24 research outputs found

    Инструментально-программно-методический комплекс по биомедицинской инженерии

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    The instrumental and program system, which is a computer system of acquisition and control of data from biomedical devices, is described. The system is designed for laboratory and practical training in the disciplines of professional cycle in the framework of educational program "Biotechnical Systems and Technologies".Приведено описание инструментально-программного комплекса, который представляет собой компьютерную систему сбора и управления данными приборов медико-биологического назначения. Комплекс предназначен для проведения лабораторных и практических занятий в рамках дисциплин профессионального цикла направления подготовки «Биотехнические системы и технологии»

    Развитие проекта «Образовательный портал "Биотехнические системы и технологии"»

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    Experience in the use of services, developed in 2011 under the first stage of the project, has demonstrated the effectiveness of the portal “Biotechnical Systems and Technology” (http://biotech.net-ustu.ru/) in education. In 2012, the project was actively developed. The resource is based on tools Google Sites and Google Docs.Опыт использования сервисов, разработанных в 2011 году в рамках первого этапа проекта, продемонстрировал эффективность применения портала «Биотехнические системы и технологии» (http://biotech.net-ustu.ru/) в образовательном процессе. В 2012 году проект активно развивался. Ресурс создан на базе инструментов Google Sites и Google Docs

    Assessment of lighting levels in residential and public buildings (based on the example of Yekaterinburg)

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    The article describes the results of assessing lighting in residential and public building and its potential effects on workers with account for their various fields of activity. Artificial lighting was measured in various rooms taking into account the use of the main light sources. The study showed that the use of LED lamps provided a sufficient lighting level and had the most favorable effect on humans.В статье представлены результаты выполненной оценки фактора освещённости в жилых и общественных зданиях, возможного влияния на работников с учётом различных сфер деятельности. Организовано и проведено измерение искусственной освещенности в различных помещениях с учётом использования различных основных источников света. В результате исследования показано, что использование светодиодных ламп обеспечивает достаточный уровень освещённости и оказывает максимально благоприятное влияние на организм человека

    Dendritic spine loss and synaptic alterations in Alzheimer's disease

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    Dendritic spines are tiny protrusions along dendrites, which constitute major postsynaptic sites for excitatory synaptic transmission. These spines are highly motile and can undergo remodeling even in the adult nervous system. Spine remodeling and the formation of new synapses are activity-dependent processes that provide a basis for memory formation. A loss or alteration of these structures has been described in patients with neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's disease (AD), and in mouse models for these disorders. Such alteration is thought to be responsible for cognitive deficits long before or even in the absence of neuronal loss, but the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. This review will describe recent findings and discoveries on the loss or alteration of dendritic spines induced by the amyloid beta (Abeta) peptide in the context of AD

    Optical properties of KPb2Cl5KPb_2Cl_5 and RbPb2Cl5RbPb_2Cl_5 single crystals in the far ultraviolet spectral region

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    Electronic structure properties of undoped single crystals of KPb2Cl5 (KPC) and RbPb2Cl5 (RPC) have been studied using low-temperature (T=8°K) far ultraviolet (3.7–24 eV) synchrotron radiation spectroscopy. Dispersions of optical functions have been calculated. The electronic transitions at 4.4–5.0 eV were ascribed to the excitation of cationic excitons. The energy region of 5–9 eV was associated with the transitions from the valence band to the conduction band: 6S10→6P11 at 6.28 eV, 6S10→6P32 at 5.94 eV. The complex band at 7.87 eV was attributed to the excitation of anionic excitons. The 19–24 eV peaks were associated with the 5d→6p transitions in Pb2+ ions