390 research outputs found

    Analysis of crop-rotation experiments, with application to the Iowa Carrington-Clyde rotation-fertility experiments

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    This report presents a model by which several crop rotations are compared, and optimal fertilization and rotation practices determined. The model is developed with specific applicability to the rotation- fertility experiments at the Carrington-Clyde Experimental Farm near Independence, Iowa. The substitutability of legume meadow and chemical nitrogen fertilizer and the effect of carry-over of applied nitrogen from crop to crop are incorporated into the analysis. The split-plot nature of the rotation- fertility trials is noted, and a transformation of the yield data is employed to create nearly uncorrelated observations. Response functions are estimated for each crop in each rotation. Optimal fertilizer rates and rotations Eire determined on the basis of average annual return. Variance of return arising from yield variability over years is estimated. Continuous corn yielded the largest net income for the prices considered in the study. The net income per acre decreased with the introduction of oats and an increasing number of years of meadow. Variability of annual net return, however, was largest with continuous corn and decreased as the number of years of meadow in the rotations increased

    Effizienz und Wettbewerb im deutschen Bankensektor

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    In diesem Papier geben wir einen Überblick über den Wettbewerb und die Effizienz im deutschen Bankensektor. Wir nehmen dabei die Entwicklung in den letzten 15 Jahren in den Blick. Frühere Studien für Deutschland weisen darauf hin, dass das deutsche Bankensystem durch monopolistische Konkurrenz und durch moderat hohe Kosteneffizienz gekennzeichnet ist. Zudem scheinen Wettbewerb und Effizienz positiv miteinander verbunden. Des weiteren bestanden deutliche Unterschiede zwischen großen und kleinen Banken. Kleine Banken bevorzugten mehr das traditionelle Bankgeschäft, geringere Risiken und haben eher auf regional segmentierten Märk ten agiert. Die gegenwärtige Krise könnte zu tieferen Änderungen im Bankensystem führen, mit möglichen Folgen für Wettbewerb und Effizienz.In this paper we review the main findings on competition and efficiency for the German banking sector. Our aim is to give a bird view of the evolution during the past 15 years. Previous studies on Germany point to a banking system dominated by monopolistic competition and moderate cost efficiency. Competition and efficiency seem to be positively related. Furthermore significant differences existed between small and large banks. The business model of small banks was often more traditional, they preferred less risk and they acted on more segmented regional markets. The current crisis may lead to deep changes of the banking system, potentially with consequences for competition and efficiency

    Stochastic Frontier Models for Long Panel Data Sets: Measurement of the Underlying Energy Efficiency for the OECD Countries

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    In this paper we propose a general approach for estimating stochastic frontier mod- els, suitable when using long panel data sets. We measure efficiency as a linear combi- nation of a finite number of unobservable common factors, having coefficients that vary across firms, plus a time-invariant component. We adopt recently developed economet- ric techniques for large, cross sectionally correlated, non-stationary panel data models to estimate the frontier function. Given the long time span of the panel, we investigate whether the variables, including the unobservable common factors, are non-stationary, and, if so, whether they are cointegrated. To empirically illustrate our approach, we estimate a stochastic frontier model for energy demand, and compute the level of the “underlying energy efficiency” for 24 OECD countries over the period 1980 to 2008. In our specification, we control for variables such as Gross Domestic Product, energy price, climate and technological progress, that are known to impact on energy consumption. We also allow for hetero- geneity across countries in the impact of these factors on energy demand. Our panel unit root tests suggest that energy demand and its key determinants are integrated and that they exhibit a long-run relation. The estimation of efficiency scores points at European countries as the more efficient in consuming energy