2,649 research outputs found


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    Web‐Teaching ‐ A Guide to Interactive Teaching for the World‐Wide Web by David W. Brooks, New York: Plenum, 1997. ISBN: 0–306–45552–8. Paperback, 214 pages. $30

    Mechanical Faraday effect for orbital angular momentum-carrying beams

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    When linearly polarised light is transmitted through a spinning window, the plane of polarisation is rotated. This rotation arises through a phase change that is applied to the circularly polarised states corresponding to the spin angular momentum (SAM). Here we show an analogous effect for the orbital angular momentum (OAM), where a differential phase between the positive and negative modes (±ℓ) is observed as a rotation of the transmitted image. For normal materials, this rotation is on the order of a micro radian, but by using a slow-light medium, we show a rotation of a few degrees. We also note that, within the bounds of our experimental parameters, this rotation angle does not exceed the scale of the spatial features in the beam profile

    Exploring the Relationship between Environmental Impact and Nutrient Content of Sandwiches and Beverages Available in Cafés in a UK University

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    The threat of climate change and population growth has led to calls for the adoption of environmentally sustainable diets; however, concerns have been raised over the nutritional quality of low Greenhouse Gas Emission (GHGE) diets. This study examined the relationship between measures of environmental sustainability and nutrient content of sandwiches and beverages sold in a UK university café. GHGE and Water Footprint Impact Indicator (WFII) values for the ingredients of sandwiches and beverages were used with recipe information to calculate GHGE (gCO2e per portion) and WFIIs (scarcity weighted litres per portion). These estimates were then combined via orthogonal regression to produce a single Environmental Impact Score (EIS); higher scores equate to greater environmental impact. The relationship between EIS and nutrient content was explored using correlation analysis. Sandwiches that contained meat and animal products as well as beverages that contained milk, cocoa, and/or coffee had the highest EIS. EIS was positively associated with the portion size of sandwiches but not the serving size of beverages. EIS was positively correlated with calories, saturated fat, and sodium. However, EIS was also positively correlated with micronutrients: iron, calcium (beverages only), and B12 (beverages only). The choice of smaller or plant-based sandwiches as well as beverages without milk would reduce environmental impact as well as caloric and sodium intake. However, the selection of low impact options may also reduce the intake of nutrients required for good health. This study revealed possible tensions between nutritional quality and environmental sustainability

    Measuring change

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    A change in the reporting of HbA1c is being adopted globally, including in Australia. It's anticipated that this change will, among other things, make it easier for doctors to educate their patients about the importance of glycaemic control. However, to understand how this change will help in practice, it's useful to firstly understand what HbA1c is and to know something of the history of how laboratories have measured the HbA1c assay

    Inter-rater reliability of the Dysexecutive Questionnaire (DEX): comparative data from non-clinician respondents – all raters are not equal

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    Primary objective: The Dysexecutive Questionnaire (DEX) is used to obtain information about executive and emotional problems after neuropathology. The DEX is self-completed by the patient (DEX-S) and an independent rater such as a family member (DEX-I). This study examined the level of inter-rater agreement between either two or three non-clinician raters on the DEX-I in order to establish the reliability of DEX-I ratings. Methods and procedures: Family members and/or carers of 60 people with mixed neuropathology completed the DEX-I. For each patient, DEX-I ratings were obtained from either two or three raters who knew the person well prior to brain injury. Main outcomes and results: We obtained two independent-ratings for 60 patients and three independent-ratings for 36 patients. Intra-class correlations revealed that there was only a modest level of agreement for items, subscale and total DEX scores between raters for their particular family member. Several individual DEX items had low reliability and ratings for the emotion sub-scale had the lowest level of agreement. Conclusions: Independent DEX ratings completed by two or more non-clinician raters show only moderate correlation. Suggestions are made for improving the reliability of DEX-I ratings.</p

    Unique pollen types in the caesalpinioideae (Leguminosae)

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    In the legumes several pollen types were encountered during a survey of the Caesalpinioideae that were previously unknown or poorly known for the subfamily: Viscin threads (Jacqueshuberia), periporate pollen (Hardwickia, Coiophospermum), diporate pollen with a single continuous colpus (Duparquetia), tetracolporate pollen (Ceratonia), and pollen tetrads (Afzelia, Diptychandra). © 1980 Taylor and Francis Group, LLC

    Acceptability and feasibility of a café-based sustainable food intervention in the UK

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    Dietary change is needed to improve health and reduce the environmental burden of food production and consumption. Using an Intervention Mapping approach, this study aimed to explore the views caterers and customers held towards point-of-choice interventions that promote healthy and environmentally friendly (EF) food and beverage choices at the University of Sheffield. Intervention options proposed during focus groups were devised using the Nuffield Bioethics ladder of intervention. Ten focus groups were held involving caterers (n = 16) and customers (n = 45). Thematic analysis was conducted on the transcripts of caterer and customer focus groups seperately, and then comparisons were made to identify concerns about the acceptability and feasibility of intervention options. Attitudes towards intervention options varied considerably amongst stakeholders, with the greatest disparity of opinion in the acceptability of interventions that restrict or limit personal choice, particularly with regards to meat consumption. Information provision was favoured as an acceptable intervention by both customers and caterers. However, labelling products in terms of their environmental impact was considered practically unfeasible. Social norms around eating also emerged as influencing the acceptability and feasibility of interventions with concerns raised about: shaming customers who chose meat, the exclusivity of vegan choices and the limited availability and appeal of meatless cafĂ© options. Financial considerations were the main priority of caterers when discussing point-of-choice interventions. An acceptable and feasible cafĂ©-based intervention ought to increase awareness and understanding of healthy and EF food choices, protect customer choice and avoid additional costs
