18 research outputs found
D-brane superpotentials and RG flows on the quintic
The behaviour of D2-branes on the quintic under complex structure
deformations is analysed by combining Landau-Ginzburg techniques with methods
from conformal field theory. It is shown that the boundary renormalisation
group flow induced by the bulk deformations is realised as a gradient flow of
the effective space time superpotential which is calculated explicitly to all
orders in the boundary coupling constant.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figure, v2:Typo in (3.14) correcte
Manifestly Supersymmetric RG Flows
Renormalisation group (RG) equations in two-dimensional N=1 supersymmetric
field theories with boundary are studied. It is explained how a manifestly N=1
supersymmetric scheme can be chosen, and within this scheme the RG equations
are determined to next-to-leading order. We also use these results to revisit
the question of how brane obstructions and lines of marginal stability appear
from a world-sheet perspective.Comment: 22 pages; references added, minor change
Symmetries of perturbed conformal field theories
The symmetries of perturbed conformal field theories are analysed. We explain
which generators of the chiral algebras of a bulk theory survive a perturbation
by an exactly marginal bulk field. We also study the behaviour of D-branes
under current-current bulk deformations. We find that the branes always
continue to preserve as much symmetry as they possibly can, i.e. as much as is
preserved in the bulk. We illustrate these findings with several examples,
including permutation branes in WZW models and B-type D-branes in Gepner
models.Comment: 30 pages, 3 figures. V2: Small error in eq. (2.14) correcte
Stiftungen, FĂŒrsorge und Kreditwesen im frĂŒhneuzeitlichen Bamberg
Der vorliegende Band prĂ€sentiert neue Forschungen zur Sozialgeschichte der Stadt Bamberg in der FrĂŒhen Neuzeit, insbesondere zu FĂŒrsorgeeinrichtungen, karitativen Stiftungen und dem stĂ€dtischen Kreditmarkt. Auf der Basis von Rechnungen und weiteren archivalischen Quellen untersuchen die BeitrĂ€ge Strukturen und Entwicklungen eines Siechenhauses fĂŒr chronisch Kranke, einer Almosenstiftung, einer fĂŒrstbischöflichen Stiftung fĂŒr arme BĂŒrgerkinder sowie der Ă€ltesten jĂŒdischen Stiftungen Bambergs. Eine Studie zum Kreditwesen im 18. Jahrhundert erhellt zudem die sozialen Funktionen der Kreditvergabe sowie das Beziehungsnetz der Einwohner eines Bamberger Stadtviertels
Testamente Bamberger Frauen des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts
Testamente werden in der historischen Forschung bereits seit geraumer Zeit als wichtige Quellen fĂŒr die Geschichte der sozialen Beziehungen, der materiellen Kultur, der Frömmigkeitspraktiken und der Einstellungen zum Tod betrachtet. Der vorliegende Band untersucht erstmals systematisch ein Korpus von 84 archivalisch ĂŒberlieferten Testamenten, die Bamberger Frauen zwischen 1510 und 1700 diktierten. Die Erblasserinnen kamen aus unterschiedlichen sozialen Milieus â das Spektrum umfasst Adelige, Beamtenwitwen, Handwerkerfrauen und KlerikermĂ€gde â, und ihre letztwilligen VerfĂŒgungen gewĂ€hren aufschlussreiche Einblicke in Lebenssituationen, persönliche Erfahrungen und soziale Netzwerke in einer frĂŒhneuzeitlichen Bischofsstadt.Historical researchers have long realized the value of wills as sources for the history of social relations, material culture, practices of piety and attitudes towards death. The present volume provides the first systematic analysis of 84 archival wills which women in Bamberg dictated between 1510 and 1700. The testators came from different social strata â including noblewomen, widows of public officials, artisansâ wives and maids of clergymen â and their last wills provide revealing insights into life situations, personal experiences and social networks in an early modern cathedral town
Obstructions and lines of marginal stability from the world-sheet
The behaviour of supersymmetric D-branes under deformations of the closed
string background is studied using world-sheet methods. We explain how lines of
marginal stability and obstructions arise from this point of view. We also show
why N=2 B-type branes may be obstructed against (cc) perturbations, but why
such obstructions do not occur for N=4 superconformal branes at c=6, i.e. for
half-supersymmetric D-branes on K3. Our analysis is based on a field theory
approach in superspace, as well as on techniques from perturbed conformal field
theory.Comment: 32 page
Das Resilienz-Management von Einzelunternehmern : Der Transalpenhandel des Augsburgers David Gauger und des Bozners David Wagner um 1600
Dissertation, Otto-Friedrich-UniversitÀt Bamberg, 202
Locked-Floating-Solid to Locked-Smectic Transition in Colloidal Systems
We investigate two-dimensional melting of a colloidal system in the presence of a one-dimensional periodic substrate potential created by two interfering laser beams. We study the commensurability ratio p=sqrt[3]a/2d=2 with a the mean particle distance and d the period of the periodic potential. In contrast with the previously investigated case p=1, here we observe that melting of the locked-floating solid occurs via a novel locked-smectic phase, predicted by recent theoretical studies.We investigate two-dimensional melting of a colloidal system in the presence of a one-dimensional periodic substrate potential created by two interfering laser beams. We study the commensurability ratio p=â3a/2d=2 with a the mean particle distance and d the period of the periodic potential. In contrast with the previously investigated case p=1, here we observe that melting of the locked-floating solid occurs via a novel locked-smectic phase, predicted by recent theoretical studies.publishe
Stereotactic radiotherapy for early stage non-small cell lung cancer: current standards and ongoing research
Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) allows for the non-invasive and precise delivery of ablative radiation dose. The use and availability of SBRT has increased rapidly over the past decades. SBRT has been proven to be a safe, effective and efficient treatment for early stage non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and is presently considered the standard of care in the treatment of medically or functionally inoperable patients. Evidence from prospective randomized trials on the optimal treatment of patients deemed medically operable remains owing, as three trials comparing SBRT to surgery in this cohort were terminated prematurely due to poor accrual. Yet, SBRT in early stage NSCLC is associated with favorable toxicity profiles and excellent rates of local control, prompting discussion in regard of the treatment of medically operable patients, where the standard of care currently remains surgical resection. Although local control in early stage NSCLC after SBRT is high, distant failure remains an issue, prompting research interest to the combination of SBRT and systemic treatment. Evolving advances in SBRT technology further facilitate the safe treatment of patients with medically or anatomically challenging situations. In this review article, we discuss international guidelines and the current standard of care, ongoing clinical challenges and future directions from the clinical and technical point of view