130 research outputs found

    Queer(y)ing agent-based modeling for use in LGBTQ Studies: an example from workplace inequalities

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    This article explores the contribution agent-based modeling (ABM) can make to the study of LGBTQ workplace inequalities and, conversely, how ABM can adapt to theoretical traditions integral to LGBTQ studies. It introduces an example LGBTQ workplace model, developed as part of the CILIA-LGBTQI+ project, to illustrate how ABM complements existing methods, can address methodological binarism and bridge macro and micro accounts within LGBTQ studies of the workplace. The model is intended as an important starting point in developing the role of ABM in LGBTQ research and for bridging qualitative- and quantitative-derived insights. Likewise, the article discusses some approaches for negotiating theoretical and methodological tensions identified when integrating queer and intersectional insight with ABM

    Establishment of a novel set of vectors for transformation of the dinoflagellate Amphidinium carterae

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    Peridinin-containing dinoflagellate algae have a chloroplast genome formed from plasmid-like minicircles. This fragmented genome has allowed us to develop a genetic modification methodology involving the use of biolistics to introduce artificial minicircles in Amphidinium carterae (Nimmo et al., 2019). The previously reported artificial minicircles were based on native minicircles containing either the psbA or atpB gene. Each artificial minicircle allowed expression of a single selectable marker instead of psbA or atpB. Here, we present two further artificial minicircles for use in transformation of A. carterae. One is based on the petD minicircle, allowing the expression of a single selectable marker. The second is based on the two-gene minicircle originally containing atpA and petB, and allows the dual expression of a selectable marker and a gene of interest. Our research suggest that all of the 20 or so minicircles in A. carterae are suitable for adaptation as artificial minicircles, allowing for the simultaneous introduction of multiple genes

    Marx’s "Capital"in the Information Age

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    This article argues that a media and communication studies perspective on reading Marx’s Capital has thus far been missing, but is needed in the age of information capitalism and digital capitalism. Two of the most popular contemporary companions to Marx’s Capital, the ones by David Harvey and Michael Heinrich, present themselves as general guidebooks on how to read Marx, but are actually biased towards particular schools of Marxist thought. A contemporary reading of Marx needs to be mediated with contemporary capitalism’s structures and the political issues of the day. Media, communications and the Internet are important issues for such a reading today. It is time to see Marx not just as a critic of capitalism but also as a critic of capitalist communications

    Participatory systems mapping for population health research, policy and practice: guidance on method choice and design

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    Executive Summary: What is participatory systems mapping? Participatory systems mapping engages stakeholders with varied knowledge and perspectives in creating a visual representation of a complex system. Its purpose is to explore, and document perceived causal relations between elements in the system. This guidance focuses on six causal systems mapping methods: systems-based theory of change maps; causal loop diagrams; CECAN participatory systems mapping; fuzzy cognitive maps; systems dynamics models; and Bayesian belief networks. What is the purpose of this guidance? This guidance includes a Framework that aids the choice and design of participatory systems mapping approaches for population health research, policy and practice. It offers insights on different systems mapping approaches, by comparing them and highlighting their applications in the population health domain. This guidance also includes case studies, signposting to further reading and resources, and recommendations on enhancing stakeholder involvement in systems mapping. Who is this guidance for? This guidance is designed for anyone interested in using participatory systems mapping, regardless of prior knowledge or experience. It primarily responds to calls to support the growing demand for systems mapping (and systems-informed approaches more broadly) in population health research, policy and practice. This guidance can however also be applied to other disciplines. How was it developed? The guidance was created by an interdisciplinary research team through an iterative, rigorous fivestage process that included a scoping review, key informant interviews, and a consultation exercise with subject experts. What is the ‘Participatory Systems Design Framework’ included in this guidance? The Design Framework supports users to choose between different methods and enhance the design of participatory systems mapping projects. Specifically, it encourages users to consider: 1) the added value of adopting a participatory approach to systems mapping; 2) the differences between methods, including their relative advantages and disadvantages; and 3) the feasibility of using particular methods for a given purpose. An editable version of the Framework is available to download as a supplementary file. How will this guidance support future use of these methods? Participatory systems mapping is an exciting and evolving field. This guidance clarifies and defines the use of these methods in population health research, policy and practice, to encourage more thoughtful and purposeful project design, implementation, and reporting. The guidance also identifies several aspects for future research and development: methodological advancements; advocating for and strengthening participatory approaches; strengthening reporting; understanding and demonstrating the use of maps; and developing skills for the design and use of these methods

    Phylomemetics—Evolutionary Analysis beyond the Gene

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    Genes are propagated by error-prone copying, and the resulting variation provides the basis for phylogenetic reconstruction of evolutionary relationships. Horizontal gene transfer may be superimposed on a tree-like evolutionary pattern, with some relationships better depicted as networks. The copying of manuscripts by scribes is very similar to the replication of genes, and phylogenetic inference programs can be used directly for reconstructing the copying history of different versions of a manuscript text. Phylogenetic methods have also been used for some time to analyse the evolution of languages and the development of physical cultural artefacts. These studies can help to answer a range of anthropological questions. We propose the adoption of the term “phylomemetics” for phylogenetic analysis of reproducing non-genetic elements

    ‘Contextualizing and Critiquing the Fantastic Prosumer: Power, Alienation and Hegemony’

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    Abstract The ‘prosumer’ has emerged to become a central figure in contemporary culture. Through the melding of production with consumption, both mainstream and progressive analysts conceptualize prosumption to be a liberating, empowering and, for some, a prospectively revolutionary institution. In this article, these fantastic associations are critically assessed using an approach that situates prosumption activities, including contemporary online applications often referred to as ‘cocreation’, in three social-historical contexts: capitalism as a political economy dominated by mediated abstractions; capitalist society as a hierarchical order; and alienation as a pervasive norm. Among other conclusions, we find that prosumption (particularly its Web 2.0 iterations), constitutes an emerging hegemonic institution; one that effectively frames and contains truly radical imaginations while also tapping into existing predilections for commodity-focused forms of self-realization

    Genome Evolution of a Tertiary Dinoflagellate Plastid

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    The dinoflagellates have repeatedly replaced their ancestral peridinin-plastid by plastids derived from a variety of algal lineages ranging from green algae to diatoms. Here, we have characterized the genome of a dinoflagellate plastid of tertiary origin in order to understand the evolutionary processes that have shaped the organelle since it was acquired as a symbiont cell. To address this, the genome of the haptophyte-derived plastid in Karlodinium veneficum was analyzed by Sanger sequencing of library clones and 454 pyrosequencing of plastid enriched DNA fractions. The sequences were assembled into a single contig of 143 kb, encoding 70 proteins, 3 rRNAs and a nearly full set of tRNAs. Comparative genomics revealed massive rearrangements and gene losses compared to the haptophyte plastid; only a small fraction of the gene clusters usually found in haptophytes as well as other types of plastids are present in K. veneficum. Despite the reduced number of genes, the K. veneficum plastid genome has retained a large size due to expanded intergenic regions. Some of the plastid genes are highly diverged and may be pseudogenes or subject to RNA editing. Gene losses and rearrangements are also features of the genomes of the peridinin-containing plastids, apicomplexa and Chromera, suggesting that the evolutionary processes that once shaped these plastids have occurred at multiple independent occasions over the history of the Alveolata

    The Complete Plastid Genome Sequence of the Secondarily Nonphotosynthetic Alga Cryptomonas paramecium: Reduction, Compaction, and Accelerated Evolutionary Rate

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    The cryptomonads are a group of unicellular algae that acquired photosynthesis through the engulfment of a red algal cell, a process called secondary endosymbiosis. Here, we present the complete plastid genome sequence of the secondarily nonphotosynthetic species Cryptomonas paramecium CCAP977/2a. The ∼78 kilobase pair (Kbp) C. paramecium genome contains 82 predicted protein genes, 29 transfer RNA genes, and a single pseudogene (atpF). The C. paramecium plastid genome is approximately 50 Kbp smaller than those of the photosynthetic cryptomonads Guillardia theta and Rhodomonas salina; 71 genes present in the G. theta and/or R. salina plastid genomes are missing in C. paramecium. The pet, psa, and psb photosynthetic gene families are almost entirely absent. Interestingly, the ribosomal RNA operon, present as inverted repeats in most plastid genomes (including G. theta and R. salina), exists as a single copy in C. paramecium. The G + C content (38%) is higher in C. paramecium than in other cryptomonad plastid genomes, and C. paramecium plastid genes are characterized by significantly different codon usage patterns and increased evolutionary rates. The content and structure of the C. paramecium plastid genome provides insight into the changes associated with recent loss of photosynthesis in a predominantly photosynthetic group of algae and reveals features shared with the plastid genomes of other secondarily nonphotosynthetic eukaryotes

    Genome Fragmentation Is Not Confined to the Peridinin Plastid in Dinoflagellates

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    When plastids are transferred between eukaryote lineages through series of endosymbiosis, their environment changes dramatically. Comparison of dinoflagellate plastids that originated from different algal groups has revealed convergent evolution, suggesting that the host environment mainly influences the evolution of the newly acquired organelle. Recently the genome from the anomalously pigmented dinoflagellate Karlodinium veneficum plastid was uncovered as a conventional chromosome. To determine if this haptophyte-derived plastid contains additional chromosomal fragments that resemble the mini-circles of the peridin-containing plastids, we have investigated its genome by in-depth sequencing using 454 pyrosequencing technology, PCR and clone library analysis. Sequence analyses show several genes with significantly higher copy numbers than present in the chromosome. These genes are most likely extrachromosomal fragments, and the ones with highest copy numbers include genes encoding the chaperone DnaK(Hsp70), the rubisco large subunit (rbcL), and two tRNAs (trnE and trnM). In addition, some photosystem genes such as psaB, psaA, psbB and psbD are overrepresented. Most of the dnaK and rbcL sequences are found as shortened or fragmented gene sequences, typically missing the 3′-terminal portion. Both dnaK and rbcL are associated with a common sequence element consisting of about 120 bp of highly conserved AT-rich sequence followed by a trnE gene, possibly serving as a control region. Decatenation assays and Southern blot analysis indicate that the extrachromosomal plastid sequences do not have the same organization or lengths as the minicircles of the peridinin dinoflagellates. The fragmentation of the haptophyte-derived plastid genome K. veneficum suggests that it is likely a sign of a host-driven process shaping the plastid genomes of dinoflagellates