59 research outputs found

    Predictors of secondary alexithimia in patients haemodialyzed

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    Secondary alexithymia in patients with chronic renal failure undergoing renal replacement therapy programme in haemodialysis is discussed because of the risk of complications and the possibility to achieve an effect from treatment. Conducted by clinical-psychological study of 40 patients 20 men and 20 women) aged from 28 to 60 years (mean age 40,7±13) with a haemodialysis treatment from 2 to 15 years (the average period of 25.6 ±18.2 months) revealed the following. Formation of secondary alexithymia in patients with CRD is caused by personality-semantic violations, emotional exhaustion and depressive symptoms. Indicated by the direction of the psychological correction and psychotherapy.Вторичная алекситимия у пациентов с хронической почечной недостаточностью, находящихся на заместительной почечной терапии программным гемодиализом рассматривается в связи с риском осложнений и возможностью достижения эффекта от лечения. Проведенное клинико-психологическое исследование 40 пациентов (20 мужчин и 20 женщин) в возрасте от 28 до 60 лет (средний возраст 40,7±13) со сроком лечения гемодиализом от 2-х до 15 лет (средний период 25,6±18,2 месяца), показало следующее. Формирование вторичной алекситимии у пациентов с ХПН обусловлено личностно-смысловой дефицитарностью, эмоциональным истощением и депрессивными симптомами. Обозначено направление психологической коррекции и психотерапии

    Myths about schizophrenia in everyday consciousness and the media

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    The purpose of the study is to identify the level of awareness of students of the two universities about schizophrenia and the prevalence of myths about this disease in the student environment.Цель исследования – выявить уровень осведомленности студентов двух вузов о шизофрении и распространенность мифов о данном заболевании в студенческой среде

    Clinical Guidelines of the Russian Gastroenterological Association on the Diagnostics and Treatment of Eosinophilic Esophagitis

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    Aim. This paper presents guidelines on the diagnostics and treatment of eosinophilic esophagitis, which can be used by practitioners in their everyday practice.Summary. Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is a chronic immune-mediated disease of the esophagus characterized by the symptoms of esophageal dysfunction and a pronounced eosinophilic infiltration of the esophageal mucosa. The EoE diagnostics is based on the clinical manifestations of the disease (dysphagia, food impaction, chest pain regardless of swallowing), as well as on the combination of endoscopic and histological signs. The diagnostic criterion is the eosinophilic infiltration of the esophageal mucosa with an eosinophil density of ≥ 15 per high power field (×400) in at least one of the biopsy specimens (about 60 eosinophils in 1 mm2). Total IgE levels, peripheral blood eosinophilia and skin allergy tests are considered to be additional diagnostic means. Several approaches are used for the treatment of EoE, including proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and topical glucocorticosteroids (GCS), as well as elimination diets. The choice of therapy should be individualized, with the mandatory assessment of the treatment efficacy after 6–12 weeks using esophagogastroduodenoscopy with biopsy sampling. Endoscopic dilatation should be considered in patients suffering from severe dysphagia due to esophagus stricture.Conclusion. Increased incidence of EoE predominantly among children and young people, as well as its chronic character requiring long-term maintenance therapy, make EoE a significant issue to the practice of gastroenterology

    Borderline personality traits in older adolescents as a predictor of social anxiety

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    The purpose of the study is to assess the severity of borderline personality traits in older adolescents and their relationship with anxiety and depression.Цель исследования – оценить выраженность черт пограничной личности у старших подростков и их взаимосвязь с тревожностью и депрессивностью

    Psychological self-regulation in patients after abdominal surgery

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    The article considers the features of psychological self-regulation in patients who have undergone abdominal surgery as planned. A total of 25 patients were examined (average age 48.7 to 11.6 years), 13 men and 12 women with surgical diseases. Self-regulation is represented on three levels - semantic, emotional and somatic.В статье рассмотрены особенности психологической саморегуляции у пациентов, перенесших абдоминальное оперативное вмешательство в плановом порядке. Всего обследовано 25 пациентов (средний возраст 48,7±11,9 лет), 13 мужчин и 12 женщин, с хирургическими заболеваниями. Представлена саморегуляция на трех уровнях – смысловом, эмоциональном и соматическо

    Реконструкция зимней температуры воздуха раннего и среднего голоцена по изотопному составу ледяных жил восточного побережья полуострова Дауркина, Чукотка

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    The object of research is the Holocene massive ice veins on the Eastern coast of the Daurkin Peninsula, the easternmost part of the Chukotka. Peat bogs with ice veins occur on the surface of marine terraces (near Uelen and Lorino settlements) and on flood plain of the Koolen’ Lake; the thickness of peat varies from 0.7 to 2.5 m. Radiocarbon dating of the peat enclosing the investigated ice veins near Uelen and Lorino indicated that the beginning of peat accumulation began at the end of Late Pleistocene – early Holocene, about 11 cal ka BP. On the flood plain of the Koolen’ Lake peat bogs began to accumulate in the middle Holocene, i.e. around 6 cal ka BP. At the initial stage of peat bogs formation the rate of peat accumulation was high and could reach 1 cm/10 years. Ice veins occur at a depth of 0.5–1 m, and their lower parts are located in the underlying peat sandy loams and loams. In the upper levels of the peat bogs, narrow present-day ice veins are found, which are sometimes embedded in the upper parts of Holocene veins. A clear sign of syngenetic growth of veins is the upward bending of the layers of the host peat at the lateral contacts with the veins. The main source of water for the formation of ice veins is snow, as evidenced by the ratio of stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen and the values of deuterium excesses in the ice. A slight admixture of saline water (probably from a seasonally thawed layer) was noted in the veins near the Lorino settlement. Reconstructions of winter air paleotemperatures, performed on the basis of data of isotope-oxygen composition of ice from the veins, did show that at the period between 11 and 6 cal Ka BP, the mean winter air temperature on the Daurkin Peninsula was by 2–5 oC lower than today, but the air temperature of the coldest month (January or February) was still lower (by 4-8 oC) than today. The noticeable trend of increase of stable isotope values in the ice veins from early Holocene to the present time is indicative of a steady positive trend of mean winter air temperatures in the Holocene.Реконструкции зимних палеотемператур воздуха на основе данных изотопно-кислородного состава льда жил показали, что между 11 и 6  тыс.  кал.  лет назад среднезимняя температура воздуха была на 2–5оС ниже современной, а температура воздуха самого холодного месяца (января или февраля) – на 4–8оС ниже современной. Установлен устойчивый положительный тренд зимних температур воздуха от раннего голоцена до настоящего времени