8,719 research outputs found

    Come As You Are: Vanier Collective Gardens Community Project

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    Participatory concepts of multidisciplinary/professional working on an Early Childhood Studies degree course in the UK

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    This paper aims to explore democratic values in higher education pedagogies, as related to an Early Childhood Studies (ECS) degree course in an English university. It seeks to find out what constitutes a multi-disciplinary course from both student and tutor perspectives. It is contextualised by the concepts of participation embedded in the idea of multi-professional team work, in order to establish how these ideas could contribute a strong ethical focus to the concept of multidisciplinary study. The study was designed within the paradigm of participatory action research and findings suggest that, although students make links between different disciplinary discourses, tutors feel that their professional identity and knowledge can be constrained by the course structure. The paper suggests that more work needs to be done on the validation of early childhood courses to allow opportunities for multi-professional working to be modelled

    Conceptualising listening to young children as an ethic of care in early childhood education and care

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    This paper focuses on recent discourses and practices of listening to young children, in order to highlight listening as an ethical practice in early childhood education and care settings. The paper asks how discourses of listening should be viewed in theoretical terms and explores the work of a diverse range of authors who define autonomy and rights issues as relational. Central to the paper is a consideration of feminist critique of Foucault’s ethics of care argument. To contextualise this, the paper discusses examples of recent research in the field of listening to young children and highlights issues facing the status of the early years workforce. In summary, the paper contends that an ethical view of listening can bring adults and children together in democratic care practices which challenge conceptions of childhood and reconnect ideas of care and education

    Healthcare services managers: what information do they need and use?

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    Objectives: To gain insight into the information behaviour of healthcare services managers as they draw on information while engaged in decision making unrelated to individual patient care. Objectives – The purpose of this research project was to gain insight into the information behaviour of healthcare services managers as they use information while engaged in decision-making unrelated to individual patient care. Methods – This small-scale, exploratory, multiple case study used the critical incident technique in nineteen semi-structured interviews. Responses were analyzed using ‘Framework,’ a matrix-based content analysis system. Results – This paper presents findings related to the internal information that healthcare services managers need and use. Their decisions are influenced by a wide variety of factors. They must often make decisions without all of the information they would prefer to have. Internal information and practical experience set the context for new research-based information, so they are generally considered first. Conclusions – Healthcare services managers support decisions with both facts and value-based information. These results may inform both delivery of health library services delivery and strategic health information management planning. They may also support librarians who extend their skills beyond managing library collections and teaching published information retrieval skills, to managing internal and external information, teaching information literacy, and supporting information sharing


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    This paper, first, reviews the report filed by the Western Water Policy Review Advisory Commission since it touches on all the major issues associated with water rights and uses in the Upper Rio Grande Basin, defined as that part of the river from the San Luis Valley in Colorado to Fort Quitman, Texas. Second, the paper reviews historical developments over water use and water rights and briefly discusses the major characteristics of El Paso del Norte that do and will have an impact on water supply and consumption. Then the paper reviews the positions of the major stakeholders in the Basin, paying particular attention to their legal arguments. Finally, the paper attempts to describe the possible alternative outcomes of the continuing struggle over water.Water rights--Rio Grande Valley, Water supply--Management --Texas--Lower Rio Grande Valley, Water supply--Management--Mexico--Rio Grande Valley, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    A Power-Enhanced Algorithm for Spatial Anomaly Detection in Binary Labelled Point Data Using the Spatial Scan Statistic [postprint]

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    This paper presents a novel modification to an existing algorithm for spatial anomaly detection in binary labeled point data sets, using the Bernoulli version of the Spatial Scan Statistic. We identify a potential ambiguity in p-values produced by Monte Carlo testing, which (by the selection of the most conservative p-value) can lead to sub-optimal power. When such ambiguity occurs, the modification uses a very inexpensive secondary test to suggest a less conservative p-value. Using benchmark tests, we show that this appears to restore power to the expected level, whilst having similarly retest variance to the original. The modification also appears to produce a small but significant improvement in overall detection performance when multiple anomalies are present