32 research outputs found

    Assessment of the hidden threat of excessive salt into the body due to the use of bakery products in Uzbekistan

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    An assessment of the actual consumption of bakery products among the adult population of Uzbekistan shows their significant amount in the average daily diet (in the city - 635 g, in rural areas - 685 g per 1 person). It was revealed that the content of table salt in bakery products varies in the range from 1 to 2.8 g per 100 g of the product. The absence of criteria for the norms of salt content in bakery products contributes to its excessive intake into the body (in a latent form), which for the urban population is 13.2 ± 1.0 g and for the rural population - 13.7 ± 1.0 g per day. The results of the conducted studies show the convincing need for rationing the content of table salt in bakery products as safety criteria for the health of consumers

    Islamic Pottery from Ancient Termez (Uzbekistan): New Archaeological and Archaeometric Data

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    The study deals with the Islamic pottery from Termez (southern Uzbekistan), with a special focus on the wares dated to the 9th-12th centuries. The city was a major urban settlement, along one of the routes of the Silk Road. Ceramics, both glazed and unglazed, were produced in several workshops located in the lower city (shahristan) and its suburbs (rabad). Glazed and unglazed wares, including cooking pots, two pottery moulds and two sphero-conical vessels from two excavated areas at Termez are examined by X-ray Fluorescence, X-ray Diffraction, and petrographic thin section analysis. Clayey sediments from different areas of the site are incorporated as a local reference for comparison. The aim is to examine the provenance of the vessels and to determine the production techniques. The results reveal that all the vessels were produced by using calcareous clays and most of them exhibit similar geochemical composition; nevertheless, several chemical groups and petrographic fabrics were identified. XRD points that firing temperatures were generally between 800 and 1000-1100°C, being the latter prevalent. The results of this study are remarkable since archaeometric researches on Central Asian pottery are still few.L'étude concerne la poterie islamique de Termez (sud de l'Ouzbékistan), et particulièrement celle datée du ixe au xiie siècle. La ville était un important centre urbain, le long de la Route de la Soie, et un centre de production céramique. Plusieurs ateliers ont été localisés dans la ville basse (shahristan) et dans ses faubourgs (rabad). Des céramiques glaçurées et non glaçurées, des pots, deux moules et deux vases sphéro-coniques ont été examinés par fluorescence de rayons X, diffraction de rayons X et du point de vue pétrographique. Des sédiments argileux provenant de différentes zones du site ont été aussi utilisés comme références locales pour comparaison. Notre objectif est de préciser la provenance des céramiques et de caractériser les techniques de production. Les résultats obtenus montrent que tous les échantillons ont été produits avec des argiles riches en CaO de composition similaire; cependant plusieurs groupes chimiques et pétrographiques ont été identifiés. La DRX indique que les températures de cuisson se situaient généralement entre 800 et 1000-1100 °C, cette dernière fourchette étant majoritaire. Les résultats de cette étude sont remarquables car les recherches archéométriques sur la poterie d'Asie centrale sont encore peu nombreuses

    Assessment of the Hidden Threat of Excessive Salt Into the Body Due to the Use of Bakery Products in Uzbekistan

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    An assessment of the actual consumption of bakery products among the adult population of Uzbekistan shows their significant amount in the average daily diet (in the city - 635 g, in rural areas - 685 g per 1 person). It was revealed that the content of table salt in bakery products varies in the range from 1 to 2.8 g per 100 g of the product. The absence of criteria for the norms of salt content in bakery products contributes to its excessive intake into the body (in a latent form), which for the urban population is 13.2 ± 1.0 g and for the rural population - 13.7 ± 1.0 g per day. The results of the conducted studies show the convincing need for rationing the content of table salt in bakery products as safety criteria for the health of consumers

    Some Features of Psoriasis Therapy in Stationary

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    The article focuses on a significant role of a medical procedure in a hospital setting as an active process of successful treatment of patients through careful monitoring of the correct use of pharmacological drugs, their dosages, as well as in the productive use of inpatient physiotherapy courses and procedures that ultimately contribute to improving the quality of life of patients


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    Atopic dermatitis (AD, atopic eczema, atopic eczema / dermatitis syndrome) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that usually begins in early childhood and may continue or recur into adulthood.The study of atopic dermatitis remains one of the most pressing problems of modern dermatology in connection with the widespread, severe course, frequent relapses, the disease of the most children. According to statistics, it occupies one of the first places in children for reasons of patients' referral to the polyclinic dermatological profile, it is caused by 30-40% of all skin diseases and 30-40% of cases of hospitalization in a dermatological hospital. The disease occurs in both sexes and in different age groups. The incidence ranges from 6.0% to 15.0%


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    In almost all countries of the world, children make up the majority of the population infected with parasites. It is important to determine the status of intestinal parasites and protozoa. Despite great efforts to combat them, the gains have not been as expected. At the same time, new aspects of the social and economic significance of intestinal parasites, especially the physical and mental composition of the parasites found in children, have been identified.    &nbsp

    Chimeric Plant Virus Particles as Immunogens for Inducing Murine and Human Immune Responses against Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1

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    The high-yield expression of a neutralizing epitope from human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) on the surface of a plant virus and its immunogenicity are presented. The highly conserved ELDKWA epitope from glycoprotein (gp) 41 was expressed as an N-terminal translational fusion with the potato virus X (PVX) coat protein. The resulting chimeric virus particles (CVPs), purified and used to immunize mice intraperitoneally or intranasally, were able to elicit high levels of HIV-1-specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) and IgA antibodies. Furthermore, the human immune response to CVPs was studied with severe combined immunodeficient mice reconstituted with human peripheral blood lymphocytes (hu-PBL-SCID). hu-PBL-SCID mice immunized with CVP-pulsed autologous dendritic cells were able to mount a specific human primary antibody response against the gp41-derived epitope. Notably, sera from both normal and hu-PBL-SCID mice showed an anti-HIV-1-neutralizing activity. Thus, PVX-based CVPs carrying neutralizing epitopes can offer novel perspectives for the development of effective vaccines against HIV and, more generally, for the design of new vaccination strategies in humans