weaker RPK model. Then, we define and instantiate subversion-zero knowledge SZKHF in the plain model. In this case, both lpar and HP are completely untrusted, but one uses non-blackbox techniques in the security proof

    A Framework for UC-Secure Commitments from Publicly Computable Smooth Projective Hashing

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    Hash proof systems or smooth projective hash functions (SPHFs) have been proposed by Cramer and Shoup (Eurocrypt\u2702) and can be seen as special type of zero-knowledge proof system for a language. While initially used to build efficient chosen-ciphertext secure public-key encryption, they found numerous applications in several other contexts. In this paper, we revisit the notion of SPHFs and introduce a new feature (a third mode of hashing) that allows to compute the hash value of an SPHF without having access to neither the witness nor the hashing key, but some additional auxiliary information. We call this new type publicly computable SPHFs (PC-SPHFs) and present a formal framework along with concrete instantiations from a large class of SPHFs. We then show that this new tool generically leads to commitment schemes that are secure against adaptive adversaries, assuming erasures in the Universal Composability (UC) framework, yielding the first UC secure commitments build from a single SPHF instance. Instantiating our PC-SPHF with an SPHF for labeled Cramer-Shoup encryption gives the currently most efficient non-interactive UC-secure commitment. Finally, we also discuss additional applications to information retrieval based on anonymous credentials being UC secure against adaptive adversaries

    Universally Composable NIZKs: Circuit-Succinct, Non-Malleable and CRS-Updatable

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    Non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs (NIZKs) and in particular succinct NIZK arguments of knowledge (so called zk-SNARKs) increasingly see real-world adoption in large and complex systems. A requirement that turns out to be important for NIZKs is ensuring non-malleability of proofs, which can be achieved via the property of simulation extractability (SE). Moreover, many zk-SNARKs require a trusted setup, i.e., a common reference string (CRS), and in practice it is desirable to reduce the trust in the CRS generation. Latter can be achieved via the notions of subversion or updatable CRS. Another important property when deployed in large and complex systems is the secure composition of protocols, e.g., via using the Universal Composability (UC) framework. Relying on the UC frameworks allows to arbitrarily and securely compose protocols in a modular way. In this work, we are interested in whether zk-SNARKs can provide all these desired properties. This is a tricky task as the UC framework rules out several natural techniques for such a construction. Our main result is to show that achieving these properties is indeed possible in a generic and modular way when slightly relaxing the succinctness properties of zk-SNARKs to those of a circuit-succinct NIZK which is not witness-succinct, i.e., by increasing the proof size of the underlying zk-SNARK by the size of the witness ww. We will argue that for various practical applications of zk-SNARKs this overhead is perfectly tolerable. Our starting point is a framework by Abdolmaleki et al. called Lamassu (ACM CCS\u2720) which we extend in several directions. Moreover, we implement our compiler on top of Sonic (ACM CCS\u2719) and provide benchmarks as well as a discussion on the choice of the required primitives

    On Subversion-Resistant SNARKs

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    While NIZK arguments in the CRS model are widely studied, the question of what happens when the CRS was subverted has received little attention. In ASIACRYPT 2016, Bellare, Fuchsbauer, and Scafuro showed the first negative and positive results in the case of NIZK, proving also that it is impossible to achieve subversion soundness and (even non-subversion) zero-knowledge at the same time. On the positive side, they constructed an involved sound and subversion-zero-knowledge (Sub-ZK) non-succinct NIZK argument for NP. We consider the practically very relevant case of zk-SNARKs. We make Groth\u27s zk-SNARK for \textsc{Circuit-SAT} from EUROCRYPT 2016 computationally knowledge-sound and perfectly composable Sub-ZK with minimal changes. We only require the CRS trapdoor to be extractable and the CRS to be publicly verifiable. To achieve the latter, we add some new elements to the CRS and construct an efficient CRS verification algorithm. We also provide a definitional framework for knowledge-sound and Sub-ZK SNARKs

    Game-Based Privacy Analysis of RFID Security Schemes for Confident Authentication in IoT

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    Recently, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Near Field Communication systems are found in various user-friendly services that all of us deal with in our daily lives. As these systems are ubiquitously deployed in different authentication and identification applications, inferring information about our behavior will be possible by monitoring our use of them. In order to provide privacy and security requirements of RFID users in novel authentication applications, lots of security schemes have been proposed which have tried to provide secure and untraceable communication for end-users. In this paper, we investigate the privacy of three RFID security schemes which have been proposed recently. For privacy analysis, we use the well-known RFID formal privacy model proposed by Ouafi and Phan. We show that all the studied protocols have some privacy drawbacks, making them vulnerable to various traceability attacks. Moreover, in order to overcome all the reported weaknesses and prevent the presented attacks, we apply some modifications in the structures of the studied protocols and propose an improved version of each one. Our analyses show that the modified protocols are more efficient than their previous versions and new modifications can omit all the existing weaknesses on the analyzed protocols. Finally, we compare the modified protocols with some new-found RFID authentication protocols in the terms of security and privacy