15 research outputs found


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    ASSESSMENT OF SUITABILITY OF EXCIMER LASER IN TREATING ONYCHOMYCOSIS. It is known that UV-C radiation kills fungus and so we wanted to verify the hypothesis that the use of Excimer laser could be an alternative method for treating onychomycosis – nail fungus. The aim of the first stage of this work was to determine the transmission, reflection, and absorption of nails. In the following stage we focused on irradiation of fungi. Our final task is to assess whether it is possible to determine the parameters of radiation (a total dose, a dose per pulse frequence, a repetition rate, a number of pulses) for which the elimination of fungi would be the most effective but without damaging the nail and soft tissue underneath it. The results so far have showed that UV-C radiation does not pass through a fingernail to such an extent that it could damage the soft tissue beneath it. Fungi are destroyed by application of only small doses of radiation using the Excimer laser. To determine the modulation parameters of the Excimer laser radiation for the treatment of onychomycosis will require additional measurements

    Nikita I. Tolstoy and Moscow school of ethnolinguistics (characteristics and translations)

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    This thesis comprises translations of five articles by the Russian ethnolinguist Nikita Iljich Tolstoy, some of which deal with the theory of the ethnolinguistic approach to language and the Slavic culture and others demonstrate a practical application of such an approach and such methods on the traditional Slavic culture. They present this approach as a continuous development of linguistic research which draws on the rich tradition and at the same time transcends its past and enriches it with new points of view. This also constitutes a unique way of preserving the legacy of our ancestors while simultaneously showing it in a new light. Aside from the translations the present thesis also includes an introductory study dealing with general characteristics of ethnolinguistics, its goals, subject, methods, and various schools of thought. In addition, chapters are included introducing the scientific work of N. I. Tolstoy and other members of the Moscow School of Ethnolinguistics. Present are also notes and comments on the translation, clarifying terms from the Russian cultural tradition not necessarily familiar in the Czech environment and explaining certain terms that may be difficult to translate

    The art object in religious architecture

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    This diplom work is about the problems of the conception of the space and its expression through an art object in concrete space of St. Bartoloměj church in Ledce. The theoretical part contains the general treatise about the Romanesque churches in Posázaví and its an unusual big number in this locality. Here, I present the basic characters of Romanesque buildings and the meaning of empory, which refers to the church in Ledce too. The main thing is a presentation of this church, its architecture, its history and the history of the whole vanished village too. My attention is focused on a general historical process of the apse and the relation between the religious architecture and modern art. The practic part is about solution of the space of the church. My task is to create the art object, which respects the space and enters into it very carefully. The new art object should support the church atmosphere and its effects on human. It should express not only my thoughts, my feelings and the conception of the space but it mainly tries to speak to a man in his individuality, to offer a freedom of interpretation

    Vliv vývoje klimatu na průběh fenofáze kvetení ovocných dřevin na jižní Moravě v letech 1951-2000 =The impact of climate change on the course of phenological phase of fruit trees flowering in Southern Moravia (Czech Republic) during 1951-2000

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    Průměrná roční teplota vzduchu stoupla za padesátileté období (1951-2000) na jižní Moravě o 0,9 °C a v období kalendářního jara o 1,2 °C. Na tento vzrůst teplot reagovaly ovocné dřeviny posunem fenofáze začátku kvetení u meruňky o 13,7 dnů a fenofáze plného kvetení o 11,7 dnů, u třešně posunem fenofází začátku kvetení o 9,5 dnů a fenofáze plného kvetení o 7,4 dnů, u hrušně o 7,8 dnů a 6,5 dnů a u jabloně o 7,2 dnů a 7,4 dnů do dřívější doby. Z vyhodnocení vyplývá, že se fenofáze prvého květu v průměru uspíšila za padesátileté období o 8,7 dnů a fenofáze plného kvetení v průměru o 7,5 dnů. Závěrem této studie je, že fenofáze ovocných dřevin na jižní Moravě, lokalita Lednice (176 m n. m., 48°47´, 16°47´) byly ovlivněny změnou klimatu. Změnily se v korelaci s nárůstem teploty v období kalendářního jara.Over the time span of fifty years, the average annual temperature in this area increased by 0.9 °C and the average spring temperature increased by 1.2 °C. In the observed period, the dates of the start of flowering of apricot tree (Prunus Armeniaca) advanced by 13.7 days and full flowering by 11.7 days, in the case of sweet cherry (Prunus avium) the dates of the start of flowering advanced by 9.5 and full flowering by 7.4 days, in the case of pear (Pyrus communis) by 7.8 and 6.5 days, in the case of apple tree (Malus pumilas) by 7.2 and 7.4 days. Overall, the phenological events of the fruit trees advanced the the start of flowering by 8.7 days and full flowering by 7.5 days. The conclusion of this study is that the phenology of fruit trees of South Moravia, locality Lednice (elevation 176 m, 48° 47´, 16° 47´), was influenced by the climate change. It has changed in the correlation with the increase of the spring air temperature.10711

    Vliv vývoje regionálního klimatu na ekosystém lužního lesa v letech 1951-2012.The impact of regional climate change on the floodplain forest ecosystem from 1951 to 2012. Part III. - Herbs

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    Fenologická pozorování a údaje, které jsou prezentovány a zpracovány v této studii, byly pozorovány ve střední Evropě, v jižní části České republiky v období 1951-2012. Sledovaná plocha se nachází v ekosystému lužního lesa, v nivě řeky Dyje, nedaleko od centra Lednice ( 48°48'22''N, 16°46'32''E), na skupině lesních typů Ulmi-Fraxineta carpini. V časovém rozpětí šedesáti dvou let se průměrná roční teplota vzduchu v této oblasti zvýšila o 1,5 °C a průměrná jarní teplota se zvýšila o 2,0 °C. Vzrůstající teplota vzduchu za dané období nezůstala bez vlivu na fenologické projevy bylin. Byliny, obdobně jako keře i stromy, citlivě reagují na teplotu vzduchu a z dlouhodobého hlediska i na vývoj současného klimatu. U všech sledovaných druhů bylin v habrojilmové jasenině (Ulmi-fraxineta carpini) se v letech 1951-2012 posunul začátek kvetení v průměru o 12,5 dní do dřívější doby a u plného kvetení o 9,9 dní při zvýšení jarní teploty o 2 °C. Zvýšení průměrné jarní teploty vzduchu za období šedesáti dvou roků o 2 °C nemělo negativní vliv na zdraví a reprodukční proces sledovaných druhů bylin.The phenological observations and data which are presented and elaborated in this study were observed in Central Europe, in the southern part of the Czech Republic from 1951 to 2012. The experimental site is situated in an ecosystem of floodplain forest in an alluvial plain of the River Dyje near the town of Lednice in South Moravia (48°48'22''N, 16°46'32''E) in the forest type group Ulmi-Fraxineta carpini. Over a time span of 62 years, the average annual temperature in this area has increased by 1.5 °C, and the average spring temperature has increased by 2.0 °C. During the period observed, the dates of the beginning of the flowering of lungwort (Pulmonaria officinalis) advanced by 13.1 days and full flowering by 13.5 days, in the case of the yellow star of Bethlehem (Gagea lutea) the dates of the beginning of flowering advanced by 13.5 days and full flowering by 11.7 days, in the case of Thalictrum thalictroides (Isopyrum thalictroides) by 11.7 and 9.2 days, in the case of hollowroot (Corydalis cava) by 14.2 and 7.6 days, in the case of yellow anemone (Anemonoides ranunculoides) by 14.6 and 8.4 days, in the case of lesser celandine (Ficaria verna) by 12.0 and 7.3 days, in the case of wood vetch (Viola reichenbachiana) by 12.3 and 8.7 days, in the case of spring pea (Lathyrus vernus) by 8.4 and 6.0 days, in the case of herb Paris (Paris quadrifolia) by 10.4 and 11.0 days and ramsons (Allium ursinum) by 14.0 and 15.9 days. Overall, the phenological events of the herb component advanced the beginning of flowering by 12.4 days and full flowering by 9.9 days. The conclusion of this study is that the phenology of herbs in the floodplain forests of South Moravia has been influenced by regional climate change. It has changed in correlation with an increase of the annual and spring air temperatures. For each herb species, the sums of effective temperature with a threshold value of 5 °C were detected.505

    Vliv vývoje regionálního klimatu na ekosystém lužního lesa v letech 1951-2012.The impact of regional climate change on the floodplain forest ecosystem from 1951 to 2012. Part IV., Animals

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    Fenologická pozorování a údaje, které jsou prezentovány a zpracovány v této studii, byly pozorovány ve střední Evropě, v jižní části České republiky v období 1951-2012. Sledovaná plocha se nachází v ekosystému lužního lesa, v nivě řeky Dyje, nedaleko od centra Lednice (48°48'22'' N, 16°46'32'' E), na skupině lesních typů Ulmifraxineta carpini. V časovém rozpětí šedesáti dvou let se průměrná roční teplota vzduchu v této oblasti zvýšila o 1,5 °C a průměrná jarní teplota dokonce o 2,0 °C. Na tento nárůst teploty vzduchu bezprostředně reagovaly jak rostliny, tak i živočichové. Tento nečekaný teplotní posun vyvrcholil v roce 2014. Vybrané druhy ptáků reagovaly na změnu klimatu odpovídajícím způsobem jako u stromů, keřů a bylin. Během sledovaných šedesáti dvou let se v lužním lese posunulo datum snesení prvního vejce v populaci brhlíka lesního (Sitta europaea) o 7,8 dne do dřívější doby, sýkory modřinky (Cyanistes caeruleus) o 10,8 dne do dřívější doby, sýkory koňadry (Parus major) o 11,9 dne dopředu a lejska bělokrkého (Ficedula albicollis) o 11,2 dne. Posun hnízdní fáze lejska bělokrkého do dřívější doby odpovídá posunu termínu jeho příletu na jaře. Stejně tak reagovaly vybrané kategorie hmyzu na změny klimatu. Fenologický posun prvního výskytu žluťáska řešetlákového (Gonepteryx rhamni) v letech 1951-2012 byl o 11,7 dne do dřívější doby, začátek prvního bodnutí a sání krve komárů rodu Anopheles se posunul o 9,3 dne do dřívější doby a první výskyt čmeláka zemního (Bombus terrestris) se posunul o 12,6 dne do dřívější doby.Similarly, selected categories of insects reacted to the climate change. The phenological shift of the first occurrence of the common brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni) from 1951-2012 has shifted forward by 11.7 days, the beginning of the (blood) feeding activity of mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles has shifted forward by 9.3 days, and the first occurrence of the buff-tailed bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) has shifted forward by 12.6 days.The phenological observations and data which are presented and elaborated in this study were observed in Central Europe, in the southern part of the Czech Republic from 1951 to 2012. The experimental site is situated in an ecosystem of floodplain forest in an alluvial plain of the Dyje River near the town of Lednice in South Moravia (48°48'22'' N, 16°46'32'' E) in an Ulmi-Fraxineta carpini forest type group. Over a time span of 62 years, the average annual temperature in this area increased by 1.5 °C, and the average spring temperature increased by 2.0 °C. Selected bird categories reacted to the climate change correspondingly to the trees, shrubs, and plants. During the past 62 years in the researched type of floodplain forest, the earliest date of the first egg laid in the nuthatch population has shifted forward by 7.8 days, and the average date of the first eggs laid of all investigated nesting pairs in this population has shifted forward by 9.3 days. The earliest date of the first egg laid in the blue tit population has shifted forward by 10.8 days, and the average date of the first eggs laid of all studied pairs of this population shifted forward by 10.4 days. In the case of great tit, the earliest date of the first egg laid has shifted forward by 11.9 days, and the average date of the first eggs laid has shifted forward by 10.3 days. The earliest date of the first egg laid by the collared flycatcher has shifted forward by 11.2 days, and the average date of the first eggs laid of these nesting pairs has shifted forward by 12.3 days. The shift of the nesting phase of the collared flycatcher to an earlier time corresponds with the shift of its spring arrival date.14114