
Mass trapping Anthonomus rubi and Lygus rugulipennis in strawberries


The strawberry blossom weevil, Anthonomus rubi, and the European tarnished plant bug,Lygus rugulipennis, can cause substantial damage in organic strawberries in Northern and Central Europe. In conventional production it is also desirable to find alternatives to current pesticide controls, which negatively affects beneficials and also creates a risk of building pesticide resistance. Anthonomus rubi lays an egg in a developing flower bud and then partially bites off the flower stem, resulting in a loss of yield. Lygus rugulipennis nymphs and adults feed on flowers and developing fruitlets, causing a fruit distortion which makes the damaged fruit unmarketable. In the ERA-NET CORE Organic project “Softpest Multitrap”, we studied how pheromone and plant volatiles can be combined to improve trapping of the two pests. Our studies also included trap design and placement of traps in the field (grid size, perimeter versus field centre), investigations of the phenology of A. rubi and L. rugulipennis. In 2014 we assessed a ‘multi’-trap for both species. Results will be presented and discussed

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