12 research outputs found

    Kekakuan Kolom Baja Tersusun Empat Profil Siku Dengan Variasi Pelat Kopel

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    Steel has advantages such as high strength to weight ratio that lead to efficient cross section which is frequently encourage designer to create built-up structure. Built-up column steel structure also can be formed by various profile. However the column subjected to compression load will occur buckling which is related to element stiffness of structure. An element which has low stiffness is easier to buckle than element with high stiffness. The objective of this research is to characterize stiffness of built up column. Research is performed in laboratory by compression test of built up steel column to obtain its deflection value. Stiffness is calculated from division between capacities compression by its deflection value. This research has 9 samples test with couple distance variation are 50 cm, 33.3333 cm, respectively and 1 distance variation of column is couple plate type. SK SNI-03-1729-2002 code is used for analysis. Result shows that stiffness of built up steel column with couple plate distance 50 cm is 1617.6 kg/mm, column with different distance couple plate 33.333 cm is 5597.1 kg/mm, column with distance couple plate is 2571,4 kg/mm. Result of test show that stiffness of built up steel column increase by cutting short distance of couple plate

    Uji Serapan Dan Permeabilitas Air Laut Pada Beton Mutu Tinggi (High Strength Concrete) Dengan Bahan Tambah Abu Sekam Padi

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    The use of concrete in civil engineering already very widespread, not only on land but also the concrete used for structure directly contactedwith water. The important point is about durability of concrete. Durability of concrete is affected by permeability and absorption. Permeability is the speed of the liquid to get into the concrete, while the uptake (absorption) is the process of entry of water through the pores. The smaller the number of pores in the concrete, the higher the compressive strength and the lower the value of permeability and absorption. Rice husk ash is Pozolan reactive material that works to improve the microstructure of the transition area interface between cement paste and aggregate. Absorptin value on the specimen showed the 1.6812% to 3.4003% and the sea water to fresh water. Value permeability test object is 5,6371.10-9 5,8211.10-9 for fresh water and sea water

    Pengenalan Gambar Rambu-rambu Lalu-lintas dengan Metode Kuantisasi Rerata

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    Salah satu ciri yang bisa dikembangkan dalam pengenalan gambar rambu-rambu lalu-lintas adalah ciri yang melibatkan content pada gambar, yang meliputi ciri dasar gambar seperti warna, bentuk dan tekstur. Pada gambar rambu-rambu lalu lintas, ciri bentuk merupakan ciri dominan yang mengisi content gambar. Untuk mendapatkan ciri bentuk ini ada berbagai macam metode yang banyak digunakan antara lain deteksi tepi, transformasi fourier, integral proyeksi dan kuantisasi. Dalam penelitian ini memanfaatkan ciri bentuk dengan menggunakan teknik kuantisasi untuk menyajikan ciri dari gambar rambu-rambu lalu lintas, yaitu kuantisasi rata-rata. Proses pengenalan dilakukan dengan menggunakan template matching antara vektor gambar rambu-rambu yang dimasukan (vektor query) dengan semua tanda rambu-rambu yang ada dalam database (vektor template). Dengan ukuran vektor yang kecil diharapkan proses template matching ini dapat dilakukan dengan cepat. Dalam hal ini yang dicari adalah nilai selisih terkecil dari vektor query dan vektor template yang ada dalam database. Berdasarkan hasil percobaan yang telah dilakukan, bertambahnya ukuran sampling menghasilkan performansi yang semakin kecil atau prosentase error yang semakin besar, kondisi ini dikarenakan banyak ciri bentuk pada gambar yang hilang, sehingga pengenalan terhadap gambar menimbulkan error yang besar. Hasil percobaan yang cukup baik pada saat ukuran sampling (segmen) 4x4, didapatkan prosentase error rata-rata sebesar 9.19% (jumlah gambar salah sekitar 3 gambar) dengan performansi sebesar 90.81. Kata Kunci: Rambu-rambu lalu-lintas, kuantisasi rata-rata, template matchin

    Klasifikasi Penyakit Mata Katarak Berdasarkan Kelainan Patologis dengan Menggunakan Algoritma Learning Vector Quantization

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    Cataract is one type of eye damage which causes the lens of the eye, nearsightedness which varies according to the level becomes blindness. Cataract eye disease is eating slowly, little by little without the pain experienced by patients but if handled too late then lead to permanent blindness. Eyepiece contains 65% water, 35% protein and the rest are minerals. With increasing age, size and mineral density increases. The accuracy of the determination of the type and location of early cataract is very important to prevent the severity of the impact of more severe cataracts. The main procedure of cataract diagnosis (Gold Standard procedure) was performed using computed tomography (CT) scan and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Alternative diagnosis can be made through physical examination, laboratory tests, medical history, and other relevant information. The purpose of this paper presents the results of a study on the implementation of the method of Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) to facilitate the determination of the classification of types of cataract disease and its severity. The results showed that the use LVQ provide the level of accuracy of the determination of the amount of (99%) as well as the duration of training (training) sample of (0.06 seconds)

    Analisis Lalu-lintas Di Pintu Keluar Tol Ungaran

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    The toll exit of Ungaran recently still causes congestion. This is due to the local flow around the road is high, causing a local road with capacity of 9 meters for two-lane two-way no longer able to accommodate the traffic flow at a peak flow. The application of the signal system at Sidomulyo intersection by the Department of Transportation that expected to be able to reduce congestion has not shown significant changes. Based on these facts, researchers intend to develop a prevention plan program to address the congestion in the toll exit of Ungaran. This study aims to analyze the factors that affect the traffic jam on Letjend Soeprapto Street of Ungaran, so the program can be set up to do an action plan to address the problem of traffic congestion. This study refers to the Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia (MKJI) 1997 and based on signaled plot intersection theory and non-signaled plot intersection theory. Compilation of research carried out by the analysis of problems based on the data from surveys and the traffic data of the Department of Transportation, combined with a logical solution of the existing literature. Based on the analysis, it is known that the performance degradation of Sidomulyo intersection of Ungaran caused by the: 1) function improvement of the Letjend Soeprapto Street which is a local road and used for local stream, burdened by the current out of town so it automatically increases the volume of vehicle, 2) development of industrial zones and residential in Ungaran city, 3) adjacent to the plaza which is the center of activities and entertainment of Ungaran society and its surrounding. By looking at the existing facts, researchers can provide a program plan to address these problems by comparing two scenarios: 1) widening 1.5 meters of road per segment with a fixed cycle time, 2) widening 1.5 meters of road with recalculation of the cycle time. From the analysis can be known that the setting movement changing and adjustment of the cycle time provides a performance improvement against the traffic system on the Sidomulyo intersection. In scenario one more waiting time (with a cycle time of 100 seconds) compared to scenario 2 (with a cycle time of 85 seconds). In addition, the recapitulation of the obtained data shows that the DS average between scenario 1 and scenario 2 is not much different, but the scenario 2 has a better delay so that the second scenario is more suitable compared to the scenario 1

    Automatic Detection of Wrecked Airplanes from UAV Images

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    Searching the accident site of a missing airplane is the primary step taken by the search and rescue team before rescuing the victims. However, due to the vast exploration area, lack of technology, no access road, and rough terrain make the search process nontrivial and thus causing much delay in handling the victims. Therefore, this paper aims to develop an automatic wrecked airplane detection system using visual information taken from aerial images such as from a camera. A new deep network is proposed to distinguish robustly the wrecked airplane that has high pose, scale, color variation, and high deformable object. The network leverages the last layers to capture more abstract and semantics information for robust wrecked airplane detection. The network is intertwined by adding more extra layers connected at the end of the layers. To reduce missing detection which is crucial for wrecked airplane detection, an image is then composed into five patches going feed-forwarded to the net in a convolutional manner. Experiments show very well that the proposed method successfully reaches AP=91.87%, and we believe it could bring many benefits for the search and rescue team for accelerating the searching of wrecked airplanes and thus reducing the number of victims