26 research outputs found

    Die Kirschessigfliege – ein neuer Schädling im Weichobstanbau

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    Die Kirschessigfliege Drosophila suzukii wurde 2008 nach Europa eingeschleppt und hat im Mittelmeerraum bereits für starke Schäden gesorgt. Im letzten Sommer wurde der neue Schädling erstmals auch in der Schweiz nachgewiesen. Die Fliegen befallen alles Weichobst (Beeren, Kirschen, Trauben) sowie viele Wildfrüchte. In diesem Jahr sollten alle sensiblen Kulturen mit Apfelessig-Fallen überwacht werden. Zur Befallsvorbeugung werden der Einsatz von engmaschigen Netzen, Massenfang mit Fallen sowie das Vernichten befallener Früchte empfohlen. Das BLW hat den Einsatz von Spinosad und Pyrethrum unter Auflagen bewilligt

    Drosophila suzukii – Un nouveau ravageur des fruits à chair tendre

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    La drosophile du cerisier Drosophila suzukii a été introduite en Europe en 2008 et a déjà causé de gros dégâts dans le bassin méditerranéen. Ce nouveau ravageur a été identifié en Suisse pour la première fois au cours de l’été passé. Cette drosophile s’attaque à tous les fruits à chair tendre (baies, cerises, raisins) et à de nombreux fruits sauvages. Cette année, toutes les cultures sensibles doivent être surveillées avec des pièges au vinaigre de pomme. Pour la prévention des attaques, il est recommandé d’utiliser des filets à mailles fines, de faire des piégeages de masse et de détruire les fruits attaqués. L’OFAG a autorisé sous conditions l’utilisation de Spinosad et de pyrèthre

    La drosofila del ciliegio – un nuovo parassita nelle colture di frutta a polpa tenera

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    La drosofila del ciliegio Drosophila suzukii è stata importata in Europa nel 2008 ed ha già causato gravi danni nell’area mediterranea. L’estate scorsa il nuovo parassita è stato per la prima volta segnalato anche in Svizzera. I moscerini attaccano tutta la frutta a polpa tenera (bacche, ciliegie, uva) e diversi frutti selvatici. Quest’anno tutte le colture sensibili saranno monitorate con trappole all’aceto di mele. Per prevenire l’infestazione si raccomanda l’impiego di reti a maglie fini, la cattura in massa con trappole e la distruzione dei frutti infestati. L’UFAG ha permesso, a determinate condizioni, l’uso di spinosad e piretro

    Management of strawberry blossom weevil and European tarnished plant bug in organic strawberry and raspberry using semiochemical traps

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    The strawberry blossom weevil (Anthonomus rubi) and the European tarnished plant bug (Lygus rugulipennis) cause large (10 - >80%) losses in yield and quality in organically grown berries. A consortium with 6 European countries has been created to work on the management of those pests. The pheromones of A. rubi and L. rugulipennis have been characterized in England by NRI/EMR. For the attraction of A. rubi the importance of host plant volatiles in combination with the pheromones has also been documented. The natural semiochemical mechanisms of sexual attraction and host plant finding of A. rubi and L. rugulipennis will be further studied and exploited to develop effective semiochemical traps for their management through mass trapping. Attractive lures for these two species will then be combined into a single multitrap with the aim of managing two pests simultaneously in each crop. This will be one of the first approaches to pest management of non-lepidopteran insect pests of horticultural crops using semiochemicals in the EU, and probably the first to target multiple species from different insect orders. The project will be organized in the following work packages; 1) Chemical analysis of plant volatiles, 2) Pest insects in strawberry, 3) Pest insects in raspberry and 4) Trap design and lure development. The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support for this project provided by the CORE Organic II Funding Bodies, being partners of the FP7 ERA-Net project, CORE Organic II (Coordination of European Transnational Research in Organic Food and Farming systems, project no. 249667)


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    Many European growers of organic strawberry and raspberry have large losses in yield (sometimes >80%) and reduced quality of their products because of insect damage. Among the major threats are the strawberry blossom weevil (Anthonomus rubi Herbst), the European tarnished plant bug (Lygus rugulipennis Popp.) and the raspberry beetle (Byturus tomentosus De Geer). In organic soft fruit production there are no effective control measures for these pest insects. For many insects species pheromones and host plant volatiles are of major importance in mate finding and location of host plants for mating, feeding and oviposition. Thus, there is potential for using these insect-insect and/or insect-host plant interactions to develop new strategies and effective control measures for pest insects. In this project we want to extend our knowledge of these systems to develop effective control measures to control these pests in organic crops

    Mass trapping Anthonomus rubi and Lygus rugulipennis in strawberries

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    The strawberry blossom weevil, Anthonomus rubi, and the European tarnished plant bug,Lygus rugulipennis, can cause substantial damage in organic strawberries in Northern and Central Europe. In conventional production it is also desirable to find alternatives to current pesticide controls, which negatively affects beneficials and also creates a risk of building pesticide resistance. Anthonomus rubi lays an egg in a developing flower bud and then partially bites off the flower stem, resulting in a loss of yield. Lygus rugulipennis nymphs and adults feed on flowers and developing fruitlets, causing a fruit distortion which makes the damaged fruit unmarketable. In the ERA-NET CORE Organic project “Softpest Multitrap”, we studied how pheromone and plant volatiles can be combined to improve trapping of the two pests. Our studies also included trap design and placement of traps in the field (grid size, perimeter versus field centre), investigations of the phenology of A. rubi and L. rugulipennis. In 2014 we assessed a ‘multi’-trap for both species. Results will be presented and discussed

    Traps for Lygus rugulipennis and Anthonomus rubi: preliminary results from Softpest Multitrap activities in Latvia

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    There is a lack of appropriate plant protection methods against strawberry blossom weevil (SBW) not only in organic plantations, but also in plantations, where IPM is used. European tarnished plant bug (ETPB) is not currently recognized as a pest in Latvian strawberry plantations, because the visual defects made by bugs are not important for Latvian consumers. Cross vane bucket traps and sticky stake traps were the most effective for trapping SBW in Latvia. These traps, where the lure was positioned at the top of cross vanes, were also the most effective for capturing ETPB


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    Many growers of organic strawberry and raspberry have large losses in yield and reduced quality of their products because of insect damage. For many insects species pheromones and host plant volatiles are of major importance in mate finding and host plant location. In this project we want to extend our knowledge of these systems to develop effective control measures to control these pests in organic crops. The focus will be on the strawberry blossom weevil, the European tarnish plant bug and the raspberry beetle

    Comment attirer deux ravageurs des framboises dans un même piège?

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    L’anthonome des framboises (Anthonomus rubi) et le ver des framboises (Byturus tomentosus) causent de grosses pertes dans les cultures biologiques de framboises. Dans le cadre du projet européen Core Organic 2, le projet «Softpest Multitrap» a testé une nouvelle approche pour controller simultanément ces deux ravageurs avec un piège commun, afin de proposer une alternative aux insecticides. Le but a été de définir la hauteur du piège, son design et lacombinaison de leurres optimale. Nos essais ont montré que le piège doit être posé au sol en combinant une aggregation de phéromones et des composés volatils de fleurs de framboisier pour capturer ces deux insectes. Les pièges doivent être mis en place dès le départ de la végétation (stade BBCH 45–47). Le design du piège doit encore être amélioré pour intensifier les captures. Cette approche innovante offre de nouvelles perspectives pour la lute contre ces ravageurs