12,652 research outputs found

    Azores tourism product perceptions : the Influence of the country of origin

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    This study focused on the Autonomous Region of the Azores (ARA), which has some features that are considered favorable to the development of tourism and to the interest in the tourism product. However, the region’s geographical dispersion, its high dependence on transportation and the seasonality of the industry constrain its development. The present research aimed to assess tourists’ perception of certain costs (living, accommodation, plane ticket, and transportation to/from the airport), and whether these differ between tourists of different nationalities. The findings show that tourists, both residents and non-residents, have the perception that the cost of living and of the plane ticket are high, while the cost of accommodation and of transportation to the airport is considered normal by most respondents. We concluded that the models differ when applied to residents and non-residents. For non-residents, living in certain countries induces them to express differences in the perception of the costs studied, when compared to individuals that live in other countries.N/

    The role of microstructure in fatigue crack initiation and propagation in 9-12Cr ferritic-martensitic steels

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    The present paper presents low-cycle fatigue results about cyclic behaviour, the evolution of the dislocation structure and the nucleation and propagation of microstructural cracks in commercial ferritic-martensitic steel AISI 410.Fil: Batista, Maria Natalia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario. Instituto de Física de Rosario. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Instituto de Física de Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Hereñu, Silvina Andrea Noemi. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario. Instituto de Física de Rosario. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Instituto de Física de Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Alvarez, Iris. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario. Instituto de Física de Rosario. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Instituto de Física de Rosario; Argentin

    Contribution of Cistus ladanifer L. to natural attenuation of Cu and Zn in some mine areas of the Iberian Pyrite Belt

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    The comparison between four groups of soils and rock plants (Cistus ladanifer L.) developed on these soils was made using three mine areas of different ages (Neves Corvo, Brancanes, Monte dos Mestres) and a control area (Lombador). Copper and zinc soil-plant realtionship was different in Neves Corvo, ongoing axploitation of copper and zinc, when compared with the control area of Lombador reflecting the actual influence of the present exploitation. The rock rose plants seem to have contributed to the natural attenuation of Cu in soils of Brancanes area where mining stopped more then a century ago

    Modelação geográfica em processos de caracterização e avaliação da paisagem numa perspetiva transfronteiriça

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    A presente dissertação intitulada “Modelação geográfica em processos de caracterização e avaliação da paisagem numa perspectiva transfronteiriça” tem como objectivo o desenvolvimento de metodologias e abordagens na análise da estrutura da paisagem e da sua relação com as funções ecológicas da paisagem. Explora-se o detalhe cartográfico e temático da cartografia de ocupação e uso do solo resultante da aplicação da legenda hierárquica Corine Land Cover (CLC) Nível 5 (Guiomar et al. 2009, Batista 2011), e a cartografia CLC2006, para a definição de unidades locais e regionais de paisagem. Analisa-se o comportamento das métricas de paisagem nos seus diferentes níveis de organização hierárquica: CLC N2, CLC N3, CLC N4 e CLC N5 e testam-se métodos para a utilização de métricas como classificadores de unidades de paisagem, nomeadamente testando o seu comportamento na cartografia de ocupação e uso do solo e das unidades locais e regionais de paisagem. Propõe-se a integração da componente tridimensional no cálculo das métricas de paisagem e ensaia-se a relação entre as métricas de paisagem e funções da paisagem. É também apresentado um conjunto de ensaios em torno da consistência das métricas de paisagem aplicadas em paisagens reais no Alentejo Central e zona transfronteiriça Alentejo, Centro (Portugal) e Extremadura (Espanha). Dos resultados obtidos ressaltam as vantagens das novas abordagens na avaliação das características estruturais e funcionais da paisagem independentemente da área e escala de observação; ABSTRACT: This thesis entitled "Geographical modelling for characterization and assessment of landscape in a crossborder perspective" aims to develop methodologies and approaches to analyse landscape structure and its relation to landscape ecological functions. It explores the cartographic and thematic detail of the land cover and land use maps resulting from the Corine Land Cover Level 5 (Guiomar et al. 2009, Batista 2011) and the CLC2006 maps, for the definition of local and regional landscape units (LLUs). It is analysed the behavior of landscape metrics at different thematic scales of CLC maps: CLC N2, CLC N3, CLC N4 and CLC N5 and methods for using metrics as landscape unit’s classifiers are developed, namely by testing the behavior of landscape metrics with land use and LLU maps. It is proposed to include the 3D component in landscape metrics calculation and it is tested the relations between landscape metrics and landscape functions. Several tests conducted in order to evaluate the consistency of landscape metrics applied to real landscapes in Central Alentejo and in the border area of Alentejo and Extremadura (Spain) are presented. The main results showed the advantages of the new methodology for evaluating landscape structural and functional characteristics, independently of the observation area or scale

    O uso do laptop móvel em aulas de matemática

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    Nesse trabalho procuramos compreender o processo de inserção do Laptop móvel e com conectividade, no cotidiano da sala de aula de professores que ensinam matemática numa escola pública participante do Projeto “Um Computador por Aluno” (UCA) do MEC. A pesquisa desenvolvida de natureza qualitativa e interpretativa teve a participação de cinco professores do Ensino Fundamental. A análise dos dados coletados mostrou que as práticas desses professores usando o laptop nas aulas de matemática, ocorrem de forma distinta. Alguns professores fazem o uso dos recursos tecnológicos de forma inovadora, outros utilizam para completar uma determinada atividade de modo a ampliar e diversificar a situação de aprendizagem do aluno e, ainda outros, utilizam apenas para reproduzir aquilo que faz no seu cotidiano. Isto implica em repensar a formação do professor contemplando ações que propiciem vivenciar de forma articulada as dimensões Tecnológicas, Pedagógicas e do Conteúdo Matemática

    Improving visual attractiveness to enhance city-river integration - a methodological approach for ongoing evaluation

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    The relationship between rivers and cities has evolved from a natural coexistence and interdependence to a progressive relationship of segregation and disintegration. This article uses a planning experiment to explore and discuss some concerns about visual attractiveness of city–river landscapes in promoting spatial integration of cities and rivers. It presents a methodological approach integrating expert opinions and public perception questionnaires. This is a contribution to making operational an ongoing aesthetic assessment of different dimensions and viewpoints at the city scale. This approach is illustrated with a case-study in the Lisbon metropolitan area and its main assessment results are integrated in a city–river profile that can be useful in ongoing evaluation processes of river landscapes and urban planning practice

    The growing importance of language exams in the Spanish Education system and how this effects teaching

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    Language exams to certify language level according to the CEFRL are becoming increasingly more important in the Spanish educational system. An example of this is the recent educational legislation published by the Canarian Educational Board regarding an increase in the frequency of these types of exam in secondary schools. This article exemplifies the differences in teaching for exams and teaching general language classes and argues for specific teacher training in this field.Language exams to certify language level according to the CEFRL are becoming increasingly more important in the Spanish educational system. An example of this is the recent educational legislation published by the Canarian Educational Board regarding an increase in the frequency of these types of exam in secondary schools. This article exemplifies the differences in teaching for exams and teaching general language classes and argues for specific teacher training in this field

    Didactic unit design

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    Los profesores utilizamos unidades didácticas ya diseñadas por editoriales dentro del aula por la facilidad y por la comodidad que ofrecen al profesor, pero ¿realmente son eficaces? El diseño de la unidad didáctica debe tener en cuenta el alumnado, el centro, los medios disponibles dentro del aula, y las unidades publicadas pueden no ser aptos para nuestra escuela. Este artículo muestra cómo se debe diseñar una unidad a través de un ejemplo para escuelas oficiales de idiomas.Teachers use course books within the classroom and the units to be found in them because it saves time however, units should be personalized to the students' needs and the characteristics of the schools, resources available, etc. if they are going to have maximum effect. This article argues in favour of the importance of designing units specifically for our students and the adaptation of existing materials and resources as a means of improving the teaching-learning progress