238 research outputs found

    Human gastrointestinal epithelia of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum resolved at single-cell resolution

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    The upper gastrointestinal tract, consisting of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum, controls food transport, digestion, nutrient uptake, and hormone production. By single-cell analysis of healthy epithelia of these human organs, we molecularly define their distinct cell types. We identify a quiescent COL17A1high KRT15high stem/progenitor cell population in the most basal cell layer of the esophagus and detect substantial gene expression differences between identical cell types of the human and mouse stomach. Selective expression of BEST4, CFTR, guanylin, and uroguanylin identifies a rare duodenal cell type, referred to as BCHE cell, which likely mediates high-volume fluid secretion because of continual activation of the CFTR channel by guanylin/uroguanylin-mediated autocrine signaling. Serotonin-producing enterochromaffin cells in the antral stomach significantly differ in gene expression from duodenal enterochromaffin cells. We, furthermore, discover that the histamine-producing enterochromaffin-like cells in the oxyntic stomach express the luteinizing hormone, yet another member of the enteroendocrine hormone family

    Novel cryoballoon 180° ablation system for treatment of Barrett's esophagus-related neoplasia:a first-in-human study

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    Background The novel 180 degrees cryoballoon (CbAS (180) ) enables semicircumferential treatment over a length of 3cm per application. This first-in-human study evaluates its feasibility, efficacy, and safety for the treatment of Barrett's esophagus (BE) neoplasia. Methods This multicenter study consisted of dose-finding and extension phases. Dose-finding started with the lowest dose possible (1.0mm/s). For each dose, six patients were treated circumferentially over a 3-cm length. The dose was increased until the median BE regression was >= 60% without serious adverse events (SAEs). In the extension phase, the dose was confirmed in 19 new patients. The outcomes were technical success, BE regression after one treatment, and SAEs. Results 25 patients (median Prague C0M3) were included (6 dose-finding/19 extension). In two patients, the CbAS (180) could not be applied because of unstable balloon positioning. The technical success rate was 96% (22/23). In the six dose-finding patients, the starting dose resulted in median BE regression of 94% (95% confidence interval [CI] 60%-97%) without SAEs and was thus considered effective. Overall median BE regression was 80% (95%CI 60%-90%). Conclusion Single-session CbAS (180) seems feasible, safe, and effective, and is a promising technique for the treatment of patients with BE neoplasia

    Endoscopic submucosal dissection for early esophageal squamous cell carcinoma:long-term results from a Western cohort

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    Background Although endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) is established as first-choice treatment for early esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) worldwide, most data are derived from Asian studies. We aimed to evaluate the long-term outcomes of ESD for patients with early ESCC in a Western cohort. Methods In this retrospective cohort study, patients with early ESCC amenable to ESD were included from four tertiary referral hospitals in the Netherlands between 2012 and 2017. All ESD procedures were performed by experienced endoscopists, after which the decision for additional treatment was made on a per-patient basis. Outcomes were curative resection rate, ESCC-specific survival, and overall survival. Results Of 68 included patients (mean age 69 years; 34 males), ESD was technically successful in 66 (97%; 95%CI 93%-100%), with curative resection achieved in 34/66 (52%; 95%CI 39%-64%). Among patients with noncurative resection, 15/32 (47%) underwent additional treatment, mainly esophagectomy (n = 10) or definitive chemoradiation therapy (n = 4). Endoscopic surveillance was preferred in 17/32 patients (53%), based on severe comorbidities or patient choice. Overall, 31/66 patients (47%) died during a median follow-up of 66 months; 8/31 (26%) were ESCC-related deaths. The 5-year overall and ESCC-specific survival probabilities were 62% (95%CI 52%-75%) and 86% (95%CI 77%-96%), respectively. Conclusion In this Western cohort with long-term follow-up, the effectiveness and safety of ESD for early ESCC was confirmed, although the rate of noncurative resections was substantial. Irrespective of curative status, the long-term prognosis of these patients was limited mainly due to competing mortality

    A novel cryoballoon ablation system for eradication of dysplastic Barrett's esophagus:a first-in-human feasibility study

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    BACKGROUND:  Endoscopic cryoablation for Barrett's esophagus (BE) might offer advantages over heat-based ablation. Focal cryoballoon ablation has been promising for short-segment BE, whereas the novel 90°-swipe cryoballoon ablation system (CbSAS90) ablates larger areas in a single step (90° over 3 cm). The system allows for dose adjustment. CbSAS90 has been feasible and safe in animal and pre-esophagectomy studies. This is the first clinical study to assess feasibility, safety, and efficacy of CbSAS90 for eradication of dysplastic BE. METHODS:  In this prospective study in dysplastic BE patients, dose finding started with semi-circumferential treatment at 0.8 mm/s (dose 1). The dose was escalated by reducing speed by 0.1 mm/s in six patients until BE surface regression was ≥ 80 % without complications ("effective dose"). The effective dose was subsequently confirmed with circumferential treatment in 12 new patients. Post-procedural pain (0 - 10) and dysphagia (0 - 4) were evaluated. Outcomes were feasibility, safety, and BE surface regression. RESULTS:  25 patients were included, with technically successful treatment in 92 % (95 %CI 73 % - 99 %). Median (95 %CI) BE surface regression was 78 % (50 % - 85 %) for dose 1 and 85 % (55 % - 95 %) for dose 2 (0.7 mm/s), which was defined as the effective dose. Circumferential treatment resulted in 93 % (88 % - 96 %) regression. Two of 12 patients with circumferential treatment developed strictures that required dilation. Median pain and dysphagia scores were low (0 - 3 and 0, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: CbSAS90 was feasible and effective for ablating larger BE areas. The optimal dose for circumferential treatment that balances safety and efficacy requires further evaluation

    Еволюція історичних уявлень про Україну в середньовічній Франції до середини ХVІІ ст.

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    У статті розглянуто стан ознайомлення французької громадськості ХІ-ХVІІ ст. з Україною, проаналізовано причини цікавості французів до цієї країни на тлі історичних взаємин України та Франції. Автор простежує еволюцію французьких історичних досліджень про Україну у Франції.The author considers the state of acquaintance of the French society of the XVII century with Ukraine, analyses the reasons of the interest the French took in this country on the phone of the historical relations between Ukraine and France and traces the evolution of the French historical studies in Ukraine

    Endoscopic submucosal dissection for early esophageal squamous cell carcinoma: long-term results from a Western cohort

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    BACKGROUND: Although endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) is established as first-choice treatment for early esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) worldwide, most data are derived from Asian studies. We aimed to evaluate the long-term outcomes of ESD for patients with early ESCC in a Western cohort. METHODS: In this retrospective cohort study, patients with early ESCC amenable to ESD were included from four tertiary referral hospitals in the Netherlands between 2012 and 2017. All ESD procedures were performed by experienced endoscopists, after which the decision for additional treatment was made on a per-patient basis. Outcomes were curative resection rate, ESCC-specific survival, and overall survival. RESULTS: Of 68 included patients (mean age 69 years; 34 males), ESD was technically successful in 66 (97%; 95%CI 93%-100%), with curative resection achieved in 34/66 (52%; 95%CI 39%-64%). Among patients with noncurative resection, 15/32 (47%) underwent additional treatment, mainly esophagectomy (n = 10) or definitive chemoradiation therapy (n = 4). Endoscopic surveillance was preferred in 17/32 patients (53%), based on severe comorbidities or patient choice. Overall, 31/66 patients (47%) died during a median follow-up of 66 months; 8/31 (26%) were ESCC-related deaths. The 5-year overall and ESCC-specific survival probabilities were 62% (95%CI 52%-75%) and 86% (95%CI 77%-96%), respectively. CONCLUSION: In this Western cohort with long-term follow-up, the effectiveness and safety of ESD for early ESCC was confirmed, although the rate of noncurative resections was substantial. Irrespective of curative status, the long-term prognosis of these patients was limited mainly due to competing mortality

    Development and external validation of a model to predict complex treatment after RFA for Barrett's esophagus with early neoplasia

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    Background & Aims: Endoscopic eradication therapy for Barrett's esophagus (BE)-related neoplasia is safe and leads to complete eradication in the majority of patients. However, a subgroup will experience a more complex treatment course with a risk for failure or disease progression. Early identification of these patients may improve patient counseling and treatment outcomes. We aimed to develop a prognostic model for a complex treatment course. Methods: We collected data from a nationwide registry that captures outcomes for all patients undergoing endoscopic eradication therapy for early BE neoplasia. A complex treatment course was defined as neoplastic progression, treatment failure, or the need for endoscopic resection during the radiofrequency ablation treatment phase. We developed a prognostic model using logistic regression. We externally validated our model in an independent registry. Results: A total of 1386 patients were included, of whom 78 (6%) had a complex treatment course. Our model identified patients with a BE length of 9 cm or longer with a visible lesion containing high-grade dysplasia/cancer, and patients with less than 50% squamous conversion after radiofrequency ablation were identified as high risk for a complex treatment. This applied to 8% of the study population and included 93% of all treatment failures and 76% of all patients with advanced neoplastic progression. The model appeared robust in multiple sensitivity analyses and performed well in external validation (area under the curve, 0.84). Conclusions: We developed a prognostic model that identified patients with a BE length of 9 cm or longer and high-grade dysplasia/esophageal adenocarcinoma and those with poor squamous regeneration as high risk for a complex treatment course. The good performance in external validation suggests that it may be used in clinical management (Netherlands Trial Register: NL7039)

    Analysis of metastases rates during follow-up after endoscopic resection of early "high-risk" esophageal adenocarcinoma

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: After endoscopic resection (ER) of early esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC), the optimal management of patients with high-risk histological features for lymph node metastases (LNM) (i.e., submucosal invasion, poor differentiation grade, or lymphovascular invasion (LVI)), remains unclear. We aimed to evaluate outcomes of endoscopic follow-up after ER for high-risk EAC. METHODS: For this retrospective cohort study, data was collected from all Dutch patients managed with endoscopic follow-up (endoscopy, endoscopic ultrasound) after ER for high-risk EAC between 2008 and 2019. We distinguished 3 groups: intramucosal cancers with high-risk features, submucosal cancers with low-risk features, and submucosal cancers with high-risk features. Primary outcome was the annual risk for metastases during follow-up, stratified for baseline histology. RESULTS: A total of 120 patients met the selection criteria. Median FU was 29 months (IQR 15-48). Metastases were observed in 5/25 (annual risk 6.9%; 95% CI 3.0-15), 1/55 (annual risk 0.7%; 95% CI 0-4.0) and 3/40 (annual risk 3.0%; 95% CI 0-7.0) in high-risk intramucosal, low-risk submucosal, and high-risk submucosal cancers, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Whereas the annual metastasis rate for high-risk submucosal EAC (3.0%) was somewhat lower than expected in comparison with previous reported percentages, the annual metastasis rate of 6.9% for high-risk intramucosal EAC is new and worrisome. This calls for further prospective studies and suggests that strict follow-up of this small subgroup is warranted until prospective data are available

    Incidence and outcomes of poor healing and poor squamous regeneration after radiofrequency ablation therapy for early Barrett's neoplasia

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    BACKGROUND: Although endoscopic eradication therapy with radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is effective in most Barrett's Esophagus (BE) patients, some might experience poor healing (PH) and/or poor squamous regeneration (PSR). We aimed to evaluate PH/PSR incidence and treatment outcomes. METHODS: We included all patients treated with RFA for early BE neoplasia, from a nationwide Dutch registry based on a joint treatment protocol. PH was defined as active inflammatory changes or visible ulcerations ≥3 months post-RFA, PSR as <50% squamous regeneration, and treatment success as complete eradication of BE (CE-BE). Results 1,386 patients (median BE C2M5) underwent RFA with baseline low-grade dysplasia (27%), high-grade dysplasia (30%), or early cancer (43%). In all 134 patients with PH (10%), additional time and acid suppression resulted in complete esophageal healing. 67/134 (50%) had normal regeneration with 97% CE-BE. In total, 74 patients had PSR (5%). As compared to patients with normal squamous regeneration, PSR patients had a higher risk for treatment failure (64% versus 2%, RR 27 [95% CI 18-40]) and progression to advanced disease (15% versus <1%, RR 30 [95% CI 12-81]). Higher BMI, longer BE, reflux esophagitis, and <50% squamous regeneration after baseline endoscopic resection were independently associated with PSR in multivariable logistic regression. Conclusions In half of the patients with PH, additional time and acid suppression may lead to normal squamous regeneration and excellent treatment outcomes. However, if patients experience PSR, the risk for treatment failure and progression to advanced disease is significantly increased with a relative risk of 27 and 30, respectively