41 research outputs found

    Determination by Landsat Satellite Imagery to Local Scales in Land and Pollution Monitoring: A Case of Buyuk Melen Watershed (Turkey)

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    Buyuk Melen Watershed provides drinking water from the Western Black Sea region to Istanbul province, which Buyuk and Kucuk Melen rivers, Asar, Ugur and Aksu rivers. Many settlement areas, fertilized agricultural lands, industrial plants and solid/liquid waste dumping areas have present in Melen watershed, causing substantial pollution problems. Melen watershed has been at a serious risk of pollution that a lot of settlement areas, agricultural lands, industrial facilities, and solid and liquid waste. In this study, LANDSAT satellite data was used to monitor the status of this area on the potential of the region studied. In the watershed change of 1987, 2001, 2006 and 2010 and also supported by satellite data. However, contaminants in the watershed discharges to the inner parts as shown from the satellite data have also been observed that the increase in pollution

    Evaluation of radioactive properties and microfaunal evidence in the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles straits and Golden Horn sediments

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    The aim of this study is to investigate radioactive pollutants from pollution loads transported from the Black Sea to the Aegean Sea by the Turkish Straits System and their effects on microfauna (benthic foraminifer and ostracod) assemblages. In the study, the effects of gross alpha and beta activity on the species number, species diversity, dominant species and species richness of benthic foraminiferal and ostracod assemblages were investigated in 16 bottom sediments taken from different depths in the Golden Horn, Bosphorus and Dardanelles straits. In the studied sediment samples examined 61 genera and 64 species of benthic foraminifera, 23 genera and 26 species of ostracoda were identified. In addition two migratory foraminifera species were observed as Spiroloculina antillarum of Atlantic-Pacific origin and Peneroplis pertusus of Indo-Pacific origin. A relationship between the abundance of microfauna and high gross alpha and beta values was found in the Dardanelles samples, but not in the Bosphorus and Golden Horn samples. In this  study, the highest radioactivity value was observed in the deepest bottom sediment samples. Consequently, the gross alpha and beta values were seen to be close to each other in the Dardanelles Strait and Golden Horn samples, and they had a broad-spectrum in the Bosphorus samples

    Origin of groundwater salinity and hydrogeochemical processes in a confined coastal karst aquifer: A cause of the Mandalia Bay (southeastern Aegean Sea coasts)

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    There are numerous springs and wells within the context of this research about the part of northern and northeastern in The Mandalia Bay which has an important role regarding tourism and agriculture in Turkey’s Southeastern Aegean coasts. There are an important springs in this basin, as the high discharge with values Ekinambari springs for 5385 l/s, Savrankoy springs for 4215 l/s, Avsar springs for the 1000 l/s, Sucikti springs (Karacahisar) to 400 l/s. The change of the total annual flow observations compatible with each other, an increase was observed in springs of Ekinambari, Savrankoy and Sucikti. The springs group of Ekinambari, is located from the sea about 10 km away in the alluvium. These springs were at the foot of the hill at various points at 46 m altitude, different flow rates and temperatures, allochthonous limestone flows from the broken system. The springs in the investigation area, which was measured in the high current values, of Savrankoy and Ekinambari springs monthly average current value of resources are examined, the difference between the current value is less than by months. In this spring waters of high salinity values (0,5 to 36,2‰) was determined. In this study were questioned as origin of ground water salinity from deep aquifer formations or from current sea water? In the case of salinity, in spring waters have occurred on deep towards the karstic levels of limestones from sea water is saturation. Examined the water was fed by a high level, the transition period is short and in aquifer in contact with shallow circulating water for a short time is. They could say that mixing different amounts of surface water were also. Given these results, the most important spring waters for the region (Savrankoy, Ekinambarı, etc.,) of ground water movement in karstic system pressure and decreasing/increasing rate of interventions performed in the presence of a seawater can be mentioned

    Origin of groundwater salinity and hydrogeochemical processes in a confined coastal karst aquifer: A cause of the Mandalia Bay (southeastern Aegean Sea coasts)

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    There are numerous springs and wells within the context of this research about the part of northern and northeastern in The Mandalia Bay which has an important role regarding tourism and agriculture in Turkey’s Southeastern Aegean coasts. There are an important springs in this basin, as the high discharge with values Ekinambari springs for 5385 l/s, Savrankoy springs for 4215 l/s, Avsar springs for the 1000 l/s, Sucikti springs (Karacahisar) to 400 l/s. The change of the total annual flow observations compatible with each other, an increase was observed in springs of Ekinambari, Savrankoy and Sucikti. The springs group of Ekinambari, is located from the sea about 10 km away in the alluvium. These springs were at the foot of the hill at various points at 46 m altitude, different flow rates and temperatures, allochthonous limestone flows from the broken system. The springs in the investigation area, which was measured in the high current values, of Savrankoy and Ekinambari springs monthly average current value of resources are examined, the difference between the current value is less than by months. In this spring waters of high salinity values (0,5 to 36,2‰) was determined. In this study were questioned as origin of ground water salinity from deep aquifer formations or from current sea water? In the case of salinity, in spring waters have occurred on deep towards the karstic levels of limestones from sea water is saturation. Examined the water was fed by a high level, the transition period is short and in aquifer in contact with shallow circulating water for a short time is. They could say that mixing different amounts of surface water were also. Given these results, the most important spring waters for the region (Savrankoy, Ekinambarı, etc.,) of ground water movement in karstic system pressure and decreasing/increasing rate of interventions performed in the presence of a seawater can be mentioned

    Assessment of recent and chalcolithic period environmental pollution using Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1819 from Yarimburgaz Cave, the northern Marmara Sea and Bosphorus coasts

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    Marine or freshwater mussel species are found in large quantities around populated areas and accumulate metals in aquatic systems. Therefore, these organisms are used to monitor environmental pollution. Mytilus galloprovincialis is a generally accepted bioindicator of metal pollution and is used in this study. The aim of this study is to determine the changes in the environmental conditions since antiquity. M. galloprovincialis shells were used to monitor Chalcolithic pollution levels in Yarimburgaz Cave, one of the oldest settlements in Europe. Recent samples were collected from 12 stations on the coasts of the Northern Marmara Sea and the Bosphorus between May–September 2004. The environmental pollution substantially changed over the last 7500 years. The comparison of the geochemical characteristics of the environmental pollution observed in the Chalcolithic period and today revealed that pollution from both household and industrial chemicals has increased in Istanbul

    DİKİLİ KÖRFEZİ'NDE (KUZEYDOĞU EGE DENİZİ-TÜRKİYE) BULUNAN ÜÇ ANORMAL BENTİK FORAMİNİFER ÖRNEĞİ: Peneroplis planatus (Fichtel ve Moll), Rosalina sp. ve Elphidium crispum (Linne) HAKKINDA

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    Kuzeydoğu Ege Denizi'nde, Dikili Körfezi'nde güncel foraminiferler üzerinde yapılan çalışmada, körfezden derlenmiş olan 9 örneğin üçünde, Peneroplis planatus (Fichtei ve Moll), Rosalina sp. ve Elphidium crispum (Linne) olarak isimlendirilen üç foraminifer örneğinde anormal gelişimlerin olduğu saptanmıştır. Bunun nedeni olarak, gerek Edremit Körfezi, gerek Dikili Körfezi ve çevreleri ile Midilli Adası doğusunda varlığı bilinen ve düşünülen sıcak su kaynakları ile bu sulardaki bazı eser elementlerin normal dışı değerlerde oldukları düşünülür

    Ecological conditions of the Gulf of Edremit (Northern Aegean Sea, Turkey): From the benthic forominifera assemblages of the recent sediments

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    Bu, çalışmada, Edremit Körfezi'nin iki ayrı alanından alınan çökel örneklerindeki güncel benlik foraminiferler belirlenmiş, cins ve türlerin gösterdikleri bölgesel dağılım farklılıkları incelenmiştir. Bu farklılıkların, denizaltındaki genç fayların bulunduğu alanlardaki termal kaynakların oluşturduğu farklı ekolojik ortamlar nedeniyle meydana geldiği düşünülmektedir. İncelenen alanın sahil kesimlerinde bulunan termal mineralli kaynaklar bu düşünceyi desteklemektedir. Termal mineralli kaynakların fiziksel ve kimyasal özellikleri ile çökel örneklerin ağır metal analizleri karşılaştırılmıştır. Körfez'in kıyısında yeralan termal mineralli kaynaklar ile körfez çökellerinin ağır metal içerikleri değerlendirildiğinde Fe2+Fe^{2+} 'in farklılık göstermesi dikkat çekicidir.The differences of the genera and species of recent benthic foraminifera of recent sediment samples from the Gulf of Edremit were investigated. These differences are belived to reflect the varying ecological conditions caused by thermal springs located in the vicinity of active faults the physical and chemical properties of thermal springs and geochemical characteristics of surface sediment were not comparable. Particularly Fe2+Fe^{2+} content of surface sediments was found to be significantly higher than that of mineral thermal springs

    Geochemical anomalies in the recent foraminifers of Iskenderun Bay

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    Güncel ve eski denizel ortamlarda karbonat üreticileri arasında yer alan organizmaların kavkılarında biyojeokimyasal tarihçeyi saklamaları, bu canlıların son yıllarda ülkemizde de ayrıntılı biçimde incelenmelerine yol açmıştır. Bu çalışmada güncel bazı foranlinifer kavkılarının mineralojik ve jeokimyasal özellikleri belirlenerek; ortamsal koşullar ve güncel jeolojik anomaliler arasındaki ilişkiler araştırılmıştır. İskenderun Körfezi'nden derlenen iki tortul örneğindeki foraminifer kavkıları tüm kayaç (XRD ve AAS) ve mikroprob düzeyinde incelenerek kavkılarda renklenmelere neden olan elementler yarı-nicel / nicel olarak saptanmıştır. Bu örneklerde güncel foraminiferlerden 11 cins ve 17 tür gözlenmiştir. İncelenen foraminifer kavkılarında yeşil, siyah, pembe, gri ve sarı renkli kesimler gözlenmiştir. Örnek No 36'daki foraminifer kavkıları başlıca aragonit ve Mg-kalsit, daha az miktarda anhidrit, dolomit ve kuvars içermektedir. Örnek No 125 ise kalsit, Mg-kalsit, aragonit ve eser miktarda dolomit, kuvars ve sideritten oluşmuştur. Foraminifer kavkılarının element konsantrasyonları geniş bir aralıkta değişim göstermekle birlikte, Cu, Zn ve Pb'da zenginleşmeler saptanmıştır. Körfezdeki aktif faylardan çıkan sıcak suların taşıdığı iyonların deniz suyunda zenginleşmeleri ve sonuçta bunların kavkılarda anormal kirlenmeye neden oldukları ileri sürülebilir. Bunlar, canlıların fiziksel ve kimyasal işlevleri sırasında ikincil olarak zenginleştirilmiş olmaları beklenmelidir. Kavkılardaki Mg/Ca oranı 11.63-219.23 arasında değişmektedir. Bentik foraminifer kavkılarındaki kalsitlerin Mg/Ca oranı ile deniz tabanı suyu sıcaklığı arasında bir ilişki kurularak 21-51 °C arasında değişen sıcaklıklar bulunmuştur. Deniz tabanı suyu sıcaklığındaki anomali ve bazı element konsantrasyonlarmdaki zenginleşmeler güncel kırık hatlarına bağlı hidrotermal kaynaklan işaret edebilir.Organisms as carbonate producers in modern and ancient marine environments were investigated in our country recent years in detail because of preserving biochemical history on their shells. In this study, the relations among fossilspecies environmental conditions and modern geological anomalies were searched throughly by determining paleontologic, mineralogical and geochemical, features of some modern foraminiferal shells. Foraminiferal tests collected from two submarine sediment samples in iskenderun Bay were studied by whole-rock (XRD and AAS) and microprobe methods, and in this way elements being the cause of colorful on the shells were semi-quantitatively /quantitatively measured. 11 genus and 17 species of modern foraminifers were observed in these samples. Green, black, pink, gray and yellow colored parts are observed in the encountered foraminiferal species. Foraminiferal shells of Sample No.36 mainly contain aragonite and Mg-calcite, less anhydrite, dolomite and quartz. Foraminiferal shells of Sample No. 125 are made up of abundantly calcite, Mg-calcite, aragonite and rarely dolomite, quartz and siderite. The richnesses in Cu, Zn and Pb were determined although element concentrations of foraminifer shells show a variation in wide range. It is explained that an abnormal contamination within the shells are caused by enrichments in the sea water of ions transported with hot waters coming from active faults. Moreover, it should be expected that these elements are secondarily got rich during metabolism by livings. Mg/Ca ratios of shells vary between 11.63 and 219.23. A temperature of 21-51 C are found by setting up a relationship between Mg/Ca ratio of calcites in benthic foraminifers and sea-floor water temperature. The anomaly in the sea-floor water temperature and richness in the concentrations of some elements can indicate hydrothermal springs related to present fracture lines

    Foreseeable impacts of sea level rise on the southern coast of the Marmara Sea (Turkey)

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    This paper represents the results of a case study of the interaction between sea level rise (SLR), subsidence and the consequences of this phenomenon on fresh water resources that may be subject to exacerbated salt-water intrusion. The possible reasons for rapid SLR at the permanent tide gauge station located on the southern coast of the Marmara Sea have been investigated based on time series data recorded since 1984. The population in the region relies mainly on groundwater resources for urban, tourism and agricultural water use, which represents a severe risk with regard to the replenishment of the coastal aquifer. Based on the findings, appropriate methods of assessing the coastal vulnerability to future SLR and recommendations for coastal zone management with emphasis on the protection of water resources are discussed

    Contribution of natural and anthropogenic effects in the Iznik Lake bottom sediment: Geochemical and microfauna assemblages evidence

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    The relationship between the distribution of benthic foraminifera with ostracoda and sediment type and geochemical environment in the Iznik Lake is discussed. The microfauna (benthic foraminifer and ostracod) were sampled in seven recent bottom sediment samples, and geochemical variables of the sediment of the same samples were measured. This study is aimed at investigating the geochemical properties of 7 bottom sediment samples analysed in 5 lines in Iznik Lake. The depths for the samples varies from 1 to 68 m. The microfauna individuals were found in very low quantity, a total of 5 species foraminifera and 11 species 10 genus ostracod were identified. The geochemical properties were found to correspond well to the sediment type and depositional environment and five different sediment/ depositional environment types could be distinguished. The individuals of microfauna reveals specific faunal assemblages that are closely related to these sediment and geochemical environment types. According to the survey, sediments encountered in the formation of gypsum crystals feature when considered together with the magnetism of Iznik Lake and the surrounding area suggest that are affected by new tectonics. Again this geochemical study the magnetic properties of the heavy-mineral contents, the entire amount of magnetite and hematite and heavy-mineral content has appeared to be affected by changes in the process. The purpose of this work is to distinguish the natural (geogenic) component, originated by techtonical origin this lake, from anthropogenic contamination owing to human activity. There were relationship between microfauna assemblages and heavy metals, trace element pollutant in the bottom lake sediments. Additionally, less individuals are found in most of the sediment samples in observed (in this 7 samples), this coincidence suggests that the heavy metals within the environment can also be a cause. The reason that of heavy metals, trace element pollutants are a factor in the distribution of microfaunal assemblages of genera and species were observed. (C) 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd